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一个岩溶地下河流域模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严启坤 《中国岩溶》1988,7(2):111-120
许多无地下水观测资料的岩溶山区,其水资源评价主要靠岩溶水文学方法。本文根据桂林岩溶区寨底地下河水文与水文地质条件,建立了一个模拟非岩溶地表水与岩溶地下水相互转化的流域模型。并在空间上外延至较大的无地下水资料岩溶区间,模拟岩溶水对地表河补给,与地表河流量演算模型衔接,构成整个岩溶区域地表水、地下水评价的计算机模型。  相似文献   
文章在简要介绍世博会场址地质条件的基础上,分别分析了场址区流砂、软土和地下水等不良地质现象对工程建设的影响,然后评价了场址区天然地基工程、桩基工程以及地下工程建设的适宜性,为世博会场址区工程建设提供必要的地质依据。  相似文献   
Cao  Huairen  Lei  Yan  Wang  Xiaoyu  Guo  Xuelian 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2021,66(3):313-331
Journal of Paleolimnology - The Songliao Basin, northeast China, possesses an excellent Cretaceous lake sediment record that provides an opportunity to investigate Cretaceous terrestrial climate...  相似文献   
An iterative algorithm to calculate mutual correlation using hierarchical key points and the search space mark principle is proposed. An effective algorithm is designed to improve the matching speed. By hierarchical key point algorithm and mutual correlation coefficients of the matching images, the important points can be iteratively calculated in the images hierarchically, and the correlation coefficient can be obtained with satisfactory precision. Massive spots in the parameter space which are impossible to match can be removed by the search space mark principle. Two approximate continuities in the correlation image matching process, the image gray level distribution continuity and the correlation coefficient value in the parameter space continuity, are considered in the method. The experiments show that the new algorithm can greatly enhance matching speed and achieve accurate matching results.  相似文献   
张福神  陈艳  龙立学 《江苏地质》2024,48(2):210-218
通过总结前人的研究成果,划分出江西3种类型干热岩潜力区:燕山期含高放射性产热型花岗岩出露区、燕山期火山岩区(火山岩盖层+燕山期高放射性产热型隐伏花岗岩)、白垩系红盆区(沉积岩盖层+燕山期高放射性产热型隐伏花岗岩)。结合地质、地热、物探和遥感等方法,选定江西龙南南部、安远、信丰、周田和石城5个干热岩潜力区。在最具干热岩潜力的龙南南部地区开展大地电磁测深工作,推断深部发育3处隐伏花岗岩岩体。依据地质、物探和遥感成果圈定干热岩远景区面积298.44 km2,保守估算4.6~8.0 km深度的静态干热岩潜在资源总量为220.35×1018J,折算成标准煤为75.28亿t。  相似文献   
在分析国内外研究生实践教学现状基础上,探讨了测绘地理信息实践软硬件环境,提出了基础实践、技能实践及创新实践等3个平台的多层次、立体式创新实践体系,建立了包括背景评价、输入评价、过程评价、成果评价和能力评价等5个指标的量化可控实践教学阶段评价模型。  相似文献   
根据台州市地理市情普查生产实践,基于普查成果内容,设计满足区域经济社会发展需求的统计分析评价主题及指标体系;以城市救灾避灾场所资源配置为案例,结合相关数据,利用叠加分析、可达性分析等模型深度挖掘国情信息,统计分析救灾避灾场所的步行可达性与服务范围,对社会民生工程救灾避灾场所的资源配置提出优化的建议。  相似文献   
褚杨  陈科  林伟  严德天  王清晨 《地质科学》2009,44(3):922-930
云开地块位于华南板块南缘,经历了麻粒岩-高角闪岩相的高级变质作用,是华南地区为数不多的高级变质地体。研究表明,云开地块在古生代到中生代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,分别记录了早古生代末期、早中生代、晚中生代早期和晚中生代晚期的构造影响。这些构造事件在多系统年代学图上具有很好的表现,系统地揭示了云开地块的地质演化历史。  相似文献   
Coastal dunes are a common geomorphic type in sandy coastal zones. They are a record of the coupled evolutionary processes of the wind and ocean waves. Many coastal dune fields have developed on the east coast of Fujian China and now occur as widespread typical coastal aeolian sand landforms on the Liuao Peninsula, Gulei Peninsula and Dongshan Island, but it is difficult to evaluate the dynamic geomorphologic process of sandy coast due to the lack of systematic and accurate chronological data. In this study, we selected the Hutoushan (HTS) aeolian dune on the Liuao Peninsula as the research object. Optical dating and grain-size analysis were applied to sand samples from the aeolian sequence of a profile of the HTS dune. The results show that the ages of seven samples of this profile were in the range of 37.8–0.19 ka from 4.0 to 0.2 m deep. These correspond to the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3), abrupt climatic change events of 4.2 and 1.1 ka and the Little Ice Age (LIA), respectively. These samples displayed evidence of a longer-term climate trend in this area. The period of formation of this coastal aeolian dune corresponds to a cold and arid climate associated with the East Asia Winter Monsoon (EAWM). Periods of dune fixation and rubification are evidence of a hot and humid climate. Mobilization and stabilization of the aeolian dune is an important characteristic of the coastal evolution in South China since the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
为研究两种经济红藻红毛菜(Bangia fucscopurpurea)和坛紫菜(Pyropia haitanensis)的光合作用和品质差异,选取一株野生型红毛菜CY和一株野生型坛紫菜NSD35作为实验材料,分别测定二者在相同培养条件下的关键光合参数和营养成分指标。结果显示:红毛菜的最大电子传递速率、净光合速率、藻红蛋白含量分别比坛紫菜高29.6%、96.8%、60.5%;必需矿质元素钾、钙、镁、铁、锌的含量分别比坛紫菜高59.5%、39.5%、34.1%、86.2%、68.4%;红毛菜的必需氨基酸和风味氨基酸含量都高于坛紫菜。此外,二者的呼吸速率、最大光量子产率、叶绿素a、总糖、总蛋白和碘含量没有显著差异。研究结果表明,与坛紫菜NSD35相比,红毛菜CY的光合速率更快,矿质元素积累能力更强,必需氨基酸和风味氨基酸含量更高。研究结果有助于了解红毛菜和坛紫菜的光合作用和品质特点,为开发红毛菜种质资源提供数据参考。  相似文献   
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