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在20℃、4℃、-10℃、-20℃四种温度下贮藏马面卵巢,对其中磷脂含量的变化进行了测定,并利用薄层层析分析测定了不同温度下贮存3d后马面卵巢中磷脂各组分的相对百分比。结果表明马面卵巢中磷脂的损失率随贮藏温度的上升而增加;在不同温度下贮藏3d,磷脂各组分的相对百分比都发生了变化;随贮藏温度的升高磷脂酰胆碱的降解速度大大加快,所占的百分比快速下降,而溶血磷脂酰胆碱的比例有不同程度的增加。相对而言,-20℃下贮藏数天,磷脂的含量及组分的变化较小。  相似文献   
为实施中华人民共和国国家标准《南海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸》,对广东省范围内拖网网囊现状进行摸底调查,结果表明,广东省沿海拖网渔船现用网囊网目尺寸(内径)在16.7~35.2 mm范围内,总体平均为27 mm,均未能达到1989年国家技术监督局发布的中华人民共和国国家标准--《南海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸》--内径39 mm.  相似文献   
The authors analyzed the data collected in the Ecological Station Jiaozhou Bay from May 1991 to November 1994, including 12 seasonal investigations, to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and variation trends of the silicate in the bay. The results indicated that the rivers around Jiaozhou Bay provided abundant supply of silicate to the bay. The silicate concentration there depended on river flow variation. The horizontal variation of silicate concentration on the transect showed that the silicate concentration decreased with distance from shorelines. The vertical variation of it showed that silicate sank and deposited on the sea bottom by phytoplankton uptake and death, and zooplankton excretion. In this way, silicon would endlessly be transferred from terrestrial sources to the sea bottom. The silicon took up by phytoplankton and by other biogeochemical processes led to insufficient silicon supply for phytoplankton growth. In this paper, a 2D dynamic model of river flow versus silicate concentration was established by which silicate concentrations of 0.028–0.062 μmol/L in seawater was yielded by inputting certain seasonal unit river flows (m3/s), or in other words, the silicate supply rate; and when the unit river flow was set to zero, meaning no river input, the silicate concentrations were between 0.05–0.69 μmol/L in the bay. In terms of the silicate supply rate, Jiaozhou Bay was divided into three parts. The division shows a given river flow could generate several different silicon levels in corresponding regions, so as to the silicon-limitation levels to the phytoplankton in these regions. Another dynamic model of river flow versus primary production was set up by which the phytoplankton primary production of 5.21–15.55 (mgC/m2·d)/(m3/s) were obtained in our case at unit river flow values via silicate concentration or primary production conversion rate. Similarly, the values of primary production of 121.98–195.33 (mgC/m2·d) were achieved at zero unit river flow condition. A primary production conversion rate reflects the sensitivity to silicon depletion so as to different phytoplankton primary production and silicon requirements by different phytoplankton assemblages in different marine areas. In addition, the authors differentiated two equations (Eqs. 1 and 2) in the models to obtain the river flow variation that determines the silicate concentration variation, and in turn, the variation of primary production. These results proved further that nutrient silicon is a limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. This study was funded by NSFC (No. 40036010), and the Director's Fund of the Beihai Sea Monitoring Center, the State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   
活动星系核(AGN)是宇宙中最奇特的天体之一。它是真正意义上的全波天体,其中X射线波段的发射功率占到全波段功率的50%左右。AGN的X射线辐射研究涉及天体物理中的最基本问题,例如能量产生、辐射机制和宇宙论等,而Chandra X射线卫星的高分辨率图像和光谱对这一研究有着重要作用。以Chandra卫星的部分观测结果为例,简要介绍了几类不同类型AGN的X射线辐射研究进展:(1)宽吸收线类星体APM08279+5255(z=3.91)的X射线谱分析,以及高红移类星体的观测概况;(2)Seyfert星系NGC 4151延展X射线发射问题的解决,及NGC 1068X射线辐射与光学波段的高激发态发射线([OⅢ]λ5007)有很强相关性的发现;(3)6个BLLac天体样本的X射线环境分析;(4)射电星系X射线喷流的观测等。  相似文献   
本文对图象的统计特性及其适用模型作了分析。讨论了以前常用的平稳图象模型的缺陷,对实际图象的统计特性作了分析,认为它是非平稳的,不满足各态历经性,同时在空间上是高度相关的;讨论了相应的随机参数统计模型和描述性统计模型。指出作用于整幅图象的“全局”图象复原算法比每次只独立计算单个象元的“点”图象复原算法更为优越。  相似文献   
1StrongtideandastronomicalconditionsPartial solar eclipse occurred 4 times in 1964, 1982 and 2000 respectively. Time interval is about 3 Saros periods (one Saros period is 18 years and 10.33~11.33 days). Total lunar eclipse occurred 2 times in 1964 and 2000 respectively and 3 times in 1982. However, there was no lunar eclipse in 1966, 1984 and 2002. It seems that they had similar astro-nomical conditions and the best was in 1982. The studies about the effect of tide on the global climate…  相似文献   
I.IN~crIOXLocatedinthecoddlepatofTallmBasin,withanareaof33.76X104klnZ,theTaldirnakan~isinthehinterlandofEurasia.Blockedbythehighmountainsaround,vapourofoceancanhardlyreachthedesert.APartfromthis,asthedeSertisinthesinkingcompensationareaoftheascensionalaircurrentaamstheQinghal-XIZangPlateau,itSprecipitationisrareandtheevaporationcapacityisintensealltheyearround.Allthesecontributetotheformationsofthetypifydrydesertclimate.Theacidityindexofthedesertandthearoundregionisashighasmorethan50,w…  相似文献   
1 Introduction Nannochloropsissp .areoneofpotentialsourcesofpolyunsaturatedfattyacids ,especiallytheeicosapen taentaenoicacid (EPA ,C2 0∶5 ) ,whichisimportantforbothanimalsandhumans . Thefattyacidcompositionofthisalgaisaffectedbyvariousenvironmentalfactors ,suchaslightintensity(Sukeniketal.,1989;Sukeniketal.,1990 ) ,imply ingthatafactorinfluencingthephotosyntheticprocessmayaffectcellularfattyacidsynthesisandtheirmetabolism .AselectionprogramofincreasingcellularEPAcontenthasbeencarriedo…  相似文献   
Abstract— Clasts of alkaline (the second find in meteorites) and subalkaline rocks were found in the Kaidun meteorite. One of them (#d4A) is a large crystal of albite with inclusions of fluorapatite, arfvedsonite, aenigmatite, and wilkinsonite. The two latter minerals were previously unknown in meteorites. Another clast (#d[3–5]D) has a melt crystallization texture of mainly feldspar (oligoclase) composition and contains relict grains of both high‐Ca and low‐Ca pyroxene and fluorapatite. The mineralogical characteristics of these clasts suggest a genetic relationship and an origin from the same parent body. The textural and mineralogical characteristics of the clasts indicate origin by extensive igneous differentiation. Such processes most likely took place in a rather large differentiated body. The material of clast #d(3–5)D is similar in some mineralogical respects to basaltic shergottites.  相似文献   
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