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The Longmenshan fault, which defines the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, is one of the steepest margins of the plateau with a sharp elevation drop of about 4 km over a distance less than 100 km across the Longmenshan fault. The mechanism which is responsible for controlling and maintaining the elevation difference is highly debated. Using multiple observations including seismic velocity model, Moho depth, effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere, we conducted a quantitative study for elucidating the contributions from crust and lithospheric mantle by an integrated analysis of lithospheric isostasy and flexure. It is shown that the topography of the Longmenshan fault is supported by both lithospheric isostasy and flexure statically, and lower crustal channel flow and mantle convection dynamically. Different mechanisms have different weights for contribution to the topography of the Songpan-Ganzi block and the Sichuan Basin. The static and dynamic support contribute roughly the same to the topographic difference of ~4 km between the two sides of the Longmenshan fault. The static topographic difference of ~2 km is mainly resulted from the lithospheric isostasy, while the dynamic one of ~2 km is contributed by the uprising of the accumulated material in the lower crust beneath the Songpan-Ganzi block and the downward drag force caused by the upper mantle convection under the Sichuan Basin. It is thus suggested that the lower crustal flow and upper mantle convection are dynamic forces which should be taken into account in the studies on the dynamics in the Longmenshan and surrounding regions.  相似文献   
在地质调查的基础上,初步厘定了清江下游主要活动断层的现今几何轨迹结构,并从几何形态、结构特性和现今活动性三方面对其进行自然段划分;进而利用分形分维分析,估算活动断层不同区段轨迹结构的分维值。计算结果表明:每一个断层段具有一个特征性的分维值,轨迹结构越复杂,分维值越高,现今活动性越强;其中,仙女山断层带中段分维值最高, D= 1257,而松园坪断层北段最低, D= 1018。结合地震活动分析发现:仙女山断层带是清江下游现今活动最强的活动断裂;仙女山断层带的中小地震活动,具有间歇式 分段振荡迁移的特性;时间上地震活动期为1~5a,相对平静期为10a 左右;空间上地震活动从南段开始,振荡迁移到北段,然后又向中段迁移,目前地震活动似乎正在向中南段边界迁移;并且,中南段断裂轨迹结构比北段复杂,分维值也高,地震活动强度相对较大,因此,未来仙女山断层带可能发生的中强地震( Ms= 50 级左右)将主要集中于中南段,而不是北段。  相似文献   
通过地质、地球化学及同位素年代学等方法,研究总结了东天山觉罗塔格地区金矿的基本特征和各类型金矿间的相互关系。发现该区的中深成热液金矿(包括韧性剪切带型及岩浆热液型)和浅成热液金矿分带相邻产出;前者受康古尔—黄山缝合线为主体的推覆隆起带控制,后者受推覆带后侧的石英滩—雅满苏同碰撞伸展带(喜马拉雅型伸展带)控制;成矿时代相互对应,都形成于碰撞造山期(295~244 Ma)。将这样的两个矿带统称为成对金矿带。  相似文献   
超压盆地中泥岩的流体压裂与幕式排烃作用   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
流体压裂是在异常高流体压力体系的低渗泥岩中流体活动的主要输导通道。流体压裂不仅导致低渗泥岩的幕式压实作用,而且为油气运移,储集的研究提供了新的理论模式。超压盆地泥岩的压实演化可划分为两个阶段,即连续压实和幕式压实阶段,其中幕式压实阶段又可根据导致流体压裂的主控因素进一步划分为两个亚阶段,即水力压裂和生烃压裂,前者主要由于泥岩欠压实和新生流体源的增压所致,后者则主要由于泥岩中有机质生烃及烃类裂解后增  相似文献   
测定了荒漠地区超旱生小灌木红砂在3种生境(山前荒漠、山前戈壁和中游戈壁)下的叶片水分状态、抗氧化酶活性及渗透调节物质含量,以探讨荒漠植物在不同生境下的生理生化特征及对荒漠极端环境的适应机制。结果表明:在3种生境下,红砂叶片相对含水量和叶片水势随着土壤含水量的下降而下降,叶绿素含量随着土壤含水量的下降而升高。随着生境土壤干旱的加剧,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性逐渐升高,而过氧化氢酶活性下降。在土壤含水量较少的戈壁生境,渗透调节物质含量上升。SOD和POD活性的升高是红砂抵御干旱环境的主要抗氧化保护机制;渗透调节在红砂叶片适应干旱胁迫的过程中发挥着重要作用,高的渗透调节能力使红砂在水分不足的条件下维持较低的渗透势,有利于植物吸水,从而增强其耐旱性。  相似文献   
The regional dynamical model of the atmospheric ozonosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TheRegionalDynamicalModeloftheAtmosphericOzonosphereWangWeiguo(王卫国),XieYingqi(谢应齐)DepartmentofEarthscience.YunnanUniversity,K...  相似文献   
By using remote sensing (ERS) data, FSU data, COADS data and Hellerman & Rosen-stein objective analysis data to analyze the sea surface wind stress in the South China Sea, it is found that the remote sensing data have higher resolution and more reasonable values. Therefore we suggest that remote sensing data be chosen in the study of climatological features of sea surface wind stress and its seasonal variability in the South China Sea, especially in the study of small and middle scale eddies.  相似文献   
高盐变质流体对我国绿岩带金矿的制约   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
谢奕汉  范宏瑞 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):661-664
高盐变质流体为绿岩带原岩在变质 -混合岩化过程中产生的液体 ,其含盐度高达 30~ 40 wt% Na Cl,富含 K、Na、Ca、Mg碱金属离子 ,K/ Na≈ 1,呈强碱性 ,有利于绿岩中 Au的活化和迁移 ,使绿岩带起到金的矿源层作用 ,并且间接地控制了变质期后绿岩型金矿的形成和分布 ,控制了绿岩型金矿的规模大小  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTION Land use change (LUC) involves both changes to a dif- ferent function and shifts in intensity within a function. Today, researches on LUC are aiming at regional scale, andthestudiesofthetypicalregionalLUC drivingforces at meso- and small-scale become a key issue (VAN DIGGELEN et al., 2005; CHAPLOT et al., 2005). The studies of regional LUC driving forces are to reveal the realmotivationbehindtheLUCanditsinteractingmech- anism, so as to simulate and predict the p…  相似文献   
Li  Xingxing  Ma  Tengzhou  Xie  Weiliang  Zhang  Keke  Huang  Jiaxin  Ren  Xiaodong 《GPS Solutions》2019,23(2):1-16
GPS Solutions - As parameter estimation and statistical testing are often intimately linked in the processing of observational data, the uncertainties involved in both estimation and testing need...  相似文献   
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