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Adnan Özdemir 《Environmental Geology》2008,53(8):1695-1710
This study examines the local geological conditions and soil structure as possible causes of the collapse of the Zümrüt Building
2 February 2004. This catastrophe resulted in 92 fatalities and 35 injuries. This study also examines other views which claim
weak soil structure, elastic and consolidation settlement of soil and excessive groundwater extraction as well as subsidence
resulting from the underground silt erosion as possible factors. Zümrüt Building was constructed on normally consolidated,
low plasticity clay. The underground water table was 30 m in depth. The internal friction angle of soil was 8°–30°, its cohesion
was between 34 and 127 kN/m2 and standard penetration test numbers varied between 11 and 50. The underground water level beneath Zümrüt Building had risen
4.5 m since its construction. Therefore the claim that subsidence resulting from the decrease of underground water level contributed
to the collapse is incorrect. Secondly the settlement, resulting from the filling up of the pores created by the silt receding
with the underground water, was 4.4 mm in total, and attributing this as the primary cause of the collapse is also incorrect.
Soil properties, in situ and laboratory test results showed that the existing and/or expected settlement and the differential
ground settlement in the Zümrüt building vicinity had the potential to cause structural damage. The tensile stresses caused
by differential settlements recorded here are thought to be an indicator, but not the main cause contributing to the collapse
of the building. The Zümrüt Building collapse was due to several compounding mistakes during the construction phase. These
were geotechnical and other project faults and the use of low quality construction materials. The resulting catastrophe caused
92 fatalities, 35 injuries and a material loss of approximately US$7 million. 相似文献
The north-south asymmetry has been studied using the green emission corona brightness in the period of 1947–1976. (N - S)/(N + S) values are constructed with the 5-deg opposite coronal belts brightnesses between ± 5 and ± 60 deg. Power spectra analyses were performed to study periodicities of these (N - S)/(N + S) values. Two noticeable periodicities (14.5 and 5 yr) have been found. 相似文献
Sedimentology,three‐dimensional geobody reconstruction and carbon dioxide origin of Pleistocene travertine deposits in the Ballık area (south‐west Turkey)

fil. dr. Geogr. GUY SÖDERMAN 《Geografisk tidskrift / udgivet af Bestyrelsen for Det Kongelige danske geografiske selskab》2013,113(1):77-81
Söderman, G.: Södra Finlands blocksänkor. Geografisk Tidsskrift, 82, 77–81, November 1. 1982. Map analysis and field inventory show that there are about 20000 boulder depressions in Finland south of 64°N. The features are most common in blocky till areas close to fracture zones in the bedrock. The depressions range in altitude from above the highest shore-line down to 25–30 m above present sea-level. They are youngest in the NW part. Some depressions show surface patterns. SAMMANDRAG Blocksänkor är frostmarksformer med en huvudsakligen vertikal sortering som ett resultat av differentiell uppfrysning av blockrikt utgångsmaterial. De framställer inga klimatiska kriteria om utbildningstid och -förhållanden. Däremot här de till områden med sasängbetonad frostaktivitet, och om ej inskränkta till nedisade omräden, trots typiska fär dessa. Blocksänkorna är den mest utbredda och största frostmarksform inom den fennoskandiska skogsregionen i dag. 相似文献
In multi-functional mountainous landscapes worldwide, conservation of natural values is a major task. Here, pro-active policies can be a way forward. National Environmental Quality Objectives (EQO) to solve environmental problems for future generations, however, often wrestle with being too visionary and lacking specificity, which complicates their implementation. The EQO 相似文献
The AMS study has been performed on various types of the basement – Variscan granitic and surrounding – Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Velká Fatra Mountains, Tatric Superunit of the Central Western Carpathians. The Velká Fatra Mts. provides good opportunity for AMS study because of composite S-type and I-type granite character of pluton and clear relations to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the cover and nappe positions. The granitic massif consists of the three types of weakly magnetic peraluminous granites (350 – 340 Ma in age), ranging from two-mica granites to biotite granodiorites in composition and carrying accessory monazite and ilmenite; whereby they resemble common S-type and/or Ilmenite Series granite. This pre-existing granitic body was intruded by relatively young (304 Ma old) metaluminous to subaluminous, strongly magnetic (due to magnetite) tonalitic intrusion of the I-type and/or Magnetite Series granite. In all S-types investigated as well as in the I-type tonalite body, the magnetic fabrics are not uniform, but slightly variable within a body and differing from body to body. The magnetic fabrics in all granitic rocks can be classified as mostly magmatic in origin, only subordinately affected by ductile deformation. The Alpine overprint of the magnetic fabric of the Variscan granite frequent in the central areas of the Central Western Carpathians was only weak in the Velká Fatra Mts. and the magnetic fabrics of these granites thus mostly comprise the original Variscan magmatic fabrics. On the other hand, in the marginal parts of the Velká Fatra Mts. the magnetic fabrics in granites are locally conformable to the deformational magnetic fabrics in surrounding sedimentary rocks (Mesozoic in age) thus indicating at least local effects of the Alpine deformation. The magnetic fabrics in Mesozoic sedimentary rocks covering the crystalline basement are partially (Cover Formation) to entirely (Nappe Units) deformational in origin. 相似文献
Depositional system and palaeoclimatic interpretations of Middle to Late Pleistocene travertines: Kocabaş, Denizli,south‐west Turkey

Travertine deposits in western Turkey are very well‐exposed in the area of Kocaba?, in the eastern part of the Denizli Basin. The palaeoclimatic significance of these travertines is discussed using U/Th dates, stable isotope data and palynological evidence. The Kocaba? travertine occurrences are characterized by successions of depositional terraces associated with palaeosols and karstic features. The travertines have been classified into eight lithotypes and one erosional horizon, namely: laminated, coated bubble, reed, paper‐thin raft, intraclasts, micritic travertine with gastropods, extra‐formational pebbles and a palaeosol layer. The analysed travertines mostly formed between 181 ka and 80 ka (Middle to Late Pleistocene) during a series of climatic changes including glacial and interglacial intervals; their δ13C and δ18O values indicate that the depositional waters were mainly of basinal thermal origin, occasionally mixed with surficial meteoric water. Palynological results obtained from the palaeosols showed an abundance of non‐arboreal percentage and xerophytic plants (Oleaceae and Quercus evergreen type) indicating that a drought occurred. Marine Isotope Stage 6 is represented by grassland species but Marine Isotope Stage 5 is represented by Pinaceae–Pinus and Abies, Quercus and Oleaceae. Uranium/thorium analyses of the Kocaba? travertines show that deposition began in Marine Isotope Stage 6 (glacial) and continued to Marine Isotope Stage 4 (glacial), but mostly occurred in Marine Isotope Stage 5 (interglacial). The travertine deposition continued to ca 80 ka in the south‐west of the study area, in one particular depression depositional system. Palaeoenvironmental indicators suggest that the travertine depositional evolution was probably controlled by fault‐related movements that influenced groundwater flow. Good correlation of the stable isotope values and dates of deposition of the travertines and palynological data of palaeosols in the Kocaba? travertines serve as a starting point for further palaeoclimate studies in south‐west Turkey. Additionally, the study can be compared with other regional palaeoclimate archives. 相似文献