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Despite considerable work on other trace elements, the incorporation of dissolved silicon from cave waters into speleothems has not been previously investigated. In this study, the controls on dissolved Si in cave waters and on adsorbed Si in resulting speleothems are therefore investigated. Bedrock (dolomite), soil water, dripping water, and cave carbonates were retrieved from Heshang Cave situated in the central Yangtze valley of China and were subjected to analysis of dissolved Si content (plus accompanying Ca and Fe analyses). Soil waters have Si/Ca of 45.5 mmol/mol, compared to only 3.2 mmol/mol in the dolomite bedrock, demonstrating that >80% of the dissolved Si must come from dissolution of silicate minerals in the soil. Drip waters have a dissolved Si concentration of ≈4.2 μg/mL, similar to that in the overlying soil water. Actively growing cave carbonates have a Si/Ca of 0.075 mmol/mol suggesting a partition coefficient for incorporation of dissolved silicon of 0.0014, in good agreement with previous laboratory studies. Extrapolating the results of these laboratory studies to the cave environment suggests that changes in Si/Ca in cave carbonates are likely to be primarily controlled by changes in drip-water Si/Ca. The drip-water Si/Ca will, in turn, be controlled by the rate of wind-blown silicate supply; by soil weathering rates; by rainfall dilution; and by precipitation of calcite. The general expectation is that these effects combine to produce high Si/Ca in speleothems during times of low rainfall. A δ18O record from a Heshang Cave stalagmite which grew between 20 and 11 thousand years ago allows these controls to be tested. Correlation of high Si/Ca with high δ18O demonstrates that regional rainfall exerts significant (but not complete) control on speleothem Si/Ca. With further understanding, speleothem Si/Ca may provide a proxy for past rainfall to complement existing proxies such as δ18O and Mg/Ca.  相似文献   
福建沿海边缘陆域的原地应力测量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
李宏  安其美  谢富仁 《地震学报》2005,27(5):508-514
通过在福建沿海边缘陆域地区活动断裂带附近进行水压致裂原地应力测量, 得到了地表浅部构造应力的大小、方向和分布特征. 根据实测的地应力资料,用库仑摩擦滑动准则分析研究了断裂带的性质和活动性. 结果表明:① 沿海岸线边缘自北向南,其最大水平主压应力方向为北西向,与测区北西向断裂带走向近于平行,与地质构造、跨断层形变测量等方法反映的主压应力方向大体一致,与震源机制解反映的主压应力方向夹角20deg;左右; ② 水平主应力值随深度增加而增大,与垂直应力值的关系为SHSVSh和SHasymp;SV Sh, 应力状态有利于走滑断层和正断层活动;③ 利用库仑摩擦滑动准则,摩擦强度取0.6~1.0分析, 断层附近的现今地应力状态达到或超过产生正断层摩擦滑动的临界值,表明测区现今构造活动以正断层为主; ④ 反映出本区现今构造应力场的力源主要来自太平洋板块向西和菲律宾板块向北西对欧亚板块的水平挤压作用.  相似文献   
A combined numerical model of wind, wave, tide, and storm surges was built on the basis of the “wind field model in limited sea surface areas”. When used to forecast the sea surface wind, wave height and water level, it can describe them very well. Contribution No. 4108 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work supported by Stress Project (KZ952-S1-420), Chinese Academy of Sciences; 863 Project (863-818-06-05), and (863-818-Q-07)  相似文献   
Using a theoretical model describing pulse shapes, we have clarified the relations between the observed pulses and their corresponding timescales, such as the angular spreading time, the dynamic time as well as the cooling time. We find that the angular spreading timescale caused by curvature effect of fireball surface only contributes to the falling part of the observed pulses, while the dynamic one in the co‐moving frame of the shell merely contributes to the rising portion of pulses provided the radiative time is negligible. In addition, the pulses resulted from the pure radiative cooling time of relativistic electrons exhibit properties of fast rise and slow decay (a quasi‐FRED) profile together with smooth peaks. Besides, we interpret the phenomena of wider pulses tending to be more asymmetric to be a consequence of the difference in emission regions. Meanwhile, we find the intrinsic emission time is decided by the ratios of lorentz factors and radii of the shells between short and long bursts. Based on the analysis of asymmetry, our results suggest that the long GRB pulses may occur in the regions with larger radius, while the short bursts could locate at the smaller distance from central engine. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
沙亚南  谢卫炜 《中国煤田地质》2007,19(A01):48-49,58
新汶矿业集团泰山盐化工ZJ03-PJ03井组为一对定向连通采卤井井组,采用二次定向钻井连通施工工艺,技术套管下入深度907.6m(8矿层顶板),有效地阻隔了上部含较多杂质的岩盐矿层,确保了卤水质量能满足盐化工的需要。本对接连通井组,采用随钻测量井斜、方位及钻进轨迹控制技术,为该井组的顺利对接提供了技术保障。  相似文献   
武定地震序列剪应力场的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
根据陈培善和Duda提出的具有3模型的谱衰减模式,利用云南武定M =6.5地震序列的近场数字化记录资料,研究了近场地面运动峰值位移dm、峰值加速度am参数与环境应力t0值的依赖性.一个新的考虑是假定峰值参数与介质犙的相关性,并由此导出了用3种地面运动峰值参数测定环境应力t0值的3个关系式.用这些关系式计算了武定地震序列的环境应力t0值.结果表明,3个关系式计算的t0 值基本一致,绝大多数地震的平均t0值在5.0~35MPa的范围,属高应力值地震序列;高应力值被限制在紧靠主震震中附近的较小范围内,环境应力值的等值线的精细结构分布与强余震密切相关.对t0值的时空特征分析表明,该地震序列是在特定的地震构造交汇部位和高应力背景下发生的地震破裂过程.  相似文献   
西藏羊八井热田地热流体成因及演化的惰性气体制约   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
赵平  Mack  KENNEDY 《岩石学报》2001,17(3):497-503
地热流体中惰性气体的相对丰度和同位素组成,不仅可以揭露热田的热源性质,而且还能够揭示深,浅层地热流体的内在联系和演化过程等。在西藏羊八井热田的地热气体中,已检测出大量的^4He组分,3He/^4He值是大气的0.087-0.259倍,表明深部地壳物质的局部熔融为热田提供能量,浅层地热流体的3He/4He 值自西北向东南呈降低趋势,与热储温度的变化相一致,反映出侧向运移时补充了更多的壳源氦,热田北区深层地热流体具有稍高的3He/4He值,是浅层地热流体的母源,气体中氪和氙的相对丰度具有大气降水成因的特征,结合现有的实际资料,建立了热田地热流体的概念模型。  相似文献   
The thermo-hydro-elastodynamic model (THED), in which the thermo-osmosis and thermal-filtration phenomenon in a two-phase porous thermoelastic medium can be considered, was previously presented by the authors [Ganbin Liu, Kanghe Xie, Rongyue Zheng. Model of nonlinear coupled thermo-hydro-elastodynamics response for a saturated poroelastic medium. Sci China (Ser E) 2009;52(8):2373–83] and is used in this paper to investigate the thermo-elastodynamic response of a spherical cavity in a saturated poroelastic medium when subjected to a time-dependent non-torsional thermal/mechanical source. The Separated Variable Method is introduced, and the non-zero displacement potentials are expanded in terms of the Legendre polynomial. Solutions for the displacement, temperature increment, pore pressure and stress are obtained in the domain of the Laplace transform. Numerical results are also performed for different modes and are compared with the results of the thermoelastic model (TED) to ascertain the validity and the difference between these two models.  相似文献   
本文比较了两类射电源FR-Ⅰ和FR-Ⅱ型的射电-光学—X-ray的谱特征。FR-Ⅰ射电源的射电-光学谱比FR-Ⅱ射电源平得多(△αro≈0.19);但对于光学-X-ray和射电-X-ray谱,FR-Ⅰ却比FR-Ⅱ陡得多(△αox≈0.40;△αrx≈0.10)。初步结果表明,FR-Ⅱ(G)可能是FR-Ⅱ(Q)向FR-Ⅰ过渡的中间状态。  相似文献   
长江中游城市群城市网络空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按照"点"→"线"→"面"→"网络"的分析思路,运用分形理论、引力模型、隶属度模型、空间句法模型、时间-空间可达性模型,研究2013年长江中游城市群31个城市的网络空间结构。结果表明:(1)在"点"层次上,长江中游城市群首位城市武汉为超大城市且垄断地位较强,城市体系呈序列型分布,规模结构呈"橄榄状"态势。(2)在"线"层次上,长江中游城市群城市联系整体偏弱,骨干联系由武汉、长沙、南昌组成,武汉城市圈、长株潭城市群和环鄱阳湖城市群内部城市间联系较强,3个省会城市与其腹地城市间呈星形结构特征。(3)在"面"层次上,长江中游城市群形成武汉、长沙、南昌3个辐射中心,在西北—东南方向呈现"中间高、两端低"的特征,武汉—南昌辐射连片趋势较明显。(4)在"网络"层次上,长江中游城市群城市网络的时间、空间可达性格局基本一致,与拓扑可达性存在一定偏差。时间、空间可达性格局中心向南、西北、东北方向沿长江河谷地带出现"波峰",受桐柏山、幕阜山影响在北、东南方向分布"波谷"。在路网的发育方面,武汉城市圈发育最好,长株潭城市群受地形影响最大,环鄱阳湖城市群发育最均衡。  相似文献   
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