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本文利用NCEP分析资料、多普勒雷达观测资料、常规气象观测资料以及数值模拟结果,对2016年7月30日发生在华北、辽宁附近的一次强飑线过程中后向入流的演变及成因进行研究。结果表明,此次飑线发生在中纬度新生冷涡槽前,低层有水汽辐合区和地面辐合线对应,且过程中伴有较强的对流有效位能释放。飑线后部中层(冷涡槽后)一直存在α中尺度西风大值带,此大风速带造成了上下层相反的水平涡度,并形成喇叭形环流结构,该结构不同于经典飑线结构。飑线后部水平方向上水平涡度分布不均匀,并形成水平涡度旋度上正下负的分布,即导致中层强风区上部上升运动、下部下沉运动,该下沉运动引发飑线中的后向入流和低层强风速带形成。在中层,飑线的后部边缘始终有较强的风速大值带伴随飑线的发展,该大值带的形成与对流强弱和非热成风涡度有关,对流过程中低层非热成风涡度为负,中上层非热成风涡度为正,导致飑线后部中层西风加速和低层西风减速,有利于后向入流的发展和飑线的维持,当对流减弱时,非热成风涡度与后向入流均减弱。文中给出了后向入流形成演变的概念模式。 相似文献
Xiao-Bing?Li Dongfang?Wang Qing-Chang?Lu Zhong-Ren?PengEmail author Qingyan?Fu Xiao-Ming?Hu Juntao?Huo Guangli?Xiu Bai?Li Chao?Li Dong-Sheng?Wang Hanyu?Wang 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2018,32(5):1189-1203
A lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a tethered balloon platform were jointly used to investigate three-dimensional distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations within the lower troposphere (1000 m) at a localized coastal area in Shanghai, China. Eight tethered balloon soundings and three UAV flights were conducted on May 25, 2016. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to quantitatively describe the relationships between air pollutants and other obtained parameters. Field observations showed that large variations were captured both in the vertical and horizontal distributions of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations. Significant stratified layers of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations as well as wind directions were observed throughout the day. Estimated bulk Richardson numbers indicate that the vertical mixing of air masses within the lower troposphere were heavily suppressed throughout the day, leading to much higher concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The NO and NO2 concentrations in the experimental field were much lower than that in the urban area of Shanghai and demonstrated totally different vertical distribution patterns from that of ozone and PM2.5. This indicates that aged air masses of different sources were transported to the experimental field at different heights. Results derived from the GAMs showed that the aggregate impact of the selected variables for the vertical variations can explain 94.3% of the variance in ozone and 94.5% in PM2.5. Air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure had the strongest effects on the variations of ozone and PM2.5. As for the horizontal variations, the GAMs can explain 56.3% of the variance in ozone and 57.6% in PM2.5. The strongest effect on ozone was related to air temperature, while PM2.5 was related to relative humidity. The output of GAMs also implied that fine aerosol particles were in the stage of growth in the experimental field, which is different from ozone (aged air parcels of ozone). Geographical parameters influenced the horizontal variations of ozone and PM2.5 concentrations by changing underlying surface types. The differences of thermodynamic properties between land and sea resulted in quick changes of PBL height, air temperature and dew point over the coastal area, which was linked to the extent of vertical mixing at different locations. The results of GAMs can be used to analyze the sources and formation mechanisms of ozone and PM2.5 pollutions at a localized area. 相似文献
首都减灾圈,系首都减轻自然灾害预测防治圈。1991年12月20—21日在北京召开了《首都圈自然灾害及其减灾对策研讨会》。本文根据这次会议所提供的材料,在从整体上实现减灾的思想指导下,就首都减灾圈的“成灾背景”、“首都减灾圈的组成”、“首都减灾圈的灾害预测与防治状况”、“首都减灾圈的灾害关联性分析”、“首都减灾圈的减灾实效预估”和“首都减灾圈的减灾对策与实施”等六个带有共同性的问题,进行了讨论。供制定首都圈减灾方案时参考。 相似文献
Ulysses 是迄今为止第一次沿独特的日球纬度方向考察日球高纬度空间区域的飞船。本文描述了 Ulysses 飞船的部分主要观测结果,并进行了分析,在 Ulysses 飞船穿越太阳南,北极之前,科学家们提出了各种不同的太阳风速度、磁场等参量的纬向变化模型。分析表明,这些模型都不能解释 Ulysses 飞船的观测结果。Ulysses 飞船的观测对经典的太阳风理论提出了挑战,太阳风的加热与加速是一个远没有被解决的问题。观测与分析表明,经典热传导不可能驱动高速流,太阳风的加速伴随着加热的发生,而加热率大小可能与离子的回旋频率有关;太阳风的热源可能不是单一的形式,而且不同形式的热源对太阳的加热贡献大小与日球径向距离有关。本文讨论并分析了几种可能的太阳风加热与加速机制。 相似文献
针对SQ-70D型石英水平摆倾斜仪光电转换器在实际使用中存在的驱动频率低、电路结构复杂不易调试等问题,研究基于CPLD的CCD驱动时序生成方法.仿真和测试结果表明,采用CPLD设计的驱动电路结构简单,稳定性高,能够满足TCD1500c典型工作频率的要求.同时,设置积分时间控制变量QINT,可以根据实际光照强度对CCD光积分时间进行灵活调整,提高仪器的环境适应性. 相似文献
水库冰气泡含量和密度对探地雷达测厚的影响分析(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在水库现场试验了RIS K2型探地雷达探测水库冰厚度的能力,试验时所用天线频率为600MHz;同步钻孔测量雷达探测处的冰厚度;以及在一个点上取样测试分析冰晶体、冰内气泡和冰密度。试验时冰面积雪厚度0.03-0.05m,冰层上部有0.24m粒状冰,其下均为柱状冰;冰内气泡含量呈表层高底层低分布;冰密度随气泡含量变化;冰厚度在平面内不均一。通过探测厚度和实测厚度的对比分析以及气泡含量对介电系数影响的理论分析,建立了积雪、粒状冰和柱状冰三层介质模型,获取雷达波在冰内的理论传递时间。结果发现:能够利用等效介电常数或等效传播速度评价雷达波传递时间,结冰期冰层1/3深度处的对应介电常数或传递速度可以作为等效值;另外因冰内大气泡造成的理论传递时间大于雷达探测时间,其差值随理论传递时间或冰厚的增加呈非线性增加。 相似文献
通过中国极化区发展及功能模式分析方法探讨,构建识别极化区功能的指标体系,采用极化区发展分析及功能评估方法,对中国已经批准建设的、具有极化区发展潜力的16个规划发展区进行了发展状况分析及功能定量评估,并提出发挥重要竞争力和影响力、承担重要引领带动功能、具有重要门户和枢纽地位、支撑落后地区快速发展等4类适合中国区域发展现状的极化区发展功能模式。 相似文献
甘肃省礼县中川地区属于礼(县)岷(县)金矿带的东段,成矿作用与中川花岗杂岩体有密切的关系。运用高分辨率和高灵敏度离子探针(SHRIMP)测试技术,获得了中川花岗杂岩体形成的精确年龄,主侵入时代为210~160 Ma(可信度95%,MSWD=1.4),该花岗岩体属于燕山早期—印支期造山运动的产物;3颗锆石(4个测点)的SHRIMP测试结果表明,中川地区金成矿的年龄为197~162 Ma,证实礼县中川地区金成矿于中川花岗岩体形成及稍后的时间段。年龄测试和地质剖面测量资料都证实,中川花岗岩体南部地层应该划在中石炭统地层中。与中川花岗杂岩体地质情况类似的碌础坝、 柏家庄、 闾井、 教场坝、 温泉等岩体外接触带仍然有很大的找矿前景。 相似文献