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Du  Yao  Ma  Teng  Deng  Yamin  Shen  Shuai  Lu  Zongjie 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1047-1059
Hydrogeology Journal - Quantifying groundwater/surface-water interactions is essential for managing water resources and revealing contaminant fate. There has been little concern on the exchange...  相似文献   
Drought monitoring is a key topic in environmental monitoring and assessment although there is still a need to determine the correlation between drought monitoring indices and remote sensing products. We analyzed the correlation between the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (sc_PDSI), the Standardized Precipitation Index and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and terrestrial water storage monitored through the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) on a monthly timescale from 2002 to 2015 in China. As a consequence of anomalies in the soil water budget, the highly significant correlation between the sc_PDSI and the GRACE satellite-observed terrestrial water storage suggested that these two datasets are the most suitable for use in monitoring droughts. In comparing the three drought indices, the sc_PDSI was introduced as a means of drought monitoring in the Yangtze, Pearl, Huaihe, Southeast and Songhua River Basins, whereas the SPEI was found to be more applicable to other major river basins, such as the Inland River Basin. These diverse spatial behaviors are caused by the differences between the hydrological droughts characterized by these three drought indices.  相似文献   
旅游业为海岛带来可观经济效益的同时, 人类活动也导致水体生态环境恶化, 如水体富营养化加剧、赤潮频发等。文章通过对珠江口东南部典型海岛——庙湾岛和外伶仃岛周边水域丰水期和枯水期现场环境数据与浮游植物分布特征的对比研究, 分析珠江径流等自然因素以及人类活动对河口天然海岛周边水体生态的潜在影响。枯水期外伶仃岛和庙湾岛周边水域海水分别镜检鉴定出76种和74种浮游植物, 两个海岛浮游植物平均细胞密度分别为2.62×104个·L-1和2.08×104个·L-1; 丰水期则分别鉴定出38种和47种浮游植物, 平均细胞密度分别为52.91×104个·L-1和170.57× 104个·L-1。在外伶仃岛和庙湾岛, 丰水期中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema coatatum)均为绝对优势种, 而枯水期两个岛的最主要优势种分别为窄隙角毛藻(Chaetoceros affinis)和新月筒柱藻(Cylindrotheca closterium), 物种多样性指数均明显高于丰水期。两个海岛微型浮游植物相对于其他两个粒级常占据优势地位, 但在丰水期, 小型浮游植物贡献明显上升, 其中外伶仃岛相对于枯水期由16.32%升至26.75%, 庙湾岛则由12.12%升高至24.78%。两个海岛在丰水期和枯水期均仅检出聚球藻(Synechococcus, Syn)和真核微微型藻类(eukaryotic, Euk)两大微微型浮游植物类群, 两者细胞密度分别为~107个·L-1及~108个·L-1量级。与环境因子的对比分析表明, 两个海岛浮游植物的区域分布与季节变化受多种因素影响, 其季节性差异主要受径流影响强度、影响范围以及相应的盐度、营养盐等环境因素的季节变化所调控。丰水期岛屿屏蔽效应对浮游植物丰度的区域分布特征有显著影响, 无论小型浮游植物还是微微型浮游植物均发现存在迎流面出现丰度高值分布的现象, 但对群落结构的分布影响不明显; 在枯水期, 水体环境很可能主要受人类活动与水体垂直混合扰动的综合影响, 总体上浮游植物分布的区域差异较小。  相似文献   

A series of direct shear tests were performed on cement-admixed silty clay to investigate the effect of cement content and nano-magnesia (MgO) on its shear strength properties. For each normal stress, shear strength increased with cement content. However, an obvious increment in shear strength was achieved when the cement content was adjusted from 13% to 17%. Both cohesion and friction angle of cemented soil increased with cement content, and exponential function was adopted to correlate both the factors with cement content. For cement content of 10% investigated in this study, the optimum nano-MgO content was 10‰, wherein the cohesion could reach the peak value. The microstructure of the mixture revealed that the structure of the mixture was compacted for the optimum nano-MgO content. However, micro-cracks were formed when the amount of nano-MgO exceeded its optimum content.  相似文献   
为了进一步评估和提高区域模式对西南地区东部高分辨率气候的模拟能力,利用 WRF模式,采用 多种边界层参数化方案(下称“不同方案”)对西南地区东部 1998—2019年夏季降水和气温进行双重嵌套模拟 (外层为D01,内层为D02)。对比不同方案模拟结果表明:多年平均降水量在D01中基本为湿偏差;D02中在四 川盆地和重庆低海拔地区为干偏差,湿偏差主要位于贵州和重庆的城口、石柱和武隆一带的地形复杂区;总体 上D01中ACM2方案误差最小,D02中MYJ方案误差最小。对多年平均气温的模拟在D01中除了四川盆地一 带为暖偏差外其余大部地区基本为冷偏差,D02 中大部地区为暖偏差;总体上 D01 和 D02 中 MYJ方案误差最 小,YSU方案最大。对于降水量和平均气温年际变化的模拟技巧在D01和D02中相对较高的地区均集中在重 庆中西部和湖北大部地区;降水量总体为 YSU 方案最高,MYJ 方案最低;平均气温总体为 MYJ 方案最高, ACM2方案最低。因此,提升模式分辨率至对流尺度后对不同气象要素模拟技巧最优的方案存在差异,需根据 业务情况选择适合本地的参数化方案。  相似文献   
The availability of high-resolution satellite precipitation measurement products provides an opportunity to monitor precipitation over large and complex terrain and thus accurately evaluate the climatic, hydrological and ecological conditions in those regions. The Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM) mission is an important new program designed for global satellite precipitation estimation, but little information has been reported on the applicability of the GPM’s products for the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The object of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM(IMERG) Final Run product under different terrain and climate conditions over the TP by using 78 ground gauges from April 2014 to December 2017. The results showed the following:(1) the 3-year average daily precipitation estimation in the IMERG agrees well with the rain gauge observations(R~2=0.58, P0.01), and IMERG also has a considerable ability to detect precipitation, as indicated by a high probability of detection(78%-98%) and critical success index(65%-85%);(2) IMERG performed better at altitudes from 3000 m to 4000 m with a small relative bias(RB) of 6.4%. Precipitation change was not significantly affected by local relief;(3) the climate system of the TP was divided into four climate groups with a total of 12 climate types based on the K?ppen climate classification system, and IMERG performed well in all climate types with the exception of the arid-desert-cold climate(Bwk) type. Furthermore, although IMERG showed the potential to detect snowfall, it still exhibits deficiencies in identifying light and moderate snow. These results indicate that IMERG could provide more accurate precipitation data if its retrieval algorithm was improved for complex terrain and arid regions.  相似文献   
平方千米阵列即将开始建设,各子工作包也进入关键设计评估阶段。基于云与容器技术是平方千米阵列科学数据处理器未来可能采用的平台技术。针对超大规模海量数据处理面临的天文应用软件快速部署、运行与实测要求,充分考虑天文应用软件运行环境复杂、云计算环境下超大规模计算集群部署困难等问题,系统研究并给出了一种使用容器技术的天文应用软件通用自动部署方法。以目前较为常用的可见度函数校准软件SAGECaL为例,首先分析了SAGECaL的相关特性和分布式部署方面存在的困难,进而给出了基于容器技术的SAGECaL分布式集群的自动部署方法。实验结果表明,自动部署方法极大地提高了SAGECaL分布式集群的部署效率,满足项目组承担平方千米阵列科学数据处理器相关测试工作所需要的基础平台部署与切换等需求,同时也为其它天文软件在云端的快速部署与执行提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   
Qi  Miaomiao  Yao  Xiaojun  Li  Xiaofeng  Duan  Hongyu  Gao  Yongpeng  Liu  Juan 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):115-130
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Lake ice phenology is considered a sensitive indicator of regional climate change. We utilized time series information of this kind extracted from a series of...  相似文献   
黑棘鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)是广泛分布于西北太平洋的暖温性中下层经济鱼类,也是我国沿海重要的海洋捕捞鱼类和增养殖对象。然而,目前有关黑棘鲷的微卫星标记研究报道较少,难以对其种质资源状况作出精确评估。本研究采用SLAF-seq技术测序共获得22489个二至六碱基重复的黑棘鲷微卫星序列,短重复序列(二、三碱基)占总微卫星序列的90.8%,长重复序列(四至六碱基)占有9.2%。经过157对随机合成引物的多态性筛选,开发出49个高多态性的黑棘鲷微卫星标记,其中短重复序列位点有25个,长重复序列位点有24个。每个位点的等位基因数(Na)为2—20(均值为8.3),观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.097—0.938和0.122—0.922(均值分别为0.663和0.701),多态信息含量(PIC)为0.118—0.897(均值为0.655)。经Bonferroni校正后,有47个位点符合哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE),各位点间未检测到连锁不平衡现象,仅2个位点偏离HWE。结果表明,所开发的大部分微卫星标记具有高多态性,蕴含的遗传信息含量较为丰富,能够为黑棘鲷的种群遗传资源评估提供数量充足、类型多样的有效分子标记。跨物种扩增结果显示,有43个黑棘鲷微卫星标记可在9种鲷科鱼类中成功扩增,其中28个标记在太平洋棘鲷(Acanthopagruspacificus)、黄鳍棘鲷(Acanthopagruslatus)和澳洲棘鲷(Acanthopagrusaustralis)中具有较好的通用性,2个标记在平鲷(Rhabdosargussarba)、蓝点赤鲷(Pagruscaeruleostictus)、真赤鲷(Pagrusmajor)、二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)及黄牙鲷(Dentex hypselosomus)中具有通用性。这些通用性标记可为阐明鲷科属、种间的系统进化关系和棘鲷属鱼类的群体遗传学分析提供新的标记来源和研究角度。  相似文献   
2013年青岛输油管道爆炸,大量石油污染了附近海岸。课题组采集了污染的沉积物样品,以原油为唯一碳源和能源,富集了四个石油降解菌群。生物多样性和群落分析表明,Luteibacter、Parvibaculum 和属于食烷菌科的一个属是降解菌群的主要优势菌,都属于变形菌门。从石油降解菌群中分离筛选,获得了9株具有不同16S rRNA基因序列的降解菌,分别属于8个属。重量法测定降解菌的石油降解率,其中5株的石油降解率大于30%。GC-MS分析结果表明,石油降解菌多倾向于降解烷烃,对多环芳烃的降解能力较差,其中5株细菌的烷烃降解率较大,仅1株菌D2对多环芳烃的降解率较大,其降解率在34.9%到77.5%。通过对高通量数据的分析,表明食烷菌属是菌群A和菌群E的主要降解菌群,其中筛选获得的菌株E4可能是菌群E的一株优势降解菌。本研究所筛选菌株证明了其石油降解潜力,为油污染海滩生物修复提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   
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