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Vertical differentiation of land cover in the central Himalayas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang  Yili  Wu  Xue  Zheng  Du 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):969-987
Characterized by obvious altitudinal variation, habitat complexity, and diversity in land cover, the Mt. Qomolangma region within the central Himalayas is one of the most sensitive areas to climate change in the world. At the same time, because the Mt. Qomolangma region possesses the most complete natural vertical spectrum in the world, it is also an ideal place to study the vertical structure of alpine land cover. In this study, land cover data for 2010 along with digital elevation model data were used to define three methods for dividing the northern and southern slopes in the Mt. Qomolangma region, i.e., the ridgeline method, the sample transect method, and the sector method. The altitudinal distributions of different land cover types were then investigated for both the northern and southern slopes of the Mt. Qomolangma region by using the above three division methods along with Arc GIS and MATLAB tools. The results indicate that the land cover in the study region was characterized by obviously vertical zonation with the south-six and north-four pattern of vertical spectrum that reflected both the natural vertical structure of vegetation and the effects of human activities. From low to high elevation, the main land cover types were forests, grasslands, sparse vegetation, bare land, and glacier/snow cover. The compositions and distributions of land cover types differed significantly between the northern and southern slopes; the southern slope exhibited more complex land cover distributions with wider elevation ranges than the northern slope. The area proportion of each land cover type also varied with elevation. Accordingly, the vertical distribution patterns of different land cover types on the southern and northern slopes could be divided into four categories, with glaciers/snow cover, sparse vegetation, and grasslands conforming to unimodal distributions. The distribution of bare land followed a unimodal pattern on the southern slope but a bimodal pattern on the northern slope. Finally, the use of different slope division methods produced similar vertical belt structures on the southern slope but different ones on the northern slope. Among the three division methods, the sector method was better to reflect the natural distribution pattern of land cover.  相似文献   
兰州马衔山-兴隆山活动断裂系的构造变形特征和机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
详细考察获得了兰州马衔山—兴隆山活动断裂系4条断裂的几何细结构、新活动性等定量资料。其中马衔山北缘断裂为一条规模大、活动性强的全新世逆左旋走滑断裂,而马衔山南缘断裂、兴隆山南缘断裂和兴隆山北缘断裂等其它3条断裂均为其伴生的逆断裂,为晚更新世活动断裂。它们在深部均可以归并到马衔山北缘断裂这一主走滑断裂带上,是兰州地区重要的控震断裂,影响和制约着本区的地震活动。  相似文献   
干旱区与湿润区湖泊降水效应之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在引证并对比分析前人研究成果的基础上认为:无论湖泊位于何处,至少从理论上来说,湖泊的降水效应是普遍存在的。关于博期腾湖的实际观测资料表明,,干旱区湖泊的降水效应可能不同于湿润区湖泊,湿润区湖泊通常湖面降水少于陆面。干旱区湖泊则可能出现相反的情况,从理论上来说,不论干旱区湖泊还是湿润区湖泊都存在着出现与上述结论相反的现象的可能性。  相似文献   
刘晓凤  葛岳静  胡伟  黄宇  马腾 《地理科学进展》2019,38(11):1735-1746
全球治理背景下,国家仍是国际社会最重要行为体,但非国家行为体作为重要的国际活动参与者也逐渐成为不可忽视的力量。在地理学框架中深入探讨非国家行为体的地缘政治角色,可以更加系统地理解“一带一路”建设中的多元地缘关系。论文依据地理学尺度思想梳理了非国家行为体的概念和分类,并归纳其地缘政治空间影响及实现途径,以期在理论上完善对地缘政治主体的研究,搭建非国家行为体的地缘政治认识框架,实践上指导中国“一带一路”等对外合作的开展。主要结论包括:① 非国家行为体没有动摇国家主权的决定性地位,但在世界政治中仍发挥着不可替代的独特作用,一是作为国家力量的拓展,二是对传统的国家边界、主权有空间上的突破;② 在国际事务上,非国家行为体与国家的互动及相关行为对国际安全、制度、认知和权力空间既产生了积极作用,也造成了一定损害和威胁;③ 非国家行为体通过参与和维护全球治理,塑造地缘政治想象与认同,以及调节和重塑地缘政治空间边界三种方式实现地缘政治影响。因此,为更好地服务“一带一路”建设,需要从不同角度分析非国家行为体的影响,通过与之加强对话、开展合作,合理管理、警惕部分非国家行为体的威胁以及培育鼓励中国的非国家行为体等多种方式应对其潜在影响。  相似文献   
国家屏障区生态系统服务权衡与协同   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对不同服务间存在的此消彼长的权衡关系和相互增益的协同关系的正确认知,是开展多种生态系统服务可持续管理决策的前提。2018年国家重点专项“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”中明确指出要优化“两屏三带”生态系统服务格局,而服务的优化离不开对权衡与协同关系的准确认知。因此,在国家尺度上开展国家屏障区生态系统服务权衡与协同研究具有重要性和迫切性。本文采用RUSLE模型、CASA模型和InVEST产水模型分别评估国家屏障区2000—2015年土壤保持、固碳和产水服务的空间分布格局,并分析三种服务的变化趋势,采用相关分析法和均方根偏差法量化不同服务在各子屏障带整体和空间上的权衡与协同关系。结论如下:① 国家屏障区的三项服务在空间上均呈现由东南向西北减少的格局, 而在时间上,土壤保持与产水显著增加(p<0.05),增加量分别为 20.64 t/(km 2·a)和4.13mm/a,而固碳呈现微弱的上升趋势(p=0.96),服务的提升有利于保障国家生态安全。② 在各子屏障带整体上,土壤保持、固碳及产水间相关系数基本大于0(p<0.05),表明三者以协同为主;而在空间上,两两服务间的权衡与协同关系存在着极强的空间异质性,如东北森林带固碳与产水、固碳与土壤保持的权衡关系像元比例分别达49%和27%,且均集中在北部。因此,在进行生态环境建设时,需要同时考虑到整体与局部空间的服务权衡与协同关系的不同,以制定更为合理的生态保护政策。  相似文献   
为研究浅基岩场地条件下地下结构抗震分析简化方法计算精度,采用反应加速度法和反应谱法计算2层3跨和2层2跨矩形地铁车站结构在均质场地和浅基岩场地条件下的地震响应,将动力时程分析法结果作为参考解,对比分析反应加速度法和反应谱法在不同场地条件下的计算精度。研究结果表明,在均质场地条件下,反应加速度法最大误差约18%,反应谱法最大误差约9%;在浅基岩场地条件下,反应加速度法最大误差约33%,反应谱法最大误差约16%;反应谱法和反应加速度法在浅基岩场地条件下的计算精度均小于均质场地条件,且反应谱法计算精度受场地条件的影响较小。  相似文献   

基于微波辐射计、微雨雷达、风廓线雷达和毫米波云雷达获得的高时空分辨率多源新型遥感探测资料,对上海梅雨期一次强降水过程(2020年6月15日)的大气热力、动力、云雨等垂直结构特征进行了分析。主要结论如下:(1)降水发生前一日(6月14日)上午,强西南风为上海地区输送了大量水汽,对流层中低层水汽明显增多、气温偏高,大气不稳定性增加,K指数在降水前10多个小时逐渐增至35℃甚至更高;降水之后,对流层低层气温下降、水汽减少。(2)此次降水过程云层较深厚,主要降水时段云层厚度基本都维持在12 km以上,最厚可达14 km,融化层位于约4.7 km高度。(3)降水各阶段对应的云雨结构特征差异较大。降水前期,强回波垂直方向集中在3 km以下,且时间上间歇出现;降水中期,云体融化层连续且稳定,强回波区持续出现,且垂直方向扩展至4 km及以上,雨滴下降速度稳定维持在6 m·s-1以上;降水后期,云顶高度下降至9 km及以下,降水回波减弱,弱降水特征明显。

The Early Paleozoic regional uplift(e.g.,the Qianzhong Uplift)and sea-level changes had obviously controlled the evolution of the Late Paleozoic palaeogeography and paleogeomorphology in Guizhou Province. However,the formation time and evolution of the Qianzhong Uplift is still in debate,which limits the understanding of the Permo-Carboniferous paleogeographic and paleogeomorphologic evolution that formed bauxite in Guizhou. In this paper,based on field surveys and data collection,we established the palaeogeography of several important geological periods from the Late Cambrian to Permian in Guizhou,and re-recognized the formation time and evolution of the Qianzhong Uplift,and revealed the coupling relationship between the Qianzhong Uplift and Guizhou bauxite formation. During the Cambrian to early-middle Early Silurian,the continent-marine transitional facies were missed in the northern margin of the Qianzhong Uplift,central Guizhou Province,such as Bijie,Jinsha and Zunyi. The large-scale uplift of the central Guizhou Province should begin with the tidal flat deposits of the Hanchiatien Formation in the Early Silurian. Because of the Qianzhong Uplift,the central Guizhou and Zunyi areas experienced long-lasting and intense weathering and erosion,forming karst depressions,funnels,and canyons in the Early Carboniferous. The karst landform provided material conditions and location for the formation of bauxite deposits in the Early Carboniferous. The bauxite ore formed under intense chemical wreathing and leaching induced by the glacio-eustasy and paleoclimate fluctuations. The early long-lasting and intense weathering and erosion occurred in the northern Guizhou along with the Permo-Carboniferous glacio-eustasy,had leaded to the formation of coastal wetland and depressions,which were favorable places for the Early Permian bauxite formation. The Early Permian bauxite ores in Guizhou Province have an obvious coupling relationship with the Late Paleozoic Ice Age.  相似文献   
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