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Aiming at the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation and frequent occurrence of drought and waterlogging disasters in Guangxi, the multi-scale characteristics and comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity can provide scientific support for regional response to drought and waterlogging disasters and intelligent management of water resources. Based on the daily precipitation data of 87 grid points from 1961 to 2017 in Guangxi, the Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PCP) index were used to build day, pentad, ten days, month, season precipitation heterogeneity of multiple time scale level evaluation system. By using R/S analysis and geographical spatial analysis methods, the space-time evolution characteristics and climate division in Guangxi were discussed. The study showed that the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of PCD and PCP at the diurnal, synoptic and monthly scales were relatively consistent, and the heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi could be better expressed than that at the monthly and seasonal scales. The diachronic change of PCD in precipitation in Guangxi shows an increasing trend in northeast China and a decreasing trend in southwest China, and the trend of its future period is the same as the diachronic evolution. The spatial distribution of PCD in Guangxi has significant spatial autocorrelation and stratification heterogeneity, which are mainly reflected in the mean value, coefficient of variation and frequency of PCD. The comprehensive heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi is highly dispersed in the northeast, highly concentrated in the south, and slightly concentrated or dispersed in the northwest and central regions. The time-scale within a month is the best scale to express the non-uniformity of precipitation in Guangxi. If the advantages of more stable climatic and ten-day scales and more fine daily scales are taken into account, the use of climatic scale for daily sliding calculation and analysis will be the best way.  相似文献   
基于SBAS- InSAR技术的西藏雄巴古滑坡变形特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大型古滑坡及其强变形和复活灾害日益频发,已造成重大灾害事件和严重损失.古滑坡的发育、变形影响因素多、机理复杂和识别难度大,本文采用SBAS-InSAR技术,结合遥感解译,获取了金沙江西岸雄巴村古滑坡2017年10月至2020年6月间的地表变形特征.研究表明,雄巴古滑坡方量巨大,可达2.6×108~6×108 m3,根据InSAR形变监测结果,滑坡前缘发育H1和H2等2个大型强变形区,变形级别分为4级:极强变形区(-132.1 mm/a≤VLOS<-58.5 mm/a)、强变形区(-58.5 mm/a≤VLOS<-20.3 mm/a)、中等变形区(-20.3 mm/a≤VLOS<l.8 mm/a)和弱变形区(1.8 mm/a≤VLOS<55.4 mm/a);其中H1变形区,最大累计变形量达203.8 mm,H2变形区变形量达302.1 mm.受金沙江河流侵蚀,特别是上游75 km的2018年10月和11月白格2次滑坡-堵江-溃坝-泥石流/洪水灾害链对雄巴古滑坡坡脚的侵蚀,加剧了雄巴古滑坡的变形,其中H1变形区的蠕滑速率是白格滑坡灾害链发生前的14~16倍,灾害链引起H2区发生变形,雄巴古滑坡整体呈现牵引式复活状态.基于SBAS-InSAR的形变监测结果得到了野外的验证,目前H1变形区前缘出现局部垮塌,滑体中横向和竖向裂缝发育,局部呈现拉张状态.雄巴古滑坡目前呈现持续变形中,部分地段为加速变形,雄巴古滑坡发生大规模复活将导致堰塞金沙江-溃坝-泥石流灾害链,应加强雄巴古滑坡的空—天—地一体化监测预警,为该区正在规划建设的重大工程和流域性地质安全风险提供技术支撑和科学依据.  相似文献   
钟阳  耿立涛 《岩土力学》2008,29(10):2829-2832
从平面弹性力学的基本方程出发,利用Fourier积分变换等数学手段,推导出了单层平面问题的刚度矩阵,然后按有限元法组成总体刚度矩阵。通过求解由总体刚度矩阵所构成的代数方程和Fourier积分逆变换,得到在任意静荷载作用下多层弹性平面问题的精确解。由于刚度矩阵不含有正指数项,计算时不会出现溢出现象,从而克服了传递矩阵法的缺点。推导过程中摒弃了应力函数的选择,使得问题的求解更加合理化,同时也为进一步研究此类问题如温度场、动力学等奠定了理论基础。计算实例证明了推导结果的准确性。  相似文献   
Danube loess, located at the westernmost part of the widespread Eurasian loess belt, is one of the most well-preserved aeolian dust deposits in Europe with the basal age dating back over 1 Ma. Owing to its unique location and formation processes, Danube loess plays an important role in understanding the linkage of climate changes in different climate regimes over Eurasian continent and paleoclimatic changes in middle-high northern latitudes. Major research advances of the Danube loess, including compositions, provenance, chronology, stratigraphy and paleoenvironment changes were systematically reviewed and the focuses of future research were suggested. To better understand loess provenance, the compositions of sediments in all the potential source areas should be investigated, and methodological study of provenance indicators and application of multi-proxies approaches need to be carried out. Chronologically and stratigraphically, feldspar luminescence dating and tephrochronology methods should be widely used, and the establishment of a uniform stratigraphic framework and correlation scheme should be constrained by precise chronology. In terms of the paleoenvironment, it is necessary to conduct high-resolution multi-proxies reconstruction of paleoenviroment for the entire loess-paleosol sequence, extending from the last interglacial period (130 ka to present) to interval of last 1 Ma. The future progress in Danube loess is crucial to improving the study of continental paleoclimate comparison and paleoclimate dynamics over the Eurasian loess region.  相似文献   
报道了大兴安岭东部博克图地区二支沟岩体的岩相学、岩石地球化学以及地质年代学特征,探讨了它们的形成时代、岩石成因以及成岩构造背景。根据LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果,二支沟岩体的侵位年龄为(317.2±2.2) Ma与(319.2±2.3) Ma。二支沟岩体岩性为花岗闪长岩,具高硅、富碱,低MgO、CaO的特征,属于准铝质-过铝质,高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩。二支沟岩体的Ba/Nb=70.44~98.20,Ba/La=17.85~28.12,δEu具负异常,暗示源区可能为壳源,存在少量地幔物质与强氧化流体混入。此外,二支沟岩体具有高Sr和低Y、Yb的特征(Sr含量>400×10-6,Y含量<18×10-6,Yb含量<1.9×10-6),与埃达克岩类似,但其更为富钾,表明二支沟岩体具有C型埃达克岩特征。二支沟岩体富集大离子亲石元素(LILE) Rb、K、Ba、Th,相对亏损Ta、Nb、P、Hf、Zr等高强场元素(HFSE),其 (La/Yb)N=12.05~18.03,轻稀土元素(LREE)富集,重稀土元素(HREE)亏损。其Rb、Ba含量和Rb/Yb(51.49~148.93)、Ba/Yb(430.17~698.83)比值明显高于MORB,与海拉尔盆地和西藏冈底斯埃达克岩相似,表明其成因为底侵作用新生的增厚的玄武质下地壳的熔融。研究区晚石炭世岩浆形成于造山阶段挤压环境。额尔古纳-兴安地块与松嫩地块于晚石炭世((317.2±2.2) Ma之后)构造背景由碰撞造山晚期的挤压、地壳加厚向造山后期的伸展、垮塌的环境转换,并向更加稳定的板内构造环境演变。  相似文献   
桐柏山太白顶、殷店和天河口一带,发育有大量的L构造岩,拉伸线理极其发育,面理较弱,线理产状向南东东倾伏,倾伏角为1°~20°。桐柏山L构造岩具有以下主要特征:在三维空间上,L构造岩强烈发育杆状构造,这种“杆”状构造是由大量沿X轴方向定向排列连在一起的椭球体矿物构成的,其变形机制主要为石英的颗粒边界迁移和长石的位错蠕变,形成的平均压力为0.59GPa,平均温度为550 ℃~600 ℃,形成于中-高温-中压环境,变质相为高绿片岩相到低角闪岩相,形成深度大致在15~20 km,属于中地壳的产物。L构造岩在桐柏山的发现可能反映了桐柏山造山带中桐柏杂岩岩块相对两侧榴辉岩岩片具有近东西向挤出构造的特征。  相似文献   
重力流是自然界中广泛存在的一种流体形式,不同学者基于不同切入点往往会提出多种重力流的划分方案。采用浊流和碎屑流的二分方案,对浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩的沉积特征展开综述和探讨,旨在进一步概括这2类岩石的沉积特征,明确具有指示意义的最典型相标志。研究表明,在野外露头和钻井岩心中,可以通过以下典型特征鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩: 砂岩内若发育以正粒序为特征的递变层理,则应该将其认定为浊积岩;若砂岩内发育泥岩撕裂屑、漂浮状泥砾或不含任何层理构造(块状砂岩),则应该将其认定为砂质碎屑流岩。这些特征是鉴别浊积岩和砂质碎屑流岩最可靠的标志。此外,变形层理、爬升波纹交错层理、波状层理、平行纹层、冲刷侵蚀界面、岩性突变界面和槽模等沉积构造也具有一定指示意义,出现这些特征时需要结合沉积背景、岩相的垂向组合关系和地球物理等资料进行综合判断。  相似文献   
部分中国近海湖盆和大西洋裂谷盆地发现了腐泥型有机质碳同位素偏重的现象,并伴随异常高总有机碳含量和生烃潜力。本文依据泥岩有机碳测试、孢粉分析、主微量元素、泥岩和原油碳同位素及饱和烃色质色谱资料,并结合现代湖泊盘星藻发育特征,从有机质来源、古环境条件和有机质保存改造三个方面探讨了珠江口盆地珠三坳陷古近系文昌组碳同位素正偏移的成因机制。珠三坳陷文昌组碳同位素异常与气候、古生产力、古水深和藻类勃发等古环境因素有关。然而,从三级层序尺度看,古水深可能是一个不可忽视的重要因素:指示水深的Rb/K比值随深度加深而增加,与碳同位素和TOC含量变化趋势一致。同时现代湖泊研究也证实了盘星藻分布于不同水深范围,因此“深水型盘星藻”的繁盛很可能是珠三坳陷文昌组二段烃源岩碳同位素偏重的根本原因。  相似文献   
辽东石庙沟地区位于华北陆块东部的辽吉造山/活动带上,该带经历了十分复杂的构造演化过程,记录了多期岩浆-构造-变质事件。石庙沟岩体为花岗斑岩,富SiO2、Na2O和K2O,贫CaO、MgO及Al2O3,亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ti、Ta、P),富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Ba、U),A/CNK值大于1,REE配分曲线呈"海鸥"式分布,以具有显著的负Eu异常为特征,高Ga/Al值,与典型A型花岗岩特征一致。花岗斑岩中锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年结果表明其成岩年龄为(123.0±1.6)Ma,为早白垩世。锆石Hf同位素分析表明,εHft)值均为负值,介于-15.72~-12.85之间,平均值为-14.14,二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)在2 164~1 989 Ma之间,平均为2 067 Ma,反映源岩以大陆壳成分为主。结合花岗斑岩高SiO2,低Mg、Co、Cr、Ni,且富集LREE和LILE,亏损HFSE等特征,表明早白垩世花岗斑岩岩浆应为大陆地壳物质熔融的产物。根据年代学和岩石地球化学研究认为,早白垩世花岗斑岩是古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆板块俯冲所形成的活动大陆边缘弧花岗岩。研究区早白垩世花岗斑岩的形成主要受太平洋构造域的影响,形成环境受板块俯冲造山后伸展作用和下地壳拆沉作用的联合制约,是辽东地区岩石圈减薄的直接证据。  相似文献   
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