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基于恐龙足迹重建攀西地区白垩纪恐龙动物群   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
攀西地区没有白垩纪恐龙骨骼化石记录,对该区白垩纪恐龙动物群组合的认识尚属空白。1991年,攀西地区首次发现了恐龙足迹,此后陆续发现了8个足迹点。这些足迹点共发现9种不同的非鸟恐龙足迹(6种非鸟兽脚类、1种蜥脚类和2种鸟脚类足迹),以及翼龙和龟类足迹。共11种足迹形态类型由185道行迹(与孤立足迹)组成,可能代表着同等数量的造迹者。其中飞天山组的组合多样性最强,小坝组和雷打树组较弱。这个相对全面的足迹数据库,为该地区白垩纪四足类的古生态学普查提供了动物群的组成信息,这在该缺乏骨骼化石的地区显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
东昆仑造山带晚古生代—早中生代由于布青山-阿尼玛卿洋的俯冲发育有大量岛弧型花岗岩类。选取东昆北巴隆地区朝火鹿陶勒盖花岗闪长岩体寄主岩和闪长质暗色微粒包体进行了岩相学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学及地球化学研究。结果表明,岩体寄主岩的结晶年龄为242.3±1.3Ma,暗色微粒包体结晶年龄为241.2±0.8Ma,显示其形成于中三叠世;寄主岩和暗色微粒包体A/CNK值介于0.86~1.06之间,为准铝质-弱过铝质;稀土元素总量分别为119×10~(-6)~170×10~(-6)、189×10~(-6),稀土元素配分模式显示右倾型,具有负Eu异常;岩石富集Rb、Ba、Th等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,具有弧岩浆岩特征。野外及岩相学特征均显示包体为基性岩浆进入酸性岩浆快速冷凝形成的,为俯冲板片断离导致幔源岩浆上侵形成的岩浆混合作用的产物,是布青山-阿尼玛卿洋俯冲晚期的岩浆记录。  相似文献   
津冀海岸线现状、变化特征及保护建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据覆盖全区的3期遥感影像和实地调查,以及对滨海新区和滦河口2个典型区更深入的案例研究(包括回溯至1870年、1950年的基准岸线及逐年遥感信息),对津冀沿海海岸线现状进行解译和分类,并分析岸线变化特征及成因。津冀沿海现状岸线总长度894km,可以划分为自然岸线、半开发岸线和人工岸线3类,长度分别为90km、329km和475km。1950年以前为自然因素主导的岸线变化,1950年以后变为人类活动主导的岸线向海推进,逐渐加强的人类活动至2010年达到顶峰。在全球海面上升和区域地面下沉的大背景下,海岸线的自然演化趋势应该是向陆蚀退,但是人类活动主导的岸线变化却表现为违反自然趋势的向海推进。今后,向海推进最前沿的围海造陆区将受到来自海洋越来越强烈的影响,亟需加强监测和防护。兼顾环境保护与开发两方面的长远需求,建议赋予海岸线新的定义与内涵,划定岸线保护红线,恢复部分岸线的自然属性。  相似文献   
浮托安装进船过程中护舷碰撞力实测研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
浮托安装法广泛应用于大型组块海上安装。导管架平台上部组块浮托安装进船过程中,风、浪、流引起的浮托驳船横向运动造成浮托驳船与导管架桩腿的碰撞,碰撞力可能会对导管架结构造成损伤。陆丰7-2上部组块浮托安装中,为了监测碰撞力大小,设计了碰撞力海上监测系统。通过在导管架外侧四个桩腿上安装光纤光栅应变传感器对碰撞过程中导管架桩腿进行应力监测,进而计算碰撞力。对碰撞过程,载荷作用位置、方向进行简化,并对载荷大小及垂向作用位置对计算的影响进行了研究。结构分析模型简化后,测点von-Mises应力与碰撞力大小成正比,对导管架整体结构建模计算并取局部结构计算比例系数,结合应力实测数据计算出进船过程中驳船对导管架桩腿碰撞力。  相似文献   
本文根据2014年6月长江口邻近海域大型底栖生物的调查资料, 采用优势度指数, 物种多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数, Bray-Curtis相似性聚类和非参数多维标度排序(nMDS)标序方法, 分析了长江口邻近海域夏季大型底栖生物的群落特征。本次调查共采集大型底栖生物135种, 其中多毛类66种, 甲壳动物33种, 棘皮动物14种, 软体动物13种, 其他类群9种。调查海域的大型底栖生物平均丰度为122.2ind/m2,平均生物量为7.8g/ m2。丰度、生物量和多样性指数在不同海区间的空间差异均不显著。大型底栖生物在20%的相似性水平上可以划分为8个群组,各站位间相似性水平较低。ABC曲线表明,伴随海岸带开发及人类活动的持续影响, 长江口邻近海域底栖生境的稳定性受到轻微扰动, 建议继续开展长期连续的监测, 为研究长江口海域环境变化和大型底栖生物群落演替提供基础资料。  相似文献   
新疆乌鲁木齐东部野生动物园附近的下二叠统下部发育了一套以枕状玄武岩为代表的火山岩系。该玄武岩在公路上发育有两层,上部一层较厚,可达7~8m,下部一层2~3m。岩枕近圆形、肾状、枕状、条带状或蠕虫状等,多呈顶突底凹。岩枕长轴平行排列,长轴基本顺层面分布;有的岩枕中含大量海百合茎、珊瑚及腕足等生物化石。在TAS图中大部分样品位于玄武粗安岩,而在K_2O-SiO_2图上主要落在低K拉斑玄武岩区间。MnOTiO_2-P_2O_5图解显示以岛弧为主,常量元素的特征总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。在Hf/3-Th-Ta图解上也以岛弧为主;在Zr/4-2Nb-Y图解显示以火山弧为主,常量元素的特点总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图表明为同源岩浆产物,具高度相似的演化过程,多种微量元素判别图揭示岛弧-弧后盆地环境;稀土总量明显较低,在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图解上,其稀土分布曲线一致性较好,呈轻稀土富集右倾型,Eu为负异常,揭示了乌东玄武岩岩浆有一定分异。稀土元素配分曲线与弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)具有很好的一致性。U-Pb和谐年龄为283±8Ma,结合地层及古生物资料推测乌东玄武岩喷发的时间为早二叠世早期。乌东枕状玄武岩-灰岩之下有一套(磨拉石)底砾岩,初定为石炭-二叠系的界限。底砾岩之下为下石炭统的中厚层灰岩,具有明显的喀斯特化,为不整合接触,揭示在两者之间发生了造山作用。通过对新疆乌东早二叠世早期的枕状玄武岩的地质特征、地球化学特征、形成环境和时代的研究,表明乌东一带早二叠世主要为一个岛弧和弧后盆地环境,进一步揭示了北天山北缘石炭-二叠世碰撞闭合造山之后又发生了松弛扩张形成了弧后盆地,海水再度大规模入侵。最终的闭合碰撞造山的时间最早可能在晚二叠世。由于乌东枕状玄武岩在喷出地表后受到了生物化石和陆源碎屑的污染,再加上侵入过程中地壳的污染,使其具有非常复杂的地球化学特点和多解性。乌东玄武岩的研究对于了解博格达山、甚至天山中段在晚古生代的构造沉积演化及造山作用具有重要意义,同时对准噶尔盆地、吐哈盆地及三塘湖盆地油气资源的形成与分布具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This work restored the erosion thickness of the top surface of each Cretaceous formations penetrated by the typical well in the Hari sag, and simulated the subsidence burial history of this well with software BasinMod. It is firstly pointed out that the tectonic subsidence evolution of the Hari sag since the Cretaceous can be divided into four phases: initial subsidence phase, rapid subsidence phase,uplift and erosion phase, and stable slow subsidence phase. A detailed reconstruction of the tectonothermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation histories of typical well was undertaken using the EASY R_0% model, which is constrained by vitrinite reflectance(R_0) and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions. In the rapid subsidence phase, the peak period of hydrocarbon generation was reached at c.a.105.59 Ma with the increasing thermal evolution degree. A concomitant rapid increase in paleotemperatures occurred and reached a maximum geothermal gradient of about 43-45℃/km. The main hydrocarbon generation period ensued around 105.59-80.00 Ma and the greatest buried depth of the Hari sag was reached at c.a. 80.00 Ma, when the maximum paleo-temperature was over 180℃.Subsequently, the sag entered an uplift and erosion phase followed by a stable slow subsidence phase during which the temperature gradient, thermal evolution, and hydrocarbon generation decreased gradually. The hydrocarbon accumulation period was discussed based on homogenization temperatures of inclusions and it is believed that two periods of rapid hydrocarbon accumulation events occurred during the Cretaceous rapid subsidence phase. The first accumulation period observed in the Bayingebi Formation(K_1 b) occurred primarily around 105.59-103.50 Ma with temperatures of 125-150℃. The second accumulation period observed in the Suhongtu Formation(K_1 s) occurred primarily around84.00-80.00 Ma with temperatures of 120-130℃. The second is the major accumulation period, and the accumulation mainly occurred in the Late Cretaceous. The hydrocarbon accumulation process was comprehensively controlled by tectono-thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation history. During the rapid subsidence phase, the paleo temperature and geothermal gradient increased rapidly and resulted in increasing thermal evolution extending into the peak period of hydrocarbon generation,which is the key reason for hydrocarbon filling and accumulation.  相似文献   
The Sidingheishan mafic-ultramafic intrusion is located in the eastern part of the Northern Tianshan Mountain, along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in northern Xinjiang autonomous region of China. The Sidingheishan intrusion is mainly composed of wehrlite, olivine websterite, olivine gabbro, gabbro and hornblende gabbro. At least two pulses of magma were involved in the formation of the intrusion. The first pulse of magma produced an olivine-free unit and the second pulse produced an olivine-bearing unit. The magmas intruded the Devonian granites and granodiorites.An age of 351.4±5.8 Ma(Early Carboniferous) for the Sidingheishan intrusion has been determined by U-Pb SHRIMP analysis of zircon grains separated from the olivine gabbro unit. A U-Pb age of 359.2±6.4 Ma from the gabbro unit has been obtained by LA-ICP-MS. Olivine of the Sidingheishan intrusion reaches 82.52 mole% Fo and 1414 ppm Ni. On the basis of olivine-liquid equilibria, it has been calculated that the MgO and FeO included in the parental magma of a wehrlite sample were approximately10.43 wt% and 13.14 wt%, respectively. The Sidingheishan intrusive rocks are characterized by moderate enrichments in Th and Sm, slight enrichments in light REE, and depletions in Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The ε_(Nd)(t) values in the rock units vary from +6.70 to +9.64, and initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios range between 0.7035 and0.7042. Initial ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb values fall in the ranges of 17.23-17.91,15.45-15.54 and 37.54-38.09 respectively. These characteristics are collectively similar to the Heishan intrusion and the Early Carboniferous subduction related volcanic rocks in the Santanghu Basin, North Tianshan and Beishan area. The low(La/Gd)_(PM) values between 0.26 and 1.77 indicate that the magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was most likely derived from a depleted spinel-peridotite mantle.(Th/Nb)_(PM)ratios from 0.59 to 20.25 indicate contamination of the parental magma in the upper crust.Crystallization modeling methods suggest that the parental magma of the Sidingheishan intrusion was generated by flush melting of the asthenosphere and subsequently there was about 10 vol%contamination from a granitic melt. This was followed by about 5 vol% assimilation of upper crustal rocks. Thus, the high-Mg basaltic parental magma of Sidingheishan intrusion is interpreted to have formed from partial melting of the asthenosphere during the break-off of a subducted slab.  相似文献   
正Objective The Jiaodong area in Shandong Province of eastern China hosts abundant high-quality groundwater.Most of the mineral water sources in this area,including those in the Laoshan and Kunyu Mountains,occur in Mesozoic granites.The groundwater and mineral waters contain metasilicic acid and strontium but the latter is potable.  相似文献   
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