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选取隆昌站1981~2018年气象资料,分别统计柑橘生长发育期间的降水、气温、日照时数及其柑橘的生长适宜性指标,进行园区走访果农和咨询相关专家等方法,分析评估隆昌市柑橘种植气候适宜性。结果表明:除了春梢抽发期降水、果实成熟晚期光照稍微偏少外,其余各生长发育期的气候因子都十分适宜柑橘的生长发育。隆昌市气候条件适宜开展柑橘种植,为隆昌市政府提出的“建设万亩柑橘产业示范园区”重点工作提供了气象条件支撑。  相似文献   
浙东南石平川花岗岩体LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学及构造意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
石平川钾长花岗岩体位于浙江沿海火山岩带的中南部,LA-ICPMS锆石UPb定年结果为102.5±1.2 Ma(MSDW=2.1),形成于早白垩世末期。岩相学及化学成分显示其属高钾钙碱性岩系,具有高硅富钾和铝低铁、镁、磷和钛特征,SiO2含量为74.79%~77.79%,K2O为4.26%~7.97%,铝指数A/CNK=0.98~1.10,属准铝质—弱过铝质岩石。富集Rb、Th、U和K,亏损Sr、Ba、Nb、P和Ti,REE具有中等负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.33~0.50),总体呈现LREE富集的右倾“V”型配分模式。岩石\[n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)\]i值为0.70801~0.71012(t=102.5Ma),εNd(t)值为-8.63~-8.76,显示壳—幔混合成因特征。矿物组成及地球化学特征显示石平川岩体为高演化I型花岗岩。微量元素显示石平川岩体具有后碰撞花岗岩的特征,侵位于早白垩世末期的张性构造环境,其形成可能与印度板块北向漂移所导致的古太平洋板块碰撞弧后引张构造有关。  相似文献   
本文在分析巴西、印度等发展中国家和美国、德国等发达国家经济发展和生态环境建设经验的基础上,针对我国西部农村贫困和产业落后等影响经济、生态的制约因素,提出了西部经济发展与生态建设互动的一些有效途径,以期对最终实现西部经济发展与生态建设的双赢有所启示。  相似文献   
基于电偶极子近似的多边形回线源瞬变电磁响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大回线源中心装置在回线内场非中心位置处场点响应表达式复杂,视电阻率计算困难,只能套用中心回线装置计算公式,导致解释精度下降问题,给出了圆回线的响应公式。提出对发射回线沿边框进行电偶极子源分解,通过对各个边框的偶极子源产生的响应进行叠加;讨论了圆回线与圆内接多边形发射回线的等效性问题;完成了大回线内任意点的场值计算,并对基于电偶极子近似的大回线内场的分布特征进行了分析,得出了大回线源内非中心点探测的可行性结论。研究成果具有理论价值和实际指导意义。  相似文献   
介绍了一种新的神经网络权值优化算法——粒子群优(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)算法,提出了用粒子群神经网络对非线性系统进行系统辨识的构思。仿真实验结果表明,粒子群算法具有比BP算法更强的非线性系统辨识能力和更好的泛化能力。  相似文献   
Long term variability in the surface winds over the marginal seas of China is examined with a dominant-mode singular value decomposition method. Both interannual and interdecadal patterns are found to be seasonally and spatially dependent, with reanalyses and satellite remote sensing data yielding highly consistent results. The study reveals that summer monsoon winds over the East China Sea experienced an interdecadal weakening in the late 1960s and began a persistent recovery in 2005. The study also shows gradual weakening of the winter monsoon in the southern South China Sea by more than 2m/s since the 1960s, with corroboration from coastal climate stations in Borneo. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous monsoon studies.  相似文献   
It is still a laborious work to consult massive multidisciplinary geological maps which are scattered in different geological departments,and hard to give full play to the potential application value of geological map. Along with the network,the development of communication and computer technology,especially with the Web2.0 technology arisen,provides opportunities to the web for sharing of geological maps. Web fast sharing platform of massive geological maps( WSPGM) is based on the Flex technology development,using B/S architecture,with map navigation,search,display,security and other functions of the software system. Through the map pretreatment and asynchronous communication the system can display any size of geological map,and through the range limits,rights management,sharing system and watermark logo to take effective security on geological map. On the basis of this system,with the Jilin University web sharing system of geological map,the system can greatly improve the efficiency of using geological map. for research.  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China, many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field. Large gold-ore districts, defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region, are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones. In the best-studied districts, the Precambrian protrusions, staged distribution of magmatic chambers ( by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized. Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodieswith depressions. Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks, placers, and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   
流感监测系统的建立是应对流感大流行的一种极为有效的举措。为此,美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、英国、欧盟、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国等国家,先后都建立了自己的流感监测系统。为了提高我国流感监测系统的水平,作者选出代表性强、特色显著的美国、欧洲和我国的流感监测系统作为典型,从地理流行病学的角度,着重对流感监测及其数据分析的地理分区、流感疫情动态变化的评价标准等方面进行了比较研究。通过总结先进国家的成熟经验,结合我国的实际情况和需求,作者对我国的流感监测系统提出了改进意见。在综合考虑我国地貌特点、气候分区和管理需要的基础上,建议将现有以秦岭淮河为界划分的南、北两个地理分区,细化为黑吉辽区、京津冀鲁豫区、长江中下游区、闽粤桂琼台区、蒙甘新区、晋陕宁区、渝黔川滇区和青藏区等8个流感监测地理分区;建议将现有流感监测系统引入基于流感样病例占门诊病例百分数的基线,利用归因肺炎及流感的死亡率,计算流感季节基线和流行阈值,以客观地衡量和评价流感流行水平及其严重程度。这些研究成果,不仅对地理流行病学的发展有理论意义,而且也对流感及其他传染病的监测有实用价值。  相似文献   
以位于秦岭—大别造山带之北、华北陆块南部、地跨华北陆块稳定块体、陆块南部边缘变形带的南华北盆地为研究对象,通过对研究区42条不同时代的野外剖面详细观测,运用层序地层学理论,把南华北盆地作为一个整体系统,对青白口系—侏罗系层序界面特征及时空分布规律进行了系统分析,共识别出了8种类型层序界面的物质表现形式,分别是不整合面、渣状层、古喀斯特作用面、冲刷侵蚀面、超覆面、岩性岩相转换面、最大海泛面、最大湖泛面。并重点讨论了各类型界面的时空分布特征。结果表明:在时间演化上,从早到晚由海相—海陆过渡相—陆相,层序界面经历了海相沉积不整合、古喀斯特作用面、渣状层到陆相不整合面、冲刷侵蚀面等;在空间上,同一层序界面在不同相带表现形式不同,同一种类型的界面可在不同相带出现,但不同相带表现特征有一定差异性。  相似文献   
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