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2015年上海崇明岛PM2.5和 PM10浓度变化特征及气象因素影响分析  相似文献   
针对3层3跨框架式地铁地下车站结构抗震薄弱构件,采用在柱顶不同位置设置铅芯橡胶隔震支座的方法,建立土-地下连续墙-主体结构非线性静动力耦合相互作用的二维整体时域有限元分析模型,分析柱顶隔震支座对车站主体结构的侧向变形、地震损伤和动应力反应等结构地震反应特性的影响。结果表明,仅在抗震薄弱的顶层和底层中柱柱顶设置2层隔震支座与各层中柱柱顶设置3层隔震支座均可有效减轻中柱地震损伤程度,提高车站结构整体抗震性能。然而,仅在顶、底层中柱柱顶设置2层隔震支座时,会明显加重未设置隔震支座的中间层中柱地震损伤程度。此外,柱顶隔震支座的设置会削弱隔震体系的整体抗侧移能力,从而增大地铁地下车站结构地震侧移。总体上,建议采用各层中柱柱顶均设置隔震支座的措施提升地铁地下车站结构的整体抗震性能。  相似文献   
This study examines the roles of soil-structure interaction (SSI), higher modes, and damping in a base-isolated structure built on multiple layers of soil overlying a half space. Closed-form solutions for the entire system, including a superstructure, seismic isolator, and numerous soil layers overlying a half-space, were obtained. The formulations obtained in this study simply in terms of well-known frequencies and mechanical impedance ratios can explicitly interpret the dynamic behavior of a base-isolated structure interacting with multiple soil layers overlying a half-space. The key factors influencing the performance of the isolation system are the damping ratio of the isolator and the ratio of the natural frequency of the fixed-base structure to that of the isolated structure by assuming that the superstructure moves as a rigid body. This study reveals that higher damping in the base isolator is unfavorable to higher mode responses that usually dominate the responses of the superstructure and that the damping mechanism plays an important role in transmitting energy in addition to absorbing energy. It is also concluded that it is possible to design a soft soil layer as an isolation system for isolating vibration energy.  相似文献   
A large number of debris flow disasters (called Seismic debris flows) would occur after an earthquake, which can cause a great amount of damage. UAV low-altitude remote sensing technology has become a means of quickly obtaining disaster information as it has the advantage of convenience and timeliness, but the spectral information of the image is so scarce, making it difficult to accurately detect the information of earthquake debris flow disasters. Based on the above problems, a seismic debris flow detection method based on transfer learning (TL) mechanism is proposed. On the basis of the constructed seismic debris flow disaster database, the features acquired from the training of the convolutional neural network (CNN) are transferred to the disaster information detection of the seismic debris flow. The automatic detection of earthquake debris flow disaster information is then completed, and the results of object-oriented seismic debris flow disaster information detection are compared and analyzed with the detection results supported by transfer learning.  相似文献   
青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔结构及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张忠杰  陈赘  田小波 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1136-1150
本文综述了我们在青藏高原东缘实施的垂直切过龙门山断裂带宽频带地震探测的研究成果,揭示了研究区复杂的地壳上地幔结构,结果表明松潘-甘孜地块与四川盆地西缘莫霍面深度为58 km与40 km±,在龙门山断裂带下方存在约15 km的莫霍面错断; 松潘-甘孜与龙门山断裂带域地壳纵横波速度比Vp/Vs比值远大于173,预示着粘性下地壳流或基性/超基性物质的存在。探讨了研究区强烈的盆山之间以及深部不同层圈之间的相互作用,推断四川盆地对青藏高原东缘软流圈驱动的物质东向逃逸阻挡作用可能深达整个上地幔。  相似文献   
选取2009年1月至2016年5月内蒙古中西部及邻区55次M ≥ 3.0地震,通过调整台站空隙角、近台距离、远台距离、定位台站数,改变并对比定位子台网布局对地震定位精度的影响,进而研究定位子台网的选取规则。分区域探讨2种台站分布模式下地震的定位偏差、水平误差、拟合残差随空隙角、近台距离、远台距离、台站分布均匀度的变化及水平误差和定位偏差与拟合残差的关系。分析发现,地震速报选取9-12个台站,且台站分布相对合理的定位子台网参与定位,结果较好,使用水平误差评估定位效果更准确。  相似文献   
云南建水-蒙自一带位于川滇菱形块体向SE145°平移的前锋,受其影响,该地区的蒙自东山断裂、田山断裂和黑泥地断裂等表现出一定程度的晚第四纪活动性,跨过断裂的冲沟被走滑断错。攀枝花以东的蒙自东山断裂右旋错断冲沟和其间的山脊约40m,并在山前洪积扇上形成偏离上游约30m的废弃古河道,古河道中堆积物的年龄为44kaBP,断裂右旋滑动速率约为0.7mma。大红地北一条冲沟在跨过田山断裂时发生右旋拐弯。冲沟在山前形成了年龄分别为31kaBP和39kaBP的2级洪积阶地,呈现出年轻阶地位错量大于老阶地的反常现象。田山断裂的平均右旋滑动速率约0.9mma。发育于黑泥地断裂南侧的多条冲沟在流过断裂时发生一致性的右旋位错,其中一条冲沟位错量达14m,断裂的右旋滑动速率为0.4mma。这一地区自30~40kaBP开始发生了一次明显的构造运动,表现为这一时代的洪积扇上的地貌过程由加积转变为切割,并被断裂错断。断裂的走滑速率明显低于小江断裂带、曲江断裂带和石屏-建水断裂带等。川滇菱形地块向SSE方向的平移及其构造活动不仅仅局限在小江断裂带以西的地块内部,而是引起了外围地块上的断裂活动,但断裂活动强度不及内部断裂的13。冲沟对走滑断错的响应分为3种类型,分别为同步弯曲型、加剧弯曲型和不对称谷地型,其中加剧弯曲型的地貌过程较为复杂。每种类型都记录了断裂的走滑活动,在估算断错量和滑动速率时应甄别不同的响应类型,以免人为的“加大”或“减小”甚至“忽略”断裂的活动幅度。  相似文献   
利用碎石屏障阻断非饱和带毛细上升为土壤盐渍化改良提供了新思路.为了研究碎石屏障对盐渍化土壤改良的可行性以及碎石层结构和埋深对改良效果的影响,在河套灌区西部杭锦后旗典型盐渍化分布区建立试验地,设置了7组不同碎石屏障处理工艺开展土壤盐渍化改良试验,对试验地40 cm深度的土壤盐分、pH、阳离子交换量、交换性钠百分率等参数进行了为期一年的监测和分析.结果表明,7组不同处理中,埋设深度为60~80 cm,利用颗粒直径为1 cm和3 cm的碎石按上细下粗的结构分两层铺设的处理方法改良效果最佳;从表层到40 cm深,土壤EC值平均下降55.9%.较大的碎石屏障埋深,上细下粗的铺设方式,可提高下层碎石孔隙度,并在非饱和带深处切断毛细管,从而有效降低土壤毛细上升高度,抑制深层土壤中的盐分上移"返盐",改良效果较好.   相似文献   
追朔至19世纪,首次将成岩作用术语引入文献要推Moresby (1835)和Gumbeel (1868),后经Walther (1894)及其后很多学者研究才得以广泛使用。而有关碳酸盐成岩作用的专题研究仅是三十多年的历史。开始是成岩阶段分析,侧重在“时间”上研究成岩作用。本世纪五十年代以后,随着开展大量现代碳酸盐沉积工作,对碳酸盐矿物学和流体化学研究的日益深入,才从“空间”变化和分布上讨论碳酸盐成岩作用,即进行成岩环境研究。  相似文献   
This study is part of the endeavor to construct a comprehensive DNA barcoding database for common seaweeds in China. Identifications of red seaweeds, which have simple morphology and anatomy, are sometimes difficult solely depending on morphological characteristics. In recent years, DNA barcode technique has become a more and more effective tool to help solve some of the taxonomic difficulties. Some DNA markers such as COI (cytochrome oxidase subunitⅠ) are proposed as standardized DNA barcodes for all seaweed species. In this study, COI, UPA (universal plastid amplicon, domain V of 23S rRNA), and ITS (nuclear internal transcribed spacer) were employed to analyze common species of intertidal red seaweeds in Qingdao (119.3 -121 E, 35.35 -37.09 N). The applicability of using one or a few combined barcodes to identify red seaweed species was tested. The results indicated that COI is a sensitive marker at species level. However, not all the tested species gave PCR amplification products due to lack of the universal primers. The second barcode UPA had effective universal primers but needed to be tested for the effectiveness of resolving closely related species. More than one ITS sequence types were found in some species in this investigation, which might lead to confusion in further analysis. Therefore ITS sequence is not recommended as a universal barcode for seaweeds identification.  相似文献   
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