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Pulkovo astrometric observations began in the 1840s using the Repsold transit instrument in the prime vertical and Ertel vertical circle. The first observers on these instruments were W.I. Struve, 1840–1856, and Kh.I. Peters, 1842–1849. In the present work, we collected and analyzed different series of latitude variations from observations made by M.O. Nuren, B. Wanach, A.A. Ivanov, I.N. Bonsdorf, and A.Ya. Orlov. In addition, results are given of investigations of a specific behavior of the Chandler polar motion in this interval, obtained by C. Chandler, Ivanov, Kh. Kimura, Orlov, and N. Sekiguchi. The aim of this paper is to search for and analyze the earliest series of Pulkovo latitudes, in order to evaluate the possibility of their use to study the motion of the pole at the maximum available range of observations. Different methods were used to isolate and analyze the sum of Chandler and annual latitude variations. The annex provides a series of Pulkovo latitude variations for 1840–1848, which may be used to extend latitude variation back to 1840.  相似文献   
新亚欧大陆桥新疆段水害时空分维特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于区域自然灾害发生的复杂性和不确定性,运用分形、混沌理论,对新亚欧大陆桥新疆段近38年的洪水灾害资料进行了时空分维特研究。结果表明:陆桥新疆段洪水灾害不仅在时间序列上具有自相似性,其容量维Df在0.0497~0.0687间,而且在空间序列上也具有自似性,存在明显分维结构,其信息D1在0.0537~0.0797之间。洪水灾严重区段的信息分维值较低,并且信息分维与洪水灾害发生频率呈反相关。这一特征将  相似文献   
艾比湖水面近50 a变化成因分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
20世纪90年代以来,艾比湖水面面积持续增大,湖区生态环境明显改善,与60、70年代水面面积急剧缩小、湖区生态环境严重恶化形成鲜明对比.针对艾比湖水面面积近50a变化过程,利用入湖径流及有关水文、气象资料,分析河流丰枯变化对入湖径流的影响、农业引水量与降水的关系,研究了艾比湖水面面积近50a变化成因.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地中、新生代构造演化及其对油气的控制   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
柴达木盆地中、新生代沉积构造演化经历了5个阶段:早、中侏罗世伸展断陷阶段,晚侏罗世—白垩纪挤压反转阶段,古近纪弱断陷阶段,新近纪的中新世—上新世早期坳陷阶段和上新世晚期—全新世挤压反转阶段。沉积构造演化控制盆地烃源岩的展布,盆地演化过程中的两次挤压反转期是圈闭构造的主要形成期,控制盆地油气分布。  相似文献   
The interaction of matter and radiation in a hot-model universe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we continue the investigation initiated by Weymann as to the reason why the spectrum of the residual radiation deviates from a Planck curve. We shall consider the distortions of the spectrum resulting from radiation during the recombination of a primeval plasma. Analytical expressions are obtained for the deviation from an equilibrium spectrum due to Compton scattering by hot electrons. On the basis of the observational data it is concluded that a period of neutral hydrogen in the evolution of the universe is unavoidable. It is shown that any injection of energy att>1010 sec (red shiftz<105) leads to deviation from an equilibrium spectrum.Translated by Peter Foukal.  相似文献   
The microstructure and magnetic properties of accessory Fe–Cr-spinels from the Kytlym massif of the Urals platinum-bearing belt were studied. Atypical Fe–Cr-spinels in the form of magnetic microareas in grains of primary nonmagnetic Fe–Cr-spinel have been revealed for the first time in the bed dunites of the Kytlym multiphase concentrically zoned massif, North Urals. These spinels are responsible for the magnetic properties of the dunites. It has been established that the microareas are separations in solid solution Fe2+(Cr2–xFex3+)O4, which are enriched in Fe3 + and are probably an intermediate product of the transformation of primary accessory Fe-Cr-spinel during the formation of the dunite massif. These are magnetic microphases with particular chemical composition, cation distribution, and corresponding reversed crystal lattice, which determine the main magnetic properties of the microarea: the magnitude and direction of magnetization vector and Curie temperature. The formation of this earlier unknown type of magnetic Fe–Cr-spinel is probably conjugate with the formation and concentration of PGE mineralization in the bed dunites of the Kytlym platinum-bearing massif. The presence of such magnetization carriers in rocks and ores must be taken into account in geophysical research at the Urals chromite and platinum–chromite deposits.  相似文献   
苗立志  胥婕  周亚  程文超 《测绘学报》2015,44(9):1029-1035
针对OGC地理信息服务在地理空间知识的有效组织和表达方面的能力比较弱,缺乏对服务信息的描述,数据丰富而知识缺乏,致使已有的数据在知识的表示和检索上存在缺陷,通过引入地理本体,按照基础地理信息要素分类,对地理信息服务的关键描述词汇进行提取,构建了地理信息服务本体库和实例数据库,应用粗糙集理论建立关键描述词汇约简模型,基于该模型实现了对地理信息服务实例数据库进行知识约简,形成最优实例数据库。最后应用地理信息服务本体库和实例数据库,基于演绎推理模型开发实例原型系统,实现了对地理信息服务对象的语义检索和推理,并通过试验从查全率和查准率两个指标验证了该方法的可行性、有效性和准确性。  相似文献   
胡亚波  黄学斌 《地球科学》2002,27(2):193-198
三峡水库蓄水后,已治理的链子崖危岩体,特别是T8-T12缝段岩体将受到江水的长期作用和影响,直接关系到防治工程的成败.通过大量实地调查和岩体测试,着重论述水库蓄水对T8-T12裂缝及其充填物的作用和影响;并以此为基础,用改进的Sarma法对该段危岩体的稳定性进行重新计算和评价,得出一系列新的结论:总体上,长江水位抬升后,水对裂缝的溶蚀作用和劈裂作用,使裂缝整体加宽,不利于危岩体的稳定;考虑岩体和承重阻滑键取长期强度和江水位骤然升降,以及地震影响,链子崖危岩体整体稳定性将恶化,但NE20°方向稳定程度好于NW350°.  相似文献   
The spectral aerosol-extinction coefficients (SAECs) obtained from SAGE III measurements are used to study the physical and integral microphysical characteristics of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Different criteria for PSC identification from SAEC measurements are considered and analyzed based on model and field measurements. An intercomparison of them is performed, and the agreement and difference of the results obtained with the use of different criteria are shown. A new criterion is proposed for PSC identification, which is based on the estimate of how close the measured vector of the spectral attenuation coefficient is to a model distribution of the PSC ensemble. On the basis of different criteria, cases of PSCs are isolated from all SAGE III observations (over 30000). All selection criteria lead to a qualitatively and quantitatively similar space-time distribution of the regions of PSC localization. The PSCs observed in the region accessible to SAGE III measurements are localized in the latitudinal zones 65°–80° in the Northern Hemisphere and 45°–60° in the Southern Hemisphere during the winter-spring period. In the Northern Hemisphere, PSCs are observed within the longitudinal zone 120° W–100° E with the maximum frequency of PSC observation in the vicinity of the Greenwich meridian. In the Southern Hemisphere, the region of PSC observation is almost the same in longitude but with a certain shift in the maximum frequency of PSC observation to the west. This maximum is observed in the vicinity of 40°W, and the region of usual PSC observation is the neighborhood of 60° of the maximum’s longitude. The physical parameters of PSCs are estimated: the mean heights of the lower and upper boundaries of PSCs are 19.5 and 21.9 km, respectively, and the mean cloud temperature is 191.8 K. The integral microphysical parameters of PSCs are estimated: the total surface of NAT particles S NAT = 0.41 μm2/cm3; the total volume of NAT particles V NAT = 1.1 μm3/cm3; and, for all aerosol and cloud particles together, S is 2.9 ± 1.5 at a standard deviation of 2.7 μm2/cm3 and V is 2.8 ± 1.5 at a standard deviation of 4.2 μm3/cm3. A high frequency of PSC occurrence and high values of S and V in PSCs both for all particles and for NAT particles have been noted in January–February 2005 as compared to the rest of the period of SAGE III measurements for 2002–2005.  相似文献   
Chicherina  O. V.  Leonov  A. V.  Fashchuk  D. Ya. 《Water Resources》2004,31(3):271-289
The Caspian Sea is characterized in the geographic and ecological aspects, and the state of its ecosystem is estimated. The natural and anthropogenic processes that control the formation of the environmental conditions in the Caspian Sea and the distribution of principal commercial hydrobionts and their food items are analyzed. Data on modern tendencies in changes in the abiotic and biotic parameters of the ecosystem, their causes and mechanisms are summarized. Prospects of further changes related to the development of shelf fields of petroleum hydrocarbons are assessed.  相似文献   
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