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We employed a double-difference algorithm (hypoDD) to relocate earthquakes within the region bounded by 66°E-78°E and 32°N-42°N in the period of 1964-2003 reported by the International Seismological Center (ISC). The improved hypocentral locations delineate a double-layered Wadati-Benioff zone in the eastern Hindu Kush intermediate seismic belt. Based on this feature and other evidences, we propose that the intermediate-depth earthquakes beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush region may occur in two collided subduction zones with opposite dip directions.  相似文献   
我国西南地区夏季长周期旱涝急转及其大气环流异常   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙小婷  李清泉  王黎娟 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1332-1342
利用1961~2015年中国567站逐日降水资料,定义了一个西南地区夏季长周期旱涝急转指数,结果表明:1961~1970年夏季旱转涝多于涝转旱,1971~1980年夏季涝转旱年较多,1981~2000年旱转涝与涝转旱年相当,21世纪初以来,指数又呈现出负值的趋势,涝转旱年偏多。选取西南地区夏季旱涝急转典型年,对旱涝急转年的大气环流和水汽输送异常进一步分析发现,旱转涝年旱期西太平洋副热带高压偏西偏强,中高纬西风带偏强,冷空气不易南下,垂直场上表现为下沉运动,来自孟加拉湾和南海的水汽输送异常偏弱,西南地区亦处于水汽辐散区,因此降水偏少。而涝期中高纬环流的经向运动增强,乌拉尔山以东的槽加深,东亚沿岸脊加强,中高纬西风带偏弱,在垂直场上表现为上升运动,孟加拉湾和南海为西南地区提供了充足的水汽,有利于该地区降水增多;涝转旱年则相反。  相似文献   
我国在青藏高原开展了许多地质调查与矿产勘查工作,取得了大量的地质资料,但是这些珍贵的地质资料没有实现统一管理,不能实现共享,影响了为青藏高原经济社会发展的服务。因此,开展实测剖面数据库建设与数据Web发布系统的研究工作,可以全面摸清青藏高原地质资料数据分布情况,并通过基于WebGIS技术的实测地层剖面数据Web发布系统发布这些地质资料。通过这一系统,用户可以十分直观地了解已完成区域地质调查项目的实测地层剖面分布情况,了解每一条实测剖面的地理位置、所测地层、长度、生产单位、生产日期,观看剖面示意图,了解每一地层分段的岩石特征、化石种类、岩层厚度等,为用户提供地层剖面数据的检索与查询服务,以及地图查询、浏览、打印服务,同时还可以了解相关的地质背景知识。  相似文献   
The reinforced concrete (RC) shear wall serves as one of the most important components sustaining lateral seismic forces. Although they allow advanced seismic performance to be achieved, RC shear walls are rather difficult to repair once the physical plastic hinge at the bottom part has been formed. To overcome this, a damage‐controllable plastic hinge with a large energy dissipation capacity is developed herein, in which the sectional forces are decoupled and sustained separately by different components. The components sustaining the axial and the shear forces all remain elastic even under a rarely occurred earthquake, while the bending components yield and dissipate seismic energy during a design‐level earthquake. This design makes the behavior of the system more predictable and thus more easily customizable to different performance demands. Moreover, the energy dissipation components can be conveniently replaced to fully restore the occupancy function of a building. To examine the seismic behavior of the newly developed component, 3 one third‐scale specimens were tested quasi‐statically, including 1 RC wall complying with the current design codes of China and 2 installed with the damage‐controllable plastic hinges. Each wall was designed to have the same strength. The experimental results demonstrated that the plastic‐hinge‐supported walls had a better energy dissipation capacity and damage controllability than the RC specimen. Both achieved drift ratios greater than 3% under a steadily increasing lateral force.  相似文献   
利用多源遥感数据和稻谷产量资料,采用降水条件指数(PCI)、植被状态指数(VCI)、土壤湿度条件指数(SMCI)、温度条件指数(TCI)以及优化植被干旱指数(OVDI)5种干旱指数,对2012、2013年长江中下游五省的干旱状况进行监测。在此基础上,以标准化降水指数(SPI)和作物减产率为参考指标,对上述5种干旱指数在该区域的适用性进行比较分析。结果表明:PCI、SMCI更适用于长江中下游五省的干旱监测,而TCI、VCI不适合单独用于该地区的干旱监测。在2012、2013年,长江中下游五省发生了不同程度的干旱,其中2013年的干旱更严重(波及范围更广、发生频次更高)。2012年的干旱主要集中在1—2月和6—8月两个时段,旱区集中在北部地区,大致呈东北—西南向的条带状分布;而2013年的干旱主要集中在1—2月和6—10月两个时段,旱区覆盖了整个研究区域,且各省旱情不同步。  相似文献   
我国广西西北部平果太平剖面二叠系-三叠系界线处为保存良好的海相碳酸盐岩沉积,根据牙形石化石带推断,该剖面在二叠系-三叠系界线处的连续沉积性良性。在该界线附近处,碳同位素组成发生了突然的负向波动,δ^13C从1.3‰-2.2‰(PDB)降至-0.9‰--0.2‰,波动范围达2.8‰,进入下三叠统后一直呈负向发展;氧同位素组成波动虽不与碳同位素组成同步,但趋势相同,在二叠系-三叠系界线处达到最小值-8.2‰,下降幅度达2‰。这种同位素组成的波动已在我国西藏,浙江等的同时代的沉积中发现,此外,还在中东,北美洲,欧洲等地的二叠系-三叠系界线处发现,因此,它可以成为大区域及至洲际之间的二叠系-三叠系界线对比标志,这同时表明,二叠纪末期的重大地质事件发生的时间短,影响范围大,几乎是全球性的。  相似文献   
在全球化背景下,随着中非合作不断深化,在非洲的中国企业与地方愈加紧密的经济和社会联系不仅加速了非洲城市化进程,而且也深化了移民企业的本土化程度,使其成为日常社会实践中必不可少的组成部分,以多元化的方式重塑非洲社会对于华人企业和中国国家形象的理解。目前国内学界有关中国移民企业及其在当地形象建构方式和影响的研究较少,尤其缺少基于微观视角探讨企业形象的影响因素。基于此,本文以津巴布韦哈拉雷地区的华人移民企业作为案例,结合定性和定量混合的研究方法,通过问卷、参与式观察和深度访谈,探讨影响非洲员工企业形象建构以及对华人企业继续在当地建厂支持程度的因素,以反映中国移民企业在非洲当地的社会融入情况。研究表明:显著影响因素主要与工厂的工作环境、管理体制、社会网络以及对区域的影响有关,而与非洲员工个体因素关联性较弱。因此,研究进一步置于特定的政治、经济、文化背景进行分析,并为“一带一路”建设背景下移民企业融入地方社会发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The hepatopancreas is an important tissue involved in various biological metabolism for mollusks, but its responses to ocean acidification(OA) have not been well evaluated. In this study, the oysters were cultured in simulated conditions by continuously bubbling with ambient air(p H=8.10) or air-CO2(p H=7.50) for up to two months, and the variations on the antioxidant capacity, digestive ability, and microbiota composition in hepatopancreas of Crassostrea gigas were analyzed. The resu...  相似文献   
The tidal limit is the key interface indicating whether water levels will be affected by tidal waves, which is of great significance to navigation safety and regional flood control. Due to limitations in research methods, recent changes in the Yangtze River tidal limit, caused by sea level rise and large-scale engineering projects, urgently need to be studied. In this study,spectrum analysis was undertaken on measured water level data from downstream Yangtze River hydrological stations from2007 to 2016. The bounds of the tidal limit were identified through comparisons between the spectra and red noise curves, and the fluctuation range and characteristics were summarized. The results showed that:(1) During the extremely dry period, when the flow rate at Jiujiang station was about 8440 m3 s-1, the tidal limit was near Jiujiang; whereas during the flood season, when the flow rate at Jiujiang station was about 66700 m3 s-1, the tidal limit was between Zongyang Sluice and Chikou station.(2)From the upper to lower reach, the effect of the Jiujiang flow rate on the tidal limit weakens, while the effect of the Nanjing tidal range increases. The tidal limit fluctuates under similar flow rates and tidal ranges, and the fluctuation range increases with increasing flow rate and decreasing tidal range.(3) With the continued influence of rising sea levels and construction in river basin estuaries, the tidal limit may move further upstream.  相似文献   
王铭昊  李焕连  孙小婷 《气象》2018,44(5):634-644
本文利用美国全球降水气候中心(GPCC)的降水资料和中国参加国际第五阶段耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的6个气候模式[BCC_CSM1.1、BCC_CSM1.1(m)、BNU-ESM、FGOALS-s2、FGOALS-g2和FIO-ESM]的历史模拟试验的降水数据,采用可以表征降水变率相对和绝对量级的方法,定量评估了6个模式对降水年际-年代际变率的模拟能力。研究表明,观测降水的年际变率一般占总方差的65%~80%,年代际变率占总方差的10%~35%。在CMIP5历史试验中,6个模式平均的降水年际分量方差对总方差的贡献(超过70%)较观测偏强,模拟降水年代际分量的方差对总方差的贡献较小(约为10%~20%)。模式总体低估了全球平均总降水、年际降水和年代际降水的变率,但是高估了年际降水对总降水的贡献、低估了年代际降水对总降水的贡献。与观测相比,6个模式对东亚和澳大利亚地区的年代际降水的模拟都比较好,模拟与观测年代际降水方差的比值为1左右。在非洲、南美洲和海洋性大陆,BCC_CSM1.1模式模拟的降水年代际变率最接近观测;在欧亚和北美,BNU-ESM模式模拟的降水年代际变率与观测最接近。在欧亚大陆上,BCC_CSM1.1模式模拟的降水年际分量与年代际分量的方差比最接近观测;在非洲和美洲,FGOALS-s2模式模拟的降水年际分量与年代际分量的方差比最接近观测。本文的研究结果有助于理解中国当前气候模式对降水年际-年代际变率的模拟能力,以及未来改进模式。  相似文献   
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