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The influence derived from atmosphere transmitting of radar wave, in the application of high-resolution airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) stereo positioning, may produce some phase errors, and eventually be introduced into positioning model. This paper described the principle of airborne SAR stereo positioning and the error sources of stereo positioning accuracy that arose from atmosphere transmitting, established a corresponding assessment model of atmosphere transmitting influence, and testified the model and the assessment principle taking the 1-m resolution airborne SAR images of Zigong City, Sichuan Province in China, as the test dataset. The test result has proved that the assessment model is reliable and reasonable. And, it has shown that the phase error arisen from time delay is the main error source during the atmosphere transmitting, which has much more influences on cross-track direction and introduces a stereo positioning error of about eight meters, but less on the along-track direction.  相似文献   
The water vapor budget and the cloud microphysical processes associated with a heavy rainfall system in the Dabie Mountain area in June 2008 were analyzed using mesoscale reanalysis data(grid resolution 0.03 × 0.03,22 vertical layers,1-h intervals),generated by amalgamating the local analysis and prediction system(LAPS).The contribution of each term in the water vapor budget formula to precipitation was evaluated.The characteristics of water vapor budget and water substances in various phase states were evaluated and their differences in heavy and weak rainfall areas were compared.The precipitation calculated from the total water vapor budget accounted for 77% of actual precipitation;surface evaporation is another important source of water vapor.Water vapor within the domain of interest mainly came from the lower level along the southern boundary and the lower-middle level along the western boundary.This altitude difference for water vapor flux was caused by different weather systems.The decrease of local water vapor in the middle-lower layer in the troposphere during the system development stage also contributed to precipitation.The strength and the layer thickness of water vapor convergence and the content of various water substances in the heavy rainfall areas were obviously larger than in the weak rainfall areas.The peak values of lower-level water vapor convergence,local water vapor income,and the concentration of cloud ice all preceded the heaviest surface rainfall by a few hours.  相似文献   
利用2005—2015年安徽省内1162个站点观测资料简要分析了短时强降水的时空分布特征,并利用中国气象局CLDAS(CMA Land Data Assimilation System)近实时降水资料检验2012—2015年安徽省WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)模式对短时强降水的预报性能,探讨不同空间插值方法、检验方法对预报效果的影响,以评估模式预报短时强降水的应用价值和使用注意事项。结果表明:短时强降水主要发生在大别山区和皖南山区;一年中发生次数呈单峰分布,集中于6—8月;日变化呈双峰状,强峰为北京时间下午15:00—19:00,弱峰为06:00—09:00,两个低谷分别为01:00、12:00前后。在两分类评分TS(Threat Score)检验中,各个季节评分均十分低,插值方法对TS评分影响不大。邻域法FSS评分(Fractions Skill Score)检验中,春季FSS评分低,最高仅可达15%,空间窗、时间窗、时间超前或滞后变化对FSS评分的影响不如夏季、秋季明显;夏季,不考虑时间窗时,单独的时间超前或滞后不能提高预报准确率;秋季,模式分别滞后1h或滞后2h预报结果优于同期预报,而超前1h或超前2h预报结果低于同期预报,表明秋季WRF模式对短时强降水的预报有一定滞后性。  相似文献   
远海梭子蟹盐度适应性初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取活力强,体宽95mm左右的远海梭子蟹,进行海水最低盐度、最高盐度及各种盐度变化的试验。结果表明:远海梭子蟹生存的海水盐度为10~50,能正常摄饵的海水盐度为15~45,最佳摄饵海水盐度为25~35。同时发现,海水盐度从正常盐度(30)向低盐度降低时,每24h降低不超过5的逐渐变化时远海梭子蟹成活率比每次降低超过10以上的聚变存活率高,摄饵量大。说明海水盐度的逐渐变化比海水盐度的骤变对远海梭子蟹  相似文献   
江淮灾害性大风飑线的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴瑞姣  陶玮  周昆  邱学兴 《气象》2019,45(2):155-165
本文利用2000—2017年4—9月的多普勒雷达资料、地面和高空探测资料,识别出江淮地区35条飑线。空间分布显示,飑线主要形成于长江以北的平原地区。时间分布显示,40%的飑线发生在7月,其中7月下旬有一峰值;约37%的飑线形成于中午到下午,在午后到傍晚成熟,在下午至夜间消亡。较多的飑线向东南方向移动,移速集中于8~16 m·s~(-1),长度为200~250 km,强度为60~65 dBz,生命史为3~4 h。飑线的主要形成方式为离散区型(broken areal型),组织方式以后部层状云型(trailing stratiform型)居多,主要消散方式为逆向断线型(reversed broken line型)。把飑线的天气背景分成五种类型:浅槽型、深槽型、高压边缘型、槽后型和冷涡型。江淮飑线多出现在西风槽前;深槽型飑线引起的地面降温幅度最大;深槽型和冷涡型飑线的雷达回波核较高,天气也更为剧烈,除了降水和雷暴大风外,还可出现冰雹或龙卷。五种天气型的相同之处是对流有效位能大于1300 J·kg~(-1),0~6 km的垂直风切变大于10 m·s~(-1),抬升凝结高度多低于930 hPa,即低层为高温潮湿的环境。  相似文献   
Squall lines frequently invade the Yangtze–Huaihe River region(YHR), where the complex terrain of rivers, lakes,and mountains plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of convection. The surface heat flux not only varies with surface conditions, but also changes between day and night. Coupled with the terrain forcing, such diurnal–nocturnal thermodynamic differences shift the low-level baroclinity, and thus further complicate the convective activities. To investigate the integrated impact of diurnal–nocturnal thermodynamic differences on the development of squall lines over complex terrain including disasters that might ensue, numerical modeling experiments on a squall line in July 2014 were performed by forcing a squall line to pass the YHR separately at daytime and nighttime. The results show that the low-level instability during the day is much larger than that during the night, and is determined predominantly by the shortwave heating of the surface. Specifically, the solar radiation enhances the temperature gradient between the warmland ahead of the squall line and the convectively generated cold pool in the region around Chaohu Lake and the Yangtze River. Such low-level baroclinity sets preconditions in the environment towards the occurrence of deep convection. The increased precipitation and the evaporation of rain in the daytime also enhance the cold pool and the associated downdraft, which further intensify the squall line. Meanwhile, the valley breeze is intensified during the day. Such scenarios promote convection that extends the squall line and the associated heavy precipitation and wind gusts southward. This research may have significant implications for enhancing the squall line prediction capability in the YHR and improving our understanding of the physical mechanisms of convective activities over complex terrain.  相似文献   
安徽一次大范围暴雨和大风过程的成因分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对2010年6月8日08时—9日08时发生在安徽麦收区的一次大范围暴雨和大风过程进行天气学分析,分析结果表明:在低层辐合、高层辐散的有利环流配置条件下,高压的阻挡、低空西南急流和低空东风急流是形成这次暴雨的最主要原因。高压阻挡使降雨维持的时间较长,两支低空急流不仅为暴雨区提供了充沛的水汽,而且两者之间的相互作用使得降雨进一步增强。通过对低空东风急流的作用做深入分析发现:低空东风急流的存在不仅使低空西南急流输送的水汽在其左侧累积,而且低空东风急流上的正涡度平流也迫使江淮气旋向麦收区方向缓慢移动,并使其不断发展,进一步加大了江淮气旋移动前方的气压梯度,使风力加大,东风急流进一步加强,形成正反馈机制。另外东风急流的动量下传又使得地面出现偏东大风。  相似文献   

利用预报业务上常用的ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)全球模式和华东区域模式(WARMS 2.0)的降水预报,建立了基于空间分布相似的降水集成方法,主要分为3个步骤:(1) 实时降水预报场空间尺度分离;(2)检索历史相似预报个例;(3)确定最优集成系数。在第(1)步尺度分离中采用高斯低通滤波方法,将降水场分解成连续性和分散性降水场;第(2)步相似个例检验利用了图像相似技术,根据连续性和分散性降水场综合寻找历史同期相似个例;在第(3)步集成系数确定中根据历史相似个例确定最优集成系数,并应用于最新实时预报中。通过结合图像识别、权重优化、建立历史样本数据库等方法,针对2018—2019年汛期(6—8月)检验结果表明:多模式集成产品的晴雨预报准确率相较于单模式而言有明显提高,且随时间变化表现较为稳定。在暴雨以上量级降水预报方面,集成产品的汛期整体TS评分高于单模式,Bias评分更接近1.0。通过CRA空间检验分析发现,集成产品既能一定程度上弥补全球模式在预报中尺度降水过程时强度偏弱的劣势,又纠正了区域模式在降水落区位置预报方面的偏差,进而实现了暴雨TS评分的提高。

光学遥感云检测是定量遥感和遥感应用的基础, 尝试将朴素贝叶斯的机器学习方法应用于风云四号气象卫星A星(FY-4A)搭载的先进静止轨道辐射成像仪(AGRI)红外通道数据云检测。因辐射物理方法的云检测采用可见光通道导致存在日夜不连续现象,仅选取FY-4A/AGRI载荷7个红外通道的光谱数据,构建10种特征分类,利用正交偏振云-气溶胶激光雷达(CALIOP)与FY-4A/AGRI时空匹配数据,对不同地表类型和不同季节的数据集进行分类训练和验证。与CALIOP数据交叉验证显示除积雪上空云识别准确率约为81%,深海、浅水、陆地和荒漠上空的云识别准确率均高于92%,误判率基本低于10%,总体云识别精度达到90%;与2021年10月和2022年1,4,7月MODIS 2级云检测产品比对,深海、浅水云识别准确率均在88%以上,误判率分别低于3%和10%,夏季云识别效果最佳,总体云识别准确率高达90%。云检测结果不仅得到云、可能云、可能晴空和晴空4种分类结果,还得到每种特征和综合特征云检测分类器的不确定性概率值,这为云和地表相关检测产品提供重要参考。  相似文献   
An analysis was conducted on the evolutional process of a mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) and associated heavy rainfall in the Dabie Mountain area on 21-22 June 2008,as well as their structural characteristics in different stages,by using the mesoscale reanalysis data with 3 km and 1 h resolution generated by the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) in the Southern China Heavy Rainfall Experiment.The results showed that the latent heat released by convection in the midtroposphere was the main energy source for the development of a low-level vortex.There was a positive feedback interaction between the convection and the vortex,and the evolution of the MCV was closely related to the strength of the positive interaction.The most typical characteristics of the thermal structure in different stages were that,there was a relatively thin diabatic heating layer in the midtroposphere in the formative stage;the thickness of diabatic heating layer significantly increased in the mature stage;and it almost disappeared in the decay stage.The characteristics of the dynamic structure were that,in the formative stage,there was no anticyclonic circulation at the high level;in the mature stage,an anticyclonic circulation with strong divergence was formed at the high level;in the decay stage,the anticyclonic circulation was damaged and the high-level atmosphere was in a disordered state of turbulence.Finally,the structural schematics of the MCV in the formative and mature stage were established respectively.  相似文献   
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