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News articles capture a variety of topics about our society. They reflect not only the socioeconomic activities that happened in our physical world, but also some of the cultures, human interests, and public concerns that exist only in the perceptions of people. Cities are frequently mentioned in news articles, and two or more cities may co-occur in the same article. Such co-occurrence often suggests certain relatedness between the mentioned cities, and the relatedness may be under different topics depending on the contents of the news articles. We consider the relatedness under different topics as semantic relatedness. By reading news articles, one can grasp the general semantic relatedness between cities; yet, given hundreds of thousands of news articles, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to manually read them. This paper proposes a computational framework which can ‘read’ a large number of news articles and extract the semantic relatedness between cities. This framework is based on a natural language processing model and employs a machine learning process to identify the main topics of news articles. We describe the overall structure of this framework and its individual modules, and then apply it to an experimental dataset with more than 500,000 news articles covering the top 100 US cities spanning a 10-year period. We perform exploratory visualizations of the extracted semantic relatedness under different topics and over multiple years. We also analyze the impact of geographic distance on semantic relatedness and find varied distance decay effects. The proposed framework can be used to support large-scale content analysis in city network research.  相似文献   
采用中日合作,分别布设于东川垂直竖井中地下200m、100m 和地面3个位置的高精度数字化地震仪记录的地方震资料(震中距8.5~95km,震级ML1.3~5.1),用频谱比的分析方法计算了东川地区不同深度(-100m 和地面)的场地放大因子.在8个频率(f =0.75,1.0,1.5,2,3,4,5和12Hz)上所对应的在-100m 处的3个分向(N-S,E-W,U-D)的场地放大因子(与-200m 处相比),当0.75Hz f 2Hz时,为1.0~1.49;当2Hz< f <12Hz时,为0.47~0.99;在地面,3个分向在8个频率上所对应的场地放大因子(与-200m 处相比)均大于1,其值为1.6~7.63.-100m 处的S波和尾波场地放大因子与地面的S波和尾波的场地放大因子的相关系数,当0.75Hz f 2Hz频段时,分别为0.82和0.81;当2Hz< f<12Hz频段时,分别为0.47和0.45.   相似文献   
11月份,全国大部地区气温偏低,部分地区偏低幅度较大。月内降 水过程较频繁且分布不均,北疆、青海大部、长江下游等地区降水明显偏多,北疆出现雪灾 ,尤其长江下游地区持续出现连阴雨天气,给当地秋收秋播及秋播作物幼苗生长造成一定影 响。华北、黄淮等地出现大雾天气,给人们出行、交通运输等带来不便。 1 大部气温偏低,气温变幅大   月内气温变幅较大。上旬和中旬,全国大部地区气温偏低,尤其中旬气温偏低幅度大,达3 ~5℃;下旬,除北疆、东北大部气温偏低较明显外,全国其余大部及南疆南部、云南大部 正常或稍偏高外,全国其余大部地区气温偏低,其中东北地区、华北北部、江南西部及北疆 、河南西部和南部、广西东北部等地偏低2~4℃。月内,黄淮南部、江淮、江南北部及陕南 、贵州等地相继出现了初霜冻,大部地区初霜冻日期比常年偏早3~11天。由于热量条件较 差,北方冬小麦生长分蘖、形成壮苗及南方秋播作物幼苗生长受到不良影响,但低温能在一 定程度上抑制病虫越冬。  相似文献   
主要论述用计算机代替手工实现综合解译的过程。该过程归纳为:从专业领域获取知识组织成专业模型,再将其转变翻译成知识模型,然后转移到计算机内实现推理目标。重点论述从专业模型到知识模型的过渡和推理目标的实现。通过在河北、山西的实践,证明用计算机综合解释圈定找矿靶区是可行的  相似文献   
通过对成都地磁台的仪器配置、误差来源、资料质量等方面进行综合分析,结果表明.成都地磁台的观测质量稳定,资料连续可靠。成都地磁台的观测能够正确反映成都地区地磁场的变化特征。  相似文献   
王清晨  张儒瑷  从柏林  赵中岩  叶凯 《岩石学报》1992,8(2):153-160,T001
鲁东-苏北地区出露了M型和Q型两类榴辉岩,前者的原岩为地幔岩类,后者的原岩为地壳岩类。它们均呈外来岩块产出于片麻岩中。其形成经历了前榴辉岩I、A和S阶段,在I和A阶段它们表现为韧性变形,而在S阶段则表现为碎裂变形。它们的折返过程经历了剪切回流和区域性隆起剥蚀。  相似文献   
本文使用经过青藏高原气象科学实验测站观测资料订正过的欧洲中心FGGE-Ⅲb资料,对1979年7月月平均进行分析,计算了垂直速度、散度、垂直剖面函数和速度势函数等物理量以及上升气流轨迹,给出了夏季高原主体地区环流场的主要特征和详细的高原地区不同经纬度剖面垂直环流场的特征和分布. 配合夏季高原高层强大稳定的反气旋高压带,高原主体地区为整层上升气流区,但ω场有东西两个上升中心,它们是两个对流活动上升中心,两部的中心位于狮泉河和改则之间偏北的地区,东部的位于那曲一带. 本文给出了高原地区三个主要的经向环流圈(南北两侧下沉的小环流圈、跨赤道的季风环流圈)的经度位置和高原地区与西太平洋之间发生遥相关的主要纬度位置,发现在跨赤道的季风环流圈中,在赤道以南的下沉气流主要来自高原与15°N之间,从高原上升的气流仅在对流层上部(200hPa左右)跨过赤道.从高原西部上升的气流往往从非洲至印度尼西亚一带跨过赤道,而从高原东部及其东侧我国大陆上升的气流往往下沉在太平洋和北大西洋地区.  相似文献   
A land-process scheme has been incorporated in a vertical one-dimensional time-dependent atmospheric model and numerical experiments have been performed with the coupled model to examine influences of soil wetness and vegetation on climate changes associated to thermal forcing.It is showed that response of land-surface temperature to the thermal forcing becomes small with increase of soil water content and vegetation cover.Furthermore,the response is more obvious in arid climate region than in humid one.The result also shows that there exist two patterns of corresponding relation between variations in air temperature and humidity on the land surface in response to hydrologic and thermal focing.  相似文献   
在野外实地考察和大量文献资料分析研究的基础上,运用人地相关的思想,对河洛地区这个独特的地理单元的自然条件和人文要素如政治、经济、文化和军事之间的相互关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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