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本文使用一个细网格的多层原始方程模式对1975年8月上旬(即著名的“758”)特大暴雨过程进行了数值模拟.我们发现: 1)初始风场对于暴雨的发生有相当大的影响,要想得到较好的预报结果,应设法使用实测风为初始资料. 2)交替使用两类光滑算子,可以使得由于采用实测风初值而产生的锯齿波有所削弱.  相似文献   
黑龙江省位于我国东北边疆地区,全省总面积 45.5万 km^2,属寒温带大陆季风区,年平均降水量 523.8mm,全省地表水资源量 655.83亿 m^3.人均占有水量 2074m^3,低于全国人均 2460m^3,居全国第 13位.亩均占有量 564m^3,低于全国亩均 1980m^3,居全国第 19位,可见水资源并不丰富.随着人口的增长,工农业不断发展,需水量逐年增加. 20世纪 80年代以来黑龙江气候变暖明显,蒸发量加大,连续干旱导致黑龙江水资源匮乏,松花江自 1998年以来连续 4、 5年枯水位,降到建国以来水位最低值,生活用水困难,航运中断,供需之间矛盾突出,水资源形势不容乐观.今后随着经济发展,工农业用水、河道内外用水与水资源之间矛盾会越来越突出.要求依法管好水、用好水,制定长运供需计划,提出水资源开发利用具体对策,以便供各级政府发展经济,规划蓝图作重要参考.文中水资源资料由文献和黑龙江省水文水资源勘测局提供.  相似文献   
珠江流域1961-2007年气候变化及2011-2060年预估分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 根据珠江流域1961-2007年气温、降水量观测资料和ECHAM5/MPI-OM模式2011-2060年预估结果,分析了流域过去47 a的气温和降水量变化,并预估未来50 a变化趋势。结果表明,在全球变暖的背景下,过去47 a温度呈上升趋势,约升高1.8℃。冬季增温最明显,夏季最弱。未来50 a流域温度仍呈上升趋势,A1B情景下升幅约1.9℃,并且年际变化增强。A2和B1两种排放情景下秋季升温最显著,冬季最弱,A1B排放情景与此相反。过去47 a秋季降水量呈减少趋势;春、夏、冬季和年降水量均呈增加趋势。未来50 a降水总体呈增加趋势,A1B排放情景降水增加最多,约为230 mm。A2、A1B和B1情景下降水季节分配未发生显著变化。年降水和冬季降水的年际变率增强,秋季减弱。  相似文献   
采用NCEP1°×1°客观再分析资料和常规观测资料,对2008年1月25—29日发生在长江中下游地区的强雨雪过程进行诊断分析,结果表明,低空急流与强雨雪有着密切关系,强雨雪的发生需具备一定的温度条件以及水汽场与动力场的耦合机制。对强雨雪过程的湿Q矢量诊断分析表明,700hPa湿Q矢量辐合区以及850hPa锋生函数正值区与强雨雪区对应较好,对雨雪天气的发生有着很好的指示意义。湿位涡特征分析表明,此次强雨雪过程发生在层结稳定的大气中且垂直涡度发展较强。  相似文献   
Summary Climate variability and flood events in the Yangtze Delta, which is a low-lying terrain prone to flood hazards, storm tides and typhoons, are studied in terms of a trend and detrended fluctuation analysis of historical records. The data used in this paper were extracted from historical records such as local annuals and chronologies from 1000–1950 and supplemented by instrumental observations since 1950. The historical data includes frequencies of floods, droughts and maritime events on a decadal basis. Flood magnitudes increase during the transition from the medieval warm interval into the early Little Ice Age. Fluctuating climate changes of the Little Ice Age, which are characterised by arid climate events, are followed by wet and cold climate conditions with frequent flood hazards. For trend analysis, the Mann-Kendall test is applied to determine the changing trends of flood and drought frequency. Flood frequency during 1000–1950 shows a negative trend before 1600 A.D. and a positive trend thereafter; drought frequency increases after 1300. The detrended fluctuation analysis of the flood and drought frequencies reveals power law scaling up to centuries; this is related to long-term memory and is similar to the river Nile floods.  相似文献   
SVD方法在气象场诊断分析中的普适性   总被引:59,自引:6,他引:59  
丁裕国  江志红 《气象学报》1996,54(3):365-372
本文首次从理论上推导证明两个气象场的奇异值分解(SVD)在气象场时空分布耦合信号的诊断分析中具有普适性。结果表明,两个场的SVD求解准则不同于典型相关分析(CCA),且CCA模型可视为SVD之特例,尤其当各个场经PCA滤波后,其CCA完全与SVD等价。SVD分析的结果不但可完全代替CCA,且计算更简便,所得耦合信号的物理解释更清晰,特别适合于大尺度气象场的遥相关型研究。  相似文献   
High-resolution surface air temperature data are critical to regional climate modeling in terms of energy balance, urban climate change, and so on. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) to estimate air temperature at a high resolution over the Yangtze River Delta region, China. It is found that daytime LST is highly correlated with maximum air temperature, and the linear regression coefficients vary with the type of land surface. The air temperature at a resolution of 1 km is estimated from the MODIS LST with linear regression models. The estimated air temperature shows a clear spatial structure of urban heat islands. Spatial patterns of LST and air temperature differences are detected, indicating maximum differences over urban and forest regions during summer. Validations are performed with independent data samples, demonstrating that the mean absolute error of the estimated air temperature is approximately 2.5°C, and the uncertainty is about 3.1°C, if using all valid LST data. The error is reduced by 0.4°C (15%) if using best-quality LST with errors of less than 1 K. The estimated high-resolution air temperature data have great potential to be used in validating high-resolution climate models and other regional applications.  相似文献   
A Chirp Transform Algorithm for Processing Squint Mode FMCW SAR Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a lightweight cost-effective high-resolution airborne imaging radar. In squint case, the frequency scaling algorithm, which is suitable for processing nonchirped raw data, cannot be used directly in FMCW SAR data processing because of low system sampling frequency. On the other hand, the continuous antenna motion of FMCW SAR can cause serious distortions in the reconstructed images. In this letter, an improved algorithm called the chirp transform algorithm is proposed. When the effects of the residual video phase are negligible, the algorithm uses a chirp transform to perform the time scaling operation to alleviate the sampling frequency problem. It requires only fast Fourier transforms and multiplications. The range cell migration introduced by the continuous motion is also compensated completely in range-Doppler domain. The algorithm performances are analyzed and are supported by point target simulation experiments.  相似文献   
TVGA图形适配器对多卜勒风速的显示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
着重介绍单多卜勒雷达圆锥体扫描获得的风速,回波强度资料在显示之前的数据处理方法,以及用TVGA图形适配器的高分辨显示模式(800×600,256色)显示多卜勒风场的技术。  相似文献   
农村居民点空间优化重构是推进乡村振兴的重要内容之一。以中国湖北省鄂州市为研究区,从人的生存生活需求出发,构建宜居性评价指标体系,评估鄂州市宜居性高低;通过网络分析法构建城乡人口流动网络,发现乡村人口流动规律。在此基础上,综合宜居性和人口流动强度的组合特征进行农村居民点空间重构。结果表明:(1)鄂州市整体宜居性较高,其中,生存保障功能差距较小,而生活服务功能和生活提升功能差距较大;(2)人口按照主城区、所属镇、附近优势城镇的优先顺序流动;城镇辐射范围有限,现有的点轴结构不能起到以点带面的作用,亟需发展中心村、一般村、基层村形成完整的乡村结构,带动全域发展;(3)基于乡村宜居性和人口流动强度将居民点划分为搬迁撤并类、城郊融合类和集聚提升类(中心村、一般村和基层村)。该研究可重塑乡村发展核心,完善乡村结构,促进资源优化配置,为人口快速流动区乡村聚落重构提供决策依据。  相似文献   
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