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粉喷桩加固软基的试验研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
林彤 《岩土力学》2000,21(2):134-137
根据粉喷桩复合地基的静载荷试验资料 ,对四种不同类型的地基进行了地基承载力、孔隙水压力、粉喷桩桩身轴力、桩土应力比、变形模量等的分析和研究 ,全面系统地阐述了粉喷桩加固软基的特性 ,为粉喷桩的工程应用提供有益的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
城市地铁,特别是区间隧道暗挖施工,由于从地面建筑物及地下管线下面穿过,施工中的土体变形、水位下降和施工崩塌将会对其上的市政设施和建筑物造成不利甚至严重的影响。施工中进行防灾监控量测可及时发现这些不利影响,确保施工及周围环境的安全,减少对城市生活的影响。因此施工防灾监测工怍是城市地铁建设中必不可少的重要环节。广州地铁二号线海珠广场站至公园前站区间隧道,埋深16~25m,其上建筑物密集,部分十分陈旧,隧道采用矿山法暗挖通过。文章从监测的规划、项目设置、观测手段、方式方法、资料处理及成果分析等几方面进行全面详细叙述,观测项目齐全,数据连续、完整、详实、很有规律性,值得作进一步的深层分析。系统而全面的防灾监测工作,有效地保证了地铁施工的顺利完成。防灾监测工作非常成功。监测工作经验值得类似工程监测借鉴。  相似文献   
为了揭示华北北部晚侏罗世沉积盆地性质,对赤城-宣化盆地中土城子组沉积特征及盆缘构造进行了研究。通过对土城子组沉积特征研究表明,土城子组中-下部为一套河湖相沉积,上部为一套冲积扇粗碎屑沉积;土城子组砾岩成分系统统计分析显示,赤城盆地与宣化-下花园盆地具有相似岩屑岩性相旋回,反映源区具有相同或相近的蚀顶过程。研究区晚侏罗世盆地中土城子组充填特征及盆缘构造特征表明,土城子组形成于挤压构造背景,土城子组沉积时期盆地受控于盆缘逆冲断层。大地构造背景暗示,赤城-宣化盆地晚侏罗世-早白垩世期间,古太平洋板块向NW方向的俯冲作用与尚义-赤城断裂向南逆冲并伴随右旋走滑作用是土城子组沉积时期盆地格局形成的重要控制因素。  相似文献   
Nano-hematites, i.e., hematites with nanoparticle-, nanorod-, and nanotube-like morphologies, were synthesized via the hydrothermal method by controlling the reaction time, temperature, and reactant concentration. The nano-hematites of different crystal shapes all exhibited band gaps within the visible-light region (1.56–2.1 eV). Further, they showed weak ferromagnetic behavior, and their coercive magnetic field was larger than that of the bulk hematite. Moreover, all the nano-hematites also exhibited high photocatalytic activities during the degradation of methylene blue under visible-light irradiation. The experimental data fitted the Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics model very well. The nanorods had the highest photocatalytic rate constant per unit surface area, possibly owing to a higher aspect ratios; this lowers the electron–hole recombination rate. These results suggest that the crystal morphology of hematites has a significant effect on their physical and photocatalytic properties. Therefore, controlling the morphology of the materials is essential for obtaining well-tailored photocatalysts.  相似文献   
The unique bright bluish-green color of turquoise as a high-grade jade has long received wide attention. The relationship between the color of turquoise and its composition and structure is described in this paper on the basis of chemical data, EPR, magnetic susceptibility, absorption and Mössbauer spectra. The results show that the basic color of turquoise (bright blue) is related to the existence of octahedrally on the amount of iron. EPR, magnetic susceblue through green to earth-yellow is dependentcoordinated Cu2+ and the shade variation from ptibility, and crystal-field spectra of Cu2+ have been analyzed and compared with the theoretical calculations. A preliminary discussion is also made of the color change as a function of temperature.  相似文献   
The present work investigated the adsorption and mobility (desorption) of Sb(V) on kaolinite using batch experiments. The adsorption of Sb(V) on kaolinite was studied as a function of contact time, pH, ionic strength, humic acid (HA), initial Sb(V) concentration and temperature. Kinetic studies suggest that the equilibrium is achieved within 24 h. The adsorption of Sb(V) was strongly affected by changes in I at low ionic strength and unaffected at high ionic strength. The adsorption is weakly dependent on the presence of humic acid, but is strongly dependent on pH. Within the range tested, the optimal pH for Sb(V) adsorption is 3.6, and close to 75% removal can be achieved. Desorption is dependent on the original suspension pH. The addition sequence of Sb(V)/HA do not influence the adsorption of Sb(V) on kaolinite. The adsorption data fit both the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH 0, ΔS 0 and ΔG 0) were calculated from the temperature dependence, and the results suggest the endothermic and spontaneous nature of the process.  相似文献   
Doming in the southern foreland of the Dabieshan (Yangtse block, China)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Faure  Lin  & Sun 《地学学报》1998,10(6):307-311
In China, the foreland of the Dabieshan is characterized by E–W trending domes and basins. From South to North the Wugongshan, Jiulingshan, Lushan and Dabieshan domes consist of Proterozoic metamorphics unconformably covered by late Proterozoic to Triassic sediments. Ductile and brittle extensional structures are described along the margins of the metamorphic domes. Along the N–S striking lineation, kinematic indicators show divergent top-to-the-north and -south shear in the north and south flanks of the domes, respectively. The superposition of Proterozoic phyllite over Permian–Triassic carbonates is reinterpreted as extensional allochthons formed by tilting, shearing and sliding on the layers. Plate convergence is responsible for continental subduction in the Dabieshan and deep-seated thrusting in the Yangtse plate. As compression continued, the thrust contacts were folded and several antiformal stacks developed. Domal uplift induced the formation of gravity-driven extensional structures.  相似文献   
近50年来北极斯瓦尔巴地区冰川物质平衡变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用长时间序列的冰川物质平衡资料,详细分析了北极斯瓦尔巴地区冰川的物质平衡变化特征以及气候因子对物质平衡的影响。结果表明:近50年来斯瓦尔巴地区冰川物质平衡变化主要呈负平衡、零平衡/略微增长两种状态。冰川净平衡一般为负值,年际变化波动幅度较大且呈负平衡趋势,累积物质平衡表现出长期稳定的负平衡增长态势。除Kongsvegen冰川外,其他冰川不存在短期内的平衡波动。季节变化表现为夏季消融、冬季积累,且夏季消融比冬季积累波动更大,冰川净平衡与夏季消融保持同步变化趋势。冰川净平衡与平衡线高度(ELA)呈负相关(平均相关系数为-0.89),与积累区面积比率(AAR)呈正相关(平均相关系数为0.84),该地区大多数冰川AAR减小,说明冰川物质补给处于劣势,冰川物质平衡向负平衡发展。夏季气温升高是斯瓦尔巴地区冰川表面物质加速亏损的直接原因。  相似文献   
湖南黄沙坪铅锌矿床内带铁闪锌矿铁占位机制的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对黄沙坪铅锌矿床内带铁闪锌矿的研究表明,其形成温度为300℃±压力大致为10^7Pa,成矿溶液为中偏酸性,硫逸度较高,还原性较强,成矿溶液中Fe和Zn的主要配合物有:FeCl^+,FeOH^+,FeCl^0,Zn(HS)^02,ZnCl^+,ZnCl^02,Fe^2+等,Fe^2+主要是铁闪锌矿结晶过程中进入八面体位置的,这是ZnS与FeS之间构成有限固溶体的根本原因。  相似文献   
黄河上游地区气候变化及其对黄河水资源的影响   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
通过对1961年以来黄河上游地区气候变化的分析,发现黄河源区进入80年代中后期以后,年平均气温上升趋势非常明显,特别是1998年的年平均气温竟达到-2.1℃,是40年来年平均气温最高的一年;进入90年代,春季和夏季温度急剧回升.黄河上游地区年平均降水量及秋季降水量无明显的变化趋势,且其年际间的波动趋于缓和;冬季(12~2月)和春季(3~5月)降水量的变化趋势呈现出逐年增多的趋势;夏季(6~8月)降水量变化趋势却表现出显著的减少趋势.同时,分析了38年黄河上游径流量及其与流域降水、气温的关系,着重分析了干旱气候对黄河水资源的影响.结果表明,黄河上游地区水资源呈减少趋势,其减少趋势进入90年代后尤为明显.这一变化趋势与黄河上游地区夏季降水量变化趋势有着一致性,说明汛期降水量的减少是黄河上游流量减少的最直接的气候因子.  相似文献   
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