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Doklady Earth Sciences - Typical features of platinum group minerals (PGMs) and the results of 190Pt–4He dating of the Fe–Pt solid solutions are presented for complex...  相似文献   
A new 190Pt–4He method for dating isoferroplatinum has been developed at the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Here we publish the first results of dating of isoferroplatinum from the main mineralogical and geochemical types of PGE mineralization in dunite. The obtained 190Pt–4He age of isoferroplatinum is 129 ± 6 Ma. The gained 190Pt–4He age of isoferroplatinum specimens of different genesis (magmatic, fluid–metamorphogenic, and metasomatic) from the Kondyor Massif indicates that the PGM mineralization took place synchronously and successively with evolution of primarily picrite, followed by subalkaline and alkaline melts of the Mesozoic tectonic–magmatic activation of the Aldan Shield.  相似文献   
About possibility of isotope dating of native gold by the (U-Th)/He method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For investigation of helium in native gold, a new measuring complex was created and used: the high sensitivity mass spectrometer MSU-G (ZAO SKB “SPECTRON”). The sensitivity of measuring 4He was 5.3 × 10?13 cm3/g per impulse. Experiments in stepwise heating of samples have been carried out, and the kinetics of radiogenic 4He emanation from native gold was investigated. Migration parameters (activation energy and frequency factor) were determined. Model calculations of stability (closure temperature) of radiogenic 4He in the native gold structure with a given time and temperature of thermal influences were made using the data received. The concentration of 4He in native gold from the original deposit Nesterovskoe is (4.7 ± 0.1) × 10?5 cm3/g in the sample from the placer; from Chudnoe deposit, it is (3.8 ± 0.1) × 10?5 cm3/g; from sulfide deposits of Kitoiskii knot of Eastern Sayani, it is (1.9 ± 0.1) × 10?5 cm3/g; and from the South Muiskii ore region it is (8.7 ± 0.5) × 10?7 cm3/g. The received curve lines of kinetics of 4He emanation from native gold show that radiogenic helium is well bonded in the native gold structure: in all the examined samples, most 4He emanates only by reaching the temperature of 950–1000°C. A specific feature of the kinetics of radiogenic 4He emanation in all examined samples is an outburstlike emanation in the form of a peak of large amplitude in the area of temperatures near the melting temperature point of gold. This is stipulated by the existence of helium bubbles released by metals only while they melt. The spectrum of helium thermal desorption from native gold has a complicated form and is a result of superposition of several peaks. This proves the migration of groups of atoms located in the gold structure in different energy states. Very large values of the activation energy of helium migration from native gold were received: up to 161–176 kcal/mol. Extremely large values of the frequency factor, from 2 × 1018 to 3 × 1032, correspond to such values of activation energies. This is caused probably by helium migration in the form of gas bubbles. The received data indicate the very high stability of the (U-Th)/He isotope system in native gold. Using the (U-Th)/He method of isotope geochronology seems to be very promising for isotope dating of these strategic raw materials.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - This article presents the 190Pt–4He dating results of native platinum group minerals from a unique platinum-metals placer deposit in the basin of the Kondyor and...  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of 190Pt–4He dating of placer-forming platinum-group minerals (PPMs) from the placer deposits of Mokhovoi Creek, its tributaries, and eluvial and...  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of 190Pt–4He dating of placer-forming minerals of platinum (PMP) from the Baimka gold placer cluster (Western Chukotka, Russia) are reported. PMPs are...  相似文献   
The results are presented of the first studies to be carried out on 4He retention under mechanical deformation of isoferroplatinum (Pt3Fe) from a unique placer deposit at the Konder and Uorgalan rivers and from indigenous shows of the alkaline–ultrabasic Konder Massif (Khabarovsk krai, Russia). It was found that the deformation of Pt3Fe of the Pm-3m cell resulted in structural transformations with the appearance of domains and subsequent conversion into native platinum (Pt, Fe) of the Fm-3m cell.  相似文献   
Britvinite, a new mineral species, has been found in manganese ore at the Långban deposit, Bergslagen ore district, Filipstad, Värmland County, Sweden. Calcite, barytocalcite, brucite, cerussite, and hausmannite are associated minerals. Britvinite occurs as pale yellow to colorless transparent plates with a white streak up to 0.2 × 0.5 × 0.5 mm in size, which are flat parallel to {001}; the luster is adamantine. Thin lamellae are flexible, whereas thick ones are brittle; the Mohs hardness is 3. The cleavage is eminent parallel to {001}. The calculated density is 5.51 g/cm3. In the infrared spectrum of the new mineral, the bands of (OH)?, (CO3)2?, and (BO3)3? are recorded, whereas those corresponding to water molecules are absent. Britvinite is optically biaxial and negative, α = 1.896(2), β = 1.903(2), γ = 1.903(2), 2Vmeas = 20(10), Zc. Dispersion is strong, r<v. The chemical composition (electron microprobe; H2O determined with the Alimarin method, CO2, with selective sorption) is (wt %) 7.95 MgO, 71.92 PbO, 0.41 Al2O3, 12.77 SiO2, 2.2 H2O, 2.1 CO2, 2.67 B2O3 (calculated on the basis of structural data); total 100.02. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 59 anions (O + OH) (Z = 1) is as follows: Pb14.75Mg9.03Si9.73Al0.37O30.76(BO3)3.51(CO3)2.18(OH)11.7. The simplified formula (Z = 2) is Pb7 + x Mg4.5(Si5O14)(BO3)2(CO3)(OH,O)7 (x < 0.5). The crystal structure of britvinite has been studied on a single crystal at 173 K; R = 0.0547. The new mineral is triclinic, space group P $ \bar 1 Britvinite, a new mineral species, has been found in manganese ore at the L?ngban deposit, Bergslagen ore district, Filipstad, V?rmland County, Sweden. Calcite, barytocalcite, brucite, cerussite, and hausmannite are associated minerals. Britvinite occurs as pale yellow to colorless transparent plates with a white streak up to 0.2 × 0.5 × 0.5 mm in size, which are flat parallel to {001}; the luster is adamantine. Thin lamellae are flexible, whereas thick ones are brittle; the Mohs hardness is 3. The cleavage is eminent parallel to {001}. The calculated density is 5.51 g/cm3. In the infrared spectrum of the new mineral, the bands of (OH)−, (CO3)2−, and (BO3)3− are recorded, whereas those corresponding to water molecules are absent. Britvinite is optically biaxial and negative, α = 1.896(2), β = 1.903(2), γ = 1.903(2), 2Vmeas = 20(10), Zc. Dispersion is strong, r<v. The chemical composition (electron microprobe; H2O determined with the Alimarin method, CO2, with selective sorption) is (wt %) 7.95 MgO, 71.92 PbO, 0.41 Al2O3, 12.77 SiO2, 2.2 H2O, 2.1 CO2, 2.67 B2O3 (calculated on the basis of structural data); total 100.02. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 59 anions (O + OH) (Z = 1) is as follows: Pb14.75Mg9.03Si9.73Al0.37O30.76(BO3)3.51(CO3)2.18(OH)11.7. The simplified formula (Z = 2) is Pb7 + x Mg4.5(Si5O14)(BO3)2(CO3)(OH,O)7 (x < 0.5). The crystal structure of britvinite has been studied on a single crystal at 173 K; R = 0.0547. The new mineral is triclinic, space group P ; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 9.3409(8), b = 9.3597(7), c = 18.8333(14) ?, α = 80.365(6)°, β = 75.816(6)°, γ = 59.870(5)°, V = 1378.74(19) ?3. The structure consists of alternating TOT stacks (containing octahedral brucite-like and discontinuous tetrahedral (Si5O14)∞∞ layers) and multilayered [Pb7.1(OH)3.6(CO3)(BO3)1.75(SiO4)0.25]∞∞ blocks. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, ? (I, %)(hkl)] are 18.1(100)(001), 3.39(30)(12, 14, 015), 3.02(90)(006, 130, 106, 20, 11), 2.698(70)(332, 134, 030, 1), 2.275(30)(008, 420, 424), 1.867(30)(446, 239, 2.1.10, 18), 1.766(40)(151, 31, 10, 453, 542, 512, 42), 1.519(40)(0.0.12). The mineral has been named in honor of Sergei Nikolaevich Britvin (b. 1965), a Russian mineralogist. The type material of britvinite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. The registration number is 3458/1. Original Russian Text ? N.V. Chukanov, O.V. Yakubovich, I.V. Pekov, D.I. Belakovsky, W. Massa, 2007, published in Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2007, Pt CXXXVI, No. 6, pp. 18–25. The new mineral britvinite and its name were accepted by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Russian Mineralogical Society, June 7, 2006, and approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association, October 17, 2006.  相似文献   
Tveitite-(Y) as pods up to 10 cm across has been found at Mt. Rovgora, the Western Keivy, Kola Peninsula, Russia, in an albite-quartz-amazonite pegmatite vein related to alkaline granite. Tveitite-(Y) grains (up to 4 cm) are parallel microintergrowths of two isostructural varieties, Ca9.5Na1.7Y5.2Ln2.0F42.6 and Ca11.4Na1.9Y4.4Ln1.4F42.0. The idealized structural formula (Z = 3) is (Y, Na)6(Ca, LREE)6(Ca, Na, HREE)6(Ca, Na)F42; the simplified formula is (Ca, REE, Na)13(Y, Na)6F42; space group R (bar 3) a = 17.020, c = 9.679 Å. [Lanthanoides are abbreviated in this paper as Ln, whereas Ln + Y as REE]. Nine fluorite samples containing from 0 to 18 mol % (REE)F3 were examined by electron microprobe, X-ray powder diffraction, and IR spectroscopy. The crystal structure of natural yttrofluorite has been determined for the first time (R aniso = 1.47 %): Fm3m, a = 5.493 Å; the structural formula is (Ca0.82Y0.12Ln0.06)F2.15. Earlier published and new data show that yttrofluorite containing (REE)F3 > 20 mol % and REE-enriched fluorite with LREE > Y (HREE) are metastable under room conditions. In nature, tveitite-(Y) is a product of solid-state transformation of metastable yttrofluorite with (REE)F3 > 20 mol %. Inferred protophases could have been exsolved into tveitite-(Y) variable in composition or tveitite-(Y) + yttrofluorite stable under normal conditions. The formation of tveitite-(Y) requires the erichment of a protophase not only in Y but also in LREE and HREE as stabilizing admixtures regularly distributed by different types of Ca-dominant structural sites. Tveitite-(Y) and yttrofluorite are geochemical indicators of a medium that is not only enriched in Y, Ln, and F, but also depleted in Na, Ca, CO2 and P.  相似文献   
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