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椒江河口浮泥的分布和调整   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
应用光学和声学泥沙剖面监测系统,进行1991、1994和1995年3个航次的椒江河口最大混浊带纵横剖面和时间剖面观测.在受控于潮流和径流对比条件的周期性调整基础上,椒江河口浮泥层还表现出非主流聚集趋向和洼地聚集趋向,促使最大混浊带保持对边界条件十分敏感的泥沙储库.  相似文献   
中国近海海平面变化与ENSO的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用中国沿海台站潮位和中国近海及赤道太平洋的卫星测高、海表温度、风及气压资料,分析了中国近海海平面变化与ENSO的关系。分析结果表明:中国沿海海平面季节变化受ENSO影响明显,在厄尔尼诺事件期间,中国沿海海平面Sa分潮的振幅明显减小,其中年振幅的历史极小值均出现厄尔尼诺年,不同区域历史极小值出现的年份不同;另外,中国沿海Sa分潮的振幅对厄尔尼诺事件的响应与其强弱有关,在强事件中,响应区域和幅度较大,弱事件中,响应区域和幅度偏小。在厄尔尼诺年,中国沿海海平面多低于相邻年份,并且其年际变化存在明显的2~3a、4~7a、准9a、11a和准19a的周期,其中4~7a的周期在冬春季节震荡最显著,其震荡幅度接近2cm。中国近海海平面与赤道东太平洋区域的海表温度年际变化之间存在反相关关系,其相关系数为-0.42;同时与Nio4和Nio3.4指数序列也呈现反相关关系。针对典型的1997/1998年尼诺事件发生前后的风场和气压场分析发现,尼诺发生前的冬半年,冬季风偏强,气压梯度加强,中国沿海海平面偏低;到了厄尔尼诺的盛期,出现较强的南风异常,气压梯度反向,季风转向,过渡到了厄尔尼诺事件的衰减期,为拉尼娜事件做准备,此时海平面偏高。  相似文献   
This article presents an application of a fuzzy-constrained cellular automata model to simulate the spatio-temporal processes of urban growth in the rapidly growing Gold Coast City in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Urban growth has been captured in the model as a continuous process in space and over time, which has been affected by a set of primary and secondary transition rules. The primary transition rules deal with the propensity of a local area for development and the impact of its neighbouring cells on such development, while the secondary transition rules reflect the influences of environmental and institutional factors on urban growth. Application of the model demonstrates its re-applicability to different regions and the effectiveness of the cellular automata technique in studying urban dynamics. It also provides tools to explore sustainable urban growth options under different socio-environmental and planning control factors. A sustainable urban future of the region is achievable if development is managed to maintain a balance amongst ecological conservation, economic growth and the contemporary Australian lifestyle.  相似文献   
贺艳华  刘聪  周国华  陈妍 《热带地理》2021,41(2):327-339
通过构建城乡居民客观发展指数、主观幸福感指数和福祉差异系数,分析了2005-2015年长江经济带城镇、乡村居民福祉水平及其差距的动态变化过程和空间差异,探讨其影响因素与作用机制.结果表明:1)长江经济带及各省城乡居民福祉均呈上升趋势,区域城镇和乡村居民福祉指数分别由2005年的0.6653、0.5704提高至2015年...  相似文献   
南海西南部曾母盆地早中新世以来沉降史分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用回剥法和局部均衡模式研究曾母盆地早中新世以来的沉降史,并探讨了该盆地构造演化特征。曾母盆地自早中新世以来经历了17.5-11.6Ma、11.6-5.5Ma、5.5-3.0Ma和3.0-0Ma的4次快速沉降作用,其构造演化受控于曾母地块与南沙地块及婆罗洲地块的碰撞和盆地两侧的万安-卢帕尔断裂与廷贾走滑断裂的综合作用,可划分为南北双向挤压(晚始新世-早中新世)、走滑改造(中中新世-晚中新世)和区域沉降(上新世-第四纪)3个演化阶段。  相似文献   
We have studied the temporal bond polarisabilities of para-nitroaniline from the Raman intensities by the algorithm proposed by Wu et al. in 1987 (Tian B, Wu G, Liu G 1987 J. Chem. Phys. 87 7300). The bond polarisabilities provide much information concerning the electronic structure of the non-resonant Raman excited virtual state. At the initial moment by the 514.5 nm excitation, the tendency of the excited electrons (mapped out by the bond polarisabilities) is to spread to the molecular periphery, and the electronic structure of the Raman virtual state is close to the pseudo-quinonoidic state. When the final stage of relaxation is approached, the bond polarisabilities of those peripheral bonds relax faster than those closer to the molecular core, the phenyl ring. The molecule is in the benzenoidic form as demonstrated by the bond polarisabilities after relaxation.  相似文献   
In order to thoroughly investigate the diversity of glacier microorganisms, four DNA extraction methods with different lysis patterns were tested and two screened methods (the Bosshard-Bano method and the Zhou method) were optimized for the most effective form of the filter membrane (cut vs. uncut), the DNA extraction method, and the precipitation method. The two optimized methods were then compared with the commercial Mo-Bio DNA extraction kit, and the results showed that the kit was generally suitable for extraction of microorganism DNA from glacier surface snow. Procedurally, it was found that a modified Bosshard- Bano method (i.e., cutting the filter membrane into pieces, using a specific lysis pattern [lysozyme (5 mg/mL)-protease K (1 mg/mL)-CTAB (1%)-SDS (1%)], performing the extraction only once by chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1), and conducting DNA precipitation by pure ethanol) was also an effective and less expensive method for extraction of microorganism DNA from glacier surface snow.  相似文献   
高压直流输电线路对地磁观测的干扰幅度大,随意性大.泾县地震台地磁观测目前受到附近穿行的多条高压直流输电影响,且无法避免.通过对泾县地震台观测资料分析,就高压直流输电对地磁观测的干扰原理和一些识别的方法有一定认识,并掌握有效剔除方法.  相似文献   
上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统-GPS的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为了适应上海经济建设高速发展和超大型城市防震减灾工作的需要,建立城市防震减灾应急决策信息系统已成为必然.本文将地理信息系统(GIS)技术应用于上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统(宝山试点区),介绍了此系统各功能模块的结构和作用.此系统由7个功能模块组成,即地震地质基本信息、地震灾害快速评估子系统、地震应急决策信息子系统、信息查询、系统维护管理、帮助和退出等.其核心部分是地震灾害快速评估子系统和地震应急决策信息子系统.本文还介绍了彩红外航片遥感技术在上海市防震减灾应急决策信息系统中的应用.  相似文献   
随着人们对湿地公园价值认识的提升,更多游人参与到湿地公园的游憩活动中,以游人的行为活动以及设施需求为出发点建设湿地公园显得尤为重要。以九龙山红树林国家湿地公园为例,采用行为观测法和问卷调查法对游憩者的结构特点、行为特征、游憩偏好和设施要求等多个方面进行了调查与分析。结果表明:男性学生是公园的主要游憩者,多数利用节假日与朋友结伴而来;公园的吸引半径为100 km以内,主要的交通方式是摩托车及私家车;游人最喜欢的游憩活动是欣赏自然风光以及徒步健身;期望增设垂钓、野营、空中观鸟等游憩项目。建议开发有教育价值或有经济收入的游憩项目,根据游客的需求,丰富设施以及完善现有游憩设施,加大管理、保护与宣传力度。  相似文献   
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