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The investigations on the organic carbon (OC) of core sediments were carried out in Chongming east tidal flat (CM) during Scirpus mariqueter growing stage (from April to December 2004) in Yangtze Estuary. The Yangtze River annually transports a runoff discharge of 30,000 m3/s, carrying about 480 million tons of sediments to the estuarine and coastal area, which formed a great OC pool. In the sampling spots, seven quadrats of 50 cm × 50 cm and five sediments cores of 20 cm deep (40 cm deep in December) were randomly established in order to collect vegetations and core sediments samples during the low tide each month except November. After pretreatment, the core sediments were sieved and their OC contents were measured according to the potassium dichromate method. The results show that the higher surface sediment OC content in summer comes from allochthonous terrigenous particle settlements on the Chongming east middle tidal flat S. mariqueter zone. In autumn and winter, the decomposing of the defoliated S. mariqueter increases the surface sediments OC content. Settling velocity, sediment temperature and S. mariqueter growth are the main factors that can control the sediment carbon content. Summer is the "carbon losing" period of the tidal flat sediments, while from September, it changes into the "carbon accumulating" period of sediment OC pool because of the decomposing of dead S. mariqueter community in the sediments. From this alternation of "carbon losing" period and "carbon accumulating" period, we conclude that carbon in the OC pool of the middle tidal flat S. mariqueter zone sediments mainly comes from the atmospheric carbon rooted by S. mariqueter photosynthesis.  相似文献   
Analysis of rock structure stability in coal mines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the theory of limit point instability is used to analyse the stability of rock structures in coal mines. A general method of analysing stability of rock structures is put forward and a uniform instability condition of rock structures is set up. Some instability phenomena, such as rock bursts in circular roadways, pillars and long walls, and the outburst of coal and gas from circular roadways, are discussed analytically. At a later stage, the critical point of rock structure instability is determined. The influence of relative parameters (such as the mechanical properties of rock, coal, and the geometric sizes) on the stability of the rock structures is carefully analysed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
固沙林庇护区内降尘特征的初步观测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张华  何红  李锋瑞 《干旱区地理》2005,28(2):156-160
采用野外定位实测法,连续两年对科尔沁沙地24龄人工固沙杨树(Populussimonii)林庇护区内4~6月份及强沙尘暴事件中的降尘特征进行了观测研究。结果表明:(1)林地庇护区内4、5月份的降尘量较多,分别为273和437kg/hm2,6月份的降尘量较少,为171kg/hm2。(2)林地中央的滞尘效应在风蚀季节和强沙尘暴天气过程中十分显著。(3)林地庇护区内的降尘中粒径<0.02mm颗粒含量占60.7%,降尘中的全C、全N和速效P含量分别高达1.676%、0.163%和210.66mg/kg,这对风沙土表层土壤的细化和养分的积累具有重要的生态学意义。  相似文献   
湿地生态风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合生态学相关知识,将生态风险管理具体应用到湿地的生态风险管理中。从湿地生态风险管理过程的规划、管理目标、生态风险评估、风险处理等方面对湿地生态风险管理进行了探讨。在湿地生态风险评价过程中进一步运用经济学方法进行了湿地风险综合分析,使湿地生态风险管理更有效。对于湿地生态风险管理,应根据不同的风险程度采取不同的措施或者方法,提出了4种湿地风险管理措施。  相似文献   
运用市场份额和亲景度指标,定量分析2000—2006年(2003年除外)甘肃省入境旅游客源市场的市场份额和亲景度的时空变化特征,并探讨了4种市场类型与4类亲景度市场的相关性,据此确定目前甘肃省入境旅游客源市场适宜发展的4类模式:重点市场、主要市场、潜在市场和机会市场,为甘肃省入境旅游客源市场定位和开拓提供科学依据,并提出甘肃省入境旅游发展的相关对策、措施。  相似文献   
针对目前大多数点云滤波方法的不足,提出基于随机抽样一致(random sample consensus,RANSAC)多模型拟合的隧道点云滤波算法.与单模型拟合滤波方法不同,该算法在每个隧道横断面上使用多个圆模型进行分段拟合,多个模型具有不同的模型参数,将远离所拟合的各圆模型的点作为噪声点进行剔除.实验结果表明,相较于...  相似文献   
免棱镜全站仪测距性能的测试及精度分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了免棱镜全站仪的基本特点和性能;对Nikon DTM-352免棱镜全站仪在无反射棱镜条件下的测距性能进行了多方面的测试,包括照准不同材质和不同颜色的反射目标测距、以不同的入射角(激光束与目标面之间的夹角)测距、瞄准不同透明度的反射面测距以及对物镜加罩测距,并通过对大量的测试结果进行精度分析,得出了一些对实际工作有参考价值的结论。  相似文献   
以二氧化氯作为一种新型的消毒剂和杀菌剂 ,以传统含氯制剂 (如漂白粉、二氯异氰尿酸钠、三氯异氰尿酸 )作为对照 ,比较其在治疗欧洲鳗细菌性疾病及改善养殖水质方面的显著特性 ,其作用活性与环境 (如 p H、温度、氨及有机物 )因子的关系。结果表明 ,二氧化氯 (Cl O2 )对爱德华氏菌、嗜水气单胞菌和柱状屈挠杆菌有很好的杀灭效果 ,能迅速治愈欧洲鳗的赤鳍病和肝肾病 ,且能有效改善养殖水体 ,水中生化需氧量比对照组下降 10 %~ 30 % ,化学耗氧量下降 5% ,溶氧量提高 8%~ 10 %。当二氧化氯体积分数为 8m L/m3时 ,其杀菌率均高达 90 %以上 ,为氯制剂的 1.8倍 ,且活性不受环境因子的影响  相似文献   
Geothermalanomalyisaphenomenonthatundergroundtemperatureandgeothermalgradientincreasesmuchmoreintheareathanitssurroundings(Xia,1979).Abruptgeothermalanomalymeansthatundergroundtemperatureonsomespotsaswellastheaffectedtemperatureofsurroundingareaabr…  相似文献   
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