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海陆过渡相富有机质泥页岩是页岩气勘查开发的重要领域。本文以西昌盆地上三叠统白果湾组富有机质泥页岩为研究对象,对研究区内富有机质泥页岩的沉积岩相古地理特征、微观孔隙类型、孔隙结构特征进行研究。白果湾组富有机质泥页岩段沉积相主要为湖泊相、三角洲相、河流相。发育不同类型的微孔隙,孔隙主要以小孔为主,微孔次之,平均孔径分布在5.56~56.89nm之间,比表面积平均为9.44m2/g,总孔体积平均为0.0187cm3/g。页岩气主要形成于滨浅湖亚相及半深湖亚相中,并主要吸附于富有机质泥页岩的小孔、微孔内;西昌盆地白果湾组富有机质泥页岩储集空间较好,具有良好的勘探潜力。  相似文献   
1原始资料分析南黄海中部主要包括南黄海中部平原、黄海槽浅谷、济州岛西北部沙脊地形、苏北岸外舌状地形体系、侵蚀堆积斜坡等地形单元,地形结构较为复杂,同时由于采集环境和采集设备等因素的影响,导致采集的浅地层剖面数据信噪比较低,多次波干扰严重,多次波的存在影响地震成像的真实性和可靠性,干扰地震资料的解释。  相似文献   
内蒙古白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿床是世界上著名的巨型多金属矿床,但对其区域地质演化历史的认识至今仍不统一,而同位素年龄是解决矿床区域地质演化历史的有效手段。本文基于测年方法对白云鄂博矿床同位素年龄数据收集整理,结合矿床地质背景对矿床区域地质演化历史进行讨论:白云鄂博矿床发育在上太古界-下元古界结晶基底色尔腾山群之上,中元古代白云鄂博裂谷期的海底火山喷发-同生沉积作用发育了层状的含稀土铌铁矿层,同时发育了广泛的碳酸岩墙群和基性岩墙群,这是白云鄂博矿床最主要的成矿事件。白云鄂博矿床还经历过至少三次后期成矿热事件叠加或改造成矿,主要包括:(1)新元古代南华期热事件(约720Ma);(2)早古生代志留纪晚期叠加成矿事件(约440Ma);(3)晚古生代二叠纪岩浆岩侵入事件(约280Ma)。白云鄂博矿床是中元古代裂谷成矿事件为主并叠加了后期多次热事件的结果。  相似文献   
华南板块西南缘中三叠统底部普遍发育凝灰岩夹层,但对火山灰的来源存在不同认识。位于华南板块西南缘的右江盆地在早—中三叠世为连续海相沉积,较为完整的火山沉积记录为探讨火山灰的来源提供了基础。本文以右江盆地者堡敢南一带早、中三叠世之交凝灰岩为研究对象,在剖面测制基础上,对含凝灰岩层段灰岩进行生物地层分析,划分为4个牙形石带,分别为Neospathodus pakistanensis间隔带;Neospathodus waageni—N.abruptus组合带;Neospathodus homeri—N.triangularis组合带以及Chiosella timorensis间隔带,由此确定第17层凝灰岩为中三叠统底界凝灰岩。凝灰岩岩石学、地球化学分析结果显示为流纹质玻屑凝灰岩,属于亚碱性系列。稀土配分曲线显示为右倾轻稀土富集,明显的负Eu异常。大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Rb、U、Th和Ba等)富集和高场强元素(HFSE)(Nb、Ta、P和Ti等)亏损,整体表现出与弧相关的地球化学特征。在生物地层、同位素年代学对凝灰岩形成时代进行精确限定的基础上,通过华南板块西南缘中三叠统底界凝灰岩的区域分布、矿物组成、地球化学特征,结合右江盆地中—下三叠统火山岩层序特征进行详细对比分析,结果显示广西凭祥—十万大山一带火山岩是其主要来源。  相似文献   
茶隆隆巴曲位于帕隆藏布右岸,陡变地形孕育了大量高位地质灾害,威胁下游线性工程。采用多源、多期次高分辨率遥感数据,建立高位地质灾害遥感解译标志,厘定了研究区高位地质灾害类型,并详细阐述了其发育特征。结果表明,研究区主要地质灾害类型包括高位冰崩、高位崩塌、高位滑坡。其中高位冰崩发育3处,均位于沟谷上游南坡海拔5000 m斜坡,面积在15×104 m2以上。高位崩塌体发育19处,多分布于沟谷中游及上游主沟两侧高陡岸坡,北坡多于南坡。高位滑坡发育2处,位于沟谷上游,滑体以冰碛物为主。上述高位地质灾害在强震或强降雨作用下,极易发生失稳、堵沟,且堵沟后极易诱发洪水、泥石流等次生灾害链,对下游帕隆藏布造成堵江风险。  相似文献   
分析了地层渗透性对井底围压及破岩效率产生的影响,并对地层渗透性进行了分类,在此基础上建立了围压下岩石强度模型;基于压持效率制约了井底净化环境,修正与完善了不同地层渗透性的机械钻速模型,确定了各项参数.应用聚类分析中最优分段法对测井参数与录井参数进行了分类处理并编程获得了单轴下和围压下岩石强度剖面及机械钻速剖面,分别选取...  相似文献   
供电局设备保修Call Center系统的设计与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了客户呼叫中心(callcenter)的基本原理,分析了供电局设备保修的具体需求,提出了一个电力设备保修联动系统的解决方案。实践表明,该系统很好地解决了设备保修和用户投诉问题。  相似文献   
The timing of high lake-level stands during the Late Pleistocene in western China remains controversial. Here we report new results from Megalake Tengger based on a study of palaeo-shorelines and a drill core from Baijian Lake in the northwestern Tengger Desert. Multiple dating methods, based on luminescence signals (quartz optically stimulated luminescence, K-feldspar post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence) and electron spin resonance signals of quartz, were used to date beach sands from palaeo-shoreline profiles at altitudes of ~1310 m (+20 m above lake level), ~1320 m (+30 m) and ~1350 m (+60 m), and from the top 20 m of sandy sediments from the drill core obtained from the modern beach of Baijian Lake. The dating results show that high lake-level stands associated with the previously reported Megalake Tengger (~1310–1320 m) occurred during the late Early to Middle Pleistocene, which is much earlier than previously reported. In addition, no geomorphological evidence of shorelines and sedimentary evidence from the drill core profile were found to support the previously reported Late Pleistocene lake levels. Our results indicate that the exact age of the previously reported ‘high lake level event’ in a large part of northwestern China during the Late Pleistocene needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
利用日本气象厅提供的西北太平洋台风最佳路径观测资料,选取东海海区为研究范围,统计处理1951—2015年台风各要素资料,研究进入东海海区的台风频数、台风登陆点位置、台风频数及登陆点位置与太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)及ENSO的关系、影响台风生成和移动的因素等。结果表明:1)每年的7—9月为东海海区的台风高发季,其中8月最高,登陆台风也有相似趋势。2)进入东海海域的台风频数存在较明显的年际和年代际变化趋势。当PDO处于暖位相时,台风频数较小且有上升趋势,反之亦然。El Niño年进入东海海区的台风频数较常年减少,反之亦然。Niño3.4指数与台风频数整体上为负相关关系,相关系数为-0.32且通过90%置信度检验。3)进入东海海域的台风登陆点纬度变化较大,处于24~36°N之间,且有年代际变化特征。当PDO处于暖(冷)位相时,台风登陆点偏北(偏南)且有向北(南)移动的趋势。而登陆点纬度与ENSO的关系较为复杂。4)西北太平洋副热带高压的位置和强度是引起台风频数及登陆点位置变化的主要原因之一。当PDO处于冷位相时,西北太平洋副热带高压强度偏弱,且副高中心向东向北方向移动,导致进入东海的台风频数偏多,且台风登陆点偏北,反之亦然。  相似文献   
Autonomous orbit determination is the ability of navigation satellites to estimate the orbit parameters on-board using inter-satellite link (ISL) measurements. This study mainly focuses on data processing of the ISL measurements as a new measurement type and its application on the centralized autonomous orbit determination of the new-generation Beidou navigation satellite system satellites for the first time. The ISL measurements are dual one-way measurements that follow a time division multiple access (TDMA) structure. The ranging error of the ISL measurements is less than 0.25 ns. This paper proposes a derivation approach to the satellite clock offsets and the geometric distances from TDMA dual one-way measurements without a loss of accuracy. The derived clock offsets are used for time synchronization, and the derived geometry distances are used for autonomous orbit determination. The clock offsets from the ISL measurements are consistent with the L-band two-way satellite, and time–frequency transfer clock measurements and the detrended residuals vary within 0.5 ns. The centralized autonomous orbit determination is conducted in a batch mode on a ground-capable server for the feasibility study. Constant hardware delays are present in the geometric distances and become the largest source of error in the autonomous orbit determination. Therefore, the hardware delays are estimated simultaneously with the satellite orbits. To avoid uncertainties in the constellation orientation, a ground anchor station that “observes” the satellites with on-board ISL payloads is introduced into the orbit determination. The root-mean-square values of orbit determination residuals are within 10.0 cm, and the standard deviation of the estimated ISL hardware delays is within 0.2 ns. The accuracy of the autonomous orbits is evaluated by analysis of overlap comparison and the satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals and is compared with the accuracy of the L-band orbits. The results indicate that the radial overlap differences between the autonomous orbits are less than 15.0 cm for the inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites and less than 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites. The SLR residuals are approximately 15.0 cm for the IGSO satellites and approximately 10.0 cm for the MEO satellites, representing an improvement over the L-band orbits.  相似文献   
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