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It is of major scientific interests to determine the parameters of momentum, heat and vapor exchange in the planetary boundary layer in order to study the effects of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions and their feedback mechanisms on global climate[1]. Lin…  相似文献   
Observations of two quiescent filaments show oscillatory variations in Doppler shift and central intensity of the He i 10830 Å line.The oscillatory periods range from about 5 to 15 min, with dominant periods of 5, 9, and 16 min. The 5-min period is also detected in the intensity variations, after correction for atmospheric effects. Doppler shifts precede intensity variations by about one period. The possibility that the oscillations are Alfvén waves is discussed.The Doppler signals of the filament form fibril-like structures. The fibrils are all inclined at an angle of about 25° to the long axis of the filament. The magnetic field has a similar orientation relative to the major direction of the filament, and the measured Doppler signals are apparently produced by motions along magnetic flux tubes threading the filament.The measured lifetimes of the small-scale fibrils of quiescent disk filaments are very likely a combined effect of intensity modulations and reshuffling of the structures.  相似文献   
Three models, MM5, COAMPS, and WRF, have been applied for the warm season in 2003 and the cool season in 2003?C2004 to evaluate their performances. All models run over the same domain area covering the north Gulf Mexico and southeastern United States (US) region with the same spatial resolution of 27?km. It was found that the temporal variations of the mean error distribution and strength at 24 and 36?h were rather weak for surface temperature, sea level pressure, and surface wind speed for all models. A warm bias in surface temperature forecasts dominated over land during the warm season, whereas a cool bias existed during the cool season. The MM5 and WRF produced negative biases of sea level pressure during the warm season and positive biases during the cool season while the COAMPS yielded a similar distribution of sea level pressure biases during both seasons. During both seasons, similar surface wind speed biases produced by each model included a high wind speed forecast over most areas by MM5 while the COAMPS and WRF yielded weak surface winds over the western Plains and stronger surface winds over the eastern Plains. Root-mean-squared errors revealed that the forecast of surface temperature, sea level pressure, and surface wind speed were degraded with the increase of forecast time. For rainfall evaluation, it was found that the MM5 underpredicted seasonal precipitation while the COAMPS and WRF overpredicted. The bias scores revealed that the MM5 yielded an underprediction of the coverage of precipitation areas, especially for heavier rainfall events. The MM5 presented the lower threat score at lighter rainfall events compared to the COAMPS and WRF. For moderate and heavier thresholds, all models lacked forecast accuracy. The WRF accuracy in predicting precipitation was heavily dependent upon the performance of the selected cumulus parameterization scheme. Use of the Grell?CDevenyi and Bette?CMiller?CJanjic schemes helps suppress precipitation overprediction.  相似文献   
杜小玲  吴磊  杨秀庄  卢璐  魏涛  余清 《暴雨灾害》2016,24(5):415-426

利用多种资料分析了2014年7月13—17日贵州持续性暴雨过程的中尺度环境场特征及贵阳极端降水成因,并以多个时次不同要素资料进行合成分析,构建此次梅雨锋西段持续性暴雨的天气学模型。结果表明:(1)此次贵州持续性暴雨发生在单阻型梅雨稳定的背景下,当地持续3~4 d的强降水由中低层低涡切变、低空急流及地面静止锋(梅雨锋)共同作用造成。(2)梅雨锋雨带的建立、维持及移动造成贵州不同区域出现强降水。此次过程梅雨锋雨带对贵州的影响分四个阶段,其中,第三阶段梅雨锋西段缓慢南压过程中多个β中尺度云团更替、合并及缓慢移动造成贵阳及周边部分县市降水量突破历史极值。(3)中低纬度系统相互作用使水汽输送异常偏强。7月16日白天当年第9号超强台风“威马逊”进入我国南海海面后促使副热带高压西侧向北输送的水汽加强,该水汽与来自孟加拉湾的强盛西南暖湿气流在贵州上空汇合、加强,形成异常偏强的水汽通量及水汽辐合中心,这可能是贵阳极端降水发生的重要原因。(4)相比2010—2014年5—9月贵阳发生的另外4场大暴雨过程,该过程更长的降水持续时间可能是贵阳极端降水发生的另一重要原因。(5)贵阳强降水期间,强降水的雷达回波表现为层状云-积云混合降水回波,并具有低质心暖云降水特征,同时径向速度图上可见强劲西南急流及中尺度气旋性辐合。

管奕  王浩 《吉林地质》2004,23(3):94-97
用气相色谱法测试矿物包裹体中的气相成份时,难以实现一次性多组分全分析。在采用单机双柱串联方式时,则需要精确的柱间切换,分时操作。显而易见,正确地选择切换时机是实现单机测试的关键。为此,我们设计了一个微机控制的精密切换系统,与普通的气相色谱仪连接后,可以精确地找到切换时间,并实现自动切换。该系统也适用于其它需要分时操作的场合。  相似文献   
太平洋水下海山磷酸盐的成因及形成环境   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
笔者首次对太平洋与大洋富钴结壳密切相关的海山磷酸盐的成因及形成环境进行了比较深入的研究.研究发现,各种产出形态的磷酸盐都不同程度地交代碳酸盐等含钙物质,而呈现出交代生物结构、交代凝灰结构、交代角砾状结构及交代填间结构等各种交代结构,反映了磷酸盐的交代成因. 此外,其δ13C值(变化于0.7‰~2.0‰之间)也证实其属于交代成因.磷酸盐中Na、Mg、Sr、F、P2O5含量以及Na/P2O5、Mg/P2O5、Sr/P2O5、F/P2O5的比值,特别是晶格中结构CO2的含量(变化于5.7%~6.2%之间),与形成于氧化环境下的Blake plateau、Chatham Rise、Agulhas Bank等处的磷酸盐相近,表明调查区磷酸盐亦形成于氧化环境.氧同位素测定结果表明,磷酸盐的形成温度为5.8~14.8 ℃,平均为11.5 ℃,显示其形成于正常的海水温度环境.西、中太平洋海山磷酸盐形成环境十分接近的事实暗示,西、中太平洋广大区域内的成磷事件存在着时间上和成因上的统一性和相似性.  相似文献   
滇西北地区富碱岩体(脉)地质学及岩石化学特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
喜山期富碱岩体广布于滇西北地区 ,通过对其地质学和岩石化学特征的研究 ,认为富碱岩体 (脉 )由正长 (斑 )岩、二长斑岩、花岗斑岩及相关的火山岩组成 ,具有多次活动的特征 ,并形成区内富有特色的岩浆岩系列 ;该系列岩浆岩以富碱高钾为突出特点 ,具有正常的岩浆演化趋势 ,不同岩带岩石地质学和岩石化学方面有区域性变化规律。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheconceptsandterminologyofmodernsequencestratigraphyoriginatedfromseismicstratigraphylinkedtopetroleumandgasexpl...  相似文献   
澳大利亚西北陆架中生界生储盖组合特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
澳大利亚西北陆架是一个贫油富气的地区,在近年的勘探开发中显示出广阔的前景。区域上包含4个盆地和1个造山带:北卡那封盆地、柔布克盆地、布劳斯盆地、波拿巴盆地和帝汶—班达褶皱带。西北陆架油气绝大多数集中在中生界。中生界发育4套主要烃源岩:三叠系湖相泥页岩、下—中侏罗统海相和海陆交互相碳质泥岩和煤系、上侏罗统海相页岩及下白垩统海相泥页岩;主要储集岩为中—上三叠统三角洲—边缘海相砂岩、下—中侏罗统砂岩、上侏罗统砂岩和白垩系砂岩;主要区域性盖层是下白垩统海相泥页岩。根据生储盖组合的沉积环境,主要发育海生海储海盖型和陆生陆储陆盖型两大生储盖组合类型。海生海储海盖型生储盖组合广泛分布于西北大陆架,是区域最重要的成藏组合。  相似文献   
吕建华  季劲钧 《大气科学》2002,26(2):255-262
利用大气-植被相互作用模式AVIM对青藏高原上30个站点进行模拟计算,给出了青藏高原上植被叶面积指数和净初级生产力的分布特征。模拟结果表明,高原上叶面积指数、净初级生产力由东南向西北减少,模拟和观测的分布相一致。分析指出,青藏高原净初级生产力的分布决定于水热条件的共同作用,降水充沛、温度适宜的青藏高原东南部净初级生产力较高,而青藏高原西北部由于降水过少或温度过低,初级生产力很低。  相似文献   
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