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Tin deposits are often closely associated with granitic intrusions. In this study, we analyzed tin partition coefficients between different fluids and melts (\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)) as well as various crystals and melts \({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)(\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{crystal/melt}\)) from the Furong tin deposit associated with the Qitianling A-type granite. Our experimental results indicate that tin partition behavior is affected by the chemical compositions of fluids, melts, and minerals. Tin is prone to partitioning into the residual magma in fractional crystallization or other differential magmatic processes if the magma originated from crustal sources with high alkali content, high volatile content, and low oxygen fugacity. Highly evolved residual peralkaline granitic magma enriched in tin can lead to tin mineralization in a later stage. Furthermore, the volatiles F and Cl in the magma play important roles in tin partitioning behavior. Low F contents in the melt phase and high Cl content in the aqueous fluid phase are favorable factors for tin partitioning in the aqueous fluid phase. High Cl content in the aqueous fluid catalyzes water–rock interaction and leads to the extraction of tin from tin-bearing minerals. All these findings support a hydrothermal origin for the tin deposits. In light of the geotectonic setting, petrochemical characteristics, and mineralizing physicochemical conditions of the Furong tin deposit, it is inferred that the ore-forming fluid of the Furong tin ore deposit could have derived from the Qitianling peralkaline intrusion.  相似文献   
作者运用三维T.Kohonen自组织人工神经网络对我国沉积碳酸盐型锰矿中菱锰矿进行分类、识别。所选研究实例中,识别成功率达100%.结果表明,该网络性能良好,可望成为矿物识别的有效手段。  相似文献   
运用多学科、多手段相结合的方法,从区域构造稳定性、构造岩研究、构造裂隙统计分析、红外相位法位移监测,高密度电阻率法、钻探验证、年代学研究、新构造运动分析、遥感图像解译、地震安全性评价、数值模拟、工程地质条件分析等方面入手,对信阳市燃气混气站的断裂活动性和场地稳定性进行了全面而系统的论证;指出场区断裂规模小,第四纪无大规模差异升降运动,无活动断裂通过,邻区地震活动小且弱,区域构造稳定性高,应力平缓,工程地质条件良好,是一个稳定的“岛区”,井指出系统而全面的综合研究方法是研究工程稳定性项目行之有效的手段。  相似文献   
本文收集了一组钛榴石样品,作了穆斯堡尔谱和化学分析。采用各对应双峰等值限制拟合。拟合结果,统计误差X~2均较小。文中还分析了钛榴石结构的阳离子占位情况,并对其五对双峰谱指派如下:Fe~(3+)在[Y]位和(Z)位,Fe~(2+)在{X}和[Y]位,而另一对双峰指派为Fe~(2+){X}→Fe~(3+)(Z)的电荷离域。从化学分析和穆斯堡尔谱数据求出二种方法Fe~(2+)/∑Fe的差值,说明钛榴石中有Ti~(3+)的存在,用此简便方法估算了Ti~(3+)的含量,得出了四面体中阳离子的占位择优为Fe~(3+)>(Al~(3+),Ti~(4+))的结论。  相似文献   
黄铁栋  王平  李慧  陈俊  周欢  韦欣 《新疆地质》2011,29(3):324-326
通过对主煤层煤岩组分对比发现,沙尔湖煤田煤显微煤岩组分以惰质组分为主,组分因埋深不同有差异.利用镜质组与惰质组组份含量比例关系,推测煤层在沼泽积水较深还原环境中形成.煤中惰质组分含量较高,说明成煤期地壳缓慢上升,沼泽积水变浅的氧化环境.煤田自西向东主煤层形成时期沼泽积水深浅(地壳升降)变化韵律一致,早期深水中心偏向东部(葛洲坝煤矿方向),晚期深水中心偏向西部(格鑫煤矿方向),东部持续缓慢抬升使成煤阶段处于氧化环境,惰质组含量逐渐增高,并明显高于西部.同时,煤中无机质含量较高,反映当时为水动力条件较弱的成煤环境.据巨厚煤层产出、聚煤中心赋存(直接在二叠系老地层上)和煤层稳定性及变化趋势多方煤层特征,认为沙尔湖煤田巨厚煤层的形成具异地成煤特点.  相似文献   
基于陕南祥龙洞石笋XL2的19个230Th年龄、218个氧同位素分析以及896个Sr/Ca分析数据,高分辨率重建了4200~1972a B.P.期间陕南地区季风降雨变化.重建结果显示陕南地区这一时期季风降雨有显著的127~105a和57a周期,可能分别受控于太阳活动、PDO和/或AMO的变化.重建时段有3次百年尺度的干旱事件,分别发生于2200~2100a B.P.,2900~2700a B.P.和3600~3400a B.P.,其中2900~2700a B.P.干旱事件对应于北大西洋地区2.8ka冷事件.对比研究显示,尽管祥龙洞石笋和董哥洞石笋δ18O记录整体一致,但除了2900~ 2700aB.P.干旱事件之外,其他两次干旱事件在董哥洞石笋记录中并不明显.而尽管总体上祥龙洞和和尚洞石笋δ18O记录的差异要大,但XL2的3次干旱事件在和尚洞记录都有明显体现.有精确年代控制的祥龙洞、董哥洞及和尚洞石笋氧同位素记录的差异,揭示晚全新世我国季风降雨在十一百年尺度存在区域差异.  相似文献   
文章在总结车田沸石的晶形及物理性质、化学成分特征、红外光谱、差热-热重、X射线衍射等矿物学特征,以及耐热稳定性、耐酸碱稳定性、离子吸附与交换性能等资源特性研究进展的基础上,重点介绍了车田沸石的开发利用研究新进展,即利用其在低温煅烧和低浓度酸处理后可使其成为无定形非晶态物质的特性制备A型、X型、Y型和P型分子筛;利用其吸附和离子交换性能制备水处理剂、沸石型化肥、无机抗菌剂、干燥剂;利用其化学成分和晶体结构特性制备沸石砖、橡胶和塑料的增强剂等。并对今后车田沸石及其开发利用的研究方向和研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
Evaporation and recharge are important hydrological processes in the water cycle. However, accurately quantifying these two processes of river remains to be difficult due to their spatial heterogeneity and the limitations of traditional methods. In this study, a more reliable method of stable isotopes of δ 18O and δ 2H based on the Rayleigh distillation equation and mass conservation was used to estimate the evaporation and recharge of the rivers in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, North China Plain. Comprehensive sampling campaigns including 30 surface water samples from 10 rivers, 33 groundwater samples from domestic and observation wells, and two Yellow River water samples were conducted. The results showed that the evaporation proportion of the rivers based on δ 18O and δ 2H both averaged 14.4%. The evaporation proportions in each river did not completely follow a linear increasing trend along the flow path. This phenomenon could be mainly explained by the different proportions of recharge from groundwater and Yellow River water. With closer to the Yellow river, evaporation of the rivers decreased while the recharge by the Yellow River increased. Regression equations based on δ 18O, δ 2H, and their average revealed that the evaporation proportion respectively increased by 1.02, 0.79, and 0.90% with the increase in the distance to the Yellow River per 10 km. On the contrary, the recharge proportion decreased by 7.68, 5.51, and 6.59%, respectively. In addition, using δ 18O rather than δ 2H was more reliable in studying the spatial influence of the Yellow River on evaporation and recharge. Sensitivity analysis showed that the evaporation model was most sensitive to isotopic composition, rather than to air temperature or relative humidity. The results of this study provide insights into the determination of river hydrological processes and the management of water resources.  相似文献   
陆相细粒沉积岩是中国含油气盆地中重要的烃源岩和致密油储集层。随着对烃源岩、致密油、页岩油-气勘探开发研究的不断深入,陆相细粒沉积岩取得了一系列重要进展并持续进行着前沿探索。作者论述了传统细粒沉积岩基本概念及演变,岩石、矿物组成特征、成因机制与分类方法。结合近年来在陆内裂谷盆地陆相细粒沉积岩中广泛分布的火山—热液物质的新报道及研究成果,认为火山物质、热液喷流物质不仅参与了陆相黑色细粒岩系的沉积和成岩作用,也与油气生成有密切关系。加强对陆相细粒沉积研究,探讨深源碎屑及热液流体的来源及其对细粒沉积过程的影响,既有利于丰富、完善沉积学和陆相含油气盆地生油理论,也有利于更好地指导致密油、页岩油-气的勘探开发。  相似文献   
研究区石炭系碎屑岩储集层的主要成岩作用为机械压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶解作用和破裂作用。机械压实作用和胶结作用对储层物性改善有破坏作用;溶解作用、交代作用、破裂作用在一定程度上有利于改善碎屑储集岩的孔隙结构及储集物性。研究区碎屑岩储集层处于早成岩阶段B期一晚成岩B期。晚成岩期,烃类从源岩中进入储集层发生石油侵位,改变了岩石的成岩环境。由于烃类的侵位,使石英的次生加大、自生铁白云石的生长受到抑制,同时也对自生伊利石生长有抑制作用,黄铁矿由于烃类侵位分布在油层、油水层,尤其在油水层中较为发育。  相似文献   
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