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Overtides and compound tides are generated by nonlinear mechanisms operative primarily in shallow waters. Their presence complicates tidal analysis owing to the multitude of new constituents and their possible frequency overlap with astronomical tides. The science of nonlinear tides was greatly advanced by the pioneering researches of Christian Le Provost who employed analytical theory, physical modeling, and numerical modeling in many extensive studies, especially of the tides of the English Channel. Le Provost’s complementary work with satellite altimetry motivates our attempts to merge these two interests. After a brief review, we describe initial steps toward the assimilation of altimetry into models of nonlinear tides via generalized inverse methods. A series of barotropic inverse solutions is computed for the M tide over the northwest European Shelf. Future applications of altimetry to regions with fewer in situ measurements will require improved understanding of error covariance models because these control the tradeoffs between fitting hydrodynamics and data, a delicate issue in coastal regions. While M can now be robustly determined along the Topex/Poseidon satellite ground tracks, many other compound tides face serious aliasing problems. In memory of Christian Le Provost  相似文献   
Abstract The Taiwan orogen has been the focus of a number of models of mountain building processes, but little attention has been paid to high‐pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks that are found as exotic blocks intermingled within the deepest units of the mountain belt. In this study, we re‐appraise from updated petrological and thermodynamic databases the physical conditions of HP metamorphism in Taiwan, and we combine our findings with available geochronological data to estimate the thermal history of these rocks. Our results indicate that peak metamorphic conditions of ~550 °C and 10–12 kbar have been followed by a rapid isothermal decompression, with exhumation possibly as rapid as burial. These units have subsequently been stored at a pressure of ~3 kbar for ~4–5 Myr, before their final exhumation, probably facilitated by the accretion of passive margin sequences during the Late Cenozoic collision. Therefore, HP units in Taiwan maintain a record of processes at depth from the early stages of oceanic subduction to the present arc‐continent collision.  相似文献   
The GMRES approach is used to solve complex matrix solution arising from boundary element analysis of large offshore structures. This makes it possible to solve problems with large numbers of panels on a workstation with a much smaller memory than typical high performance computers. The speed of the solver is compatible with direct solvers when the enough RAM is available. Otherwise, an iteration procedure can be used. By using an out-of-core treatment, typical RAM requirement is reduced to a size approximately linearly proportional to the panel number n instead of being proportional to n2. The code is first verified with direct solver for cases with small number of panels. The applicability to large offshore structure of the model is demonstrated for a TLP case.  相似文献   
A four month study of a man-made lake used for hydroelectric power generation in northeastern Pennsylvania USA was conducted to investigate seasonal anoxia and the effects of sulfide species being transported downstream of the power generation equipment. Water column analyses show that the system is iron-rich compared to sulfide. Total Fe(II) concentrations in the hypolimnion are typically at least twice the total sulfide levels. In situ voltammetric analyses show that free Fe(II) as [Fe(H2O)6]2+ or free H2S as H2S/HS- are either not present or at trace levels and that iron-rich sulfide complexes are present. From the in situ data and total Fe(II) and H2S measurements, we infer that these iron-rich sulfide complexes may have stoichiometries such as Fe2SH3+ (or polymeric forms of this and other stoichiometries). These iron-rich sulfide complexes appear related to dissolution of the iron-rich FeS mineral, mackinawite, because IAP calculations on data from discrete bottle samples obtained from bottom waters are similar to the pKsp of mackinawite. Soluble iron-sulfide species are stable in the absence of O2 (both in lake waters and the pipeline) and transported several miles during power generation. However, iron-sulfide complexes can react with O2 to oxidize sulfide and can also dissociate releasing volatile H2S when the waters containing them are exposed to the atmosphere downstream of the powerplant. Sediment analyses show that the lake is rich in oxidized iron solids (both crystalline and amorphous). Fe concentrations in FeS solids are low (<5 μmole/grdry wt) and the pyrite concentration ranges from about equal to the solid FeS to 30 times the solid FeS concentration. The degree of pyritization is below 0.12 indicating that pyrite formation is limited by free sulfide, which can react with the iron-rich sulfide complexes.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on examining the effects of frequency content of the ground motion on the inelastic demands imposed on both single degree of freedom (SDF) and multi degree of freedom (MDF) steel‐framed systems. A detailed literature review is conducted to identify the indicator that best represents the frequency content of ground motion. The mean period (Tm) of ground motion is selected owing to its ability to distinguish between various spectral shapes of ground motion, and its relationship with magnitude, distance and site characteristics. Inelastic displacement demands on SDF systems for target ductility levels are first studied in the light of Tm, using a suite of 128 ground motion records. The study is then extended to MDF systems with the help of incremental dynamic analysis by employing the same ground motion ensemble to assess the influence of Tm on various engineering demand parameters. The results obtained indicate that, for SDF systems, the amplification of displacements occurs when the period ratio between elastic period (Te) and Tm is lower than unity. For MDF systems, the results demonstrate that the influence of higher modes on the base shear and maximum storey drift profile becomes more pronounced, as Tm approaches the higher mode periods of the structure. These observations, for both SDF and MDF systems, tend to be more evident for higher levels of inelasticity. The significance of the results, with particular reference to European seismic design procedures, is highlighted. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In recent ten years, Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) has become a major technique of space-based geodesy together with GPS, VLBI and SLR. Interferometric Synthetic Aper-ture Radar (InSAR) has many advantages, such as all-weather, all-time, strong stability and dynamic survey property, and no requirements for ground sta-tions. In particular, the surveying results by InSAR can cover a large range of the ground deformation field in succession and has gr…  相似文献   
淄博市洪山、寨里煤矿区隐伏的奥陶系灰岩裂隙岩溶水污染严重。水质污染突发于矿坑全面闭坑以后,污染范围与矿坑水区一致,地下水污染组份与矿坑水的高含量组份相同。水质恶化主要由矿坑水串层污染所致。在此针对串层污染形成原因及影响因素,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
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