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Status of the Recent Declining of Arctic Sea Ice Studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the past 30 years, a large-scale change occurred in the Arctic climatic system, which had never been observed before 1980s. At the same time, the Arctic sea ice experienced a special evolution with more and more rapidly dramatic declining. In this circumstance, the Arctic sea ice became a new focus of the Arctic research. The recent advancements about abrupt change of the Arctic sea ice are reviewed in this paper .The previous analyses have demonstrated the accelerated declining trend of Arctic sea ice extent in the past 30 years, based on in-situ and satellite-based observations of atmosphere, as well as the results of global and regional climate simulations. Especially in summer, the rate of decrease for the ice extents was above 10% per decade. In present paper, the evolution characteristics of the arctic sea ice and its possible cause are discussed in three aspects, i.e. the sea ice physical properties, the interaction process of sea ice, ocean and atmosphere and its response and feedback mechanism to global and arctic climate system.  相似文献   
Due to the bird's eye view of remote sensing sensors, the orientational information of an object is a key factor that has to be considered in object detection. ...  相似文献   

石英标准生长曲线(SGC)法在黄土高分辨率光释光定年中有大幅节省测试时间的潜力,然而目前对该方法在不同时空尺度上的适用性尚存在争议。本文选取青藏高原东缘的典型黄土样品,通过系统地分析石英光释光生长曲线特征,检验SGC法和最小二乘法标准化生长曲线(LS-SGC)法在高原东缘黄土光释光定年中的适用性,结果显示:1)高原东缘黄土石英光释光信号以快组分为主,且同一地点不同样品、不同测片的生长曲线形态相似;2)当等效剂量(De)小于100 Gy时,不同地点样品石英生长曲线形态一致;大于100 Gy时生长曲线则具有不同的剂量响应特征;3)通过SGC法获得的De仅在0~100 Gy与实测值一致;LS-SGC法拟合的生长曲线结果更佳,并且LS-SGC法计算的De在100~200 Gy与实测De仍具有较好的一致性。研究结果有助于深入研究高原黄土光释光测年和风成沉积过程,同时也可为其他区域建立石英光释光标准生长曲线提供借鉴。

<正>Objective Deep-water deposit has become one of the greatest potential and economic areas for petroleum exploration. In the western Qaidam Basin, the deep-water sedimentary area account for nearly 2/3 of the basin area, but the related reports is less. Scholars generally believed that the salt water medium can inhibit the extension of the sand(Qian et al., 1984).  相似文献   

马家窑文化是甘青地区仰韶文化晚期阶段一个重要的文化遗存类型,其以精美的彩陶闻名于世,对于马家窑文化彩陶的交流传播研究受到了学术界的广泛关注。本文运用X-荧光光谱分析法对甘青地区5个典型马家窑文化早期阶段遗址出土的92件彩陶陶片样品和各遗址附近采集的42份红粘土及黄土样品进行化学元素组成分析,追溯彩陶的产源地及贸易。同时基于陶器的起源传播理论,收集整理马家窑文化区遗址出土的粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)农作物以及动物骨骼遗存鉴定资料,探讨马家窑彩陶贸易的动力。Ti/Al-Na/K和主成分分析结果显示宗日文化区宗日遗址的马家窑文化彩陶元素组成特征和马家窑文化主体区域的彩陶一致,表明宗日遗址马家窑类型彩陶是从马家窑文化主体区域贸易而来;马家窑文化彩陶的传播和该地区粟黍农作物的交流传播具有时空一致性,粟黍农业人群沿黄河上游谷地向共和盆地的扩散带来了新的文化元素;宗日文化区和马家窑文化核心区生业模式的差异带来了跨区域间文化交流的动力,这也可能是马家窑文化彩陶贸易的动力。

基于东海陆坡区OT12-01孔长度为5.35 m沉积物AMS 14C测年、高分辨率粒度分析和XRF岩芯元素扫描数据,识别出了末次冰盛期(LGM)至全新世期间发生的多次滑塌事件。研究发现,OT12-01孔全新世晚期沉积层缺失,LGM至全新世期间呈现AMS 14C年龄模式频繁倒转、沉积物粒度、元素比值垂向上多处突变或"错动"等特征,保存了LGM至全新世非连续的沉积记录。OT12-01孔沉积物主要来源于低海平面时期的长江/黄河物质,OT12-01孔是由中国大陆陆源物质在东海陆架经水动力分选,细颗粒被搬运至东海陆坡后,发生多次滑塌形成。LGM时期物源供给是OT12-01孔形成滑塌沉积的重要因素,末次冰消期海平面快速上升可能是高频滑塌沉积的触发原因,而低海平面时期甲烷水合物溢出、频繁的地震和火山喷发可能是海底滑坡作用发生的诱因。  相似文献   
以松辽盆地北部肇源地区Y5井区扶余油层河道砂体为研究对象,针对砂体厚度薄、横向变化快以及相同厚度砂体地震响应特征不一致的现象,在正演模拟分析目标砂体的地震响应特征基础上,采用时频分析技术,通过广义S变换在频率域优选不同厚度及组合砂体对应的敏感频率,依托敏感频率重构数据,消除砂体理论响应地震波形与地震剖面特征不一致情形,进而优选地震属性预测砂体展布。研究结果表明:利用敏感频率重构数据体提取的地震属性,可以有效提高薄层河道砂体的预测精度,大大降低油田勘探开发风险。  相似文献   
纪雪  董震  张靖宇  王明常  李莹莹 《海洋学报》2023,45(10):159-167
机载激光测深系统(Airborne Laser Bathymetry,ALB)因集成了具有独特水体穿透能力的绿波段(532 nm)而被广泛用于水深测量。除地形数据外,ALB还记录了地物目标的辐射特性(后向散射强度),可用于条带配准、海底底质分类和几何建模。然而,由于自动增益控制(Automatic Gain Control,AGC)设计局限,增益值调整存在延缓,对于裸露岩石、水域等高返回、低返回目标较多的海岛海岸带区域,强度补偿异常问题格外突出。针对该问题本文设计了一种基于双向移动的局部加权强度改正方法,提出索引共享机制辅以地形信息实现有效强度数据精确提取;以扫描周期为依据进行扫描线分割,通过柯尔莫可洛夫−斯米洛夫检验进行强度补偿异常区识别;通过对邻近扫描线和邻域强度联合加权进行强度改正,保证强度细节的同时较好地消除与邻域强度偏差,独特的双向移动策略能有效削弱改正不足积累造成的强度改正精度下降问题。实验证明该方法能有效解决AGC补偿异常问题,相较于改正前,改正后的强度数据平均绝对百分比误差降低了约0.27,均方根误差下降了约693,异常区强度与邻域强度偏差控制在26 DN(Digital Number)以内,得到高质量强度图像。  相似文献   
The Baoshan block of the Tethyan Yunnan, southwestern China, is considered as northern part of the Sibumasu microcontinent. Basement of this block that comprises presumably greenschist-facies Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks is covered by Paleozoic to Mesozoic low-grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks. This study presents zircon ages and Nd–Hf isotopic composition of granites generated from crustal reworking to reveal geochemical feature of the underlying basement. Dating results obtained using the single zircon U–Pb isotopic dilution method show that granites exposed in the study area formed in early Paleozoic (about 470 Ma; Pingdajie granite) and in late Yanshanian (about 78–61 Ma, Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary; Huataolin granite). The early Paleozoic granite contains Archean to Mesoproterozoic inherited zircons and the late Yanshanian granite contains late Proterozoic to early Paleozoic zircon cores. Both granites have similar geochemical and Nd–Hf isotopic charateristics, indicating similar magma sources. They have whole-rock T DM(Nd) values of around 2,000 Ma and zircon T DM(Hf) values clustering around 1,900–1,800 and 1,600–1,400 Ma. The Nd–Hf isotopic data imply Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic crustal material as the major components of the underlying basement, being consistent with a derivation from Archean and Paleoproterozoic terrains of India or NW Australia. Both granites formed in two different tectonic events similarly originated from intra-crustal reworking. Temporally, the late Yanshanian magmatism is probably related to the closure of the Neotethys ocean. The early Paleozoic magmatism traced in the Baoshan block indicates a comparable history of the basements during early Paleozoic between the SE Asia and the western Tethyan belt, such as the basement outcrops in the Alpine belt and probably in the European Variscides that are considered as continental blocks drifting from Gondwana prior to or simultaneously with those of the SE Asia.  相似文献   
以移动通讯数据传输技术、网络技术和时态数据库技术为基础,构建了导航地理信息的变化发现、分析甄别、采集、加工、处理、存储和发布服务一体化的增量式更新服务模式、技术、软件、质检和标准体系,论述了多源数据融合、时空模型及空间关系的动态实时维护、多尺度增量式导航电子地图综合处理、路径规划和质检方法等关键性技术,实现了导航电子地图近实时更新服务。  相似文献   
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