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自动气象站观测系统在气象领域中应用广泛,数据采集器是系统中的关键部件,改进了低功耗、多功能、多通道、智能化控制等性能.传感器接口包括DAC实现的可调恒压源和可调恒流源、稳压二极管实现的前端保护、多路模拟开关实现的通道控制和测量类型控制、精密线性光耦合器实现的隔离电路、DAC和仪表放大器实现的增益控制等硬件部件.设计单片机程序实现电路的各种控制及要求功能.经制板、调试,该数据采集器能正常运行.  相似文献   
In this paper,a comprehensive analysis and review of the advances in the research of human body comfort degree is made.Based on the studies of human thermal equilibrium theories contributed by previous researchers,different apparent temperature models corresponding to different environments are set up in accordance with the current situation and the characteristics of metabolism in different groups of people in China.After case studies and comparison with present dominant human body comfort degree statistical models,it is proved that the apparent temperature models have high rationality and wide adaptability.Furthermore,the comfort scaling standard according to apparent temperature is suggested,which is suitable for the middle latitude regions in China.  相似文献   
The MW6.6 Arketao earthquake,which occurred at 14:24:30 UTC 25 November 2016 was the largest earthquake to strike the sparsely inhabited Muji Basin of the Kongur extension system in the eastern Pamir since the M 7 1895 Tashkurgan earthquake.The preliminary field work,sentinel-1A radar interferometry,and relocated hypocenters of earthquake sequences show that the earthquake consists of at least two sub-events and ruptured at least 77km long of the active Muji dextral-slip fault,and the rupture from this right-lateral earthquake propagated mostly unilaterally to the east and up-dip.Tectonic surface rupture with dextral slip of up to 20cm was observed on two tens-meter long segments near the CENC epicenter and 32.6km to the east along the Muji Fault,the later was along a previously existing strand of the Holocene Muji fault scarps.Focal mechanisms are consistent with right-lateral motion along a plane striking 107°,dipping 76° to the south,with a rake of 174°.This plane is compatible with the observed tectonic surface rupture.More than 388 aftershocks were detected and located using a double-difference technique.The mainshock is relocated at the Muji Fault with a depth of 9.3km.The relocated hypocenters of the 2016 Arketao earthquake sequence showed a more than 85km long,less than 8km wide,and 5~13km deep,NWW trending streak of seismicity to the south of the Muji Fault.The focal mechanism and mapping of the surface rupture helped to document the south-dipping fault plane of the mainshock.The listric Muji Fault is outlined by the well-resolved south-dipping streak of seismicity.The 2016 Arketao MW6.6 and 2015 Murghob MW7.2 earthquakes highlight the importance role of strike-slip faulting in accommodating both east-west extensional and north-south compressional forces in the Pamir interior,and demonstrate that the present-day stress and deformation patterns in the northern Pamir plateau are dominant by east-west extension in the shallow upper crust.  相似文献   
为提高海湾内人造沙滩稳定性,以宁波西沪港北岸人造沙滩为研究对象,结合已有试验段人造沙滩退化过程,分析了沙源流失原因,并以此优化拟建段人造沙滩的位置,再通过波浪-泥沙物理模型试验,研究了不同强度波浪和潮位过程对拟建段人造沙滩稳定性的影响。结果表明:波浪和人造沙滩存在夹角时,沙滩前会存在明显的纵向沿岸输沙;人造沙滩建造后首年,平常浪作用1年对人造沙滩稳定性影响可能会大于单次台风浪对沙滩的作用;常浪作用下涨落潮引起的沙滩前沿水下沙坝发育过程不同,落潮水位过程波浪对沙滩的侵蚀大于涨潮水位过程;人造沙滩前落潮流和波生沿岸流方向一致,会加速沙滩侵蚀,当落潮流作用大于涨潮流,则会进一步导致沙滩严重退化。  相似文献   
纪念老一代地球科学家李四光先生,思考地球科学与大地构造学的创新发展。文章以秦岭造山带为例思考大陆复合造山及其动力学,认知概括秦岭造山带基本属性与特质,探索认识中小多板块多期洋陆俯冲造山-陆-陆板块俯冲碰撞造山的板块复合造山,并又强烈叠加复合陆内造山,造成复杂组成与结构,形成立交桥式四维流变学分层的多层非耦合动态演化的大陆复合造山带模型,及其新的演化趋势动态和构成国家人类需求的成矿成藏物质财富与宜居的地表系统环境等,期望前瞻探索认知地球发展的未来。文章还就秦岭造山带几个有争议的问题,进行简要讨论,共求新的探索研究发展。期盼学习李四光先生学术理论精华,尤其在深化发展板块构造,探索认知大陆构造与动力学方面,创新发展地质力学,以宇宙太阳系视野探索地球动力学,推动大地构造新发展。   相似文献   
Effects of weather modification operations on precipitation in target areas have been widely reported, but little is specifically known about the downwind (extra-area) effects in China. We estimated the extra-area effect of an operational winter (November-February) aircraft cloud-seeding project in northern Jiangxi Province in eastern China by using a revised historical target/control regression analysis method based on the precipitation data in winter. The results showed that the overall seasonal average rainfall at the downwind stations increased by 21.67%(p=0.0013). This enhancement effect was detected as far as 120 km away from the target area. Physical testing was used to compare the cloud characteristics before and after seeding on 29 November 2014. A posteriori analysis with respect to the characteristics of cloud units derived from operational weather radar data in Jiangxi was performed by tracking cloud units. Radar features in the target unit were enhanced relative to the control unit for more than two hours after the operational cloud seeding, which is indicative of the extra-area seeding effect. The findings could be used to help relieve water shortages in China.  相似文献   
海山铁锰结壳基岩岩石学特征及其生长关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究海山铁锰结壳基岩类型与结壳壳层生长的关系。对麦哲伦海山及中太平洋海山区取得的铁锰结壳及其基岩样品在电子显微镜下进行了观察和研究。结果表明,上述2个区域基岩岩石类型主要有玄武岩,火山熔岩,火山碎屑岩,硅质岩和碳酸盐岩,其中麦哲伦海山玄武岩为块状构造,中太平洋海山玄武岩则主要为气孔-杏仁状构造,多发生蚀变或完全蚀变,硅质岩颗粒物质主要是硅藻,碳酸盐岩则以晶质灰岩为主,结壳壳层厚度在各类基岩类型上都有变化,以在玄武岩和碳酸盐岩上变化最大。  相似文献   
海洋平台阴极保护监测系统的研制及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了自行研制的海洋平台阴极保护监测系统,它由双电极电位测量探头,牺牲阳极输出电流测量探头,信号传输电缆系统和微机数据采集系统组成,并结合近10a其在南海北部近海石油开发区的应用和运行状况,对阴极保护监测系统的性能,作用及意义进行了系统论述,以期为进一步的工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
姚海燕  赵蓓  刘娜娜 《海洋通报》2012,31(3):341-346
在天津滨海新区建设过程与发展中,面临着沉积软土地基不稳定、土壤盐碱化和重金属污染、滨海湿地植被退化、近海海水污染和渔业资源衰退等生态环境问题。这些生态环境问题对滨海新区基础设施建设及海洋产业的发展有显著影响,制约着滨海新区经济、特别是海洋经济的持续健康发展。作者提出了采用加筋垫层对沉积软土地基浅层进行处理、提高地基承载力和稳定性、治理土壤重金属污染与盐碱化、保护湿地、治理近海海水污染、保护与恢复近海渔业资源等改善天津滨海新区生态环境的对策。  相似文献   
程潮铁矿是鄂东南地区典型的矽卡岩铁矿,迄今为止对其矽卡岩矿物学特征研究较少。本文以程潮铁矿主要矽卡岩矿物为研究对象,利用电子探针技术对该矿矽卡岩矿物学特征进行了研究。电子探针分析结果表明:程潮铁矿石榴石和辉石分别以钙铁榴石和透辉石为主;角闪石主要是韭闪石,其次为铁韭闪石、透闪石、阳起石。其中,早期矽卡岩阶段的石榴石和辉石分别以钙铁榴石和透辉石为主;晚期脉状矽卡岩阶段的石榴石端员组分介于钙铁榴石和钙铝榴石之间,而辉石则相对于早期矽卡岩阶段的辉石更趋近于钙铁辉石端员。通过矽卡岩矿物学特征研究表明,花岗岩对矽卡岩和矿体的形成起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
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