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Information about the magmatic to hydrothermal transition is preserved in late-stage features of quartz phenocrysts and endoskarn alteration in some Cu–Zn skarn deposits such as the Empire Mine in Idaho. Important features include: (1) quartz phenocrysts with strong resorption textures such as vermicular zones of igneous groundmass cutting primary quartz cathodoluminescence banding, (2) anomalous amounts of endoskarn (more than 50% of mineralized rock), (3) high F activities as evidenced by fluorite as an accessory mineral in igneous rocks, in alteration assemblages, and in fluid inclusions and by high F in hydroxyl sites in igneous biotite and amphibole, and (4) direct association of Zn, which normally is deposited distally at low temperature, with Cu in proximal locations and in endoskarn. These features are explained by the following model: (1) F lowers the solidus temperature of the magma, thus changing the timing, temperature, and duration of hydrothermal fluid exsolution. (2) Upon magmatic vapor saturation the F-rich hydrothermal fluids form bubbles that adhere to quartz phenocrysts and chemically corrode/tunnel into the quartz forming vermicular resorption textures. (3) F-rich hydrothermal fluids also promote the formation of endoskarn; silicic rocks are attacked by F-rich fluids in the same sense that carbonate wall rocks are dissolved by weakly to moderately acidic hydrothermal fluids. (4) Low fluid exsolution temperature facilitated by high F activity promotes high Zn/Cu ratios in proximal locations due to the solubility of Zn relative to Cu at lower temperatures. This model may be applicable at other localities such as the world-class Cu–Zn skarn Antamina mine, as well as some tin and rapakivi granites.  相似文献   
山西宁武煤田大同组植物群特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西宁武煤田大同组植物化石笔者鉴定计21属41种,以真蕨类,银杏类为主,有节类,柏柏类次之,苏铁类稀少。该植物群可归于北方普遍发育的Coniopteris-Phoenicopsis植物群,并可与大同煤田的大同组、北京西山门头沟群、鄂尔多斯盆地延安组及表海大煤沟组所含植物各对比,时代属中侏罗世。  相似文献   
邱华宁  孙大中 《地球化学》1998,27(4):335-343
采用真空击碎技术提取东川汤丹铜矿床石英流体包裹体进行40Ar-39Ar法年龄测定,获得了逐渐下降的阶梯形年龄谱,表明流体包裹体含有过剩氩;数据点在40Ar/36Ar-39Ar/36Ar图解上构成等时线,等时线年龄为(712±33)Ma,代表了矿床的形成年龄。随后对其粉末进行40Ar-39Ar阶段加热(100—800℃)分析,形成相对比较平坦的年龄谱,坪年龄为(317±6)Ma(39Ar占45%,含真空击碎分析在内),粉末加热分析全部数据点构成的等时线年龄为(321±13)Ma。电子探针分析和显微镜观察证实了该石英样品中含有粒径大于100μm,K2O含量为8%-10%,形成时间明显晚于石英的白云母类富钾矿物,粉末阶段加热分析结果表明~320Ma应为后期白云母类矿物的年龄。  相似文献   
火山岩储层建模初探   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王德发 《地学前缘》2000,7(4):381-389
火山岩储层建模研究是一个世界性难题。近年来 ,国内外在含油气盆地的火山岩中发现了大量的油气藏。为了探索火山岩储层物性的空间分布特征 ,作者选取了松辽盆地徐家围子地区火山岩发育的营城组为研究目的层 ,以火山岩相分析为基础 ,以基于相分析的神经网络技术为手段 ,通过多种参数的选取和计算 ,尝试性地建立了该区火山岩储层地质模型。该模型表明 :层状火山机构比块状火山机构的物性好 ;多相火山机构比单相火山机构物性好 ;裂缝发育的火山机构比裂缝不发育的火山机构物性好。基底涌流相、火山空落相、火山沉积相是有利的储集相带。  相似文献   
Major element compositions and chemical weathering features of the purple soils and their corresponding rocks in the Red Sichuan Basin, China were studied in this paper to infer the diagenetic features of the purple rocks and the pedogenetic features of the purple soils. The results showed that all of the rock and soil samples, except those from Yibin, have strongly similar major element compositions and the distribution patterns of their major element compositions are similar to those of the upper continental crust. Chemical index of alteration, chemical index of weathering and Na2O/K2O indicate that the purple soils and rocks have similar chemical weathering intensities, whereas the Al2O3–CaO* + Na2O–K2O (A–CN–K) relationship, suggests that chemical weathering was strong during diagenesis of the purple rocks, but weak during pedogenesis of the purple soils. Variations in major element compositions of the purplish rock samples, except that from Yibin, do not primarily reflect differences in compositions of the sediment source, sediment recycling and potassium metasomatism, and therefore the effects of chemical weathering on the major element compositions were mainly dependent on climate condition and the residence time of material exposed to chemical weathering. Chemical weathering of the purple rocks reached only moderate degrees under the general influence of warm and humid climate during Jurassic and Cretaceous. Warmer and more humid climate conditions partly resulted in stronger chemical weathering of rocks in the southern region of the basin than in the central and western region, whereas shorter residence time of material in upslope position partly resulted in weaker chemical weathering of rocks in the eastern region than in the central and western region. The same climate and stable tectonic setting led to comparable chemical weathering intensities of rocks in the Ziliujing and Jiaguan Formations. Gradually colder and dryer climate from Early Jurassic to Middle Jurassic then to Late Jurassic and shorter residence time in tectonically active setting of Middle Jurassic and late Late Jurassic resulted in the following order of chemical weathering intensity of the purple Jurassic rocks: Ziliujing Formation ? Shaximiao Formation ≈ Suining Formation > Penglaizhen Formation.  相似文献   
刘畅  陈天虎  周跃飞  金杰 《矿物学报》2011,31(4):742-749
探讨了固定床除Cr工艺以油菜秆为微生物生长的缓释碳源,含SRB的混合微生物和油菜秆对Cr(Ⅵ)的还原和固定的共同作用。动态实验分2阶段开展:初始2周的驯化阶段和梯度增加Cr(Ⅵ)浓度的除Cr实验阶段。除Cr实验中,间歇对固定床出水pH、氧化还原电位、SO42-及硫化物浓度、DOC、Cr(Ⅵ)浓度进行测试,实验结束后对固定床中固体产物进行SEM、EDS和XPS等分析。结果表明,油菜秆固定床处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)废水效果明显。当进水Cr(Ⅵ)浓度ρ[Cr(Ⅵ)]〈19.52 mg/L时,出水Cr(Ⅵ)和Cr(Ⅲ)浓度均低于排放标准(0.05 mg/L);Cr(Ⅵ)被还原为Cr(Ⅲ),Cr(Ⅲ)以氢氧化物的形式沉淀附着于油菜秆和其它固体物质之上。分析认为,油菜秆在固定床处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)废水中所起的作用主要包括3方面(作为微生物生长的缓释碳源;吸附Cr(Ⅵ),降低其对微生物的毒性;作为Cr(Ⅲ)矿化产物的沉淀附着界面);Cr(Ⅵ)主要通过SRB的直接作用及H2S的作用被还原为Cr(Ⅲ);以油菜秆为碳源的固定床处理Cr(Ⅵ)的浓度上限介于15.05~19.52mg/L之间。  相似文献   
The Ejina Oasis (EO), located in arid northwest China, is a typical arid area in the world. The ecosystem in the oasis has become worse since the 1990s. However, it began to improve after the Chinese government took the mandatory measure to redistribute the water in Heihe in 2000. To understand this change, the remote sensing images in 1990, 2000 and 2006 were selected, and exertion related Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC) model was employed. Results showed that: (1) non-vegetation cover was the main body of the vegetation cover in oasis, showing a trend of increase at the beginning and diminution later, while low, medium and high vegetation cover was the other way around; (2) the area of low, medium and high vegetation cover in 2006 was less than that in 1990; the status and trend index P t of oasis vegetation cover was 0.62 in 1990–2000, which means that the oasis ecosystem of Ejina was getting worse and was under an unbalanced status; P t was 0.27 in 2000–2006 indicating that the oasis ecosystem was restored obviously and the whole system tended to be balanced; (3) all of these changes should be attributed to the water resources redistribution in Heihe River, which played a leading role, as well as the measures and relevant policies taken by the local government, which promoted the rapid recovery of the medium and high vegetation.  相似文献   
方解石脉双晶纹方法在工程勘察中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在工程区基岩被第四纪土、江水等覆盖的情况下,如何充分利用好获得的钻孔岩芯来分析断层的发育和活动性情况就显得非常重要。为此,地基勘察中引入一种显微构造分析方法,即方解石脉双晶纹分析方法。方解石脉双晶纹能解决断层的活动期次、每一期次的强度、断层应力场、断层性质、断层活动时的环境条件和最后一次活动的时代等问题。由于方解石脉双晶纹发育的广泛性,使之具有推广价值。  相似文献   
通过对新疆东部三塘湖盆地、甘肃北山柳园地区以及邻区二叠纪玄武岩的地球化学特征对比研究,认识到新疆东部-甘肃北山地区及邻区二叠纪形成的系列断陷带内,同期产生的玄武岩具有不同的地球化学特征和岩浆来源,其形成的统一动力学机制主要是可能由于造山带增厚的岩石圈大范围拆沉而导致的大范围亏损地幔部分熔融岩浆和源自上、下地幔边界的小型地幔柱岩浆的作用。这种地幔柱不是核幔边界深部地幔柱的成因,而可能是早期俯冲洋壳的分离掉落后,中亚造山带范围内可能在上、下地幔之间存在更广泛的部分熔融岩浆的原因。由造山带增厚岩石圈大范围拆沉作用而导致的大范围亏损地幔部分熔融岩浆和源自上、下地幔边界的小型地幔柱岩浆的作用,可能是中亚造山带二叠纪深部壳幔作用最壮观的表现方式。同时也以大范围玄武岩喷发、裂谷、大规模后造山幔源花岗岩和超镁铁岩的侵位以及大规模成矿作用而成为独特的“中亚型造山带”而有别于其它造山带。  相似文献   
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