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区域地下水溶质运移随机理论的研究与进展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
在总结近年来国内外区域地下水溶质运动研究的基本理论、方法和部分成果的基础上,论述了溶质在大区域运动的主要影响因素为区域介质的空间变异性。首先总结了野外条件下饱和介质和非饱和介质土壤渗透性能的空间变异性结果,由于野外渗透介质严重的空间变异性,研究溶质在野外条件下的运动采用了随机理论方法。基于Lagrange方法和Euler方法,研究结果表明,在渗透系数为对数正态二阶平稳及一阶扰动近似条件下,平均浓度满足对流-弥散方程,方程中宏观弥散度决定于介质渗透性能的统计特征,总结了一系列宏观弥散系数的表达形式,在此基础上,指出了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
Coexisting melt (MI), fluid-melt (FMI) and fluid (FI) inclusions in quartz from the Oktaybrskaya pegmatite, central Transbaikalia, have been studied and the thermodynamic modeling of PVTX-properties of aqueous orthoboric-acid fluids has been carried out to define the conditions of pocket formation. At room temperature, FMI in early pocket quartz and in quartz from the coarse-grained quartz–oligoclase host pegmatite contain crystalline aggregates and an orthoboric-acid fluid. The portion of FMI in inclusion assemblages decreases and the volume of fluid in inclusions increases from the early to the late growth zones in the pocket quartz. No FMI have been found in the late growth zones. Significant variations of solid/fluid ratios in the neighboring FMI result from heterogeneous entrapment of coexisting melts and fluids by a host mineral. Raman spectroscopy, SEM EDS and EMPA indicate that the crystalline aggregates in FMI are dominated by mica minerals of the boron-rich muscovite–nanpingite CsAl2[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2 series as well as lepidolite. Topaz, quartz, potassium feldspar and several unidentified minerals occur in much lower amounts. Fluid isolations in FMI and FI have similar total salinity (4–8 wt.% NaCl eq.) and H3BO3 contents (12–16 wt.%). The melt inclusions in host-pegmatite quartz homogenize at 570–600 °C. The silicate crystalline aggregates in large inclusions in pocket quartz completely melt at 615 °C. However, even after those inclusions were significantly overheated at 650±10 °C and 2.5 kbar during 24 h they remained non-homogeneous and displayed two types: (i) glass+unmelted crystals and (ii) fluid+glass. The FMI glasses contain 1.94–2.73 wt.% F, 2.51 wt.% B2O3, 3.64–5.20 wt.% Cs2O, 0.54 wt.% Li2O, 0.57 wt.% Ta2O5, 0.10 wt.% Nb2O5, 0.12 wt.% BeO. The H2O content of the glass could exceed 12 wt.%. Such compositions suggest that the residual melts of the latest magmatic stage were strongly enriched in H2O, B, F, Cs and contained elevated concentrations of Li, Be, Ta, and Nb. FMI microthermometry showed that those melts could have crystallized at 615–550 °C.

Crystallization of quartz–feldspar pegmatite matrix leads to the formation of H2O-, B- and F-enriched residual melts and associated fluids (prototypes of pockets). Fluids of different compositions and residual melts of different liquidus–solidus PT-conditions would form pockets with various internal fluid pressures. During crystallization, those melts release more aqueous fluids resulting in a further increase of the fluid pressure in pockets. A significant overpressure and a possible pressure gradient between the neighboring pockets would induce fracturing of pockets and “fluid explosions”. The fracturing commonly results in the crushing of pocket walls, formation of new fractures connecting adjacent pockets, heterogenization and mixing of pocket fluids. Such newly formed fluids would interact with a primary pegmatite matrix along the fractures and cause autometasomatic alteration, recrystallization, leaching and formation of “primary–secondary” pockets.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination of topsoil in Benxi City, Northeast China was investigated in this study, and sampling sites were located in industrial area and residential area. Results demonstrate that there is high variability in the total PAHs concentrations, ranging from 783.00 ng/g to 729 076.29 ng/g dry weight in the topsoil of Benxi City and the pollution in industrial area is the most serious. The results also present that higher molecular weight PAHs (4–6 rings) contribute substantially (79.03%) to the overall content of PAHs. The PAHs sources were determined with factor analysis by nonnegative constraints, and the results show that PAHs originating from traffic tunnel, power plant, coke oven and residential emission sources, account for 27.10%, 40.81%, 20.11% and 11.98%, respectively, of the total. The PAHs pollution is the most serious around Benxi Iron and Steel Group Corporation, and the PAHs mainly originate from coke oven and traffic tunnel, with the average contribution rate of 57.40% and 42.60%, respectively. The source apportionment results are basically consistent with the industry distribution, and the geographical and climatic characteristics of the study area.  相似文献   
Otolith shape is species specific and is an ideal marker of fish population affiliation. In this study, otolith shape of spottedtail goby Synechogobius ommaturus is used to identify stocks in different spawning locations in the Yellow Sea. The main objectives of this study are to explore the potential existence of local stocks of spottedtail goby in the Yellow Sea by analysis of otolith shape, and to investigate ambient impacts on otolith shape. Spottedtail goby was sampled in five locations in the Yellow Sea in 2007 and 2008. Otoliths are described using variables correlated to size (otolith area, perimeter, length, width, and weight) and shape (rectangularity, circularity, and 20 Fourier harmonics). Only standardized otolith variables are used so that the effect of otolith size on the shape variables could be eliminated. There is no significant difference among variables of sex, year, and side (left and right). However, the otolith shapes of the spring stocks and the autumn stocks differ significantly. Otolith shape differences are greater among locations than between years. Correct classification rate of spottedtail goby with the otolith shape at different sampling locations range from 29.7%–77.4%.  相似文献   
湖南雪峰山地区沈家垭金矿成矿学及年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈富文  戴平云  梅玉萍  李华芹  王登红  蔡红 《地质学报》2008,82(7):906-2008-01-30
湘西沈家垭大型金矿是雪峰山地区颇具代表性的金矿床介绍,矿体分布于新元古界板溪群马底驿组第四岩性段中,矿化作用严格受北东东向沃溪和香草湾等深大断裂和唐浒坪复式背斜的联合控制。本次研究获得该矿床含金石英脉RbSr等时线年龄为90.6±3.2Ma,表明成矿作用发生于晚白垩世,成矿作用可能与燕山期区域性大规模的逆冲推覆作用密切相关,矿床成因类型为构造热液型。  相似文献   
这里实现了在2.5维各向异性介质中地震波传播的数值模拟。首先从2.5维一阶速度-应力弹性各向异性波动方程出发,得出了该方程的拟谱法数值解法;然后通过对Marmousi速度模型进行数值模拟,表明了拟谱法的有效性;最后计算并分析了均匀和混合各向异性介质中波的传播快照和理论模拟的地震记录,进一步认识了波在各向异性介质中的传播规律。  相似文献   
百色盆地东部兰木组古岩溶储层特征及其主控因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
常规薄片和扫描电镜分析表明,百色盆地上法地区兰木组石灰岩古岩溶储层具低孔渗特点,主要储集空间为后期改造产生的裂缝和溶蚀孔洞;经历了风化壳岩溶和缝洞渗流岩溶两种成因的两期岩溶作用,纵向上分表生岩溶带、渗流岩溶带和潜流岩溶带三个相带。裂缝以构造裂缝为主,以发育开启—半开启的高角度裂缝为主,低角度裂缝次之。有三种储层类型,其中以裂缝—孔洞型的最好,为主力产层,裂缝—孔隙型的次之,孔隙型的最差。影响古岩溶储层空间发育的主控因素为断裂和构造活动、岩石纯度、后期成岩作用的破坏。  相似文献   
寻乌县葫芦火山穹隆是一保存较为完好的火山机构,河岭大型轻稀土矿床受控于该火山机构。作者根据1∶5万区调资料及前人的勘查成果,阐明了火山穹隆的空间结构、岩性、岩相特征,并对其演化趋势作了初步分析。  相似文献   
Among the 116 actinomycetes collected from marine sediments of the Yellow Sea,56 grew slowly and appeared after 2?3 weeks of incubation.Among the 56 strains,only 3 required seawater(SW) for growth,and 21 grew well in the medium prepared with SW rather than distilled water(DW),while the remaining 32 grew well either with SW or with DW.Six representatives with different morphological characteristics,including 1 SW-requiring strain and 5 well-growing with SW strains,were selected for phy-logenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene.Two strains belong to Micrococcaceae and Nocardiopsaceae respectively.The other 4 strains belong to the family of Streptomycetaceae.In the analyzed 6 strains,one was related to Nocardiopsis spp.and the other three were related to Streptomyces spp.,representing new taxa.Bioactivity testing of fermentation products from 3 SW-requiring strains and 21 well-growing with SW strains revealed that 17 strains possessed remarkable activities against gram-positive pathogen or/and tumor cells,suggesting that they were prolific resources for natural drug discovery.  相似文献   
天然气水合物生成数值模拟是以水合物热力学理论为基础,结合计算机方法来模拟水合物在海底环境下生成和分解、分布和富集的热力学、动力学过程。Davie模型是首个能够预测海洋沉积物中天然气水合物体积和分布的定量模型,它系统地模拟了海底天然气水合物的海洋环境和质量平衡,并将其应用到已知水合物分布地区进行对比,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
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