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社交媒体数据在自然灾害应急管理中的应用研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
社交媒体是灾害应急管理的一个新兴但尚未充分利用的大数据源。然而,社交媒体数据在灾害应急管理中能发挥什么作用,目前国内的研究较少,而国外的研究亦较为分散,相关应用受限。论文对国内外利用社交媒体数据进行灾害管理相关研究进行了综述,归纳出社交媒体数据在灾害应急管理中应用的潜力、优势和问题。结果发现:① 社交媒体数据含有丰富的灾害信息,能够依靠态势感知和信息共享支持灾害预警、实时监测、损失和救助需求评估、协助快速应急响应以及预测可能的灾害风险等灾害管理工作;② 社交媒体数据的优势在于能保证灾害信息的实时性和连续性,进而提供致灾强度图、损失预测和舆情分析等结果服务于灾害应急管理;③ 地理位置信息有限、专业语料库缺乏、信息噪声处理的复杂性等原因使社交媒体数据分析结果精度受限。如何发挥社交媒体数据社会感知的优势,以弥补传统观测调查手段的不足,更加科学应对灾害应急,仍需要在社交媒体数据处理及多源数据融合分析技术方面取得突破。  相似文献   
地表植被覆盖度是的一种应用广泛的定量遥感产品,在水文、生态、区域变化等方面都具有重要的意义。像元二分模型是应用最多的一种遥感估算地表覆盖度的方法。目前,用遥感的方法进行地表植被覆盖度估算没有完整、系统的工具,用户只能逐步进行操作,效率低下,鉴于上述情况,本文运用IDL交互式数据语言,基于ENVI二次开发了一个植被覆盖度估算程序,取得了一定的成效,对遥感定量产品的生产、应用具有一定意义。  相似文献   
以乌鳢(Ophiocephalus argus)为研究对象,采用不同日粮饲喂,试验W1组饲喂冰鲜鱼,试验W2组饲喂畜禽内脏。12周后,取肠道内容物,利用16S rDNA技术研究投喂不同饲粮的乌鳢肠道生物群落结构差异和微生物多样性,分别获得W1组和W2组乌鳢肠道细菌有效序列51124和39298条。结果分析表明;W1组和W2组物种注释(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)数目分别为2631和4114条,分类地位明确的细菌种类分别隶属5个属和49个属,W1组和W2组乌鳢肠道细菌种类差异很大。W1组乌鳢肠道细菌的优势类群是邻单胞菌属(Plesiomonas)、狭义梭菌属(Clostridium sensu stricto)、鲸蜡菌属(Cetobacterium);W2组乌鳢肠道细菌的优势类群是狭义梭菌属(Clostridium sensu stricto)、邻单胞菌属(Plesiomonas)、Spartobacteria、甲基副球菌属(Methyloparacoccus)、杆菌属(Alsobacter)、Saccharibacteria、分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium)。W2组乌鳢肠道细菌香农指数高于W1组乌鳢肠道细菌,表明前者肠道细菌多样性大于后者。本实验揭示了畜禽内脏饲喂乌鳢肠道细菌的群落种类多样性、OTU丰富度和物种总数均高于冰鲜鱼饲喂乌鳢;W1组肠道有益菌OTU丰富度大于W2组,且W2组还存在一些潜在致病菌。本研究为乌鳢的健康养殖和后续肠道微生物资源的挖掘提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
沉积相研究发展与人类的生存和矿产资源勘探开发密切相关.该文在简单回顾了近200年的沉积学发展历史的基础上,分析了国际和中国沉积学关注的学科热点问题.国际沉积学会重点关注的问题主要包括国际大洋钻探计划、深-时气候变化与全球海平面变化、源-汇系统、碳酸盐岩沉积环境、混合沉积、微生物岩、陆架边缘三角洲、重力流、细粒沉积、构造...  相似文献   
本文给出了交通线路任意点对应中桩平面坐标计算的统一模型,并就直线段、圆曲线段、缓和曲线段三种线型具体展开,给出其理论公式和实际计算方法。  相似文献   
福建省基础空间数据管理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建省基础地理信息中心作为福建省基础空间数据的管理和分发服务单位,管理和分发福建省多种类、多比例尺、多数据源、分布式、多时态的基础空间信息,在基础空间数据管理上存在多种形式,本文通过几种管理模式的技术分析,结合中心的管理实际,总结了福建省空间数据管理的多样性和技术特点,对比分析出各种管理模式的优势和缺点。  相似文献   
The soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC) is widely used in the design and evaluation in the practice of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering such as the slope stability under the influence of environmental factors. The SWCC has distinct features in the capillary and adsorption zones due to different physical mechanisms. Measurements of the SWCC are typically limited within the capillary zone(i.e., low suction range). It is cumbersome and time-consuming to measure the SWCC in the adsorption zone(i.e., high suction range). This study presents a simple method to predict the entire SWCC within both the capillary and adsorption zones, using measured data only from low suction range(e.g., from 0 to 500 kPa). Experimental studies were performed on a completely weathered granite residual soil to determine its entire SWCC from saturated to dry conditions. The resultant SWCC, along with the SWCC measurements of 14 soils reported in the literature, were used to validate the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed method has good consistency with a wide array of measured data used in this study. The proposed method is easy to use as it only requires a simple parameter calibration for a commonly used SWCC model. It can be used to improve the reliability in the prediction of the SWCC over the entire suction range when measurements are limited within the low suction range.  相似文献   
The knowledge of prey small ?sh stock, distribution and abundance is necessary to guide stocking of piscivorous ?sh for the biomanipulation in domestic tap water lakes. This study describes the current status of small ?sh community in Kuilei Lake(China), and examines the spatial and seasonal variations of the community in relation to key environmental factors. Based on submerged macrophyte cover and water depth, the lake was divided into ?ve major habitats:(1) macrophyte covered shallow habitat of water depth< 2.00 m,(2) uncovered or less-covered shallow habitat(2.00 m–3.50 m),(3) uncovered medium shallow habitat(3.50 m–5.00 m),(4) uncovered medium deep habitat(5.00 m–6.50 m) and(5) uncovered deep habitat(6.50 m–8.50 m). The abundance and composition of small ?sh were monitored by benthic fykenet sampling from April 2013 to January 2014. A total of 2881 individuals belonging to 5 families and 21 species were collected. Based on their abundance(accounted for 88.96% of the total) and occurrence(more than 33.33%), Acheilognathus chankaensis, Acheilognathus macropterus, Microphysogobio microstomus,Pseudorasbora parva and Rhinogobius giurinus were recognized as dominant small ?sh species. The results of correlation analysis identi?ed that species richness( Sr), Shannon-Wiener diversity index( H′)and Margalef′s richness index( D) were signi?cantly negatively correlated with water depth, but positively correlated with biomass of submerged macrophytes.Redundancy analysis(RDA) revealed that the spatial distributions of most small ?shes were negatively associated with water depth. The details of these ?ndings are bene?cial to understanding the adaptation of the small ?shes in degraded environments, and to developing suitable biomanipulation strategies for the management of ?sh resources and water quality in the lakes along the lower reach of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River basin.  相似文献   
A mass mortality often occurs from molting to the megalopa stage during the larval development of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Larvae with insuffcient nutrient accumulation during the zoeal stages are probably unable to develop into juvenile swimming crabs. However, the nutritional information such as the primary metabolites is scarce for P. trituberculatus larvae. The aim of this work is to obtain an insight into the metabolite traits of P. trituberculatus at early developmental stages. 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy coupled with multivariate data analysis was used to determine how the metabolite pro?les shift during larval development in P. trituberculatus. Our results show that the trend of total metabolites exhibited a rise from zoea 1 to zoea 3, followed by a drop from zoea 4 to megalopa and recovery during the ?rst juvenile stage. A large-scale depletion of total metabolites in the zoea 4 and megalopa stages suggests a deep depression of metabolic activity, which may be linked to the mass mortality from molting to the megalopa stage. These ?ndings provided essential metabolic information about the larval development of P. trituberculatus and important clues for understanding the nutritional requirements of P. trituberculatus in early developmental stages.  相似文献   
北极地区地缘关系研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文检索了科学引文索引(Web of Science)和中国知网(CNKI)中北极地区地缘关系的相关文献,借助CiteSpace文献分析软件的关键词共现分析功能,系统综述了2000年以来国内外关于北极地区地缘关系的研究重点。从研究内容上看,国外研究主要关注主权政治、航道利用、资源管理和原住民权益等主体性议题,而国内则着重关注地缘政治、航道交通、资源经济和地区治理等参与性议题。就研究方法上看,国内外研究中定性与定量方法兼具,但仍以定性方法和描述性方法为主。随着北极地区的发展,研究方法和研究视角有待丰富,研究领域和研究深度亟需进一步拓展和加强。北极地区具有重要的战略意义,未来应结合现代技术,借鉴国际上的地区发展理论,开展北极地区的可持续发展研究和中国参与研究,并构建新时代北极地区地缘环境理论。  相似文献   
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