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The discovery of decadal variability of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the introduction of Arctic oscillation (AO) concept have initiated a series of paleo-AO/NAO related studies since the mid-to-late 1990s. The progress and new findings of paleo-AO/NAO works after that time were comprehensively reviewed. The new results from the observations and modelings at four key timescales were summarized in detail: ①the reconstructions of the AO/NAO annual index over the past millennium; ②the debate on AO/NAO’s trend since early Holocene; ③the weakening of AO/NAO’s amplitude during the Last Glacial Maximum; and ④the anomalous positive phase of AO/NAO during the Last Interglacial. In addition, the possible mechanism for different timescales of AO/NAO is also summarized. Furthermore, the distinction between AO/NAO’ was mean state and amplitude, which were not explicitly separated in previous studies, were comprehensively discussed. Considering the current uncertainties related to paleo-AO/NAO studies, we encourage the community to search for more proxies having longer-than-10,000-year length with annual resolution around AO/NAO highly correlated regions. Another, we encourage long-term transient modeling on AO/NAO can be performed in order to improve our understanding of the dynamics and interaction between AO/NAO’s high-frequency variability and the climatological background, so as to further improve AO/NAO’s predictability on global warming context.  相似文献   
北大西洋地区除了存在约70 a周期的AMO(Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,北大西洋年代际振荡)之外,历史长期气候记录中英格兰温度(Central England Temperature,CET)与格陵兰冰芯净雪累计率还存在显著的20 a周期波动。本研究利用CCSM4(Community Climate System Model version 4)耦合模式工业革命前控制试验(piControl)结果中的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST),通过10~50 a带通滤波与扩展经验正交函数(Extended Empirical Orthogonal Function,EEOF)分解,得到在北大西洋副极地海区存在准20 a振荡的逆时针旋转模态。此周期与其临近地区的CET、格陵兰冰芯净雪累计率的准20 a振荡周期相吻合,说明这种北大西洋副极地海区准20 a振荡的海洋模态与其临近地区的大气准20 a振荡之间可能存在相应的联系。进一步利用CAM4(the Community Atmosphere Model version4)大气模式,以北大西洋副极地海区准20 a振荡SST旋转模态为强迫场进行敏感性试验,进一步验证了这种联系。  相似文献   
文章在国家大力开展海域海岸带整治修复的背景下,利用Visual Studio 2013开发平台和SQL Server 2014数据库软件,采用ASP.NET MVC架构设计海域海岸带整治修复项目信息管理系统,实现整治修复项目信息的快速录入,并可进行查询、展示和互动等操作。相比传统信息管理系统,本系统大大提高了可维护性、可扩展性、灵活性和封装性,可促进我国海域海岸带整治修复项目信息管理实现现代化。  相似文献   

基于广州和深圳双多普勒雷达数据,对2008年6月6日发生在华南地区的一次准线状对流系统(QLCS)进行研究,分析其三维风场、动力和热力场结构并探讨其维持机制。结果表明:(1)QLCS初始于大范围层云降水中,在弱的大气不稳定环境下,存在中等强度的垂直风切变;QLCS发展时,地面有明显的中β尺度切变线,QLCS沿切变线组织成型,系统过境时地面水汽趋于饱和但未形成明显冷池。(2)发展成熟的QLCS的垂直上升速度区和正涡度区基本沿切变线呈带状,对流接近垂直发展,强回波区(>4 dBz)多数发展至5 km左右,但并未向系统移动前方倾斜,对流内的上升速度较小,最大上升速度(约6 m·s-1)在中高层,对流区内深厚的辐合形成于前侧低层(2 km以下)和后侧深厚(维持到8 km)的相对入流。(3)QLCS对流区内部为扰动高压,从低层到高层呈减小趋势;扰动位温数值很小,表明上升气流的浮力效应不明显;垂直动量诊断结果表明,对流维持的主要机制是扰动高压所产生的垂直气压梯度力。

GNSS监测技术被广泛应用于变形监测工作中,但GNSS监测数据中会有缺失值、噪声等误差的存在,对预测结果造成影响。引入改进的小波神经网络模型进行变形预测,并考虑该模型的自适应性和容错性,分别采用三次样条插值法、小波滤波法和拉依达准则对原始监测数据进行缺失值填补、去噪和粗差剔除等预处理。并利用实际监测数据进行短期预报分析,对比原始监测数据和预处理后的监测数据的预测结果,结果表明预处理后的监测数据的预测效果更好。  相似文献   
滨海湿地是海陆交界的生态过渡带,也是对气候变化极为敏感的、脆弱的生态系统,海平面上升对全球滨海湿地构成了严重威胁.为了精确预测未来海平面加速上升背景下滨海湿地的变化趋势,有必要深入开展滨海湿地应对海平面上升的脆弱性评估研究.概述了评估滨海湿地应对海平面上升的脆弱性的研究范式,评估过程包括4个步骤:确定滨海湿地的高程资本...  相似文献   
Xinyu LI  Riyu LU 《大气科学进展》2018,35(10):1231-1242
There is a well-known seesaw pattern of precipitation between the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) and the Yangtze River basin(YRB) during summer. This study identified that this out-of-phase relationship experiences a subseasonal change;that is, the relationship is strong during early summer but much weaker during mid-summer. We investigated the large-scale circulation anomalies responsible for the YRB rainfall anomalies on the subseasonal timescale. It was found that the YRB rainfall is mainly affected by the tropical circulation anomalies during early summer, i.e., the anticyclonic or cyclonic anomaly over the subtropical WNP associated with the precipitation anomalies over the tropical WNP. During mid-summer, the YRB rainfall is mainly affected by the extratropical circulation anomalies in both the lower and upper troposphere. In the lower troposphere, the northeasterly anomaly north of the YRB favors heavier rainfall over the YRB by intensifying the meridional gradient of the equivalent potential temperature over the YRB. In the upper troposphere, the meridional displacement of the Asian westerly jet and the zonally oriented teleconnection pattern along the jet also affect the YRB rainfall. The subseasonal change in the WNP–YRB precipitation relationship illustrated by this study has important implications for the subseasonalto-seasonal forecasting of the YRB rainfall.  相似文献   
为了对广西合浦盆地干热岩资源成热条件及其潜力进行评价,利用广西航磁勘查数据,采用Parker-Oldenburg法反演计算了居里面深度。在此基础上进行大地热流密度值和不同埋深地温计算,发现计算结果与现有测温资料吻合,合浦盆地内西场凹陷和常乐凹陷具有干热岩资源成生条件。结合合浦盆地内基础地质调查资料和油气钻孔资料,分析了合浦盆地干热岩资源的储层和盖层条件。初步圈出2个位于西场凹陷和常乐凹陷的干热岩勘查靶区C1和C2,面积分别为167.10和72.90 km2,干热岩资源量分别为182.48×1015、77.59×1015 J。按20%的采收率,合浦盆地干热岩资源量可开采量为52.01×1015 J,折合标准煤177.48×104 t,占2018年广西全区能源生产总量3 756.69×104 t标准煤的4.72%。在资源量评价基础上,可优先考虑位于合浦盆地西场凹陷的C1靶区开展进一步的勘探工作。  相似文献   
With the maturation of satellite technology,Hyperspectral Remote Sensing(HRS)platforms have developed from the initial ground-based and airborne platforms into spaceborne plat-forms,which greatly promotes the civil application of HRS imagery in the fields of agriculture,forestry,and environmental monitoring.China is playing an important role in this evolution,especially in recent years,with the successful launch and operation of a series of civil hyper-spectral spacecraft and satellites,including the Shenzhou-3 spacecraft,the Gaofen-5 satellite,the SPARK satellite,the Zhuhai-1 satellite network for environmental and resources monitoring,the FengYun series of satellites for meteorological observation,and the Chang'E series of spacecraft for planetary exploration.The Chinese spaceborne HRS platforms have various new characteristics,such as the wide swath width,high spatial resolution,wide spectral range,hyperspectral satellite networks,and microsatellites.This paper focuses on the recent progress in Chinese spaceborne HRS,from the aspects of the typical satellite systems,the data processing,and the applications.In addition,the future development trends of HRS in China are also discussed and analyzed.  相似文献   
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