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We studied the effects of expected end-of-the-century pCO2 (1000 ppm) on the photosynthetic performance of a coastal marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 during the lag, exponential, and stationary growth phases. Elevated pCO2 significantly stimulated growth, and enhanced the maximum cell density during the stationary phase. Under ambient pCO2 conditions, the lag phase lasted for 6 days, while elevated pCO2 shortened the lag phase to two days and extended the exponential phase by four days. The elevated pCO2 increased photosynthesis levels during the lag and exponential phases, but reduced them during the stationary phase. Moreover, the elevated pCO2 reduced the saturated growth light (Ik) and increased the light utilization efficiency (α) during the exponential and stationary phases, and elevated the phycobilisome:chlorophyll a (Chl a) ratio. Furthermore, the elevated pCO2 reduced the particulate organic carbon (POC):Chl a and particulate organic nitrogen (PON):Chl a ratios during the lag and stationary phases, but enhanced them during the exponential phase. Overall, Synechococcus showed differential physiological responses to elevated pCO2 during different growth phases, thus providing insight into previous studies that focused on only the exponential phase, which may have biased the results relative to the effects of elevated pCO2 in ecology or aquaculture.  相似文献   
Response of 12 urban lakes with different trophic states in Beijing to variations of meteorological factors was studied in this research. Monthly water quality parameters, including total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved oxygen, and water temperature, were analyzed from 2009 to 2011. Results indicated that TN in the urban lakes did not exhibit significant response to meteorological variations owing to relatively lower TN concentration in the urban soil. For the highly eutrophic lakes, TP, chlorophyll a, COD, and BOD were positively correlated with precipitation, and negatively correlated with wind speed (p < 0.05). Chlorophyll a showed significant positive correlation with TP and temperature. Moreover, the abrupt increase of TP occurred in spring, which was associated with higher temperature induced internal phosphorus loading. On average, temperature/precipitation and wind speed/sunshine duration contributed to 10.7–43.8 and 8.3–19.2 % of the variations in water quality. In contrast, lakes with mesotrophication/light eutrophication did not show significant sensitivity to meteorological variations owing to their better buffer capacity and regulation effect of algae growth. Beijing is undergoing increased temperature and heavy rainfall frequency as well as decreased wind speed during the past five decades; the above results infer that water quality of most urban lakes of Beijing is becoming worse under this climate change trend. This study suggested that urban lakes with different trophic states will respond differently to global climate change, and highly eutrophic lakes might face big challenges of water quality deterioration and algae bloom.  相似文献   
能源安全研究的理论与方法及其主要进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在能源价格和温室气体减排双重驱动下,能源安全研究再次成为学术界关注的热点.加强能源安全理论、方法研究,对于把握能源安全关键要素,识别一国(区域)能源安全状态及演进趋势具有重要的现实意义,同时为能源安全预警与响应机制的构筑奠定了坚实基础.本文对国内外能源安全理论、方法及其主要进展进行了综述,研究结果表明:①国内能源安全定量研究较为薄弱,主要表现为研究成果匮乏、缺乏共识;②国际上,能源安全研究方法大多基于能源安全多样性指数——Shannon-Wiener 指数(SWI)与Herfindahl-Hirschman 指数(HHI).其中,又以英国能源供应安全联合研究小组(JESS)、荷兰能源研究中心(ECN)、国际能源署(IEA)以及亚太能源研究中心(APERC)所开发的能源安全模型较具有代表性;③能源安全定量研究在时间尺度、空间尺度、评价内容及不确定性上均有待改进.  相似文献   
We study the effect of solar variability on temperatures recorded in three European stations with the longest gapless series available (Prague, Bologna and Uccle). Following a pattern recognition approach, we partition daily temperature “indices” (minimum, maximum and range) in two separate classes with respect to the level of solar activity (high H vs low L 11 year cycles). Using the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics, multiple shuffles of data, and other partitions, we demonstrate that the separation between the probability distribution functions of H and L temperatures is statistically significant and robust. We find that average annual variations for the H and L classes display common and site-specific patterns. For practically all series considered, differences between graphs of annual change for the two classes H and L are large (~1 °C). Solar activity accounts, at least in part, for the multi-decadal variations in temperature observed at these European sites in the past two centuries.  相似文献   
中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源成矿机理与开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国含煤地层中高岭岩(土)分布广泛,成矿时代多,成因复杂,储量丰富,质地优良,是一种重要的自然资源和非金属矿产,具有极高的开发利用价值,在全世界独具特色。本文研究了中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源概况、研究简史;根据成分、结构、地质产状等特征,提出了中国煤系高岭岩(土)的成因类型;对生物和有机质在其形成中的作用进行了分析和探讨,并结合有机酸溶解矿物模拟实验对其成矿作用做了初步探索;最后对煤系高岭岩的某些关键性加工技术进行了简述。  相似文献   
晚新生代温泉沉积盆地,是青藏高原腹地在南北向挤压、东西向伸展的构造背景下,沿南北向边界走滑断层,经边界正断层和内部张剪断层的进一步发展而形成的近南北向单断单剪楔形半地堑活动沉积盆地。它可能代表了晚新生代青藏高原第三期强烈挤压隆升事件,是侧向向东剪切挤出的结果。笔者以盆地充填序列和TL、ESR测年资料为主要依据,推测唐古拉山在300~250ka前后全面进入冰冻圈;而以温泉活动沉积盆地为代表的中更新世晚期(224.0~150.2ka)的冰碛一冰水堆积则对应于青藏高原第三期隆升的断陷盆地发育阶段;中更新世晚期一晚更新世中期(144.0~56ka)为湖相沉积;晚更新世中期至今(35~0ka)对应于高原缓慢隆升与夷平发育阶段。长江溯源在35ka切割通天河盆地,形成通天河;而在16kat浸蚀切穿雁石坪一温泉兵站峡谷,形成布曲河。  相似文献   
端元建模分析能够从复杂的多峰分布特征的沉积物中提取出具有不同沉积动力过程的端元,但是,由于沉积物的粒度分布还受到沉积环境等多种因素的影响,该方法的有效性及获得的端元组分的地质意义有待其他环境代用指标的进一步检验。以位于“吉兰泰—河套”盆地西部磴口次级隆起区的DK-12钻孔晚第四纪沉积物为例,采用BEMMA算法对该钻孔沉积物的粒度资料进行了端元建模分析,并以黏土矿物组合和前人的孢粉组合数据作为检验指标,结合该地区的区域地质背景,对获得的4个端元进行了综合检验分析,认为获得的沉积物粒度端元具有明确的地质意义,其中EM 1为远源粉尘、EM 2为近源的风成沙、EM 3和EM 4为河流冲积沙。  相似文献   
对测氡仪器进行精确校准是氡测量工作中的重要环节,固体氡气源的稳定性、可靠性在校准中则显得至关重要。本文通过分析RN-FD型固体氡气源对闪烁室K值的稳定性实验结果,认为:RN-FD型固体氡气源标称的浓度值与实际浓度值不一致,标称浓度值只是理论浓度值而不是实际浓度值,需重新刻度才能使用;RN-FD型固体氡气源抽气循环时间不同则浓度不同,但抽气循环时间固定,观测结果比较稳定;对于没有α检查源的台站,RN-FD型固体氡气源可用于氡观测仪器坪区检查。  相似文献   
Uniform molecular weight(Mw)chitosan(CS)is highly demanded in medical biomaterial industry.This present article described heterogeneous degradation of CS in aqueous HCl/ethanol solution,in which progress uniform Mw CS was successfully prepared.The Mw distribution of CS was measured by gel permeation chromatography(GPC)analysis.Moreover,the structure and properties of degraded CS were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR),nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy(^1H NMR),X-ray diffraction(XRD)and thermogravimetric(TG)analysis.In addition,the biocompatibility of degraded CS was also assessed by hemolysis rate(HR)measurement.The Mw of CS dramatically decreased from 246 KDa to 76 k Da at the initial 30 min,and stabilized at 18 kDa after 24 h.GPC analysis results showed that the degraded CS molecular become homogenization.FT-IR and 1 H NMR analysis confirmed the basic structure of CS molecular backbone was not destroyed during this progress.Besides,the water solubility of CS was not significantly influenced by this reaction.Moreover,the XRD analysis revealed that crystallinity of degraded CS increased from 70.32% to 99.25%with time.The TG analysis showed improved thermal stability of degraded CS.HR measurement demonstrated the degraded CS possessed excellent biocompatibility.This simple and efficient heterogeneous degradation would open up a new route to produce uniform Mw CS.  相似文献   
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