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黑龙江省1986年德都中强地震震源参数   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文应用体波频谱估算地震矩、应力降、震源尺度、破裂传播速度、断层平均位错等震源参数。并讨论现代构造运动、震源机及地震与火山活动关系。  相似文献   
A three-level nested Regional Ocean Modeling System was used to examine the seasonal evolution of the Copper River (CR) plume and how it influences the along- and across-shore transport in the northern Gulf of Alaska (NGoA). A passive tracer was introduced in the model to delineate the growth and decay of the plume and to diagnose the spread of the CR discharge in the shelf, into Prince William Sound (PWS) and offshore. Furthermore, a model experiment with doubled discharge was conducted to investigate potential impacts of accelerated glacier melt in future climate scenarios. The 2010 and 2011 simulation revealed that the upstream (eastward) transport in the NGoA is negligible. About 60 % of the passive tracer released in the CR discharge is transported southwestward on the shelf, while another one third goes into PWS with close to 60 % of which exiting PWS to the shelf from Montague Strait. The rest few percent is transported across the shelf break and exported to the GoA basin. The downstream transport and the transport into PWS are strongly regulated by the downwelling-favorable wind, while the offshore transport is related to the accumulation of plume water in the shelf, frontal instability, and the Alaskan Stream. It takes weeks in spring for the buoyancy to accumulate so that a bulge forms outside of the CR estuary. The absence of strong storms as in the summer of 2010 allows the bulge continue growing to trigger frontal instability. These frontal features can interact with the Alaskan Stream to induce transport pulses across the shelf break. Alternatively as in 2011, a downwelling-favorable wind event in early August (near the peak discharge) accelerates the southwestward coastal current and produces an intense downstream transport event. Both processes result in fast drains of the buoyancy and the plume content, thereby rapid disintegration of the plume in the shelf. The plume in the doubled discharge case can be two to three times in size, which affects not only the magnitude but also the timing of certain transport events. In particular, the offshore transport increases by several folds because the plume appears to be more easily entrained by the seaward flow along the side of Hinchinbrook Canyon.  相似文献   
断层围陷波的观测特点是利用密集的地震台阵,横跨断层布设测线。可以利用爆炸震源也可以利用余震进行观测,本文分别介绍了实际观测的例子。对大地震破裂带内部的观测,测线位置通常布设在地表破裂带明显、已开挖了地震探槽、断层陡坎出露等地震地质的典型地段。利用爆炸震源激发观测断层围陷波,震源位置应尽量选择在断层带上,震源炸药量大约500kg,测线位置与震源的距离大约5—15km。断层围陷波在新破裂带和老的断层中都能形成和传播,因此该方法可以用于大震破裂带研究,也可以用于城市活断层探测。  相似文献   
邱毅  李军  康兰池  袁丽文 《中国地震》2014,30(2):280-288
2010年8月4日至2013年10月4日福建仙游共记录到地震1209次,其中最大地震为2013年9月4日发生的ML5.0地震。为了加强对仙游地震序列的研究,更好地了解仙游地震的发震构造及震区的区域应力场,本文利用福建数字地震台网宽频带地震记录,采用矩张量反演方法,得到仙游地震序列中ML3.5的6次地震的震源机制解。这6次地震的震源机制解结果较为一致,都为走滑型地震,断层走向为NW向,倾角陡立,主压应力轴方向为近SN向。反演得到的主压应力轴方向与福建地区的区域应力场并不一致,本文认为仙游地震是由位于震区的金钟水库蓄水造成震区应力调整而引起的。  相似文献   
We reformulate the equation of reverse‐time migration so that it can be interpreted as summing data along a series of hyperbola‐like curves, each one representing a different type of event such as a reflection or multiple. This is a generalization of the familiar diffraction‐stack migration algorithm where the migration image at a point is computed by the sum of trace amplitudes along an appropriate hyperbola‐like curve. Instead of summing along the curve associated with the primary reflection, the sum is over all scattering events and so this method is named generalized diffraction‐stack migration. This formulation leads to filters that can be applied to the generalized diffraction‐stack migration operator to mitigate coherent migration artefacts due to, e.g., crosstalk and aliasing. Results with both synthetic and field data show that generalized diffraction‐stack migration images have fewer artefacts than those computed by the standard reverse‐time migration algorithm. The main drawback is that generalized diffraction‐stack migration is much more memory intensive and I/O limited than the standard reverse‐time migration method.  相似文献   
中国西部地区是地震活动十分强烈的地区,天山、阿尔泰、帕米尔和西昆仑都是著名的地震构造带,在这些地震构造带和周边地区发生了多次震级大于5级的强震.本文通过分析西部地区的重力场特征,根据重力数据结合地震剖面、应用Parker-Oldenburg方法反演得到了研究区莫霍面深度,通过对比地震层析成像的反演结果,分析了研究区的地壳结构特征.计算结果表明,研究区地壳结构不均匀特征明显,在造山带地区一般是莫霍面坳陷区,盆地则是莫霍面隆起区,主要造山带地壳速度结构表现为高速区,盆地和主要凹陷区为低速区.根据计算结果和以往强震震中位置分析了地壳构造与强震活动的相关性,西部地区的地震活动与地壳结构的横向不均匀密切相关,强震主要发生在地壳速度变化带附近和地壳速度结构差异较大的地区,在构造应力作用下,这些地壳介质非均匀地区易发生强震,这是中国西部造山带和盆-山边界附近频发强震的构造原因之一.  相似文献   
华东地区经济发达,人口密集,城市化程度较高。对环境要求也高。但是华东地区资源丰富,涉及的矿种多,数量大,矿产资源开发普遍,由此造成的矿山环境地质问题比较突出。本文详细分析了华东地区矿产资源开发引发的矿山环境地质问题,如土地资源破坏和占用、水资源破坏、水土污染和矿山地质灾害等,指出区内因矿产资源开发引发的资源损毁、环境污染以及地质灾害的规模,分析引发矿山环境地质问题的主要自然和人为因素。  相似文献   
2003年2月14日石河子M5.4地震地形变异常及其演化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨又陵  张翼 《内陆地震》2005,19(3):241-248
分析了新疆石河子M5.4地震前震中250 km范围内定点形变的观测资料,认为从2002年5月到震前,单测项异常随时间起伏,多台异常在时间上连续发展并呈增加趋势,震前20天位于震中附近的台站出现临震突变;异常在空间呈现由西向东、由南向北,逐渐向震中区发展的态势.与1996年沙湾M5.2地震前的形变异常进行比较,认为存在较大的差异.  相似文献   
孙毅  汪智 《四川地震》2005,(2):35-39
研究了定点连续形变长周期频段信息和块体构造活动的关系。研究结果表明,在川滇菱形块体内,定点连续形变观测获得的长周期频段信息中的长期趋势变化除去仪器零漂等局部干扰外,基本上都和块体运动方向或者块体边界主干断裂活动方式相一致,表明在定点连续形变长周期频段信息中,也存在有与地震孕育有关的地壳形变信息。对其在预报上的作用做了初步研究。  相似文献   
对于均质弹性半空间上的任意形状的刚性明置和埋置基础,其动刚度和阻尼系数的确定,已有很多这方面的研究。通常基础的任意形状用其外包的规则几何形状代替原有的不规则基础形状,以达到确定动刚度和阻尼系数的目的,而且这两个参数的确定仅仅是对单独刚性基础的,无法考虑相邻基础对其产生的影响。针对上述两方面不完善之处作了进一步探讨,引入相邻基础动力相互作用因子的概念,并利用地基为平面应变假定以求之。推荐的方法经验证,非常准确。  相似文献   
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