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通过收集青海、甘肃、四川三省的76个地震台记录的2008年1—12月三分量的连续噪声数据,利用噪声面波层析成像的方法获得了青藏高原东部的面波群速度分布特征。首先采用多重滤波方法提取了1 000多条台站对5~50 s的三分量面波群速度频散曲线,然后将研究区域划分为0.2°×0.2°的网格,利用O ccam方法反演了瑞利波(R-R)和勒夫波(T-T)的群速度分布。反演得到的群速度分布特征与地表地质和构造特征表现出较好的相关性,清晰地揭示了地壳内部的横向速度变化。层析成像的结果显示在短周期(8~20 s)内,拥有较厚的沉积层的四川盆地表现为明显的低速特征,而青藏高原东部则表现为较高的群速度分布特征;随着周期的增加(>20 s),群速度的分布特征呈现出与短周期相反的特性,青藏高原东部下方的速度远远低于四川盆地,这可能与青藏高原东部中、下地壳低速层相关联,同时也意味着研究区域的地壳结构具有明显的横向不均匀性。在群速度分布图上,龙门山不仅是四川盆地与青藏高原的地形和构造分界带,同时也对应着高群速度与低群速度的过渡带。 相似文献
本文对东南极拉斯曼丘陵地区1990年2年—1991年1月近地面辐射平衡的观测资料进行了初步研究。结果表明,该地区辐射平衡各分量有明显的日变化和年变化。夏季辐射强度大,寒季小。大气透明度全年都很好,透明度系数大多在0.8以上,寒季的透明度系数略大于暖季。年平均总辐射强度为119.2W/m~2,10—3月的总辐射累积量约占全年辐射总量的90%。年平均反射率0.42,夏季裸地平均反射率为0.27,寒季雪面平均反射率为0.51。年平均净辐射强度为11.7W/m~2,地表相对大气而言是热源。10—3月净辐射强度为64.1W/m~2,4—9年净辐射强度为-40.6W/m~2,前者说明地表在该段时间内吸收热量,后者为损失热量。 相似文献
ZHANG Guangliang BAI Junhong JIA Jia WANG Xin WANG Wei ZHAO Qingqing ZHANG Shuai 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2018,(3)
Plant invasion alters the fundamental structure and function of native ecosystems by affecting the biogeochemical pools and fluxes of materials and energy. Native(Suaeda salsa) and invasive(Spartina alterniflora) salt marshes were selected to study the effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on soil organic carbon(SOC) contents and stocks in the Yellow River Delta. Results showed that the SOC contents(g/kg) and stocks(kg/m~2) were significantly increased(P 0.05) after Spartina alterniflora invasion of seven years, especially for the surface soil layer(0–20 cm). The SOC contents exhibited an even distribution along the soil profiles in native salt marshes, while the SOC contents were gradually decreased with depth after Spartina alterniflora invasion of seven years. The natural ln response ratios(Ln RR) were applied to identify the effects of short-term Spartina alterniflora invasion on the SOC stocks. We also found that Spartina alterniflora invasion might cause soil organic carbon losses in a short-term phase(2–4 years in this study) due to the negative Ln RR values, especially for 20–60 cm depth. And the SOCD in surface layer(0–20 cm) do not increase linearly with the invasive age. Spearman correlation analysis revealed that silt + clay content was exponentially related with SOC in surface layer(Adjusted R~2 = 0.43, P 0.001), suggesting that soil texture could play a key role in SOC sequestration of coastal salt marshes. 相似文献
干旱环境胁迫下农户适应性研究——基于民勤绿洲地区农户调查数据 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
适应能力及其评估框架为农户生计研究提供了一个新思路。本文在干旱环境背景下,借鉴农户可持续生计和适应能力相关理论,探讨民勤绿洲地区农户适应能力及适应行为。按照适应能力评估框架,构建农户适应能力评价指标体系,通过问卷和实地调查获取数据,在农户适应行为分类的基础上,测量不同适应类型农户的适应能力,分析影响农户适应类型的因素。结果表明:①从农户的适应行为来看,积极主动的适应行为选择较多,减少消费、参加社会保险等适应行为选择较少;农户适应类型中,综合适应型的比重最大,被动适应型最小。②农户的适应能力方面,各维度整体分布较为均衡,但自然能力和社会能力存在显著分异,而物质能力、金融能力、劳动能力和学习能力较均衡;不同农户适应类型中,综合适应型农户适应能力更稳定,务工主导型和被动适应型的稳定性较差。在适应能力六大维度中,物质能力在六大农户适应类型中所占比重最大,自然能力最小。③家庭物质资产、非农就业比重、社会网络、人均“退还关压”面积、受教育程度等适应能力指标对农户的适应行为选择具有显著影响。 相似文献
基于旅游地主题化RMIP模式的浦市古镇旅游开发初探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
RMP(昂谱)分析理论是吴必虎先生提出的关于旅游产品开发的系统理论。该理论是以旅游产品为中心,进行R性分析(resourse analysis)和M性分析(market analysis),并以此为基础进行P性分析(product analy-sis),最终提出旅游产品为中心的规划框架。随着历史文化名村镇的普遍开发,古镇雷同现象日益严重,如何突出古村镇的个性地域特征,形成主题化特色古村镇,成为限制古村镇旅游发展的瓶颈。主题化RMIP策划模式是RMP(昂谱)分析理论的延续和发展。在旅游产品或旅游项目的开发研究中,主题是定位的关键,资源是产品开发的基础,市场是产品开发的导向,形象是产品开发的灵魂。运用主题化RMIP分析理论的核心理念,能够对浦市古镇开发起到一定的理论指导作用。 相似文献
Being a key ecological security barrier and production base for grassland animal husbandry in China,the balance between grassland forage supply and livestock-carrying pressure in North China directly affects grassland degradation and restoration,thereby impacting grassland ecosystem services.This paper analyzes the spatiotemporal variation in grassland vegetation coverage,forage supply,and the balance between grassland forage supply and livestock-carrying pressure from 2000 to 2015 in North China.We then discuss the spatial pattern of grassland ecological conservation under the impacts of grassland degradation and restoration,and livestock-carrying pressure.Over the last 16 years,the total grassland area in North China decreased by about 16,000 km2,with vegetation coverage degraded by 6.7% of the grasslands but significantly restored by another 5.4% of grasslands.The provisioning of forage by natural grassland mainly increased over time,with an annual growth rate of approximately 0.3 kg/ha,but livestock-carrying pressure also increased continuously.The livestock-carrying pressure index without any supplementary feeding reached as high as 3.8.Apart from the potential livestock-carrying capacity in northeastern Inner Mongolia and the central Tibetan Plateau,most regions in North China are currently overloaded.Considering the actual supplementary feeding during the cold season,the livestock-carrying pressure index is about 3.1,with the livestock-carrying pressure mitigated in central and eastern Inner Mongolia.Assuming full supplementary feeding in the cold season,livestock-carrying pressure index will fall to 1.9,with the livestock-carrying pressure alleviated significantly in Inner Mongolia and on the Tibetan Plateau.Finally,we propose different conservation and development strategies to balance grassland ecological conservation and animal husbandry production in different regions of protected areas,pastoral areas,farming-pastoral ecotone,and farming areas,according to the grassland ecological protection patterns. 相似文献
山西榆社盆地新近系马会组砾岩层砾组特征及其地质意义 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过对山西榆社盆地新近系中新统马会组砾岩层的分布特征、剖面特征和砾组特征分析,结合盆地内部和四周山区的岩性特征分析,阐述了砾岩层本身的性质、成因、来源和搬运方式等,探讨砾石沉积时盆地的水动力条件、气候环境、地貌特征和构造条件等。研究表明,马会组砾岩层为榆社盆地新近纪河湖相沉积的底砾岩,其中所含的3层砾岩在成因、来源、搬运和沉积环境上具有较好的一致性。马会组砾岩层为多期次、多来源、非稳定的冲湖积成因,为湖泊水进期的沉积物,指示干冷向温湿转变的气候环境;砾石的主要来源是盆地内部的基底地层及其东缘、北缘和西缘的山区;砾石遭受了较强的物理化学作用,还存在一定的生物作用;含量较少的花岗岩砾石经受了较长距离的搬运,其他岩性砾石经受了近—中距离的搬运。榆社盆地为喜马拉雅运动二幕晋东地区山地相对抬升形成的山间盆地,砾石沉积时已形成了中间低、四周高的盆地雏形。 相似文献