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1 Introduction As a special kind of tourism, glacier tourism is popular to tourists all over the world owing to its meeting tourists’ needs for seeking after freshness, difference, surprise and risk. Differing from conventional tourism, glacier tour- ism has its special characters while there is little literature on it. It is of great significance to study its characters and seek after the harmonious development in exploitation and protection of glacier tourism resources. Glacier tourism refe…  相似文献   
The integration of Sensor Web Enablement services with other Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Services as Geospatial Processing Workflows (GPW) is essential for future Sensor Web application scenarios. With the help of GPW technology, distributed and heterogeneous OGC Web Services can be organized and integrated as compound Web Service applications that can direct complicated earth observation tasks. Under the Sensor Web environment, asynchronous communications between Sensor Web Services are common. We have proposed an asynchronous GPW architecture for the integration of Sensor Web Services into a Web Service Business Process Execution Language workflow technology. We designed a Sensor Information Accessing and Processing workflow, an asynchronous GPW instance, to take an experiment of observing and mapping ozone over Antarctica. Based on our results, our proposed asynchronous workflow method shows the advantages of taking environmental monitoring and mapping tasks.  相似文献   
The dominant magnetic minerals and carriers of magnetic signals within the Chinese Loess Plateau are magnetite, maghemite, hematite, and goethite. In this study, we investigated the provenance and evolution of magnetic minerals during loess pedogenesis, using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and optical and electron microscopy, including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results reveal that single- and multiphase mineral assemblages among magnetic minerals in the loess-paleosol sequence have been formed. Partial oxidation of coarse eolian magnetite has occurred in the desert source area and the oxidation degree is enhanced after deposition of the dust upon the Chinese Loess Plateau. This mode of origin resulted in a microtexture consisting of an inner magnetite core surrounded by a hematite rim, and strongly affected the magnetic characteristics of the loess. Goethite coexists with hematite in the loess and paleosol, and nanometer-scale hematite is formed upon goethite rims via dehydration. Our study provides direct mineralogical evidence of the magnetic record and paleoclimatic implications of the loess-paleosol sequence of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40772032 and 40573054) and National Basic Research Program (Grant No. 2007CB815603)  相似文献   
传统上认为前陆冲断带内部的背斜构造具有"成排成带分段"的特征,在表观认识和宏观尺度上讲,容易理解这一特征,并且通过"成排成带分段"的解剖,直接为含油气区带评价和地震解释方案的落实提供指导作用。随着前陆冲断带深层结构的精细解剖和三维空间内构造变形的准确刻画,发现前陆冲断带深层构造变形的分布并非成排成带分段的特征,褶皱构造的发育与分布明显受前陆冲断构造位移量及各个断层位移量的大小所控制,各个断层控制的逆冲岩席在垂向上相互叠置、侧向上交叉对接、走向上错落有致, 3D立体空间内由多个次级弧形体组成鳞片状分布。本文以中国天然气勘探最为成功、勘探资料最为详实的库车坳陷克拉苏构造带为例,通过地震剖面精细构造解释,揭示出构造变形的运动学特征及其构造位移量在传播过程中的分异和转换,进而控制冲断带内部构造岩席的生长发育和空间展布特征,并在3D立体空间内揭示冲断岩席受构造位移量的控制而成鳞片状分布的规律,控制这一分布规律的主控因素是冲断构造位移量与冲断岩席长度之间定量的几何关系。这一认识提升了油气藏评价和构造圈闭描述的精度。  相似文献   
Effects of water temperature (17, 21, 25, 30 and 35℃) and body size (14.75-281.41 g initial body weight) on food consumption, growth, feed conversion, and dry matter content in orange-spotted grouper fed to satiation were investigated. The combined effect of temperature (T, ℃) and body weight (W, g) on maximum food consumption (Cmax, g/day) was described as: InCmax=-7.411+0.828 InW+0.317T4).004 7T2, and the optimum feeding temperature was 33.9℃. The combined effect of temperature and body weight on growth (G) was described as: lnG=-4.461-0.2081nW+0.394T-0.006 3T^2. The optimum growth temperature was 31.4℃, whereas overall growth rates were high at 25, 30 and 35 ℃. Feed conversion efficiencies (FCE, %), increasing first and then decreasing with increasing temperature, averaged from 1.8 to 2.1 in terms of dry weight of food fish. The optimum temperature for FCE tended to be lower than that for growth or feeding. Dry matter content increased with both increasing water temperature (17, 25, 30 and 35℃) and body weight, and the combined effect of temperature and body weight on dry matter content (DM, %) was described as: lnDM =3.232+0.01 4 lnW-0.004 4T+0.001 2TInW.  相似文献   
The changes of NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN/TP were studied during growth and non-growth season in 33 subtropical shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There were significant positive correlations among all nutrient concentrations, and the correlations were better in growth season than in non-growth season. When TP>0.1 mgL?1, NH3-N increased sharply in non-growth season with increasing TP, and NO3-N increased in growth season but decreased in non-growth season with TP. These might be attributed to lower dissolved oxygen and low temperature in non-growth season of the hypereutrophic lakes, since nitrification is more sensitive to dissolved oxygen and temperature than antinitrification. When 0.1 mgL?1>TP>0.035 mgL?1, TN and all kinds of inorganic nitrogen were lower in growth season than in non-growth season, and phytoplankton might be the vital regulating factor. When TP<0.035 mgL?1, inorganic nitrogen concentrations were relatively low and NH3-N, NO2-N had significant correlations with phytoplankton, indicating that NH3-N and NO2-N might be limiting factors to phytoplankton. In addition, TN/TP went down with decline in TP concentration, and TN and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season, suggesting that decreasing nitrogen (especially NH3-N and NO3-N) was an important reason for the decreasing TN/TP in growth season. The ranges of TN/TP were closely related to trophic level in both growth and non-growth seasons, and it is apparent that in the eutrophic and hypertrophic state the TN/TP ratio was obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season. The changes of the TN/TP ratio were closely correlated with trophic levels, and both declines of TN in the water column and TP release from the sediment were important factors for the decline of the TN/TP ratio in growth season.  相似文献   
水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着超大型浮式生产储卸油装置FPSO(floating production storing and offloading)在渤海浅水海域的广泛应用,水深对FP—SO波浪载荷响应的影响问题突现出来。对缩尺比为1:100的三模块分节模型进行了水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响的试验研究,试验结果表明水深对FPSO波浪诱导载荷的影响很大。  相似文献   
CCD Photometry and Long-Term Optical Variability of 3C 345   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents evidence for long-term optical variability and colour behaviour of the blazar 3C 345 (1641+399, z=0.595). Our results show that the amplitude of the optical variations of 3C 345 has been only about 3 magnitudes from its photometric history; existent significant correlation between brightness and colours is found for 3C 345. Our recent CCD photometry of 3C 345 in May 1996 and May 1997 showed that they are in good agreement with our prediction of the optical variability period of about 10 years (see Zhang et al., 1998; Webb et al., 1988). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
古里雅冰帽8米浅冰芯的化学成分组成特征及其来源   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
李月芳  姚檀栋 《冰川冻土》1997,19(2):173-179
对古里雅冰帽8m浅冰芯的80个雪冰样品化学分析结果表明,化学成分主要来自陆源物质,陆源冰芯样品叶弱碱性,明显不同于一般的大气降水及南北极冰雪样品。  相似文献   
中国滑雪场可达性及市场潜力测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用可达性分析方法与潜力模型对中国滑雪场空间分布格局与市场潜力进行了系统分析,全面认识了滑雪场在交通可达性方面的优劣势,并针对不同区域提出了相应的发展或改进方向.研究表明:中国滑雪场距离城市中心的平均最短旅行时间为1.24 h,南方可达性普遍较差,北方同一城市内部差异较大.全国各城市到达某一滑雪场的最短时间呈圈层式分布...  相似文献   
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