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利用1960-2010年江西省81个台站月平均气温观测资料和NOAA全球月平均海表温度资料(ERSST-V3),分析了江西省冬季气温异常与海温异常的相互联系,并运用超前-滞后相关分析和奇异值分解(SVD)方法初步探讨了关键区海温异常之间的相互作用.结果表明:①影响江西省冬季气温异常的海温关键区和关键时段分别为同期印度洋(10°S~20°N,54°~90°E)、同期西北太平洋(20°~40°N,120°~180°E)和前期8-9月北大西洋中部(24°~44°N,20°~60°W)海域;②西北太平洋关键区暖水年预示暖冬年好于印度洋区,而印度洋区冷水年预示冷冬年稍好于西北太平洋区,冬季西北太平洋与印度洋海温异常可以修正前期8-9月北大西洋中部海温异常对江西省冬季气温的影响.  相似文献   
我国新一代极轨业务气象卫星风云三号 (02) 批计划2012年发射。该文利用UWNMS模拟2005年Katrina飓风的结果作为基础数据集,借助VDISORT微波辐射传输模式对风云三号 (02) 批计划装载的微波探测仪器中50~60 GHz和新增的118.75 GHz频点的降水特性进行初步研究。首先通过晴空权重函数匹配,选择出50~60 GHz与118.75 GHz频点匹配关系较好的4对通道。敏感性分析表明:各通道对各种水凝物粒子均很敏感,可用于改进现有业务降水反演算法。分别选取50~60 GHz 4个通道、118.75 GHz 4个通道、50~60 GHz及118.75 GHz全部通道3种不同的通道组合进行反演试验。结果表明:将50~60 GHz及118.75 GHz通道联合起来进行降水反演可提高降水反演的精度,并可以更好地区分降水区与非降水区。  相似文献   
2001年台风暴雨的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用常规资料、HLAFS格点资料和GMS-5静止卫星红外云图,对2001年我国台风暴雨的天气气候特征、热带低压造成的“8.5”上海特大暴雨及0103号台风“榴莲”的强暴雨形成的物理条件进行了诊断分析研究,并探讨了动力学、热力学和大气层结稳定度等物理因子在这两次强暴雨过程中的主要作用。分析结果对实时预报业务和科研工作有一定启示意义。  相似文献   
Using analyses of data from extant direct numerical simulations and large-eddy simulations of boundary-layer and channel flows over and within urban-type canopies, sectional drag forces, Reynolds and dispersive shear stresses are examined for a range of roughness densities. Using the spatially-averaged mean velocity profiles these quantities allow deduction of the canopy mixing length and sectional drag coefficient. It is shown that the common assumptions about the behaviour of these quantities, needed to produce an analytical model for the canopy velocity profile, are usually invalid, in contrast to what is found in typical vegetative (e.g. forest) canopies. The consequence is that an exponential shape of the spatially-averaged mean velocity profile within the canopy cannot normally be expected, as indeed the data demonstrate. Nonetheless, recent canopy models that allow prediction of the roughness length appropriate for the inertial layer’s logarithmic profile above the canopy do not seem to depend crucially on their (invalid) assumption of an exponential profile within the canopy.  相似文献   
海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林作为典型的热带雨林生态系统之一,其长期的气候动态变化研究对全球变化研究有着重要的作用。采用1980--2005年海南尖峰岭森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站天池气象站地面常规气象观测资料,利用累积距平法和Mann—Kendall检验法分析了尖峰岭热带山地雨林区气候突变和气候异常。结果表明:近26a来,该区年平均气温、年平均地温、年平均最高最低气温、年积温和平均水汽压在1990年前后经历一次由低到高的突变,年平均风速在1993年经历由大到小的突变。在高强度ENSO事件发生的1998年,气温、地温均出现异常偏高,这些都表明该林区的森林气候变化正是对全球气候异常的明显响应过程。  相似文献   
Summary Climate variability and flood events in the Yangtze Delta, which is a low-lying terrain prone to flood hazards, storm tides and typhoons, are studied in terms of a trend and detrended fluctuation analysis of historical records. The data used in this paper were extracted from historical records such as local annuals and chronologies from 1000–1950 and supplemented by instrumental observations since 1950. The historical data includes frequencies of floods, droughts and maritime events on a decadal basis. Flood magnitudes increase during the transition from the medieval warm interval into the early Little Ice Age. Fluctuating climate changes of the Little Ice Age, which are characterised by arid climate events, are followed by wet and cold climate conditions with frequent flood hazards. For trend analysis, the Mann-Kendall test is applied to determine the changing trends of flood and drought frequency. Flood frequency during 1000–1950 shows a negative trend before 1600 A.D. and a positive trend thereafter; drought frequency increases after 1300. The detrended fluctuation analysis of the flood and drought frequencies reveals power law scaling up to centuries; this is related to long-term memory and is similar to the river Nile floods.  相似文献   
Climate change and human activities: a case study in Xinjiang, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examined both long-term climate variability and anthropogenic contributions to current climate change for Xinjiang province of northwest China. Xinjiang encompasses several mountain ranges and inter-mountain basins and is comprised of a northern semiarid region and a more arid southern region. Climate over the last three centuries was reconstructed from tree rings and temperature series were calculated for the past 50 years using weather station data. Three major conclusions from these analyses are: (1) Although temperature varied considerably in Xinjiang over the last 200 years, it was non-directional until the last 50 years when a substantial warming trend occurred; (2) The semiarid North Xinjiang was representative of the northern hemisphere climate, while the more arid South Xinjiang resembled the southern hemisphere climate, meanwhile, (3) The entire Xinjiang province captured the global-scale climate signal. We also compared human contributions to global change between North and South Xinjiang, including land cover/land use, population, and greenhouse gas production. For both regions, urban areas acted as heat islands; and large areas of grassland and forest were converted to barren land, especially in North Xinjiang. Additionally, North Xinjiang also showed larger increase in population and greenhouse gas emissions mainly associated with animal production than those in South Xinjiang. Although Xinjiang province is a geographically coupled mountain–basin system, the two regions have distinct climate patterns and anthropogenic activities related to land cover conversion and greenhouse gas production.  相似文献   
基于SPEI的中国西南地区1961-2012年干旱变化特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用1961—2012年中国西南地区86个气象站逐月降水量和平均气温资料,引入一个新的干旱指数——标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)作为干旱等级划分指标,研究了1961—2012年该地区不同时间尺度干旱的变化特征。结果表明:该地区12个月尺度干旱频率在云贵交界区呈显著增加趋势,其他区域变化不显著且不一致;少雨期(11—4月)6个月尺度干旱频率在全区显著增加,而在多雨期(5—10月)大部分区域干旱频率呈缓慢减少趋势,减少最明显的区域在四川南部;3个月尺度干旱频率在春季变化不明显,在秋季和冬季显著增加,其中2000—2012年的增加趋势尤为显著,干旱化趋势严重。  相似文献   
秋季层状云中高值过冷水区的微物理特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王俊  张连云  陈金敏  王庆  龚佃利 《气象》1999,25(12):24-27
利用11架次的机载“PMS”资料,分析了山东秋季层状云中高值(大于0.1g·m~(-3))过冷水区的微物理特征:最大过冷水含量为0.361g·m~(-3),84.0%的过冷水含量在0.1~0.2g·m~(-3)间,过冷水连续出现的宽度86.1%小于3.0km。雪晶形状以霰粒和小雪粒为主。2阶(函数可以很好地拟合云滴尺度谱,质量谱适合用对数正态函数拟合。  相似文献   
低纬高原城市区域冬季晴天不同波长辐射的特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用低纬高原城市昆明城区内外不同波长辐射的实测资料,分析了研究得较少的城区内外不同波长辐射的分布特征、变化规律及其差异,主要结果如下:(1)城内因受周围大气环境质量的影响,各波长辐射量的变化离散性大于城外;不同波长辐射的绝对量和相对量(城内外比值)大多是城内小于城外,且以大气污染严重的午前差异显著。(2)低纬高原城市区域,冬季晴好天气时午前、午后不同波长射占总辐射的百分率存在差异;城内外各辐射的百  相似文献   
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