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高精度温度采集系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余德亮  魏威  蒋涌  黄兆富 《气象科技》2015,43(3):440-443
针对高精度温度采集的需求,设计了一个以低功耗单片机MSP430F149作为核心处理器,以PT100铂电阻为传感器的温度采集系统。为了提高系统的复用性,采用精密电阻法,从硬件设计上消除了恒流源电流漂移以及A/D转换电路参考电压精度对温度测量数据的影响。重点描述了系统设计方案,详细说明了恒流源选择的原则、电流偏差的消除以及AD7792转换器的操作步骤。实验结果表明,温度测量精度优于0.1 ℃。对比试验表明,系统稳定性良好,已应用于业务产品中。  相似文献   
裂缝连通性评价是地下空间研究的重要内容。逾渗分析是研究裂缝网络连通性的一种有效手段。裂缝网络逾渗临界值多使用裂缝间接表征参数(如分形维数)来确定,但存在裂缝网络连通性不同却有相同间接表征参数的情况,这降低了预测的可靠性。为避免此类问题并更加准确快速地表征裂缝网络的连通性,文章在构建逾渗临界值方程时,摒弃了间接参数简化的方式,使用裂缝直接表征参数(如裂缝数量、长度等)进行非线性拟合。通过二维数值模拟建立不同参数的离散裂缝网络模型,分析逾渗低、中、高概率临界条件与裂缝直接表征参数的关系,建立逾渗临界条件预测方程,并对方程在不同尺度研究区的应用进行了讨论和验证。结果表明:预测方程可有效地预测不同概率的逾渗临界值。同时文章在预测方程的基础上,建立了裂缝网络连通性评价标准,这对于裂缝发育地区的地下空间评价工作具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
黔南—桂北地区南华系化学地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学蚀变指数(chemical index of alteration)(CIA)最早作为判别源岩化学风化程度而提出, 随后又应用于对沉积物沉积环境的判定。化学蚀变指数的表达式为CIA={n(Al2O3)/[n(Al2O3)+n(CaO*)+n(Na2O)+n(K2O)]}? 100。CaO*代表硅酸盐中的CaO, n(CaO*)=n(CaO)?n(CO2方解石)??n0.5?n(CO2白云石)??10/3?n(P2O5)。化学蚀变指数样品的选取极为重要, 最佳岩性为细碎屑岩, 并需清除成岩过程中钾交代作用的影响, 以及采用成分变异指数(ICV)来判别沉积再循环作用和沉积物成分被改造的程度。使用A-CN-K三角图解判别物源区的源岩性质和样品钾交代的程度及其风化趋势。黔南—桂北地区南华系的CIA研究表明: 该地区南华系下部的长安组其下部CIA值为60~65之间, 中部为70~5, 上部回落到65~70之间。南华系中部富禄组CIA值高, 在85~95之间。南华系上部的南沱组CIA值再次回落到60—65的范围。上述CIA值的变化表明本区南华纪时期自老至新经历多次由干燥寒冷—温暖潮湿气候期的变化。本文据此提出扬子地块南华系新的划分、对比方案。  相似文献   
通过对样本区域农村居民点布局及土地利用特点的研究 ,从丘陵山地区的自然环境条件和社会经济发展水平的实际出发 ,提出两种土地整理模式 :一是农林综合开发整理模式 ,即居民点闲置土地的复垦利用与抛荒地利用结合 ,与山地区退耕还林等生态建设工程结合 ,进行退宅还林 ;二是新村建设整理模式 ,即由政府对新村统一规划 ,供给道路等基础设施 ,引导农民集中建房的“政府引导型”农村居民点整理模式 ,并对重庆市渝北区新春村的新村建设的运作和效益进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
建设三维城市模型(3DCM)首先需要建立场景所需的海量地形地物空间数据库,从而有效组织三维实体数据来满足大范围高精度场景实时绘制的要求.该文提出一种以三维空间实体为单位的基于关系数据库(RDBMS)的3DCM的几何与纹理数据一体化管理方法.采用Direct3D 9.O三维开发平台、C#编程语言实现了3DCM空间数据库模型管理系统.实验证明:该系统在效率、安全、网络多用户访问方面都优于传统基于文件的管理模式,满足了大范围3DCM海量模型数据管理与应用需求.  相似文献   
The Hekoulinchang Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit(20000 t Sn at 0.27%,236 t Ag at 122.89 g/t,15000 t Pb at 0.84%,and 38000 t Zn at 1.43%)is located in the Wandashan Terrane of the easternmost segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The timing of Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic mineralization remains unclear due to a lack of precise isotope dating directly conducted on ore minerals.The authors herein report that the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of cassiterite and zircon from the granite porphyry in the Hekoulinchang Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit are 101.4±7.9 Ma and 115.4±1.0 Ma,respectively,indicating that Sn mineralization and magmatism occurred during the Early Cretaceous.The granite porphyry belongs to the subalkaline series peraluminous I-type granites that are depleted in Nb,Ta,and Ti and enriched in Rb,Th,U,and Pb.TheεHf(t)values of the granite porphyry range from 0.9 to 7.4,with an average of about 5.6 and two-stage model ages(TDM2)of 705–1116 Ma,with an average age of 819 Ma.The εNd(t)values of the apatites are–1.60–0.45,with an average of–0.9,and two-stage model ages(TDM2)of 872–1040 Ma,with an average age of 983 Ma.The Nd-Hf isotope data indicate that the magma may have been derived from the partial melting of juvenile crustal material.  相似文献   
This paper presents a detailed study on the textural and geochemical characteristics of the proglacial sediments near the edge of modern Nelson Ice Cap, Antarctica. The grain size distributions of the proglacial sediments are characteristic of glacigenic deposits, but very different from those of aeolian and lacustrine sediments. Moreover, the grain size distributions of the proglacial sediments are fractal with a dimension of about 2.9, and the fractal dimensions can be used as another summary statistical parameter for quantifying the relative amounts of coarse and fine materials. Correlations between the absolute element abundances of the proglacial sediments are very weak due to mineral partitioning and other effects of glacial processes, but correlations between the element/Rb ratios are statistically significant. This finding indicates that element/Rb ratios can be used to reduce or eliminate the effects of glacial processes, evaluate geochemical data and determine the sediment provenance in the for  相似文献   
部分中国近海湖盆和大西洋裂谷盆地发现了腐泥型有机质碳同位素偏重的现象,并伴随异常高总有机碳含量和生烃潜力。本文依据泥岩有机碳测试、孢粉分析、主微量元素、泥岩和原油碳同位素及饱和烃色质色谱资料,并结合现代湖泊盘星藻发育特征,从有机质来源、古环境条件和有机质保存改造三个方面探讨了珠江口盆地珠三坳陷古近系文昌组碳同位素正偏移的成因机制。珠三坳陷文昌组碳同位素异常与气候、古生产力、古水深和藻类勃发等古环境因素有关。然而,从三级层序尺度看,古水深可能是一个不可忽视的重要因素:指示水深的Rb/K比值随深度加深而增加,与碳同位素和TOC含量变化趋势一致。同时现代湖泊研究也证实了盘星藻分布于不同水深范围,因此“深水型盘星藻”的繁盛很可能是珠三坳陷文昌组二段烃源岩碳同位素偏重的根本原因。  相似文献   
N.CHIN 《地质学报》1944,(Z2):182-191
正 The area extending from the Suiyang~2 city in the north to Tuanchi~3 in the south was surveyed by the writers in 1943. Apart from 2 few scattered outcrops of Cenozoic and recent deposits, the major stratigraphical units represented in this area are the Cambrian, the Ordovician, the Silurian, the Permian, and the Triassic systems. Gaps of some importance were observed between the  相似文献   
IntroductionEothrocytesedimentahonrateusSR)isanimportantindexofhemorheology.Atpresent,itisdifficulttoachieveaccuracyandcomparabilityinclinicalprachceandresearchbecauseoflackofaunifiedstandardofthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofhealthyPeople'sESRinChina.ManyresearchershavemeaSUredthelocalreferencevaluesofESR(Wintrobe)l'-:'l.Bymeansofcorrelationandregressionanalysis,researchontherelationshipbetweenthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofESRandgeographicalfactorsshowedthathlereareceylonregularPatternsbet…  相似文献   
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