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研究末次间冰期气候变化有助于加深理解变暖情景下气候的变化规律及其对轨道参数变化的响应特征。本研究利用国际古气候模拟对比计划第四阶段的多模式结果, 分析了南半球副热带西风急流(200 hPa)与副极地西风急流(850 hPa)在末次间冰期的变化特征及机制。多模式集合平均结果表明, 末次间冰期夏季南半球副热带西风急流相较于工业革命前位置偏北(+2.5°), 强度偏弱(-5.3%); 南半球副极地西风急流也存在类似的变化特征(+1.1°/-7.4%)。在冬季, 末次间冰期南半球副热带西风急流相较于工业革命前南移增强(-0.8°/+5.6%), 而南半球副极地西风急流北移增强(+0.8°/+4.2%), 并且不同洋盆上空的急流具有不同的变化特征。副热带急流与副极地西风急流位置与强度的变化分别与对流层中高层与低层的斜压稳定性的变化相联系。此外, 热带非绝热加热与中纬度Rossby波传播的共同作用造成了南印度洋西侧与东侧、高层与低层西风急流反向变化的结果, 这种反向变化得到了降水重建的支持。

汪晋  廖前锋  闫申  王毅  项杰 《暴雨灾害》2022,29(5):515-524

大气边界层(Atmospheric Boundary Layer,ABL)是自由大气和地球表面(陆地和海洋)的连接层,它对于降水的发生发展有重要影响。ABL高度是ABL的一个重要参数,主要应用于大气数值天气(或气候)模式中的ABL过程的参数化,获取准确的ABL高度数据对于提高数值天气预报模式、空气污染物预报模式等的预报精度具有重要作用。概述了利用常规探空资料、卫星遥感资料、气溶胶后向散射资料、全球导航卫星系统GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)掩星探测资料等数据估计ABL高度的主要方法及进展情况,提出在同时具有多种观测资料时如何处理ABL高度的三个基本原则,并以目前广泛应用的数值天气预报模式WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting)为例重点介绍ABL高度数据在数值天气(或气候)预报模式中的应用,对相关的发展情况进行了总结展望。

The frequency-dependent amplification for rock (NEHRP-class B) sites was studied using earthquake ground-motion database collected in Taiwan during implementation of the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumentation Program. The database used includes several hundred records from earthquakes of ML 4.0–7.3 occurred between 1993 and 2004. The characteristics of amplification were evaluated using the well-known technique of horizontal-to-vertical Fourier spectral ratio (H/V) of the S-wave phase [Lermo J, Chavez-Garcia FJ. Site effect evaluation using spectral ratios with only one station. Bull Seism Soc Am 1993;83:1574–94]. The study allows us to analyze peculiarities of rock sites amplification in Northern and Eastern Taiwan. It was suggested to divide the NEHRP-class B site amplification into four types based on frequency of maximum amplification and the shape of amplification function. The applicability of the technique was also checked for a few stiff and soft soil sites (NEHRP-classes D and E).  相似文献   
以激光点云数据和倾斜多视影像为研究对象,提出了一种结合机载点云、地面点云及倾斜多视纹理的融合多源特征的建筑物三维模型重建方法。该方法结合点云面元以及影像边界特征,利用倾斜影像的线特征对顶面及立面模型进行边界规则约束,实现了面元自动拓扑重建;通过交互编辑完成不同复杂程度的建筑模型重建,并对模型进行纹理映射。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效提升城市建筑物三维模型重建的效率和边界精度,为利用多源数据的空地联合建筑物三维精细重建提供了一套切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
引入垂直能量螺旋度指数( VEH ) 的概念并分析其物理意义,同时采用NCEP 1°×1° 再分析资料和MICAPS重要天气报文资料,将该指数应用于2009 年7 月4—7 日华北地区一次槽前型雷暴大风过程的预报中;在此基础上,利用华北地区2008 —2009 年夏季4 次槽前型雷暴大风个例,对该指数的普适性进行验证。结果表明,该指数反映了气块在螺旋上升过程中释放不稳定能量的能力,是诊断和预报槽前型雷暴大风的有效指数;并将该指数应用于一次华北典型槽前型雷暴大风的预报中,通过对比其它指数,证明其有效;用14 时的VEH 指标,预报20 时前的雷暴大风天气,这种天气一般在VEH 超过1.4 J·m·kg-1·s-2的3~6 h 之间出现。  相似文献   
可溶岩区地下岩溶水对隧洞造成很大的威胁,如引起隧洞涌水、突水、突泥等。本文通过地质调查、勘探、抽水试验,分析滇中引水工程昆明段地下岩溶水发育规律及分布特征,为滇中引水工程以及今后地下隧洞工程设计和施工提供依据。调查分析显示,滇中引水工程昆明段岩溶在二叠系、石炭系、泥盆系可溶岩中均有分布,主要呈带状分布于地下水排泄基准面附近及断陷盆地、断裂沟谷内,其次在新构造运动控制的断裂地段及岩性变化造成的不同微水文地质单元交界处;在二叠系灰岩中,地下水分层排泄,石炭系、泥盆系中发育有落水洞,形成地下岩溶通道;在1900~2150m高程段岩溶发育密集,该高程区为岩溶地下水的主要径流区,对隧洞影响最大,存在涌水、突水、突泥、岩溶塌陷、遭遇岩溶空腔的隐患。  相似文献   
According to observations, drops freely falling in the air under the action of gravity are deformed and oscillate in a wide range of frequencies and scales. A technique for calculating surface axisymmetric oscillations of a deformed droplet in the linear approximation under the assumption that the amplitude and wavelength are small when compared to the droplet diameter is proposed. The basic form of an axisymmetric droplet is chosen from observations. The calculation results for surface oscillations agree with recorded data on the varying shape of water droplets falling in the air.  相似文献   
The solar sources of the magnetic storms of November 8 and 10, 2004, are analyzed. The preliminary results of such an analysis [Yermolaev et al., 2005] are critically compared with the results of the paper [Tsurutani et al., 2008], where solar flares were put in correspondence with these magnetic storms. The method for determining solar sources that cause powerful magnetospheric storms is analyzed. It has been indicated that an optimal approach consists in considering coronal mass ejections (CMEs) as storm sources and accompanying flares as additional information about the location of CME origination.  相似文献   
Gold deposits and occurrences small in reserves and high in Au grade conventionally determine the line of prospecting in terrigenous sequences of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma region. In this paper, the geological structure of such gold objects is considered with the example of the deposits and prospects making up the Zhdaninsky ore–placer cluster in the Republic of Sakha (Yakuia). From lithological, structural, and mineralogical–geochemical data, the formation conditions of ore-bearing complexes are specified, the geological evolution history of the northern Ol’chan Zone of the Kular–Nera Belt is reconstructed, and the zonal distribution of mineralization within the ore–placer cluster is revealed. The structural–compositional complexes were formed in the following succession: (1) sedimentation at the shelf of the passive margin accompanied by synsedimentation deformations; (2) metagenesis of sediments and the development of bedding-plane intraformational detachments of collision stage D1 under conditions of tangential compression and accompanied by the formation of carbon dioxide–aqueous metamorphic fluid at a temperature of 300°C and under a pressure of 1.4 kbar; (3) folding and faulting of orogenic stage D2 with the formation of synkinematic magmatic bodies, metasomatic alteration, and Au-bearig mineral assemblages. Small Au-bearing objects with veined mineralization and high Au grade are localized in structures of stage D2 transverse to bedding-plane schistosity S1. They form at the collision stage above intraformational detachment surfaces and are controlled by shear structures of the orogenic stage with misalignment of these deformations. The ore zoning is determined by the distribution of Co and Ni minerals and by variations in the anionic composition of ore (S, As, Sb).  相似文献   
海水声速剖面通常使用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)进行稀疏表示,然而基函数会受到数据完备性和数据测量时间的制约,其代表性误差会导致声速剖面重构精度受限。为了提高声速剖面的重构精度,本文利用模糊C均值聚类对BOA_Argo历史数据集进行聚类分析,探讨不同聚类空间的训练集数据对实测声速剖面重构精度的影响。研究表明,声速剖面具有明显的时空聚集特性,聚类后的历史声速剖面集生成的基函数和平均声速剖面具有最优的重构性能。本文研究结果有助于为历史声速剖面训练集的选取提供实际指导意义,进而提高声速剖面重构精度乃至反演精度。  相似文献   
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