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TheHuizelarge sizedPb ZndepositinYunnan ProvinceislocatedinthecenteroftheSichuan Yun nan GuizhouPb Zn Agpolymetalmineralizationzone(SYGPb ZnMMD)inwesternYangtzePlateandis oneofthefamousPb Zn GebasesinChina(Wang Jiangzhenetal.,2003;WangXiaochunetal.,2000).Thisdeposit,whichischaracterizedbylarge scale(Pb+Znmetallicreservesarehigherthan5mil liontons),highPb+Zngrade(thePb+Zngradesof mostoresare25%-35%),highabundanceofuseful associatedelements(Ag,Ge,Cd,Ga,etc.)and someimportantbreakt…  相似文献   
砂体类型与分布特征的差异性造就了油气储层发育的非均质性,通过岩心垂向序列特征明确了沙溪庙组砂体成因类型,并综合测井、地震资料刻画了不同类型砂体的空间分布。沙溪庙组浅水三角洲平原发育垂积型主河道、侧积/填积型次河道砂体以及溢岸砂体,前缘发育侧积型近端水下分流河道、填积型远端水下分流河道、进积型河口坝砂体以及席状砂体;平原主河道砂体厚度多大于10 m,宽600~1 800 m,通过同位垂向切叠与侧向等高程切叠而形成毯状连片砂体,次河道砂体多位于主河道侧缘,厚度平均7.5 m,物性较差,并常被主河道切割而零星分布;内前缘近端水下分流河道砂体厚4~8 m,宽500~1 200 m,多错位切叠或拼接接触,呈带状;远端水下分流河道发育于三角洲外前缘,单砂体厚2.5~6 m,宽200~700 m,平面呈鞋带状,砂体孤立;前缘河口坝砂体分布较少,垂向上常被河道切叠;平原相带两类河道砂体的物性差异造成了储层内部的非均质性,而三角洲前缘储层的非均质性更多在于不同类型砂体的迷宫状展布上。  相似文献   
仪器、周围环境和人为操作等往往会造成点云中包含大量的噪声,导致模型回归精度低等问题.RANSAC算法凭借其简单实现、稳健的优势广泛应用于解决模型回归的问题.但是,针对不同的场景,RANSAC算法需要不断地调整参数来估计最优模型解.本文考虑到RANSAC及其现有改进算法的不足,以及内群点与噪声之间往往存在密度分布差异性,...  相似文献   
The Asian monsoon is an important component of the global climate system. Seasonal variations in wind, rainfall, and temperature associated with the Asian monsoon systems affect a vast expanse of tropical and subtropical Asia. Speleothem-derived summer monsoon variation in East Asia was previously found to be closely associated with millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region between 75 and 10 ka. New evidence recovered from East Asia, however, suggests that the teleconnection between summer monsoon in East Asia and temperature change in the North Atlantic region may have significantly reduced during 120 to ~ 110 ka, a period directly after the full last interglaciation and corresponding roughly to marine oxygen isotope stage 5d. This reduction may be due to the low ice volume in the North Hemisphere at that time, which makes the millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region less effective in influencing the Asian summer monsoon. This is important for investigating the mechanisms controlling the Asian summer monsoon and the paleoclimatic teleconnection between East Asia and the North Atlantic region, and for predicting monsoon-associated precipitation in East Asia under a global-warming trend.  相似文献   
任丽  关铭  李有缘  王深义 《气象科技》2019,47(6):959-968
本文使用常规观测资料、卫星云图、自动气象站降水量以及0.25°×0.25°的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对出现在东北地区北部受不同系统影响的连续2d暴雨过程的热力和动力场结构特征展开研究。结果表明:24日为暖锋锋生暴雨,暴雨范围大;25日为台风暴雨,暴雨出现在台风移动路径上,为狭长带状。暴雨是由MCS活动造成的,每次短时强降水均与TBB低值中心相对应,台风倒槽内的MCS强度比暖锋云系内的MCS弱,但是降水强度却更大。台风安比携带大量暖湿空气,其东侧的低空急流向北输送热量和水汽,水汽辐合集中在边界层内,台风暴雨的水汽辐合强度比暖锋暴雨更强烈,所造成的雨强更大。暖锋暴雨期间,小兴安岭迎风坡地形的辐合抬升作用明显;高层强辐散及地形辐合抬升作用对暴雨有较大贡献。台风暴雨期间,低空辐合,特别是水汽辐合作用对暴雨有较大贡献;辐合区位于台风倒槽附近,倒槽表现为冷锋性质。  相似文献   
利用引入水稳定同位素循环的ECHAM4、GISS E、HadCM3、MUGCM以及iAWBM的模拟数据,分析了全球降水中稳定同位素效应的空间分布特征,对不同模式的模拟结果之间以及模拟结果与GNIP(Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation)的实际监测结果之间进行了比较,旨在对稳定同位素大气环流模式的模拟有效性进行评价,改善对水循环中水稳定同位素效应的理解和认识。结果显示,5个模式均很好地再现了全球降水中平均δ18O和平均δ18O季节差的空间分布特征,降水中稳定同位素的温度效应、降水量效应的分布特点以及全球大气水线GMWL(Global Meteoric Water Line)均被很好地模拟出。比较而言,ECHAM4模拟的降水中的平均δ18O以及δ18O平均季节差的空间分布与GNIP的实际分布最接近,拟合水平也最高;ECHAM4、GISS E、MUGCM和iAWBM再现全球温度效应空间分布的能力较强,拟合水平大致相当;由iAWBM模拟的降水量效应空间分布与实际分布之间的相关性最强,5个模式模拟的与实测的δ18O/P相关系数符号相同的站点数大致位于同一水平;GISS E和iAWBM模拟的全球大气水线与实测的GMWL最接近。  相似文献   
近些年随着中国植树造林计划的持续进行,植被覆盖不断增长,进而影响中国地表环境.地表温度是表征地表物理过程的重要参数,是地表—大气能量交换中的驱动因子,广泛应用于气候、水文、生态及气象等研究中,是众多基础学科研究的关键参数之一.为了分析植树造林战略对局地和区域尺度的影响,以指导相应政策的制定,本文采用IBM(Intrin...  相似文献   
泥炭地(peatland)是一类储碳效率很高的特殊陆地生态系统,其碳储量约占全球土壤碳库的近1/3,对全球碳循环有着举足轻重的作用。有证据表明在过去20余年,北半球大范围的天然水体中溶解有机碳的浓度呈显著增升趋势。普遍认为与全球变化背景下北方泥炭地大规模释放溶解有机碳有关,但其驱动机制尚不十分清楚。已经提出的具有代表性...  相似文献   
青海省都兰县果洛龙洼金矿成矿流体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果洛龙洼金矿是青海东昆仑地区最典型、最具规模的金矿床之一。在前人资料基础上,将果洛龙洼金矿热液成矿期划分为4个成矿阶段:贫矿化石英阶段、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(主要成矿阶段)、石英-贫硫化物阶段(次要成矿阶段)和石英-碳酸盐阶段。随后对主要和次要成矿阶段石英脉开展流体包裹体显微测温和H-O同位素研究。结果表明:原生流体包裹体主要包括气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2两相共3类;成矿流体总体以CO2-NaCl-H2O体系为主,均一温度为130.0~357.3 ℃,盐度(w(NaCl))为1.83%~20.11%。石英-多金属硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为14.8‰~17.2‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为5.5‰~8.5‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-61‰~-96‰;而石英-贫硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为15.7‰~16.9‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为4.1‰~5.3‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-84‰~-101‰。由此认为:主要成矿阶段成矿流体可能为高温低盐度富CO2变质热液和低温中高盐度岩浆热液两个端元组成的混合流体;次要成矿阶段成矿流体主要为混合后更均匀的中低温中低盐度热液,但后期明显有大气降水混入。总之,成矿流体的来源、性质及其演化等方面的研究结果进一步证明果洛龙洼金矿为造山型金矿。  相似文献   
The Dongfang1-1 gas field (DF1-1) in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources. The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation (YGHF) is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types; however, a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking. Here, typical lithofacies, logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling, logging, analysis and testing data. Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis, the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified, and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified. Taking gas formation upper II (IIU) as an example, the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined; finally, a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established. This second member is a shallowly buried “bright spot” gas reservoir with weak compaction. The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone, and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas. The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation, resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude (bright spot) reflection between sandstone and mudstone; the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps. The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps, and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps. The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf. The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment; upward thickening funnel type, strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed. In total, 4 stages of delta front sand bodies (corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies) derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF; these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations. During sedimentation, many bottom current channels (corresponding to channel fill seismic facies) formed, which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections. When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest, the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits. In the period of relative sea level rise, surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant, and undercutting erosion was obvious, forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs. Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.  相似文献   
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