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莺歌海盆地是一个典型的高温超压盆地,盖层能否及如何有效封闭该盆地内中深层高温超压气藏是一个值得探讨的重要问题.为此,以该盆地东方区为例,通过气田实际资料及理论分析盖层的宏观地质特征及微观封闭能力.研究表明:该区高温超压气藏盖层的封盖机制包括低构造倾角、厚层泥岩封闭、浅海泥岩盖层中泥质粉砂岩与粉砂质泥岩频繁互层、超压间接封闭、高温超压引起的高突破压力与排替压力比值;其中前3者是决定该区高温超压气藏盖层对天然气封闭能力的主导因素和先决条件,后两者则是中深层浅海相泥质碎屑岩盖层具备优质封盖条件的基础.进而对比剖析了DF-A、DF-B超压气田及DF-C含气构造等典型实例,认为:DF-B气田气体充满度高的原因在于上述五个要素的最优配置;而高构造倾角的岩性气藏储层能量相对较高,对盖层封闭能力的要求高,在其他盖层条件相似甚至更差的情况下,气藏遭到破坏的风险大,这也是DF-C含气构造尚未取得商业性突破的重要原因.  相似文献   
海底的地形地貌是海洋地质调查的重要部分.自动提取CAD海图中数字分离式标注水深操作相对复杂,往往需要自编程序处理.本文基于ArcGIS平台,提供了一种自动提取数字分离式标注水深的简便方法,并给出了实例操作.本方法能有效提取CAD海图中数字分离标注式水深,无需自编程序,具有操作简单、提取准确、自动化程度高的特点.提取成果能直接应用于GIS平台进行三维和空间分析,具有重要的应用意义.  相似文献   
HK-2井位于哈萨克斯坦西部阿特劳州阿特劳市西北约320 km处。该井钻遇的中石炭统岩石类型包括白云岩、石灰岩、硅岩、砂岩和黏土岩,但以硅岩和黏土岩为主,而且成分混杂,交互频繁,富含有机质和深水相的浮游、游泳类微体生物化石。根据岩石中硅质放射虫化石含量高,硅质海绵骨针个体保存完整,有机质含量高,颜色暗,组分细小,泥质、硅质成分为主及生物组合单一等特征,认为该地区中石炭统为深水沉积环境。目前正在勘探的HK-2井所在的乌拉尔区块也已发现深水类型油气藏存在的苗头,建议对该地区深水相油气藏进行调研,同时对该区块和相邻区块能够获得的地震剖面进行追踪分析研究。  相似文献   
秦岭终南山地质公园地处西安市南,总面积1074.85km^2。素有“中国人的中央公园”之称的秦岭造山带,是全球典型的复合型大陆造山带之一,是形成统一中国大陆的主要结合带,是中国南北天然的地质、地理、生态、气候、环境乃至人文的分界线。秦岭终南山地质公园地处秦岭造山带的主体部位,是中央造山带的经典地段。依次分布有:翠华山山崩地貌与佛教文化园区、骊山裂谷地垒构造园区、冰晶顶韧性剪切带与构造混合岩化园区、玉山岛弧型花岗岩峰岭地貌园区、南太自板块碰撞缝合带与第四纪冰川园区等五个各具特色主题又互相联系的园区和黑河、沣峪两条科学考察路线。是至今为止距大都市最近的地质公园。  相似文献   
Clastic sedimentary rocks are samples of the exposed continental crust. In order to characterize the crustal growth history of North China and its possible regional variations, 479 concordant detrital zircons in three sand samples from the lower reach of the Yellow River (which drains the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau, the Western Qinling Orogen, the Qilian Orogen and the North China Craton) and two sand samples from the Luan River and the Yongding River (which run entirely within the North China Craton) were measured for U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions by excimer laser-ablation ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS. Although regional variations exist, concordant detrital zircons from the Yellow River reveal three major age groups of 2.1-2.5 Ga, 1.6-2.0 Ga, and 150-500 Ma. Detrital zircons from the smaller Luan and Yongding Rivers show three broadly similar major age groups at 2.3-2.6 Ga, 1.6-2.0 Ga, and 140-350 Ma, but with narrower age ranges. Compared to the Luan and Yongding River zircons, the Yellow River zircons are characterized by a significant number of Neoproterozoic grains. Although Hf isotopic compositions show both juvenile crustal growth and crustal reworking for all age groups, much of the crustal growth of North China occurred in the Neoarchean and Mesoproterozoic. All three rivers are characterized by a common prominent group of Hf crust formation model ages at 2.4-2.9 Ga with a peak at 2.7-2.8 Ga. A less significant age group lies between 1.4 and 1.8 Ga for the Yellow River, and between 1.6 and 1.9 Ga for the Yongding River and Luan River. Crustal growth rates based on Hf continental crust formation model ages suggest 45% and 90% of the present crustal volume was formed by 2.5 Ga and 1.0 Ga, respectively, for the drainage area of the Yellow River. In comparison, 60% and 98% of the present crustal volume of the North China Craton was generated by 2.5 Ga and 1.0 Ga, respectively, for the Luan and Yongding Rivers. The 2.7-2.8 Ga age peak observed in all river samples agrees well with the coeval major peak for global crustal growth. However, the other suggested global peaks of crustal growth at 3.4 and 3.8 Ga are insignificant in North China. Taken together with our previous studies of the Yangtze Craton, which show insignificant crustal growth at 2.7-2.8 Ga, we suggest that these advocated worldwide crust formation peaks be re-examined and treated carefully. Our results also show that Phanerozoic zircons may have been derived from crustal sources separated from the mantle up to 2.0 Ga ago before the zircons crystallized, suggesting long-term preservation, reworking and recycling of the continental crust.  相似文献   
深部高承压水地层裂隙岩体冻结温度场实测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李栋伟  周艳  靳鹏伟  李阳  张瀚 《冰川冻土》2016,38(1):140-144
通过深部高承压水地层冻结法凿井现场实测,获得矿井裂隙岩体各个层位测温孔的温度和盐水去回路干管温度变化规律.结果表明:测温孔实测温度在冻结初期呈线性下降规律;当温度继续降低到岩石的结冰温度以后,降温速率逐步增加;当冻结帷幕达到设计温度时,实测温度变化趋于平缓;外圈管外侧测温孔降温速率最慢,两圈管之间位置的测温孔降温速率最快;位于不同位置不同层位的测温孔降温速率不一致,其中位于92m深度的卵石层(C1#测温孔)降温速率为0.54℃·d-1,位于209m深度的砂质泥岩(C3#测温孔)降温速率为0.9℃·d-1;根据实测温度可以预测地层形成冻结帷幕的交圈时间、厚度、平均温度等冻结设计参数.深部裂隙岩体冻结温度实测资料对指导冻结帷幕设计与施工具有重要实践意义.  相似文献   
He  Jun  Yang  Xiao-Hua  Li  Jian-Qiang  Jin  Ju-Liang  Wei  Yi-Ming  Chen  Xiao-Juan 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):199-217

Meteorological droughts can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. These impacts depend on the severity, duration, and spatial extent of the precipitation deficit and the socioeconomic vulnerability of the affected regions. This paper examines the spatiotemporal variation of meteorological droughts in the Haihe River basin. Meteorological droughts events were diagnosed using daily meteorological data from 44 stations by calculating a comprehensive drought index (CI) for the period 1961–2011. Based on the daily CI values of each station over the past 50 years, the drought processes at each station were confirmed, and the severity, duration and frequency of each meteorological drought event were computed and analyzed. The results suggest the following conclusions: (1) the use of the CI index can effectively trace the development of drought and can also identify the duration and severity of each drought event; (2) the average drought duration was 57–85 days in each region of the Haihe River basin, and the region with the highest average values of drought duration and drought severity was Bohai Bay; (3) drought occurred more than 48 times over the study period, which is more than 0.95 times per year over the 50 years studied. The average frequencies of non-drought days, severe drought days and extreme drought days over the study period were 51.2, 3.2 and 0.4 %, respectively. Severe drought events mainly occurred in the south branch of the Hai River, and extreme drought events mainly occurred in the Shandong Peninsula and Bohai Bay; (4) the annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration of the Haihe River basin show decreasing trends over the past 50 years. The frequency of severe drought and extreme drought events has increased in the past 20 years than during the period 1961–1990. The results of this study may serve as a reference point for decision regarding basin water resources management, ecological recovery and drought hazard vulnerability analysis.

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