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Arne saltmarsh, an RSPB reserve, is situated in Poole Harbour on the English south coast. In recent years, there has been concern about possible changes in the suitability of the site for Redshank (Trigna totanus) due to sika deer (Cervus nippon) grazing. In order to assess these changes, 50 plots were established in three different locations: 20 in grazed areas, 20 in ungrazed areas and 10 fenced enclosures. Deer grazing was found to significantly affect structural and species diversity of the saltmarsh vegetation. Spartina anglica dominated in ungrazed areas whilst Salicornia ramosissima and, to a lesser extent, Puccinellia maritima dominated in grazed sites. In grazed areas the vegetation cover was significantly lower, as was vegetation height and volume. In addition, significant changes were observed in the root biomass, which was lower in grazed areas. Infaunal diversity was generally low throughout the survey area. However, significant variations were observed. Invertebrates abundance was more abundant in grazed plots than in ungrazed plots, and least abundant in fenced plots. The study indicated that in its current condition, localised areas of Arne saltmarsh do not provide adequate habitat requirements for Tringa totanus.  相似文献   
In this paper a simple technique for field measurement of rain water loss arising from interception and water flows associated with species of small Mediterranean shrub is described: the ‘interception flow collection box’. This technique solves the problem of installing devices to control stemflow in species with a multiple trunk and demonstrates its efficiency through the results obtained from the data observed for three species of semi-arid Mediterranean shrub: Juniperus oxycedrus, Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris. Finally, the empirical equations for the prediction of throughfall, stemflow and rain water loss through interception are presented for the three selected species and the validity of the technique employed is established. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Tropical high Andes lakes are aquatic ecosystems with peculiar limnological characteristics that are related to their geographical location and high altitude, yet they remained understudied. We present the results of a standardized survey of morphometric, physico-chemical and biotic variables in 32 high altitude lakes of the Cordillera del Tunari (Eastern Andes of Bolivia). Based on the variables measured, we identified three lake types. One group of lakes differed from the other lakes by a relatively high pH and biological productivity (as evidenced from higher densities of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish). A second group of lakes consisted of relatively large and deep water bodies with neutral to slightly acid pH and with a relatively high occurrence of the large cladoceran Daphnia pulex. The third group contained relatively small, shallow, and acid lakes with no Daphnia. Rainbow trout occurred in more than half of the lakes and catch yields were very variable. Overall, the abundances of different organism groups tended to be positively associated (e.g. phytoplankton, copepods, rotifers, fish) indicating the existence of a major productivity gradient. We found no negative associations between trout catches and densities of any of the major zooplankton groups, suggesting moderate to low top-down effects of trout on the zooplankton communities.  相似文献   
This paper presents a combined validation method of radar-sensed rainfall, using rain gauge data and hydrologic closure, with an application to the Rio Escondido basin (North-East of Mexico). The space–time scaling behavior of rainfall between rain gauge and radar scales is compared with the intrinsic variability of rainfall, for a statistical validation of space–time variability. For hydrological validation purposes, the CEQUEAU model is used to perform rainfall-runoff routing. It provides a basin-wide water balance, to be compared with the measured water flow at the Villa de Fuentes hydrometric station, for mean-value gauging closure. A good qualitative agreement in terms of hydrograph shape and timing is obtained between the simulated and the observed water flows, and a multiplicative correction factor of an initially proposed Z–R relationship is adopted for the watershed under study, which agrees approximately with other authors’ findings about that relationship. The results are considered particularly useful as a validation-and-correction methodology of radar rainfall estimates for areas sparsely covered by rain gauges.  相似文献   
In order to predict eutrophication events in coastal areas we tested an assimilation scheme based on sequential data assimilation of SeaWiFS chlorophyll data into a coupled 3D physical–biogeochemical model. The area investigated is a semi-enclosed estuarine system (Gulf of Fos–North-western Mediterranean Sea) closely linked to the Rhone River delta. This system is subjected to episodic eutrophication caused by certain hydrodynamic conditions and intermittent nutrient inputs. The 3D hydrodynamic model Symphonie was coupled to the biogeochemical modelling platform Eco3M. Surface chlorophyll concentrations were derived from SeaWiFS data using the OC5 algorithm and were sequentially assimilated using a singular evolutive extended Kalman filter. Assimilation efficiency was evaluated through an independent in situ data set collected during a field survey that took place in May 2001 (ModelFos cruise). An original approach was used in constructing the state vector and the observation vector. By assimilating pseudo-salinity extracted from the model biogeochemical dynamics in both open sea and plume region were respected. We proved that substantial improvements were made in short-term forecasts by integrating such satellite-estimated chlorophyll maps. We showed that missing freshwater inputs could be corrected to a certain extent by the assimilation process. Simulated concentrations of surface chlorophyll and other basic components of the pelagic ecosystem such as nitrates were improved by assimilating surface chlorophyll maps. Finally we showed the coherent spatial behaviour of the filter over the whole modelled domain.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Colombia’s lightning climatology was studied using 16 years of high-resolution data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Lightning Imaging Sensor...  相似文献   
The protection of groundwater has become one of the most important European environmental policies as evidenced by the Orders relating to the protection of water from contamination, Directive 2000/60/CE of the European Parliament and the European Union Council, and more concretely Directive 2006/118/118/CE, related to the protection of groundwater from pollution and degradation. Traditional methods for assessing vulnerability include soil surveys, drilling and analysis of lithology logs from wells with the objective of characterising the thickness, hydraulic properties and lateral extend of the protective layers. However, such studies can be labour-intensive and expensive. In addition, the parameters measured may have high spatial variability, which makes accurate characterization over large areas difficult. Fortunately, a numerical index of protection can be assigned from the longitudinal electrical conductance parameter derived from electrical resistivity surveys (VES, ERT or any other electrical or EM method). This can be more accurate and reliable than any other vulnerability index derived only from visual inspection or interpolated from sparse borehole data.  相似文献   
July temperatures for the past 6000 yr at 11 sites in northern Canada have been predicted by transfer-function equations. Normalized departures from the mean of each time series at 250-yr intervals are analyzed by principal component (eigenvector) analysis. An initial analysis included 9 sites and the first three principal components accounted for 85.7% of the variance. Maps of the loadings on the principal components show broad spatial coherence on all three components. Temporal coefficients (principal component scores) illustrate major regional and local midsummer temperature variations. An additional 2 sites were then included but the spatial pattern of the loadings remained essentially unchanged. A further test of this approach, with a view toward predicting paleoclimates of northern regions, was to use the spatial coefficients (loadings) to estimate the July temperature departures at an “unknown” site (Long Lake, Keewatin). This reconstruction compares favorably with an independent transfer-function reconstruction (Kay, 1979). Power spectrum analysis of the significant principal component scores (temperature departures) over the 6000 yr showed that the temporal fluctuations associated with the first three principal components follow a “red noise” spectrum, indicative of strong persistence in the reconstructed climatic records. The scores on the fourth principal component approximate a “white noise” spectrum. A peak in power between 2000 and 3000 yr occurs in the variance spectrum of the second principal component (significance 10%). We conclude that eigenvector analysis of Holocene paleoclimatic data has considerable power and may be useful for identifying regional and local climatic variations.  相似文献   
A variational data assimilation method is applied to a simplified marine ecosystem model of NPZ (Nutrient Phytoplankton Zooplankton) type, which implies five parameters. The method allows us to optimise these parameters by an iterative process of minimisation of a cost function which quantifies the quadratic discrepancy between observations and simulation results. The first part of this note describes how to obtain the adjoint model of the NPZ model allowing us to compute the gradient of the cost function relative to the parameters. Two experiments of artificial data assimilation then show the efficiency of this method, but also its limitations because of non-linearities and sensitivity problems of the model relative to the parameters. To cite this article: Y. Leredde et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
During the warm seasons of 1998-2004, the naturally-acidic (pH∼2.2) Lake Caviahue was sampled for conductivity, temperature, oxygen, light, nutrients, and phytoplankton (density, biomass and chlorophyll a) with a view to studying the summer phytoplankton population changes with relation to environmental factors, as well as the significance of nitrogen limitation on the phytoplankton yield. Lake Caviahue is characterized by its low transparency, CO2, and N concentration; significant P values; a distinctive vertical distribution of phytoplankton biomass with high values along the water column; and sometimes maximum meta-hypolimnion values. Biodiversity is very low as a result of extreme environmental conditions, Chlorophyceae being the prevailing algae group. Two types of bioassays were carried out to assess nitrogen limitation. For the first bioassay, a solution of ammonium-nitrogen chloride and/or wastewater (rich in ammonium and phosphorus) was used, while one of the lake's sediments was the source of nutrients for the second bioassay. Contrary to the case of acidic mining lakes, N-ammonium proved to be a significant supportive capacity limiting factor as to phytoplankton yield. The present paper provides for the first time information on phytoplankton nitrogen limitation in a naturally-acidic lake.  相似文献   
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