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太湖和大浦河口风成流、风涌水的数值模拟及其单站验证   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
介绍了太湖风成流和风涌水的数值摸拟工作。使用两种不同水平分辨率的数值模式,利用中日合作研究组在大浦河口实测的水位、湖流和风的资料对模拟结果进行了验证。结果指出,模式对风涌水及流向有较好的预报能力,流速的预报尚待进一步改进。  相似文献   
大荔人遗址黄土-古土壤剖面岩石磁学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自从大荔人化石被发现以来,其遗址剖面便成为研究热点.先前的研究主要集中在地层的对比划分与头盖骨年龄的推断方面,然而对于载磁矿物的鉴定及其古气候含义方面的研究却相对较少.鉴于此,本文运用热磁分析、饱和等温剩磁和剩磁矫顽力谱分析、磁滞回线分析、频率磁化率分析、热退磁分析等方法,对大荔人遗址剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学性质研究,鉴定出其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿,赤铁矿,磁赤铁矿,磁畴状态主要是似单畴.磁铁矿,赤铁矿是样品中特征剩磁的携带者;主要起源于成土作用的超顺磁颗粒和新生成的亚铁磁性矿物,是古土壤样品磁化率增强的主要贡献者;古土壤中软磁性矿物的含量高于黄土.样品中磁赤铁矿的含量并不高.黄土-古土壤样品的频率磁化率曲线,古里雅冰芯氧同位素、细微粒浓度曲线,岐山五里铺剖面有机质含量曲线在古气候记录方面具有一致性,都展示出至少从MIS5以来,气候从冰期到间冰期的变化是渐变的,反之则表现了突变特征.上述岩石磁学研究丰富了大荔剖面的磁学领域研究内容,为相关课题的深入研究提供了依据.  相似文献   
新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘晚泥盆世法门期地层之划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆准噶尔沙尔布尔提山及其附近地区是中国准噶尔-兴安地层区上泥盆统及下石炭统发育的代表地区,其中和布克河中游东岸(萨尔巴根德山地区)是过去受到广泛关注的和布克河组建组典型地区,但因构造改造强烈,导致和布克河组原剖面的描述出现多种问题,其层序及与洪古勒楞组的关系长期以来有着不同的意见。经过多年的野外工作,文中建立了萨尔巴根德山地区法门阶的层序,鉴于该地区的层序与布龙果尔剖面基本相似,认为取消和布克河组的名称,而代之统一使用洪古勒楞组是合理的。萨尔巴根德山地区的法门阶地层由洪古勒楞组及黑山头组(下部)组成,其中洪古勒楞组含弓石燕类等腕足动物及“Cyrtoclymenia”、Platyclymenia等菊石,自下而上可划分为5段(均为新名称):(1)萨尔巴段以大套灰岩为特征;(2)龙口段以大套灰绿色砂岩、砾岩、粉砂岩为特征;(3)杜古尔段以泥质灰岩及泥灰岩为特征;(4) 乌兰段以紫红色疙瘩状砂质灰岩、紫红色及灰绿色硅质粉砂岩、硅质泥岩为特征;(5)查斯段以灰色钙质砂岩钙质粉砂岩至砂质灰岩为特征。上覆黑山头组(下部)以深灰色硅质粉砂岩、硅质泥岩、硅质岩、细砂岩、紫红色粉砂质、硅质泥页岩为特征,含腕足类Syringothyris Spirifer腕足动物群及Cymaclymenia等菊石,属泥盆系顶部层位。  相似文献   
蒋溥 《地震地质》1989,11(1):101-114
本文从场地地震危险性评价,地震危险性概率分析、场地地震工程地质单元划分、地震反应分析、活断层工程分类等五个方面、论述场地地震效应及其预测中基本原理和方法。根据工程地震危险性评价和分析、地震小区划等地震工程实践,对场地地震效应及其预测提供一些基本考虑和经验  相似文献   
Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique, a series of biomarkers were identi- fied, including n-alkanes, n-alkane-2-ones, isoprenoid etc. from the loess-paleosol samples collected from the S4 and adjacent L5, L4 of the Luochuan loess section, Northwestern China. Based on these data, especially n-alkanes and high-resolution magnetic susceptibility and grain size data, the pa- leoenvironment and paleovegetation history during S4 was reconstructed. The CPI (Carbon Predomi- nance Index) and correlation between n-alkanes and magnetic susceptibility and grain size data dem- onstrated that the molecular fossils in paleosol and loess layers can reflect the vegetation condition during the loess-paleosol formation, if the allochthonous organic inputs could be excluded reasonably. The ACL (average chain length) index is correlated well with paleomagnetic susceptibility and grain size variations, displaying their good synchrony with warm and humid climate. However, it relatively lagged behind the paleomagnetic susceptibility and the grain size variations when the climate began to deteriorate. During the formation period of paleosol, the n-alkanes was dominated by C31 homologue, indicating that the primary organic input originated from herbs. Our study also demonstrated that the herbs were more flourish than wood plants in Loess Plateau, especially in the Luochuan area during the warm and humid phase, and there was no typical forest vegetation developed in the studied period.  相似文献   
卜凡泉 《地震研究》1994,17(3):281-287
统计鲁北平原4井降水效率表明,地质类型相同的深井水位降水效率主要受控于测层埋深;规律性级强,笔者在统计基础上建立了模拟公式,并计算了不同深度测层的降水效率,与实际统计弥合度极好,笔者认为“对类型相同不同深度测层水位降水干扰排除过程中即可利用该式对其效率直接计算,免去了统计,修定的麻烦。  相似文献   
The maps of the field-aligned current (FAC) density distribution in the ionosphere obtained by the TIM-2 magnetogram inversion technique are used to investigate the August 27, 2001 substorm. The open magnetic flux Ψ and intensity J of the substorm current wedge (SCW) have been determined with a step of 1–5 min. The substorm onsets are divided into two types, PSR (plasma sheet reconnection) and TLR (tail lobe reconnection). The fast expansion tailward of the PSR region is described as the transition from PSR to PSR+TLR. Assuming that the SCW FACs flow down into the ionosphere from the edges of the disruption region of the cross-tail dawn-dusk current, several parameters of the disruption region have been estimated. The disrupted magnetic field has been found to be ∼5% of the undisrupted one for PSR and ∼95% for PSR+TLR. The disturbance power Q for PSR is an order of magnitude lower than that for PSR+TLR. The abrupt growth of Q during the transition from PSR to PSR+TLR is observed over the entire SCW area from its near-Earth part to the midtail and distant tail.  相似文献   
We report on the concentration and compositional features of n-alkanes of natural and anthropogenic origins in the snow samples collected from the Qiyi glacier in the Qilian Mountains, the Yuzhufeng glacier in eastern Kunlun Mountains, the Xiaodongkemadi glacier in the Tanggula Mountains, and the Gurenhekou glacier in the Nyainqêntanglha Range. The results indicate a decrease in the total n-alkane concentration (T-HCs) from the northeast to the south over the Tibetan Plateau. The T-HCs in these studied areas were close to those in the Belukha and Sofiyskiy glacier, Russian Alati Mountains and the Dasuopu glacier in the Himalaya but were much higher than those in the Greenland ice sheet, suggesting that the mountain glaciers in the Asian continent may receive a higher loading of n-alkanes than the Greenland ice core. Moreover, the compositional characteristics of n-alkanes indicated that the n-alkanes in the studied areas were probably originated from the plant waxes as well as the fossil-fuel combustion exhaust, whereas the contribution from the lower organisms was small. In addition, the plant wax (Cn(wax)) and anthropogenic (non-Cn(wax)) contributions revealed that fast industrialization may have significant effects on the organic pollutant composition in glacier over the Tibetan Plateau and its circumference environment. Particularly, except for the Yuzhufeng glacier, the ΣnC21 /ΣnC22 + and (nC15+nC17+nC19)/(nC27+nC29+nC31) ratio decreased from the Qiyi glacier to the Gurenhekou glacier over the Tibetan Plateau, while the carbon preference index (CPI) values increased. These results indicate a decrease in terrigenous input while an increase in marine input from the northeast to the south over the Tibetan Plateau. These two ratios can be used as the climatic and environmental change indicators.  相似文献   
The main portion of the inner radiation belt en-countered by spacecraft in low-Earth orbits (LEOs) is concentrated over the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) where satellites observed the highest particle flux. The anomaly arises from the Earth’s magnetic field being less intense in the region centered near the east of the Atlantic coast of South America. The trapped radiation belt particles therefore have their lowest mirroring altitudes over the center region of the SAA. Drift shells in t…  相似文献   
GRACE-FO卫星定轨精度直接影响其反演地球重力场,评估检核轨道数据精度是保证重力场反演效果的重要步骤.自该卫星升空以来,已在轨观测近2年6个月,尚未见对各时期卫星轨道的检核分析.针对以上情况,提出了利用LRI与KBR数据检核GRACE-FO卫星精密轨道的方法,引入了基于信噪比确定权重系数的星间距离组合观测量作为参考...  相似文献   
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