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The midwinter suppression(MWS) of the North Pacific storm track(NPST) has been an active research topic for decades. Based on the daily-mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis from 1948 to 2018, this study investigates the MWS-related atmospheric circulation characteristics in the Northern Hemisphere by regression analysis with respect to a new MWS index, which may shed more light on this difficult issue. The occurrence frequency of the MWS of the upper-tropospheric NPST is more than 0.8 after the mid-1980 s. The MWS is accompanied by significantly positive sea-level pressure anomalies in Eurasia and negative anomalies over the North Pacific, which correspond to a strengthened East Asian winter monsoon. The intensified East Asian trough and atmospheric blocking in the North Pacific as well as the significantly negative low-level air temperature anomalies, lying upstream of the MNPST, are expected to be distinctly associated with the MWS. However, the relationship between the MWS and low-level atmospheric baroclinicity is somewhat puzzling.From the diagnostics of the eddy energy budget, it is identified that the inefficiency of the barotropic energy conversion related to the barotropic governor mechanism does not favor the occurrence of the MWS. In contrast, weakened baroclinic energy conversion, buoyancy conversion, and generation of eddy available potential energy by diabatic heating are conducive to the occurrence of the MWS. In addition, Ural blocking in the upstream region of the MNPST may be another candidate mechanism associated with the MWS.  相似文献   
栾福明  熊黑钢  王昭国  王芳 《中国沙漠》2016,36(5):1496-1502
运用最近邻指数和耦合分析方法,研究了旧石器时期至近现代新疆432处文化遗址时空分布特征及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)新疆文化遗址属于聚集分布模式,集中分布在以12个聚集区为主的丝绸之路南道、中道、北道和塔城-阿勒泰地区4个带。中道和北道的遗址数量约占总量的80.11%。(2)新疆文化遗址可划分为旧石器-商朝、西周-秦朝、汉代-南北朝、隋唐-五代、宋元明、清朝-近现代6个时期,不同时期遗址分布重心经历了塔城-阿勒泰→丝绸之路南道和中道→丝绸之路中道和北道→丝绸之路中道的演变。(3)文化遗址的格局演化与历史时期新疆自然和人文因素等有很好的耦合关系,文化遗址的快速发展期(如西汉、隋唐)与气候的相对凉湿期、中原政权的强盛、屯垦的高潮期、丝绸之路的繁荣期相对应。(4)文化遗址空间分布主要受控于自然因素,而时间变迁更多的是受人文因素的影响。早期自然因素的影响大,而后期人文力量起主导作用,是新疆文化遗址变迁与自然和人文耦合关系的总规律。  相似文献   
Yu  Xia  Zhou  Weijian  Wang  Yunqiang  Cheng  Peng  Hou  Yaoyao  Xiong  Xiaohu  Du  Hua  Yang  Ling  Wang  Ya 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):921-934
The vertical distribution and exchange mechanisms of soil organic and inorganic carbon(SOC, SIC) play an important role in assessing carbon(C) cycling and budgets. However, the impact of land use through time for deep soil C(below 100 cm) is not well known. To investigate deep C storage under different land uses and evaluate how it changes with time, we collected soil samples to a depth of 500 cm in a soil profile in the Gutun watershed on the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP); and determined SOC, SIC, and bulk density. The magnitude of SOC stocks in the 0–500 cm depth range fell into the following ranking: shrubland(17.2 kg m~(-2)) grassland(16.3 kg m~(-2)) forestland(15.2 kg m~(-2)) cropland(14.1 kg m~(-2)) gully land(6.4 kg m~(-2)). The ranking for SIC stocks were: grassland(104.1 kg m~(-2)) forestland(96.2 kg m~(-2)) shrubland(90.6 kg m~(-2)) cropland(82.4 kg m~(-2)) gully land(50.3 kg m~(-2)). Respective SOC and SIC stocks were at least 1.6-and 2.1-fold higher within the 100–500 cm depth range, as compared to the 0–100 cm depth range. Overall SOC and SIC stocks decreased significantly from the 5 th to the 15 th year of cultivation in croplands, and generally increased up to the 70 th year. Both SOC and SIC stocks showed a turning point at 15 years cultivation, which should be considered when evaluating soil C sequestration. Estimates of C stocks greatly depends on soil sampling depth, and understanding the influences of land use and time will improve soil productivity and conservation in regions with deep soils.  相似文献   
曾卓  熊理然  蒋梅英 《热带地理》2019,39(6):869-879
基于全球恐怖主义数据库(GTD)和南亚恐怖主义门户网站(SATP)所收录的印度暴力袭击事件数据,借助统计分析和核密度分析法,对1980—2017年印度暴力袭击事件时空演变及其驱动机制进行分析。结果表明:印度国内的暴力袭击事件频发,1980年以来呈现出波动上升态势。从空间上看,印度国内的暴力袭击事件具有自西到东、从北到南以及由边境地区向内地发展的扩散特点,展现出局部集中、面上扩散的发展趋势;呈现出以西北部的查馍-克什米尔地区和旁遮普邦、东北部的阿萨姆邦和曼尼普尔邦、中部的恰蒂斯格尔邦和东部的贾坎德邦、比哈尔邦和西孟加拉邦为主的四大集聚中心;形成以印度河上游—恒河—布拉马普特拉河一线为横轴,东高止山脉及其北部山区为纵轴的“T”字形空间格局。印度暴力袭击事件的时空演变受到身份认同、经济问题、历史问题和利益诉求等多方面因素的影响,通过宗教极端主义组织、民族分离主义组织、武装革命主义组织推动以及行动主体之间的互相作用,推动了暴力袭击事件的时空演变。要从根本上解决印度国内暴力袭击事件频发的态势,需要从政治、经济、宗教、社会等多方面进行综合施策。  相似文献   
刘秀丽  王昕  郭丕斌  熊睿  聂雷  申俊  张静 《地理科学》2022,42(2):293-302
煤炭与水资源相互影响和制约,如何评价煤炭耗水的演变趋势及其影响机制对煤炭和水资源进行协同管理具有重要意义。基于国际标准的煤炭水足迹测算模型,分析2000—2017年黄河流域煤炭富集区——晋陕蒙煤炭水足迹的时空演变趋势,构建煤炭水足迹压力指数评价区域煤炭和水资源的匹配关系,并运用LMDI模型定量分析煤炭水足迹的驱动效应。结论如下:① 煤炭水足迹总量在研究期内呈增长趋势,主要以原煤和火力发电水足迹为主,山西和内蒙古煤炭水足迹最高,陕西最低。② 研究区整体煤炭水足迹压力指数逐渐增大,由煤–水关系缓和型逐渐演变为煤–水关系制约型,从空间分异来看,山西最大,研究期内均属于煤–水紧张型,陕西次之,内蒙古最小,均由煤–水关系缓和型演变为煤–水关系制约型。③ 影响煤炭水足迹的主要驱动因素是经济效应和技术效应,前者对煤炭水足迹的影响逐渐增强,后者对煤炭水足迹压力的影响先增强后减弱,各驱动效应空间分异明显。研究结果可为煤炭富集区煤炭和水资源可持续利用提供决策参考,为黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的资源管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   
Yin  Bojun  Zuo  Renguang  Xiong  Yihui 《Natural Resources Research》2022,31(4):2065-2079
Natural Resources Research - The application of deep learning algorithms in mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) is a hot topic in mineral exploration. However, few studies have focused on recurrent...  相似文献   
刘雄 《矿产与地质》2005,19(1):48-51
湖南走马坪矿区是以钨、锡、铅、锌、银矿化为主的多金属成矿区,文章对其矿化特征作了总结,在此基础上分析其成因,并提出了找矿方向。  相似文献   
This study presents new zircon U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotopic data of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks that crop out in the Bayanhushuo area of the southern Great Xing’an Range (GXR) of NE China. These data provide insights into the tectonic evolution of this area during the late Mesozoic and constrain the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. Combining these new ages with previously published data suggests that the late Mesozoic volcanism occurred in two distinct episodes: Early–Middle Jurassic (176–173 Ma) and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (151–138 Ma). The Early–Middle Jurassic dacite porphyry belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series, showing the features of I-type igneous rock. This unit has zircon εHf(t) values from +4.06 to +11.62 that yield two-stage model ages (TDM2) from 959 to 481 Ma. The geochemistry of the dacite porphyry is indicative of formation in a volcanic arc tectonic setting, and it is derived from a primary magma generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic crustal material. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks belong to high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonite series and have A2-type affinities. These volcanics have εHf(t) and TDM2 values from +5.00 to +8.93 and from 879 to 627 Ma, respectively. The geochemistry of these Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks is indicative of formation in a post-collisional extensional environment, and they formed from primary magmas generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic lower crust. The discovery of late Mesozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks within the southern GXR indicates that this region was in volcanic arc and extensional tectonic settings during the Early–Middle Jurassic and the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, respectively. This indicates that the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate was undergoing subduction during the Early–Middle Jurassic, and this ocean adjacent to the GXR may have closed by the Late Middle Jurassic–Early Late Jurassic.  相似文献   
Xiong  Pingping  Zou  Xia  Yang  Yingjie 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2517-2531
Natural Hazards - The linear relationship of the original grey prediction model is too single, and the original grey prediction model does not consider the time delay of the effect of the current...  相似文献   
试图从台站产出的原始地形变前兆数据出发,提出一些实际操作性较强的预处理方法,从已编制好的软件中给出处理实例,从而达到提高台站观测人员的科研能力,填补资料预处理方面的某些空白的目的,这对于台站人员集观测、科研于一体有着十分重要的意义。从95-01-02项目厦门地震台前兆数据预处理的实践表明:这些方法取得了明显的实效,直到今天仍然具有很大的使用价值。  相似文献   
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