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A Chirp Transform Algorithm for Processing Squint Mode FMCW SAR Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a lightweight cost-effective high-resolution airborne imaging radar. In squint case, the frequency scaling algorithm, which is suitable for processing nonchirped raw data, cannot be used directly in FMCW SAR data processing because of low system sampling frequency. On the other hand, the continuous antenna motion of FMCW SAR can cause serious distortions in the reconstructed images. In this letter, an improved algorithm called the chirp transform algorithm is proposed. When the effects of the residual video phase are negligible, the algorithm uses a chirp transform to perform the time scaling operation to alleviate the sampling frequency problem. It requires only fast Fourier transforms and multiplications. The range cell migration introduced by the continuous motion is also compensated completely in range-Doppler domain. The algorithm performances are analyzed and are supported by point target simulation experiments.  相似文献   
洁净煤技术应用现状综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我国是煤炭生产和消费大国 ,大力开发应用适合我国国情的煤炭地下气化技术、工业型煤技术、水煤浆气化技术、煤液化技术、洁净煤联合循环发电技术、煤系废弃物的综合利用技术等洁净煤技术 ,对提高煤炭利用率 ,改善环境状况 ,实现能源工业 (也包括化工及其它相关行业 )的可持续发展 ,有重要意义并具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   
TVGA图形适配器对多卜勒风速的显示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
着重介绍单多卜勒雷达圆锥体扫描获得的风速,回波强度资料在显示之前的数据处理方法,以及用TVGA图形适配器的高分辨显示模式(800×600,256色)显示多卜勒风场的技术。  相似文献   
China coldwave duration in a warming winter: change of the leading mode   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes of extreme climate in a warming climate may be different from place to place. How the China cold extreme events change is still an outstanding issue. From observational and modeling perspectives, this study investigates the change of the leading mode of the China coldwave duration (CWD) in a warming climate. CWD significantly reduces across China during 1957–2009. The reduction in northern China is much more than that in southern China. The CWD leading mode derived from the Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis is characterized by extreme value centers located in northern China during the cold period (1957–1979) and shifting to southern China during the warm period (1980–2009). This indicates that southern China may experience longer or shorter coldwaves in the past three decades, while those in northern China tend to vary less vigorously. The multi-model ensemble of seven state-of-the-art climate models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that under the IPCC SRES A1B scenario, the maximum loading of the CWD leading mode extends to southern China at the end of twenty-first century (2080–2099). These results indicate that the primary change of the CWD leading mode in a warming climate might be the southward shift of the variation center and such position change may lead to more intense coldwave variations in southern China as observed in the past decades. Possible physical mechanisms on the variation of the CWD major mode are also investigated in this study.  相似文献   
闽北汛期强降水中尺度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示闽北暴雨的中尺度规律,利用1980~2005年南平市10县(市、区)气象站5~6月雨量大于等于50mm达到或超过3个站的43个暴雨过程129个暴雨日的逐时降水自记资料,分析了汛期暴雨日雨团和强雨团的时空分布、强度及持续时间、移动规律、雨团与影响系统的关系以及地形对雨团的产生、分布、移动等的影响等,得出闽北汛期强降水的中尺度若干特征,其结论可为预报人员在业务实践中提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
农村居民点空间优化重构是推进乡村振兴的重要内容之一。以中国湖北省鄂州市为研究区,从人的生存生活需求出发,构建宜居性评价指标体系,评估鄂州市宜居性高低;通过网络分析法构建城乡人口流动网络,发现乡村人口流动规律。在此基础上,综合宜居性和人口流动强度的组合特征进行农村居民点空间重构。结果表明:(1)鄂州市整体宜居性较高,其中,生存保障功能差距较小,而生活服务功能和生活提升功能差距较大;(2)人口按照主城区、所属镇、附近优势城镇的优先顺序流动;城镇辐射范围有限,现有的点轴结构不能起到以点带面的作用,亟需发展中心村、一般村、基层村形成完整的乡村结构,带动全域发展;(3)基于乡村宜居性和人口流动强度将居民点划分为搬迁撤并类、城郊融合类和集聚提升类(中心村、一般村和基层村)。该研究可重塑乡村发展核心,完善乡村结构,促进资源优化配置,为人口快速流动区乡村聚落重构提供决策依据。  相似文献   
基于主体功能区约束的大气污染物总量控制目标分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑经济发展水平、污染物排放现状、污染物治理水平、空气质量,特别是国家主体功能区环境目标约束等因素,构建大气污染物排放总量分配的指标体系,用改进的等比例分配方法对2015年国家SO2,NOx总量控制目标进行区域分配。分配结果表明:SO2和NOx削减量大的省份主要集中在华北平原及其周围地区,这些地区污染物排放量大、空气质量较差;削减比例较大的地区主要集中在西部地区以及北京、天津2个直辖市,这些地区单位GDP能耗高、工业污染物去除率低、空气质量差;削减量相对较小的地区主要集中在西南和南部一些省份;削减比例较小的地区主要集中在中南部和南部几个省份,这些地区污染物排放量相对较少,空气质量好于其他省份。  相似文献   
We present a new reconstruction of summer sea‐surface salinity (SSS) over the past 15 000 years based on a diatom record from piston core 17940, located on the northern slope of the South China Sea (SCS). The reconstructed diatom‐based summer SSS values for the modern period are in accord with instrumental observations of summer SSS in the area. Here, the modern summer SSS is primarily controlled by river runoff, in particular from the Pearl River. The reconstruction presented in this study shows that the summer SSS varied between 33.3 and 34.2 psu over the past 15 000 years. The long‐term summer SSS trend closely followed the trend of the orbitally controlled solar insolation at 20°N, suggesting that orbital forcing was the dominant driver of changes in summer SSS in this area. Comparisons to speleothem δ18O data and studies of surface hydrography in the region suggest that changes in solar insolation affected the summer SSS through changes in the East Asian Monsoon and sea‐level changes associated with the last deglaciation. Univariate spectral analyses indicate that centennial‐scale oscillatory variations in summer SSS were superimposed on the long‐term trend. During the deglacial period (c. 12 000–9000 cal. a BP), the dominant periodicity was centred around 230–250 years, whereas a ~350‐year oscillation dominated in the period 2200–4500 cal. a BP. The balance of evidence suggests that these centennial‐scale changes in summer SSS may have been driven by solar‐induced changes in the East Asian Monsoon, but further evidence is needed to firmly establish this relationship.  相似文献   
Accepting the concept of standardization introduced by the standardized precipitation index, similar methodologies have been developed to construct some other standardized drought indices such as the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). In this study, the authors provided deep insight into the SPEI and recognized potential deficiencies/limitations in relating to the climatic water balance it used. By coupling another well‐known Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), we proposed a new standardized Palmer drought index (SPDI) through a moisture departure probabilistic approach, which allows multi‐scalar calculation for accurate temporal and spatial comparison of the hydro‐meteorological conditions of different locations. Using datasets of monthly precipitation, temperature and soil available water capacity, the moisture deficit/surplus was calculated at multiple temporal scales, and a couple of techniques were adopted to adjust corresponding time series to a generalized extreme value distribution out of several candidates. Results of the historical records (1900–2012) for diverse climates by multiple indices showed that the SPDI was highly consistent and correlated with the SPEI and self‐calibrated PDSI at most analysed time scales. Furthermore, a simple experiment of hypothetical temperature and/or precipitation change scenarios also verified the effectiveness of this newly derived SPDI in response to climate change impacts. Being more robust and preferable in spatial consistency and comparability as well as combining the simplicity of calculation with sufficient accounting of the physical nature of water supply and demand relating to droughts, the SPDI is promising to serve as a competent reference and an alternative for drought assessment and monitoring. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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