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<正>1 Introduction The exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas is gradually becoming the new hot topic,which is promoted by the increasing demand of oil and gas,as well as the decline in conventional oil and gas production(Jia et al.,2012;Zou et al.,2012).The researches of unconventional oil and gas resources started late in China,while the resources are widely distributed,including  相似文献   
为探寻南海深海平原区的有机质组成特征、来源及其所反映的古气候/环境演化信息, 对南海东北部深水区的ZSQD289沉积柱状样品进行了正构烷烃组成及其单体稳定碳同位素的相关分析, 结合孢粉鉴定结果, 重点探讨该沉积区末次冰期以来陆源输入变化、源区的古植被演化及其气候响应因素。结果表明:30ka以来, 南海东北部深海陆坡坡底的沉积有机质以洋/陆混源为特征, 且以海洋自生生产力贡献为主, 其生源贡献存在明显的冰期/间冰期旋回变化特征, 冰期时陆源有机质输入明显高于全新世间冰期; 其陆源有机质应该主要由台湾南部河流输入, 在低海平面时通过海底峡谷搬运至此, 其过程中可能受到西太平洋底流和黑潮的影响。该沉积源区植被演化经历了C3/C4植物互为消长的变化过程, 但30ka以来主要还是以C3植物占优势, 由此推测末次冰期以来源区(台湾岛南部)不存在明显的干旱化, 冰期虽然温度较低但气候比较湿润。  相似文献   
Effect of some additives on synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal conversion of fly ash into zeolites was conducted and the effects of the addition of sodium halide and waste solutions produced after zeolitization of fly ash, as well as the adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis process on the formation and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of zeolite product were evaluated. Both the addition of NaCl and NaF ameliorated the crystallinity and CEC of synthesized zeolite, but NaF had a better improvement effect. Na+ was considered to enhance the crystallization of zeolite, while F favored the dissolution of fly ash. The type of zeolite formed depended on the Si/Al ratio of the starting material prior to the nucleation and crystallization of zeolite. The adjustment of the Si/Al ratio of fly ash by addition of Na2SiO4 and Al(OH)3 changed the type and CEC of zeolite. Waste solutions contained large amount of Si and little Al due to the formation of a zeolite named NaP1 in zeolite terminology with the Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standard (JCPDS) code of 39-0219. The alkalinity decreased largely. As a result, the CEC value of zeolite products synthesized with waste solution as alkali source decreased. The supplementation of new alkali to adjust the alkalinity of waste solution could enhance the CEC of synthesized product. It was concluded that: (1) addition of sodium halide and adjustment of the Si/Al ratio prior to synthesis can improve the quality of zeolite; (2) waste solutions produced following the zeolitization of fly ash can be reused as an alkali source in the activation of fly ash; zero-emission of waste solution in the synthesis of zeolite from fly ash is possible.  相似文献   
The Liaohe Group is an important Paleoproterozoic stratigraphic unit in the northeastern part of the North China Craton and is traditionally subdivided into the North and South Liaohe Groups. Associated with both the North and South Liaohe Groups are voluminous Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks, named the Liaoji granitoids. Different tectonic models, including terrane amalgamation, continent–arc collision and rift closure, have been proposed to interpret the tectonic setting and evolution of the North and South Liaohe Groups and associated Liaoji granitoids. At the centre of the controversy between these models is whether or not the North and South Liaohe Groups developed on the same Archean basement. Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Liaoji granitoids provides important constraints on this controversial issue. The Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups display similar εNd values, restricted to a narrow range from 0 to 2, implying that these granitoid rocks were derived from the same or a similar magma source. Moreover, the Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups have similar Nd model ages (TDM), ranging from 2.4 to 2.6 Ga, suggesting that the protoliths of the Liaoji granitoids associated with both groups may have formed simultaneously, and that the basement rocks underneath the Liaoji granitoids and associated North and South Liaohe Groups belong to the same continental block rather than two different blocks. Combining lithological, structural and geochronological considerations, we interpret the North and South Liaohe Groups as having developed on a single late Archean basement that underwent Paleoproterozoic rifting associated with the intrusion of the Liaoji granitoids and the formation of the Liaohe Group, and closed upon itself in the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   
北极地区地质构造及主要构造事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北极地区范围很广,北极圈面积达2 100×104 km2,区域地质复杂。通过对北极地区区域地质编图,笔者认为前寒武纪主要由波罗的、劳伦和西伯利亚三大克拉通,以及其间的微板块或地块组成。主要造山带包括新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔造山带、晚志留世-早石炭世的加里东造山带、晚古生代-早中生代的海西造山带、晚中生代的上扬斯克造山带、新西伯利亚造山带与楚科奇-布鲁克斯造山带。根据北极地区区域地质构造特征,显生宙以来经历的构造事件大致包括:新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔运动,致使波罗的古陆与斯瓦尔巴-喀拉地块碰撞造山;晚泥盆世-早石炭世的加里东运动,在劳伦古陆周边形成规模巨大的加里东造山带;晚古生代的海西运动,波罗的古陆与西伯利亚古陆的碰撞造山形成海西造山带;北极阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块裂离加拿大边缘,侏罗纪加拿大海盆开始张开;早白垩世,阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块继续与西伯利亚碰撞,阿纽伊洋(Anyui Ocean)消亡,形成上扬斯克-布鲁克斯造山带。受北极调查程度影响,许多问题有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
我国城市规划中气候信息应用回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
城市规划中气候信息的应用经历了从早期的风玫瑰图利用到考虑风、温、湿、压等要素的气候适宜性分析以及目前关注城市通风环境、热环境以及污染敏感区的城市环境气候图技术的历程。气候信息获得的途径也从数量极为有限的基本气象观测站资料到空间加密的自动气象站资料、更精细的气象数值模式以及精细化地理信息技术的应用。同时,细化的技术导则和规范的建立以及不同行业间的联合发文有力推动了气候信息的实际应用。此外,研究展示了近年开展的伊犁、深圳、北京实际案例主要内容。最后,针对未来我国将根据大气环流特征和生态环境承载能力、走优化城镇空间布局和城镇规模结构的新型城镇化道路,从工作层面和技术层面给出了需要不断完善并深入研究的几个重点。  相似文献   
在地球物理勘探过程中,观测数据有限且存在误差,导致反演结果存在非唯一解。为了解决非唯一性问题,笔者研究了交叉梯度数学理论,实现了用交叉梯度约束2D 大地电磁和地震初至波走时的联合反演,并建立了2个模型。通过各自模型实验和不同模型间的对比,证明了交叉梯度联合反演比单独反演修复几何形态和物性参数的效果好,且交叉梯度与岩石物性无关;利用得到的交叉梯度图进一步证明了联合反演模型相似度高,也从交叉绘图中得到联合反演的物性关系更好的结论,反向证明了联合反演的正确性。  相似文献   
据统计,1992~2013年苡茨河曾多次发生泥石流地质灾害,并造成村民生命财产巨大损失。2013年7月24日再次爆发泥石流,破坏农田71280m2(108亩)。因此在对苡茨河泥石流形成条件、活动特征分析基础上,分析其泥石流的形成机制及其造成巨大危害的原因,预测其发展趋势,在已有治理措施的基础上,提出两种防治对策进行对比,得出一个较为合理的防治方案。  相似文献   
There is a close relationship between groundwater level in a shallow aquifer and the surface ecological environment; hence, it is important to accurately simulate and predict the groundwater level in eco-environmental construction projects. The multiple linear regression (MLR) model is one of the most useful methods to predict groundwater level (depth); however, the predicted values by this model only reflect the mean distribution of the observations and cannot effectively fit the extreme distribution data (outliers). The study reported here builds a prediction model of groundwater-depth dynamics in a shallow aquifer using the quantile regression (QR) method on the basis of the observed data of groundwater depth and related factors. The proposed approach was applied to five sites in Tianjin city, north China, and the groundwater depth was calculated in different quantiles, from which the optimal quantile was screened out according to the box plot method and compared to the values predicted by the MLR model. The results showed that the related factors in the five sites did not follow the standard normal distribution and that there were outliers in the precipitation and last-month (initial state) groundwater-depth factors because the basic assumptions of the MLR model could not be achieved, thereby causing errors. Nevertheless, these conditions had no effect on the QR model, as it could more effectively describe the distribution of original data and had a higher precision in fitting the outliers.  相似文献   
The post-earthquake debris flows in the Wenjia Gully led to the exposure of the shortcomings in the design of the original conventional debris flow mitigation system. A predicament for the Wenjia mitigation system is a large amount of loose material (est. 50 × 106 m3) that has been deposited in the gully by the co-seismic landslide, providing abundant source material for debris flows under saturation. A novel design solution for the replacement mitigation system was proposed and constructed, and has exhibited excellent performance and resilience in subsequent debris flows. The design was governed by the three-phase philosophy of controlling water, sediment, and erosion. An Early Warning System (EWS) for debris flow that uses real-time field data was developed; it issues alerts based on the probabilistic and empirical correlations between rainfall and debris flows. This two-fold solution reduces energy of the debris flow by combining different mitigation measures while minimizing the impact through event forecasting and rapid public information sharing. Declines in the number and size of debris flows in the gully, with increased corresponding rainfall thresholds and mean rainfall intensity-duration (I-D) thresholds, indicate the high efficacy of the new mitigation system and a lowered debris flow susceptibility. This paper reports the design of the mitigation system and analyzes the characteristics of rainfall and debris flow events that occurred before and after implementation of the system; it evaluates the effectiveness of one of the most advanced debris flow mitigation systems in China.  相似文献   
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