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湖泊是温室气体氧化亚氮(N2O)的潜在排放源,但由于自然环境以及人类活动的差异,其N2O排放规律也存在特殊性和地域性。为探究巢湖N2O排放通量的时空特征,利用静态暗箱-气相色谱法于2018年3月至2019年12月对巢湖不同区域(东、中、西)N2O的排放进行观测。结果表明,巢湖水体N2O年均排放通量为(25.14±55.01)μg/(m2·h),表现为N2O的“源”,且具有较为明显的时空分布规律。在时间分布上,季节变化趋势呈现“M”形模式,7月出现最小值且表现为N2O的“汇”((-12.97±16.32)μg/(m2·h)),在6月和8月为峰值,全年最大值出现在8月((68.25±78.05)μg/(m2·h)),极值均出现在夏季。在空间分布上,东、中、西3个湖区N2O排放通量差异显著(P=0.03),N2O排放通量最大值((4...  相似文献   
由于自然和人为因素的影响,三峡水库鱼类资源一直在发生变化,为掌握三峡水库蓄水后典型支流香溪河鱼类群落的现状及历史变化,于2020年7月—2021年4月使用多网目复合刺网和地笼对香溪河鱼类群落进行实地采样,并结合历史数据进行比较分析。研究期间共采集到鱼类55种,隶属于7目14科,鲤科鱼类种类数最多,以杂食性鱼类和湖泊定居性鱼类为主,优势种为贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、短颌鲚(Coilia bratchygnahus)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)和翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus),其相对重要性指数(IRI)分别为5502、3828、2567和1109。鱼类物种多样性指数在春季最高,夏季最低。刺网单位捕捞努力量渔获个体数和单位捕捞努力量渔获量在夏季最高,冬季最低。与三峡水库蓄水前相比,香溪河鱼类中长江上游特有鱼类减少4种,外来鱼类增加3种。湖泊定居性种类持续增加,喜流水性种类减少,鱼类优势种发生较大变动。2020—2021年香溪河鱼类组成与1987年的相似性指数为0.29,与2012—2013年的相似性指数为0.53,反映三峡水库蓄水前后香溪河...  相似文献   
建筑物的抗震设防需要尽可能地掌握未来大地震强震动记录信息,但大地震强震动记录的匮乏阻碍了抗震设防实践的发展。经验格林函数方法作为模拟地震动的主要方法,可以提供可靠的大地震强震动记录,但也存在着许多问题,如缺乏对大地震断层滑动分布不均匀的描述、用经验确定小震数目、模拟方法受到大小地震相似条件的限制等。文中对上述经验格林函数方法存在的问题进行了研究,改进的经验格林函数方法,有效地解决了上述问题。并用其对唐山大地震进行了模拟,并把模拟的地震动时程和反应谱与实际记录相比较,发现用改进方法模拟的地震动加速度反应谱比用未改进方法模拟结果更接近实际的地震动记录加速度反应谱。由此说明改进的经验格林函数可更准确的模拟地震动。  相似文献   
以2017年3月27日漾濞5.1级地震为例,根据区域特性和信噪比要求,选取数据较为完整的6个台站记录的2017年1月1日~6月6日期间的宾川地震信号发射台气枪震源波形资料,采用互相关检测技术提取6个台站各自稳定震相的走时数据,并对漾濞5.1级地震前后走时数据的变化情况进行分析。结果表明,漾濞5.1级地震前后6个台站各自稳定震相存在较为明显的走时变化,且短期内走时变化具有较好的同步性,相关台站异常幅度大小和异常出现时间存在细小差异。地震发生前,6个台站走时低值异常过程明显,以YUL台最为显著。地震发生前后走时变化形态特征为双“V”型,漾濞5.1级地震发生在第1个“V”型末端。地震发生后,不同方位相关台站受地震的影响程度不同,走时波动大小存在差异。  相似文献   
This paper derives an equivalent of Darcian Theis solution for non-Darcian flow induced by constant rate pumping of a well in a confined aquifer. The derivation, which is valid at later times only, is original. It utilizes Izbash's equation. This introduces an additional parameter to Darcian condition, namely, empirical exponent. The solution is a non-Drcian equivalent of Jacob straight line method for analyzing pumping tests at late times. It can be used to determine aquifer parameters: storativity, analogous hydraulic conductivity, and empirical exponent. However, while the Jacob method requires a minimum of only one pumping test with one observation well, the additional parameter in the present solution means that a minimum of two observation wells in one test or two pumping tests at different rates with one observation well are required. The derived solution is applied to a case study at Plomeur in Brittany, France, and is shown to provide a practical and efficient method for analyzing pumping tests where non-Darcian groundwater flow occurs.  相似文献   
Closed-form solutions are derived for the modal characteristics and seismic response of a base-isolated structure equipped with additional inerters. By simplifying the structure-isolator-inerter system in terms of the two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) model, the modal frequencies, mode shapes, damping ratios, and participation factors of the system are derived. Consequently, analytical seismic response solutions are formulated by the modal superposition method. Utilizing these analytical solutions, an extensive parametric study has been carried out to investigate the effect of supplement inerters on both the modal characteristics and seismic response of the structure-isolator-inerter system. There is a critical inertance leading to the zero second modal participation factor (ie, the disappearance of the second modal response). The associated critical inertance ratio is derived in closed form as well. Moreover, it is observed that the reduction of deformation of isolators by increasing the inertance may be offset by the increase in relative displacements of the superstructure. To circumvent this adverse effect, an optimal range of inertance is identified whereby both the deformation of isolators and the relative displacement of the superstructure are mitigated concurrently.  相似文献   
Four field campaigns are carried out to quantify the methane (CH4) oxidation rate in Xiangxi Bay (XXB) of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), China. The water depth of the sampling site varied from 13 to 30 m resulting from the water level fluctuation of the TGR. The CH4 oxidation rates are measured in situ as the decline of dissolved CH4 concentration versus time in incubated, and those rates. The CH4 oxidation rates range from 1.18 × 10?3 to 3.69 × 10?3 µmol L?1 h?1, with higher values and stronger variation during summer. A static floating chamber method is used to measure CH4 emitted to the atmosphere resulting in an annual mean flux of 4.79 µmol m?2 h?1. The CH4 emission rate is significantly negatively correlated with the water level. The results show that a large fraction of CH4 is consumed in the water column with a range of 28.97–55.90 µmol m?2 h?1, accounting for ≈69–98% of the total CH4 input into the water column, and more than 90% is consumed outside the summer, when the water level is lowest. Water depth, which is dominated by water level of the TGR, is a potentially important driver for CH4 oxidation and atmospheric emission in the tributary bay.  相似文献   
RAMS模式在山谷城市模拟性能的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用2005年冬季兰州边界层试验的观测数据,分别从边界层结构、近地面温度和风速、地表通量等几个方面检验了RAMS在山谷城市的模拟性能。RAMS模式能很好地捕捉边界层结构特征,模拟的白天混合层高度和夜间稳定边界层高度和观测值非常一致。模式能较好地模拟近地面温度和地表通量的日变化特征。对模拟偏差进行统计分析,结果显示RAMS对近地面温度和风速的模拟结果是可以接受的:近地面温度的平均偏差为-1.73 ℃,RMSE为2.16 ℃,风速的平均偏差为0.35 m·s-1,RMSE和RMSVE分别为1.61 m·s-1和3.15 m·s-1。研究表明,RAMS适合作为研究兰州山谷城市大气边界层的工具。  相似文献   
白旭  周利  陶冶 《极地研究》2018,30(4):406-410
破冰船破冰过程中整冰的失效模式对于冰载荷的估算十分重要。本文基于力学方法分析了破冰船破冰过程中破冰结构与整冰的相互作用,得到了影响冰体失效的冰力分量与破冰结构参数的表达关系,进而确认冰摩擦系数以及坡度角与冰体失效模式的关系。依据北极海冰的摩擦系数范围,指出当破冰船破冰结构坡度角小于70°时,冰体发生弯曲破坏,当坡度角处于70°—82°时,冰体同时发生弯曲和挤压失效,当坡度角大于82°时,冰体仅发生挤压失效,同时给出了不同失效模式下冰力的计算方法。  相似文献   
随着湖库外源性污染的有效控制,沉积物污染特征成为影响湖库水环境质量的关键因素。本文以富硫型水库——汤河水库为研究对象,分析探讨水库沉积物的理化性质、重金属总量、酸可挥发性硫化物(acid volatile sulfide,AVS)和同步提取重金属(simultaneously extracted metals,SEM)的空间分布特征,采用沉积物基准法(sediment quality guidelines, SQGs)和AVS与SEM关系法对重金属可能诱发的生态风险和毒性效应进行评估。结果表明:汤河水库沉积物中AVS含量在0.03~51.75 μmol/g之间,并呈现坝前深水区>东支流库区>西支流库区的空间分布特征。根据Pearson相关性分析可知,汤河水库沉积物AVS含量与间隙水中SO42-浓度、沉积物烧失量(LOI)含量呈显著正相关,与沉积物间隙水中NO3-浓度和沉积物pH呈现显著负相关。间隙水中SO42-浓度和沉积物LOI含量是控制AVS产量的重要因素。水库沉积物中ΣSEM变化范围为0.52~2.75 μmol/g,呈现出东支流库区>坝前深水区>西支流库区的分布规律。水库沉积物中ΣSEM/AVS和ΣSEM-AVS的变化范围分别为0.06~22.73和-49.18~2.44 μmol/g,显示出水库坝前深水区表层0~10 cm沉积物不具有生态风险,而东、西支流库区沉积物中的SEM因为不能完全被AVS所固定而存在潜在生态风险。就单一重金属而言,汤河水库坝前深水区和东西支流中部区域沉积物Ni、Cu、Pb和Zn含量均介于临界效应含量(threshold effects level, TEL)值和可能效应含量(probable effect level, PEL)值之间,可产生低级风险毒性效应,但Ni的毒性效应风险接近中级,今后应予以重点关注。富硫型水库沉积物中容易出现高含量AVS,沉积物间隙水中SO42-和NO3-的浓度是决定沉积物AVS净产量的重要因素。流域内重金属土壤背景值以及工业、采矿产业排放的废水类型直接影响着诱发生态风险的重金属种类。  相似文献   
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