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Shell-boring species Polydora brevipalpa Zachs, 1933 is redescribed based on morphological observations and molecular approach for future unambiguous identification. Genetic distance analyses showed that the interspecific polydorid variation(16.7%–25.6%) was at least 15 times higher than the intraspecific one(0.2%–0.9%) based on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I(CO1) gene sequences of polydorids. However, 18 S rDNA variation pattern demonstrated a rather narrow barcoding gap, with the interspecific polydorid variation(0.5%–5.6%) being very close to the intraspecific one(0.0%–0.4%). As such, the CO1 gene exhibited better DNA barcode for identification of polydorids than the 18 S rDNA gene because of the su ciently large barcoding gaps. Analysis of molecular variance results based on CO1 gene sequences showed that most variations in sequences(97.79%) lay within groups of adult worms and egg capsules rather than between them. This indicated that egg capsules from Crassostrea gigas(Thunberg,1793) in Ningbo and Nantong were related to the adult worms from Patinopecten yessoensis(Jay, 1857) in Dalian, and both of them belonged to P. brevipalpa. This result was further supported by parsimony network analysis, which showed that egg capsules collected from dif ferent localities and adult worms shared a single haplotype. This study was the first to report both P. brevipalpa infestation on C. gigas and to utilise the known CO1 sequences of the adult polydorids to validate morphologically unidentified egg capsules or early larvae. P. brevipalpa was most possibly brought to Chinese waters through transportation of Pa. yessoensis brood stock from Japan.  相似文献   
近十几年来,随着城市化进程加剧,准确获取城市植被的分布信息,是城市气候和地表能量平衡研究的重要内容。高空间分辨率遥感影像数据,为精确获取和动态监测城市植被提供了重要资料。本研究利用资源三号数据对长江三角洲地区城市植被进行光谱特征分析与提取,提出一种城市植被的自动化信息提取算法—分离面法(Hyperplanes for Plant Extraction Methodology,HPEM)。结果表明:在假彩色反射率空间,植被与NDVI值低的背景有很好的分离性,而在真彩色反射率空间,植被与NDVI值高的背景有很好的分离性;HPEM能很好地避免NDVI最佳阈值法中将建筑物误分为植被的问题,其精度明显优于NDVI最佳阈值法,Kappa系数从0.85提高到0.90,总的错分与漏分误差从21.15%降低到14.18%。可见,本文的HPEM方法能有效提高城市植被信息自动提取的精度。  相似文献   
Sargassum horneri is a common brown macro-alga that is found in the inter-tidal ecosystems of China. To investigate the current status of seaweed resources and provide basic data for its sustainable development, ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat) and SRAP (sequence related amplified polymorphism) markers were used to analyze the population genetics among nine natural populations of S. horneri. The nine studied populations were distributed over 2 000 km from northeast to south China. The percentage of polymorphic loci P% (ISSR, 99.44%; SRAP, 100.00%), Nei’s genetic diversity H (ISSR, 0.107-0.199; SRAP, 0.100-0.153), and Shannon’s information index I (ISSR, 0.157-0.291; SRAP, 0.148-0.219) indicated a fair amount of genetic variability among the nine populations. Moreover, the high degree of gene differentiation G st (ISSR, 0.654; SRAP, 0.718) and low gene flow N m (ISSR, 0.265; SRAP, 0.196) implied that there was significant among-population differentiation, possibly as a result of habitat fragmentation. The matrices of genetic distances and fixation indices (F st ) among the populations correlated well with their geographical distribution (Mantel test R=0.541 5, 0.541 8; P=0.005 0, 0.002 0 and R=0.728 6, 0.641 2; P=0.001 0, 0.001 0, respectively); the Rongcheng population in the Shandong peninsula was the only exception. Overall, the genetic differentiation agreed with the geographic isolation. The fair amount of genetic diversity that was revealed in the S. horneri populations in China indicated that the seaweed resources had not been seriously affected by external factors.  相似文献   
本文较为系统地分析了卫星红外遥感技术在我国秸秆焚烧、沙尘、气溶胶、颗粒物、灰霾等大气环境遥感监测,水华、水质参数、水表温度、热污染、核电厂温排水等水环境遥感监测,以及土壤含水量、地表温度、干旱、城市热岛效应等生态环境遥感监测的应用。同时,指出目前国产卫星红外载荷业务化应用程度不高、辐射定标能力不足、应用反演算法原创性不强、地面观测和试验验证能力不足等问题;并提出需大力发展国产红外传感器、提高辐射定标能力、发展国内原创监测算法、建设大型环保应用综合试验场等建议,以促进红外遥感技术在环境保护领域的应用和发展。  相似文献   
虚拟漫游技术已成功应用到社会各个领域,传统漫游技术如VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language)、Quick Time、PTGui(Panorama Tools)等存在集成难度大、建模时间长、投入成本高等问题。本文基于全景相机以及Pano2vr、Dynamic-Photo HDR、Photoshop等软硬件环境,研发搭建了一整套旅游景区全景影像采集与展示平台。该平台具有良好的沉浸性、多视角浏览、实现方法简单、搭建快速等优点,为旅游景点、酒店、历史文化名胜等场景的360度实景展示提供了有效地工程化解决途径。  相似文献   
实景地图近年来发展迅速,在日常生活中应用广泛,如旅游景点、宾馆、银行、政府服务中心等的空间位置查询、服务内容介绍等。实景地图的生产方法、生产流程有多种多样,产品质量参差不齐。目前,利用轻型无人机航空摄影系统实现三维全景地图生产,生产方式方便、高效且质量较好。该文介绍了生产三维实景地图的无人机系统及三维实景地图生产方法与过程,通过采用无人机系统实景地图的生产实例,讲述了实景地图应用现状、发展前景及存在的问题。  相似文献   
Based on X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Dachang gold ore, it is showed that the sulfide of ore is the main carrier minerals of gold. A majority of gold is embedded in pyrite and tetrahedrite as the form of inclusion and a small amount intergrowth with pyrite and gangue mineral, occasionally the presence is in form of monomer natural gold. The main factors which influence the recovery rate are sulfide mineral particle size, and the fine grained sulfide is beneficial for the dissociation and flotation of gold bearing minerals. The monomer dissociation degree of gold bearing minerals can reach 91.3% , when the grinding fineness is less than 0. 074 mm and grain level accounts as 80%. It is not conducive to the flotation of sulfide if the grinding fineness is low or high. It is difficult to completely dissociate the monomer if there is a small amount of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the ore. Therefore, before leaching the gold, it must conduct pretreatment to reach the ideal recovery rate of the gold, like roasting oxidation, pressure oxidation and biological oxidation. The fine microscopic gold has little influence on the gold recovery rate.  相似文献   
海岩的长篇小说《河流如血》再创出版高记录,但作家仍局限于特有的小说叙述模式,这部作品设能做到相应的创新。概言之,模式第一面是“刑侦+恋爱”;模式第二面是“财子+佳人”;模式第三面是“道德+法制”。文学创作需要不断创新,创新的过程也是对创作模式的不断突破过程。作家应该警惕的是,不要让模式成为创作的桎梏。  相似文献   
有效分析城市不同经济水平人群的分布特征和活动模式对优化城市资源配置和揭示空间隔离现象有着极高的价值。但人群活动和社会经济等级数据较敏感,使得以往研究仅停留在宏观层面,难以合理划分人群经济等级并对其空间分布和活动模式进行定量分析。本研究以深圳为研究区,基于空间位置关联分析方法,耦合手机信令数据和细尺度房价数据实现了人群经济水平的准确划分,通过计算活动指标定量的分析了不同经济水平人群的空间分布和行为活动特征。研究表明:深圳市不同经济水平人群活动分布与各行政区经济发展相关,呈现“南高北低,西高东低”的格局;深圳市不同经济水平人群之间活动模式存在差异,活动范围、出行距离、出行速度与经济水平存在正向相关;高经济水平人群职住地点相距较远,存在跨行政区分布的现象。本研究分析了城市不同经济水平人群的空间分布特征和活动模式,对城市规划和解决社会不平等问题具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
湖泊水位是评估湖泊水量变化的重要指标。本文以洪泽湖、高邮湖及洞庭湖为研究对象,利用集中度的概率密度函数方法(CPDF)来提高Jason-2测高数据精度,分析了降水量与各个湖泊水位变化的相关性,并基于实测水位数据对比评价了Jason-2测高卫星原始GDR数据和CPDF方法处理后的卫星数据的精度。结果表明:①Jason-2原始GDR数据点的分布存在疏密之分,大部分数据分布相对集中,且有一定的周期变化,但评价结果显示精度较差,故原始GDR数据不能直接用于湖泊水位监测;②CPDF方法可以极大提高测高卫星的水位数据精度,洪泽湖与高邮湖的均方根误差分别由1.92 m与1.74 m减少到了0.32 m和0.36 m,相关系数由0.28和0.04提高到了0.85和0.72。对于南北宽度较窄且日水位变化较大的湖泊(如洞庭湖),CPDF方法提高原始GDR结果的精度有限;③洞庭湖降水与水位相关性最强,高邮湖次之,而洪泽湖降水与水位成不显著的负相关,是洪泽湖水利工程对于水位的调节导致了这一结果。本研究对于利用测高卫星获得湖泊水位值,进而对湖泊进行动态监控,特别是在填补资料匮乏地区湖泊水位数据方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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