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海岛岸线遥感立体测图精细测量方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种海岛岸线遥感测图精细测量新方法,该方法直接基于理论定义的海岸线,利用航空影像瞬时水涯线数据在立体测图环境中提取瞬时水位高程;利用海岛周边精密海潮模型和瞬时水位高程推算海岛岸线高程;最后依据海岛岸线高程,采用立体测图方法测制海岛岸线的平面位置。该方法确保了海岛岸线成果的唯一性和连续性,适合大比例尺的大陆海岸线和海岛岸线测量。测试结果显示,在较高精度海潮模型和海面地形支持下,海岛岸线高程精度优于0.2 m,可满足1:2000测图要求。  相似文献   
冻土区天然气水合物勘探低温钻井液理论与试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨葳  杨阳  徐会文 《探矿工程》2011,38(7):29-31,56
天然气水合物是在特定的低温与高压条件下形成的产物。在天然气水合物勘探工作中,低温钻井液是获得天然气水合物真实样品的重要保证条件之一。低温钻井液应具有低的冰点、良好的抵制能力与良好的流动性。结合天然气水合物勘探工作的特点,在试验的基础上,对比分析了PAM、PHPA、PAC-141、Na-CMC与KHm的分子结构、官能团的种类与数量对钻井液的防塌能力和流动性的影响,得出了几种处理剂的耐低温能力大小的顺序为:PAC-141〈PHPA〈PAM〈Na-CMC〈KHm,为天然气水合物勘探中低温钻井液的配制与使用,奠定了重要的基础。  相似文献   
“白烟型”热液喷流岩研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代和地质历史中的海底、湖底的“黑烟囱型”热液活动及相关成岩、成矿和古生物活动已成为当今多学科的研究热点,而与“白烟型”热液喷流岩相关的研究相对薄弱.在阅读大量国内外文献基础上,结合实际的研究工作,回顾了热液喷流岩的研究历史及现状,重点介绍了作为标志性低温型热液矿物白云岩成因方面的进展,认为新疆三塘湖地区的二叠系芦草沟组“白烟型”热液喷流沉积的白云岩是“原生白云岩”的典型样本.现有资料表明已经报道的“白烟型”热液喷流岩发育层位(酒西盆地下沟组与三塘湖盆地芦草沟组)是所在地区的重要生烃层系,据此讨论了如下值得关注的问题:①热液活动及其伴生的嗜热细菌生物及食物链的特殊环境,使有机质得以富集,为油气生成提供了物质基础;②幔源物质的加入很可能带来了幔源烃类;③热液活动可使沉积盆地地温总体升高,加速烃源岩的快速成熟.最后对该领域的研究提出了问题和建议.  相似文献   
大型地下水封石油洞库渗流场时空演化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水封石油洞库是利用饱水岩体密封性进行石油储存的方式。在地下水封石油洞库的建设中,由于工程体的出现,改变了区域地下水的补给、径流和排泄条件,干扰了原来平衡的地下水渗流场,为保证地下石油洞库的水封效果,需进行裂隙岩体渗透特性及地下水渗流场时空演化研究。以国内首个在建的大型地下水封石油储库为工程背景,结合现场试验数据分析,运用等效连续介质的方法,采用裂隙岩体各向异性渗透张量,建立三维地下水数值模拟模型,预测不同施工进程时地下水位的变化。分析预测结果表明:在地下洞室开挖过程中,无水幕条件下地下水位逐渐降低,主洞室部分区域出现零水头压力区,无法保证水封性;模拟运营期水幕巷道施加定水压力,地下水位上升至设计高度35 m且趋于稳定,可以满足水封效果要求。研究结果对地下石油洞库的水封性评价具有一定的工程意义和理论价值。  相似文献   
To simulate trapping of noble gases by meteorites, we reacted 15 FeCr or FeCrNi alloy samples with CO, H2O or H2S at 350–720 K, in the presence of noble gases. The reaction products, including (Fe,Cr)2O3, FeCr2S4, FeS, C, and Fe3C, were analyzed by mass spectrometry, usually after chemical separation by selective solvents. Three carbon samples were prepared by catalytic decomposition of CO or by dehydration of carbohydrates with H2SO4.The spinel and carbon samples were similar to those of earlier studies (Yang et al., 1982 and Yang and Anders, 1982), with only minor effects attributable to the presence of Ni. All samples sorted substantial amounts of noble gases, with distribution coefficients of 10?1–10?2 cm3 STP/g atm for Xe. On the basis of release temperature three gas components were distinguished: a generally dominant physisorbed component (20–80% of total), and two more strongly bound, chemisorbed and trapped components. Judging from the elemental pattern, the adsorbed components were acquired at the highest noble gas partial pressure encountered by the sample—atmosphere or synthesis vessel.Sulfides, particularly daubréelite, showed three distinctive trends relative to chromite or magnetite: the high-T component was larger, 30–70% of the total; NeXe ratios were higher, by up to 102, possibly due to preferential diffusion of Ne during synthesis. In one synthesis, at relatively high P, the gases were sorbed with only minimal elemental fractionation, presumably by occlusion.Most of the features of primordial noble gases can be explained in terms of the data and concepts presented in the three papers of this series. The elemental fractionation pattern of Ar, Kr, Xe in meteorites, terrestrial rocks, and planets resembles the adsorption pattern on the solids studied: carbon, spinels, Sulfides, etc. The variation in NeAr ratio may be explained by preferential diffusion of Ne. The high release temperature of meteoritic noble gases may be explained by transformation of physisorbed to chemisorbed gas, as observed in some experiments. The ready loss of meteoritic heavy gases on surficial oxidation (“Phase Q”) is consistent with adsorption, as is the high abundance. Extrapolation of the limited laboratory data suggests that the observed amounts of noble gases could have been adsorbed from a solar gas at 160–170 K and 10?6–10?5 atm, i.e. in the early contraction stages of the solar nebula. The principal unsolved problem is the origin of isotopically anomalous, apparently mass-fractionated noble gases in the Earth's atmosphere and in meteoritic carbon and chromite.  相似文献   
邵锡斌  吴莹  胡俊  鲍红艳 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(6):1288-1294
利用气相色谱法对长江口及其邻近海域的表层颗粒态木质素(p-lignin)进行测定和分析,结合粒度、有机碳(OC%)、叶绿素a(Chl a)、碳稳定同位素(δ13C)等参数研究颗粒态有机物的夏季分布,并对其分布影响因素进行了初步分析。结果表明,悬浮颗粒物粒度组成以粘土和粉砂为主,平均粒径为7.9μm;OC%的值为0.57—7.41%,Chl a的值为0.35—3.71μg/L,δ13C的值为-25.7‰—–16.6‰,在口门外水华站位出现OC%、Chl a和δ13C的最大值,表明浮游生物的现场生产是主要贡献;紫丁香基酚类(S)、香草基酚类(V)和肉桂基酚类(C)8种木质素酚单体的含量Λ8(相对于总有机碳的含量)为0.0406—1.47mg/100mg OC;紫丁香基系列与香草基系列的质量比值(S/V)的分布范围较宽,为0.5—1.6之间,均值为0.8;肉桂基含量与香草基含量比值(C/V)的分布范围为0.02—0.2之间,均值为0.09;香草基酚类的酸醛比值[(Ad/Al)v]在0.24—2.30之间。盐度、总悬浮颗粒物(TSM)浓度是控制长江口内区与邻近海域颗粒态有机物来源与分布差异的重要控制因素,颗粒态木质素在向海输送过程中还会受到矿物组分、生物降解、浮游生物现场生产等各种因素的作用,使其组成成分和性质发生改变。木质素等参数表明最大浑浊带尽管对颗粒态有机物向海输送有改造作用,但是影响区域有限。  相似文献   
发展海洋循环经济浅析   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文章从分析我国海洋经济发展存在的问题入手,尝试借鉴循环经济的理念,探讨海洋经济可持续发展的实现途径。通过对发展海洋循环经济的内涵、原则和实现途径等内容的探索式研究,提出发展海洋循环经济的对策与建议。  相似文献   
许德如  林舸等 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):598-608
海南岛前寒武纪基性岩类具有的不同的岩石地球化学特征,记录了海南岛前寒武纪大地构造环境和岩石圈的演化史。古中元古代时,琼中屯昌变基性-超基性岩,为大洋型火山岛弧低钾拉斑玄武岩,明显具有镁铁质-玄武质科马提岩特征,来源于高度亏损的地幔;与之同时代的琼西,则为一套具洋底玄武岩和岛弧拉弦玄武岩的过渡型玄武岩,是古俯冲带上部地幔楔和自消减带卷入地幔楔地壳物质所组成的混合端元部分熔融产物,具低亏损地幔特征,产生于弧后(或弧间)盆地环境;中新元古代的琼西变基性-超基性岩具铁镁质-超铁镁质科马提岩特征,来源于较高亏损的地幔,产于大洋板块边缘的构造环境。据此,可以推测,海南岛前寒武纪岩石圈演化至少经历了古中元古代的古板块俯冲、中新元古代的裂解二次事件,并伴随洋盆的出现。  相似文献   
宁南深层岩溶地下水系统三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁南“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水系统的储水空间以岩溶裂隙为主,岩溶水的空间分布明显受南北向大型断裂构造控制。根据水动力场和水化学场特征,划分了3个相对独立的岩溶水子系统。通过三维数值模拟计算,确定了马渠—洪河岩溶水子系统天然资源量和可开采资源量,为本区的地下水合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
There are giant mineral deposits, including the Jinding Zn-Pb and Baiyangping Ag-Co-Cu, and otherimportant mineral deposits (e.g., Baiyangchang Ag-Cu, Jinman Cu deposits, etc.) in the Lanping Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin, Yunnan Province, China. The tabular ore-bodies and some veins hosted in terrestrial clastic rocks of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic age and no outcropping of igneous rocks in the giant deposits lead to the proposal of syngenetic origin, but the giant mineral deposits are not stratabound (e.g. MVT, sandstone- and Sedex-type). They formed in a continental red basin with intense crust movement. The mineralization is controlled by structures and lithology and occurs in different strata, and no sedimentary nature and no exhalative sediments are identified in the deposits. The deposits show some relations with organic matter (now asphalt and petroleum) and evaporates (gypsum). The middle-low-temperature (mainly 110℃ to 280℃) mineralization took place at a depth of about 0.9 km to 3.1 km during the early  相似文献   
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