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以遥感和GIS为技术支撑,基于1979~1988,1998~2008年遥感影像资料,对徐州市近30年城市扩展信息进行提取,并分析该时段城市空间扩展特征及其驱动因素。结果显示:自1979年至2008年,徐州市建成区面积以每年5.57km2高速扩展,其中1998~2008年的扩展强度最大。主要扩展方向为从西北到东南轴向,紧凑度与分形维数都有逐渐缩小的趋势。城市扩展弹性指数与合理值的差值有扩大趋势。经济因素、人口因素、交通因素是影响城市扩展的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   
In the conditions of low Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR) of seismic data and a small quality of log information,the consequences of seismic interpretation through the impedance inversion of seismic data could be more precise. Constrained sparse spike inversion(CSSI) has advantage in oil and gas reservoir predication because it does not rely on the original model. By analyzing the specific algorithm of CSSI,the accuracy of inversion is controlled. Oriente Basin in South America has the low amplitude in geological...  相似文献   
利用地面常规观测资料、探空资料和大气污染物监测数据等资料,对2017年11月7—8日南昌市一次重度污染天气过程的大气污染物特征、天气形势及气象要素特点等进行了分析,并运用拉格朗日混合单粒子轨道模型(HYSPLIT)分析了大气污染物的后向轨迹。结果表明:1) 此次过程的首要污染物为PM2.5,空气质量呈东部劣于西部,市内劣于市郊的特点。AQI有明显的日变化特征,凌晨和上午10时各有一个AQI高峰,傍晚有一个AQI低谷,中午前后为AQI明显下降时段。2) 地面气压梯度小、风速小,不利于污染物的扩散。对流层中层有低槽东移,低层有弱切变线位于江西省北部,低层弱辐合导致周边污染物向中心辐合堆积。地面能见度与相对湿度变化呈反相关,在重度污染天气发生时多为雾和霾的混合物。南昌上空表现为“中层湿、低层干”的特点,在较干的低层有等温层和弱的逆温层,能抑制大气污染物的垂直扩散。3) 此次重度污染天气过程的大气污染物来源主要有三个,即南昌市周边环境污染、本地污染源的排放和大气污染物的外来输入,外来输入源主要为广东、广西及湖南上空的大气污染物。  相似文献   
Picophytoplankton are responsible for much of the carbon fixation process in the Arctic Ocean, and they play an im- portant role in active microbial food webs. The climate of the Arctic Ocean has changed in recent years, and picophytoplankton, as the most vulnerable part of the high-latitude pelagic ecosystem, have been the focus of an increasing number of scientific studies. This paper reviews and summarizes research on the characteristics of picophytoplankton in the Arctic Ocean, including their abundance, biomass, spatial distribution, seasonal variation, commtmity structure, and factors influencing their growth. The impact of climate change on the Arctic Ocean picophytoplankton community is discussed, and future research directions are considered.  相似文献   
This research was conducted on the non-disturbed native alpine Kobresia meadow(YF) and the severely degraded meadow(SDL) of Dari County of Qinghai Province.By a density fractionation approach,each soil sample was divided into two fractions:light fraction(LF) and heavy fraction(HF).The obtained fractions were analyzed for organic carbon(OC) and nitrogen(N) concentrations.The results showed:(1) the OC concentration in HF and LF was 3.84% and 28.63% respectively while the nitrogen concentration in HF and LF wa...  相似文献   
The tropopause has a complex structure and some interference information may exist in high-resolution global positioning system (GPS)/low earth-orbiting (LEO) radio occultation (RO) data. The position of the tropopause cannot be accurately determined using traditional cold point tropopause (CPT) and lapse rate tropopause (LRT) algorithms. In this paper, an integrative algorithm is developed to determinate tropopause parameters. The algorithm is applied to GPS/COSMIC RO data to obtain a global distribution of the height and temperature of the tropopause. This algorithm improves the utilization rate of GPS/LEO RO data by 30% compared with that from the traditional CPT method. The rationality and reliability of GPS/LEO RO data in probing the Earth's atmosphere are verified by our study of the tropopause using COSMIC data.  相似文献   
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