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Landslide is a serious natural disaster next only to earthquake and flood, which will cause a great threat to people’s lives and property safety. The traditional research of landslide disaster based on experience-driven or statistical model and its assessment results are subjective , difficult to quantify, and no pertinence. As a new research method for landslide susceptibility assessment, machine learning can greatly improve the landslide susceptibility model’s accuracy by constructing statistical models. Taking Western Henan for example, the study selected 16 landslide influencing factors such as topography, geological environment, hydrological conditions, and human activities, and 11 landslide factors with the most significant influence on the landslide were selected by the recursive feature elimination (RFE) method. Five machine learning methods [Support Vector Machines (SVM), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)] were used to construct the spatial distribution model of landslide susceptibility. The models were evaluated by the receiver operating characteristic curve and statistical index. After analysis and comparison, the XGBoost model (AUC 0.8759) performed the best and was suitable for dealing with regression problems. The model had a high adaptability to landslide data. According to the landslide susceptibility map of the five models, the overall distribution can be observed. The extremely high and high susceptibility areas are distributed in the Funiu Mountain range in the southwest, the Xiaoshan Mountain range in the west, and the Yellow River Basin in the north. These areas have large terrain fluctuations, complicated geological structural environments and frequent human engineering activities. The extremely high and highly prone areas were 12043.3 km2 and 3087.45 km2, accounting for 47.61% and 12.20% of the total area of the study area, respectively. Our study reflects the distribution of landslide susceptibility in western Henan Province, which provides a scientific basis for regional disaster warning, prediction, and resource protection. The study has important practical significance for subsequent landslide disaster management.  相似文献   
公颖  周小珊  董博 《暴雨灾害》2018,66(4):373-382

利用国家气象信息中心提供的2008—2013年6—8月中国自动站逐小时降水资料与CMORPH(CPC MORPHing technique)卫星反演降水资料融合生成的逐小时融合降水产品(0.1°网格数据集)和2001—2012年6—8月的NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,对辽宁省夏季降水时空分布特征及其成因进行了较为深入统计、分析,结果表明:(1)辽宁省平均日降水频率的大值区位于辽东地区,这与该地区位于千山—龙岗山山区和夏季低层盛行偏南风密切相关。(2)辽宁地区平均小时降水率大值区也分布在辽东,辽东南为大值区的中心,主要原因为其一,该地区位于中低层比湿场的湿舌处,其二,该地区夏季中低层盛行的西南风遇千山—龙岗山被迫抬升形成中低层上升速度中心。(3)辽宁省降水日变化特征明显:辽西山区、辽宁西北部、辽东—东南部山区为午后到前半夜降水峰值频发区,而中部平原地区、南部沿海地区为凌晨降水峰值频发区。(4)地理环境决定的局地热力、动力过程和天气系统同时影响日降水峰值发生时间,当天气系统较为稳定的处于发展初期和后期时,其影响区域内降水日变化符合前述规律,但当天气系统明显发展或移动,其影响区域内日降水峰值多数发生在该时刻附近。(5)降水日变化规律与天气类型关系不是很大,即在各类天气系统诱发的降水过程中,由地理环境决定的降水日变化规律均存在。(6)辽宁地区西部山地高原、中部平原、东部山地丘陵、南临海洋的独特地理环境决定的局地热力、动力环流及夜间到凌晨加强的由海到陆的西南风暖湿气流是其降水日变化特征的产生的主要原因。

通过对东昆仑造山带西段木孜塔格地区二长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄和地球化学数据研究,探讨其成因及构造环境,为东昆仑造山带的构造演化提供新信息。对木孜塔格地区出露的中粗粒二长花岗岩和中细粒二长花岗岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得其206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为415±4 Ma(MSWD=2.9)和419±6 Ma(MSWD=4.3),表明该花岗岩形成于早泥盆世。全岩地球化学分析结果显示,木孜塔格地区中粗粒和中细粒二长花岗岩均具有高硅、低镁和低钛特征,铝饱和指数大于1.0,主体为钙碱性弱过铝质花岗岩系列。稀土元素配分图和微量元素蛛网图显示,2类花岗岩富集轻稀土元素和Rb等元素,而亏损Nb、Ta、Yb、Y等高场强元素,结合CaO/Na2O和Al2O3/TiO2值及区域地质资料,推测木孜塔格地区花岗岩应形成于同碰撞构造环境,且岩浆源区为贫粘土沉积物的陆壳。综合造山带已有研究成果,提出东昆仑造山带原特提斯洋的闭合在时空上表现出差异性,整体呈现出纵向上北部和中部早于南部,横向上东段早于西段的特征。  相似文献   
摘要:选用世界气象组织推荐的极端气候指数方法,对1961—2012年塔城地区6个极端气温指数进行分析,应用百分位法定义极端温度阈值,得出塔城地区极端温度事件变化的基本事实。结果表明:塔城地区近52年来冷昼、冷夜事件和严寒日数分别以3.5 d/10a、9.3 d/10a和4.3 d/10a的速率下降,突变点分别出现在1994、1988和1979年;暖昼、暖夜事件和高温日数分别以3.6 d/10a、8.6 d/10a和0.6 d/10a的速率在上升,突变点分别出现在1989、1990和1973年;极端气温指标多存在25~28 a和5~8 a的振荡周期,在空间分布上,各指标的减少(增加)速率与纬度、地形相关,随纬度增加而多呈现出北部大,中部、南部小的特点。  相似文献   
Global warming and its climatic and environmental effects have mainly been investigated in terms of the absolute warming rate. Little attention has been paid to the contribution of absolute warming rate to variability on various time scales of surface air temperature(SAT), which may be a more direct index for measuring the ecoclimatic effect of warming trend. The present study analyzed the role of secular warming trend in the variations of global land SAT for 1901–2016. Less than one-third of annual SAT variations were contributed by the warming trend over large parts of the globe generally. The ratios were up to two-thirds over eastern South America, parts of South Africa and the regions around the southwestern Mediterranean and Sunda islands where the absolute warming rate was moderate but the endemic species were undergoing exceptional loss of habitat. The ratios also exhibited smallest seasonal difference over these regions. Therefore, the ratio of the warming trend to the SAT variations may be a better measure compared to the absolute warming rate for the local ecoclimate. We should also pay more attention to the regions with high ratio, not only the regions with the high absolute warming rate.  相似文献   

西北太平洋海陆相互作用强烈,受黑潮和亚洲大陆风尘输入影响显著,是研究海洋沉积物中有机碳埋藏与陆源输入、海洋初级生产力和海洋环境演化关系的理想靶区。本研究基于采自九州-帕劳海脊北部的重力活塞647 cm长的KPR12岩芯,分析了总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、有机碳稳定碳同位素组成(δ13CTOC)、蛋白石(Opal)以及粒度等指标,初步探讨了近40万年来轨道尺度沉积有机碳的来源、埋藏特征及其影响机制。岩芯的TOC含量平均值为0.214%,呈冰期较高、间冰期较低的旋回特征。岩芯沉积物粒度的不同端元反映了研究区风尘输入大致呈冰期较高的趋势。岩芯的δ13CTOC(-25.24‰~-21.04‰,平均值为-22.59‰)显示有机质以海源为主(约62%),海源有机碳含量趋势与TOC的变化一致。研究区不同时期陆源物质的输入受风尘输送和黑潮的综合控制,黑潮增强可能对该区间冰期陆源有机碳贡献的升高有一定影响。岩芯中TOC与Opal含量的相关性分析表明,海洋初级生产力可能不是控制该岩芯有机碳含量变化的主要原因。冰期-间冰期旋回中的深层水通风条件、黑潮和北太平洋中层水的发育以及陆源细颗粒物质输入可能共同影响着本区沉积有机碳的降解与埋藏保存。

依据青海省化隆县考古调查获得的新石器-青铜时代(5.3~2.6kaB.P.)的遗址位置和面积,尝试利用聚落等级和等级规模的方法分析该县新石器-青铜时代的聚落形态演变过程,并结合研究区周边地区的全新世气候记录和考古研究资料分析其可能的影响因素。结果显示: 马家窑文化时期(5.4~4.0kaB.P.),化隆县出现具有一定人口规模和整合的聚落系统,可能与适宜气候背景下,农业快速发展导致的人口流动有关; 齐家文化时期(4.2~3.8kaB.P.),化隆县人口规模未发生显著变化,没有出现聚落等级,聚落系统结构简单,各聚落之间为平等竞争关系,可能与区域聚落分布特征改变有关; 3.6~2.5kaB.P. ,化隆县人口规模增加,三级等级聚落系统明显整合,可能是卡约文化的农业生产水平和生计方式适应气候变化的结果。因此,气候变化、生计模式和人口流动是化隆县新石器-青铜时代聚落形态演变和社会组织结构发展的主要原因。  相似文献   
ZDY1000G型全液压坑道钻机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ZDY1000G型全液压坑道钻机是一款主要面向坑道勘探而设计的装备,可用于煤矿瓦斯抽放孔、探放水孔和其他工程钻孔的施工。介绍了该钻机的设计思路、机械系统和液压系统,并对具有复合缓冲张紧装置的双油缸链条倍速给进机构和具有减压钻进功能的双泵液压系统进行了详细描述。  相似文献   
Historically, Crescent City is one of the most vulnerable communities impacted by tsunamis along the west coast of the United States, largely attributed to its offshore geography. Trans-ocean tsunamis usually produce large wave runup at Crescent Harbor resulting in catastrophic damages, property loss and human death. How to determine the return values of tsunami height using relatively short-term observation data is of great significance to assess the tsunami hazards and improve engineering design along the coast of Crescent City. In the present study, the extreme tsunami heights observed along the coast of Crescent City from 1938 to 2015 are fitted using six different probabilistic distributions, namely, the Gumbel distribution, the Weibull distribution, the maximum entropy distribution, the lognormal distribution, the generalized extreme value distribution and the generalized Pareto distribution. The maximum likelihood method is applied to estimate the parameters of all above distributions. Both Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and root mean square error method are utilized for goodness-of-fit test and the better fitting distribution is selected. Assuming that the occurrence frequency of tsunami in each year follows the Poisson distribution, the Poisson compound extreme value distribution can be used to fit the annual maximum tsunami amplitude, and then the point and interval estimations of return tsunami heights are calculated for structural design. The results show that the Poisson compound extreme value distribution fits tsunami heights very well and is suitable to determine the return tsunami heights for coastal disaster prevention.  相似文献   
球面交切法地震定位   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
提出了适合于近震及远震定位的球面交切法。该方法在球面上直接进行交切运算,只要知道3个以上台站的S-P到时差(或只要根据震相求出震中距)就能快速定出震中位置,台网布局、震源深度、发震时刻对震中定位的影响较小。使用该方法对三峡水库蓄水以后发生的较大地震进行了精确定位,结果表明其应用效果较好。  相似文献   
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